Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 191: Critical situation

Xiao Chen's strength is very strong, but until now, all monks and demons of the tribe didn't understand how strong he really was. With the superposition of the three avatars, and relying on the explosion of the four major sources, Xiao Chen was like an ancient god. Land a **** punishment and destroy the world. W) W>. } 8) 1) YW. COM is so powerful, it is far beyond the limit of ordinary monks' imagination, even if the imprisonment of Zhoushen Mountain can not completely resist it, vaguely revealing a little breath. But it was this extremely faint breath that caused the hearts of millions of monks inside and outside of Zhoushan to tremble, and then turned pale instantly. With a space of five million miles, it violently fluctuated in this atmosphere.



Countless low-level monsters roared from far away. As demons, their keen sense of danger far surpassed the human monks. At this moment, in their induction, the whole world seemed to be destroyed, causing endless turbulence.

The face of the four imperial monsters became extremely ugly in an instant. This is one of the largest habitats of the imperial tribe in the area of ​​8 million miles. If the space is allowed to collapse, the foundation of the imperial tribe will fall apart instantly.

The power of the human race is equally frightened. At present, the elite monks of the human race are almost all concentrated in Bu Zhoushan. Once the living space is destroyed, the human race will be severely damaged, and the level of self-cultivation will be innumerable.

"Joint shots, seal the town space!" At this moment, the situation does not take into account any prejudices. For millions of years, Moro ’s real people and demons have made joint shots without any clues. They all understand that there must be no difference today, otherwise a major blow Neither group can afford it.

More than two hundred human race monks, nearly a hundred monsters of the sixth grade strong united shots, but soon they found themselves in vain, relying on their Sanli body monk's power could not suppress the destruction of this space.

This appearance naturally made them extremely angry.

Kitaniko is now wrong. He still underestimated Xiao Chen's strength. Although he doesn't know what kind of means he uses, at the moment, Luwei's ability is not under him at all, and he has reached the point where he can shake the rules of true space. If he let out his shot, I am afraid that the entire Moro cultivation world will be destroyed as a result, causing a horrendous catastrophe.

"Xiao Chen's friends closed up, otherwise Hugh can't blame the old man to kill you, no one can damage the origin of the space rules of my Moro cultivation world." Beiguzi Li Li, who has survived for more than 30,000 years, has superb magical skills, Even if Xiao Chen Zhanlu did so, he thought he could use Thunder to kill him.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen couldn't hear what he was saying, and only knew who dared to stop him would die!

"Let's go." The cold tone was as cold as the ice, and the heart was frozen, his hand flashed a little light, and a three-foot green front appeared in his hand.

The next moment, a shocking sword sharp enough to utterly destroy the entire Moro cultivation world suddenly rose to the sky, causing all the monks in the cultivation world to horrify all the monks in the direction of the unsatisfactory mountain rice, looking pale and pale. Go on. Although they did not know what had happened, all the monks sensed the coming of death from the meaning of this sword, and it seemed that the whole world would collapse completely in the next moment.

Beiguzi's face turned pale for a moment. At this moment, Xiao Chen raised his hand, and the three-foot green front was hanging. The Qi machine locked him firmly. Under this simple and ordinary sword, a crisis that had not been felt for ten thousand years filled the mind.

This sword can kill him!

In this regard, Kitaniko was convinced that, as long as he fell, not only he died, the entire Moro cultivation world would be destroyed, and billions of life would fall.

"Step aside!"

The last soberness in his heart made Xiao Chen not take a shot, but if there was a little bit of obstruction by Beiguzi, he would not hesitate to cut it off.

This time, Kitaniko retreated without any hesitation.

Xiao Chen waved his hand suddenly, and he was already suppressed by the general situation, and his face was scared and unable to move. Wuyuan Taoist and Lei Dao Tianzun instantly collapsed into flesh and blood. Only the Yuan Shen was suddenly inhaled by Xiao Chen, and the majestic consciousness flooded instantly Enter, forcibly performing the soul-searching technique.

After a few breaths, Xiao Chen opened his eyes again and had already got the content he wanted. He suddenly turned his hands and threw the two gods into the air of killing, sealed the town into the source of the killing, and endured thousands of years of pain before he could die.

The next moment, his foot stepped forward, tearing the space into the space turbulently, his figure disappeared.

