Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 190: Outbreak

These 24 heavenly thunder pearls are the inherited traditions left by a certain Taoist monk in the ancient times when the thunderous monk fell down, not only possessing the complete thunderous magical power, but also the one he left for the successor to the mantle. Seed of Thunder Origin. Eight. 〕 8) 1> ZW. However, the omnipotent power of Thunder Road is clear, and most of all, he is right and right. He is naturally thoughtful in selecting passers-by. He who is deep-minded cannot obtain his true inheritance even if he obtains Thunder Ball. Because of this, Lei Dao Tianzun has controlled 24 Heavenly Thunder Pearls for thousands of years, but he can barely drive this treasure, but he still ca n’t recognize the Lord. The magic road he ’s cultivated only opens up to the 6 thunder pearl, which is really thunderous. Taoist magical powers didn't learn at all. If this old man completely inherited the Taoism in the 24 heavenly thunder pearls, it would have become a tyrannical presence in the human realm.

And Xiao Chen can be recognized by Lei Zhu. First, because of his hundreds of years of relationship with Xiao Xue, Xiao Chen's flesh and blood **** was infected with the original breath of Thunder. Although he did not really grasp the origin of Thunder, it contained the original air and made that Lei Zhu feel kind. . Secondly, Xiao Chen has practiced so far. Although he can say decisive decisiveness and create countless evils, he has always adhered to principles in his heart and never did things that violated his intentions. Although he cannot be said to be a gentleman, at least he is frank and has no malicious intentions. . Once again, his self-cultivation is also very strong. At this moment, the destruction of the two powerful late-combined powerhouses is enough to prove that he is qualified to become the master of the heavenly thunderbolt.

To sum up the three points, will lead 24 Tiandao Leizhu to rule by himself, abandon Leidao Tianzun and join Xiao Chen. These three points don't seem difficult, but if you want to focus on one person, the chances are too small. You can only say that Lei Dao Tianzun encountered Xiao Chen and could only blame him for his fate and ended up in tragedy.

Lei Zhu was collected by Xiao Chen, the little blood broke free from the shackles, and at this moment a roar, the huge body fell directly into Xiao Chen's heart and disappeared.

Xiao Chen stood in the air in the footsteps, and Lei Dao Tianzun and Wuyuan Taoists were hit hard. The strongest supernatural power was forced. How can they resist Xiao Chen?

"Xiao Chenxiu has always had clear grievances, and the grace of dripping water will be reported to Yongquan, and he will not forget the slightest when he plans to kill him."

"Today's end is full of your two greedy treasures, intimidated by Xiao Chen, even if death is caused by your own blame, do not blame our heart for being ruthless."

"And cut off your two heads. Whoever dares to offend in the future will end up with you as usual!"

Killing in cold drinks.

But at this moment, the Wuyuan Taoist suddenly looked up, looked at the Alchemy Association, and hurriedly said, "Sir, please save your Wuyuan life!" At the moment of life and death, the Wuyuan Boss didn't care about his face and asked for help.

As the person's voice fell, a sigh of sigh came at once, and then there was a flash of light in the field. The figure of the Alchemist Association Kitaniko appeared instantly, standing in front of the Wuyuan Taoist, and said lightly: "Xiao Chendao friends, Wuyuan After all, the mixed elders of the Alchemy Society of China, this seat promised to protect his life today, I don't know if you can raise your hand to let him go alive, and it is considered that the old man owes a friend to Daoyou. Afterwards, this seat can give Taoyou some compensation. "

The man spoke softly, with a sincere voice.

The strength of Xiao Chen's strength was enough to arouse the attention of the owner of the Alchemy Association. Although he thought he could suppress Xiao Chen, he was not quite sure that he could leave him. And thinking of Xiao Chen's horrific cultivation as a promotion, the old man still has fear in his heart, otherwise, as his identity, how would he open his mouth in such deliberations.

Zhoushan fits together, and monks need to be able to **** away before they can leave. Right now Beiguzi entered the desire to reconcile with Xiao Chen, and bluntly saved the life of the Five Yuan Taoist, but said nothing about the Lei Dao Tianzun, and his intention was naturally self-evident.

Although this behavior is unsatisfactory, the realm of self-cultivation is supreme. Where is the real fairness, Kitaniko intervenes to break the rules, and who dares to jump out and blame it. Therefore, countless monks inside and outside Zhoushan paid attention, no matter what their feelings were, but on the surface, no one showed a little bit of abnormality, all eyes focused on Xiao Chen, I wonder how he would choose. However, most monks have already secretly shook their heads. Kitako, the owner of the Alchemy Association, and even the first person recognized in the field of cultivation, have been cultivated as extraordinary and extraordinary. The top powerhouse at the level of crossing the robbery, because of the constraints of the human world, was unable to advance hard. But even so, it is not difficult for him to cut and kill the powerful people in the later period of the fit. Although Xiao Chen's strength and strength can be called the peak of the fit, there is still a big gap compared with Beiguzi.

Now that Kitaniko has come forward in person, I am afraid that Xiao Chen will be unwilling to stop, and he must stop.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen hadn't answered yet, but another sneer came, such as the night crow hissing, and it sounded creepy.

"Ha ha ha ha, a good Alchemist Association Kitaniko, now it was the idea to sacrifice this seat and save your monk, such a wishful thinking is extremely loud." Lei Dao Tianzhuang spoke sharply, his voice was rubbing like iron It was sharp and harsh, "However, you don't think there is any way to resolve the feud between Wuyuan Taoist and this Xiao Chen, so you will speak like this, but the old man has been prepared for this and you will never leave the old man."

"As early as more than a hundred years ago, this seat gave the young girl with the" Big Yin Ding Furnace "method, and now she will soon reach the level of non-falling level. The technique of Shushu is no stranger. Xiaocheng's realm needs to be reconciled with the yin and yang of the man. The joy of the fish and water can resolve the sacrifice of yin and sacrifice in the body. . "

"However, Xiao Chen Daoyou rest assured that the young girl born in Qingmei was so charming, how could the old man be willing to let her die, and she had already arranged for her to reconcile the yin and yang, it was Sun Suyinan, a disciple of the Five Yuan Taoist seat. This kind of beautiful blessing is really enviable. Counting the time, the little girl should be repaired to Xiaocheng in this two days. Maybe the two are happy now, haha, I do n’t know if this is the case. Get out of the way! "

"Xiao Chen, today the old husband will have to see if you will let go of the five yuan Taoist after killing the old husband. Even if you kill me both, the old husband will want you to suffer forever, presumably watching the blue eyebrow girl Being humiliated by other men under your body, your expression should be extremely interesting, hahahaha! "

Lei Dao Tianzun lost Tian Dao Lei Zhu, and he was already in a state of great chaos. At this moment, he wanted to look at Xiao Chen's pain, and he was naturally bitter and vicious. This time he tied the Wuyuan Taoist, so how can Xiao Chen's temper be able to let him go, then Beiguzi will definitely be shot, and this little hybrid will undoubtedly die. Lei Dao Tianzun is extremely resentful in his heart. Even if he is dead today, he will be buried with him.

Wuyuan Taoist widened his eyes when he heard the words, and screamed loudly in his mouth, "Lei Dao Tianzun old man, you **** it!" This old weird heart was completely panicked. From the events of that year, it was enough to see how Xiao Chen treated the young girl with blue eyebrows. Valuing, if things are true as he said, he and Xiao Chen will endlessly endlessly no longer possible to ease.

Kitaniko's complexion was also completely gloomy.

"Haha! Yes, the old man is trying to die, but I don't know if Wuyuan Dayou can survive after I die today!" Lei Dao Tianzun laughed wildly.

At this moment, a breath slowly emanated from Xiao Chen's body. It was cold and dead, like nine quiet hells. It was enough to freeze all things in the world, destroy the natural souls, and the thick blood color spread from the depths of his eyes. , Instantly filled the eyes.

Raising slowly, there was calmness in the blood eyes, without any emotional fluctuations.

Qing Mei, Qing Mei, and thought of her most likely encounter, Xiao Chen's heart was like a million ants biting her heart, and her pain and remorse filled her heart. If the little girl is truly innocent, her temperament will certainly not survive. The rampage of killings made Xiao Chen want to destroy the whole world, but at this moment he can still maintain the last trace of sobriety, because there is still a little hope in his heart, and everything has not yet survived to stop.

Therefore, he must immediately know where Qing Mei is, and he is going to save her. Whoever dares to stop, will die!

The human race, the ancient demons, and the space avatars are all Xiao Chen. This time, he went completely violent, repairing the explosion without reservation, the origin of fire, the origin of thunder, space, and killing at the same time.

Instantly above the void Wan Leiqi, there are endless flames born out of nothing, space tremor collapses, billions of horrible white killing air roaring, vertical and horizontal like a sword.

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