"If there is something wrong with Qingmei, I will destroy the world and reopen the era, and let you wait for the billions of souls to bury her!"

Sen Leng's voice turned into tumbling-sounding waves, echoing endlessly in the eight million miles of barren land.


The island of Osawa is thousands of miles away, in the valley.

The blue eyebrow frowned, the silver teeth biting a bit, suppressing an inexplicable agitation in her heart. At the moment, she has just passed the state of heaven and is not falling, but for some reason, the repair has not grown, but it has decayed rapidly. Unable to mobilize a little bit of magic power, and a constant stream of male-female couples in Yuanshen-Huan Yin Yang Yang Thai pictures, exquisitely realistic and even if there is no breathing, the temptation came, the extreme temptation made her blush. However, no matter how calm and calm you can't calm your mind, you just feel that your heartbeat is getting faster and faster, as if you want to pop out of your mouth.

"Did you fall into the magical state of my soul?" Qing Mei reluctantly stabilized her mind, and said secretly, "But now I have passed, and according to the records of the classics, the mental demon invasion should not appear at this time, and the mana in my body is scattered. , The whole body is weak and weak, and the situation seems to be wrong. "

Qingmei has been crawling and crawling at the bottom of the world of self-cultivation since she was a child. Before meeting Xiao Chen, she always took care of herself. Although the situation was very weird, she was still disturbed, but the little girl still forced herself to calm down at this moment.

Brother Xiao Chen also said that the more dangerous and weird the situation is, the more peace of mind is needed, otherwise self-reliance will not only be meaningless, but things will get worse.

Qing Mei took a deep breath, and barely sat down with her knees crossed, trying to use the exercises to gather the mana in her body. But it ’s okay not to work. This time, as she urged her mana, her heart that was barely suppressed in the heart burst into an instant, and turned into layers of heat waves that swept the whole body. Inside, the kinky-sounding words are endless. This time, the fiery volcano exploded, and the speed was extremely fast. No matter how she suppressed it, she could not dispel it. A desire never before emerged from Qing Mei's heart, and a tall figure stood up in her mind, groaning in her mouth, "Brother Xiao Chen," The voice is charming, completely different from the past.

"No! Oh, Qingmei, what are you thinking! Do you know if you are ashamed, in the future, if Brother Xiao Chen knows that you want to, you will surely be killed by the older brother's joke, and you will never see him again." Qingmei reached out and patted her face. I hope I can be more awake, but all this is in vain. Under the constant impact of heat and longing, the little girl's ideas are becoming more and more lax, and she is gradually confused. Only the name of Chen Chen is groaned in her mouth.

Nearly 2oo years ago, the little girl who was slightly green at that time has completely turned into a beautiful beauty. Her body is a little taller, a little more rounded and charming, and a lot less green, especially when she has a beautiful face. The fire is mediocre and the temptation is soaring. A lot of blue silk was laid on the shoulders, and her body was lying on the ground. There were several cracks in the skirt under the unconscious tear of her hands. The long, tight legs were tightly clamped together, and the waves of inexplicable waves were almost endless. The eyebrows were completely swallowed.

But at this moment, Qing Mei filled the cave outside the realm of no-fall, and suddenly there was a muffled sound, and the ground trembled violently.



The sound of heavy breathing came faintly. The alchemist's handsome man was still handsome and distorted at this moment. His eyes were full of flames, which made his whole body's blood want to burn, and a naked desire to occupy the vent. Thoughts dominated his mind.

In the cave in front of him, there was a smell that made him feel trembling. This was the taste of a woman. He knew who it was, and the thought of the relationship between a woman and someone in it made his heart become hotter and more violent. Presumably, if the woman who possessed him, then Xiao Chen would definitely be in pain, this is the most wonderful. Under the influence of medicine, Su Yimen has lost his mind. He just wants to occupy the women in the cave and press them under the body to insult.


He punched out with a punch, shattered the flesh, and blood dripped, but he felt no pain at all.

One punch followed by another, flashing the opening of the cave to stimulate the aura of light, implying that the mighty power weakened.

"Lei Dao Tianzun, no matter why you count me, since you want me to take up this young man, I will do as you wish."

"Xiao Chen, even if you really come back in the future, even if you kill me, at least I take your woman, ha ha ha ha!"

"Drive me! Open! Open!"

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