Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 193: Dust settled

Xiao Chen sighed. Where can I bear it at this moment? I stretched out my hand to stop Qing Mei and hugged her to her chest. Shen Qing said: "Qing Mei, with Brother Xiao Chen, you don't have to think too much and have too much pressure. " W) W>.} 8) 1) YW.COM"

"From today on, you are my woman. No matter what difficulties and dangers, Brother Xiao Chen will stand in front of you and shelter you from the wind and rain. Even if I die, it won't hurt you at all."

"Brother Xiao Chen promises that I won't let you suffer a little bit of grievance. I will take you home and go back to where I grew up. I will give you everything you deserve."

With a little exertion on his hand, Xiao Chen sniffed the beautiful fragrance of the beauty in her arms. "You silly girl, can you always think about others?"

Qingmei Jiao's body was slightly stiff, and then she trembled slightly, tears flowing freely, and the man's chest was wet. But at this moment, the little girl's heart was extremely happy and safe, and since today, she has really had a dependency.

Her man is called Xiao Chen. He is a man of great standing. She can stand up for her, let her rely on her, let her talk, and let her stop worrying.

Xiao Chen reached out and stroked gently on the brocade-like smooth brows, only to feel a peace of mind.

"Bad guy turned around, turned, ah, ah, you bad guy actually dared to peep!" In the cave, it came to the woman that she was shameless and didn't drink, but she didn't have any lethality, but she had a lot of charm.

"Ha ha ha ha." The man's cheerful and happy laughter followed, unspeakable.

After playing for a while, there was a flash of forbidden light outside the cave, and then a man, a woman and two figures came out of it. The man was dressed in a blue robe and was very well-dressed, handsome and handsome, and his dark eyes were gentle and restrained. The woman wore a slightly redish long dress with delicate textures embroidered on her waist, and she bent her waist.

A light breeze struck, and the clothes were fluttering. If the gods were relatives, the couples would join together, and envy others.


There was a roar in the mouth, and Xiaoxue came a little bit wrong. Lei Long didn't understand why the host didn't let it go into the cave. Instead, he had to put a layer of restraint on the outside for a day and a night.


Xiaoxue looked at the blue eyebrows that came out with the owner. Rarely, there was a sense of suspicion in the dragon's eye. The owner was clearly in front of her, but why does this nun also carry the owner ’s breath, and this little blood thought Nowhere.

Xiao Chen felt the confusion from Lei Long's thoughts. After a moment's pause, he couldn't help shaking his head, and smiled and cursed: "There is a lot of curiosity about where this comes from. You do n’t need to ask more about it. Just remember that your brows are yours. Mistress, her words are my words, little blood to write down. "

Lei Long grunted, but nodded again and again, this guy can feel the owner's love for Qing Mei, naturally flattering to her for a while, the giant dragon head carefully approached to show affection.

Although Xiao Chen had simply told Qing Mei something, she saw her blood very excitedly. Carefully touched the head it came over, Thunder Dragon converged the lightning power of the body, naturally dare not cause slight damage to Qing Mei.

"So beautiful Thunder Dragon, Brother Xiao Chen, it asked you something just now, but it was so funny?"

Xiao Chen shook her head when she heard the words, lowered her voice and whispered in Qingmei's ears. The little girl with a "red" look seemed to be bleeding, and she stunned.

"Haha! All right, Morro's grievances in the realm have been cleared, Qing Mei, you go home with me." Xiao Chen grabbed Qing Mei and laughed.

Unexpectedly, the little girl's grunting eyes kept turning, and then she pointed her finger at the island of Dazao. "Brother Xiao Chen, since the Thunder Road Tianzun has fallen, this cave is useless, should we go there? Wander, or you will be cheaper for others. "

"But they know that this old monster has converged a lot of babies and is hiding inside this cave."

Qing Mei's eyes were faintly glaring, apparently very enthusiastic about the easy collection of treasures such as searching for cave houses, holding Xiao Chen's arms repeatedly. This little girl has now, and still hasn't changed her temperament like the treasure Lingshi.

"Okay, it's up to you." Xiao Chen shook his head helplessly, and in cheering with a green eyebrow, stretched out his hands to wrap around his waist, and his feet moved slightly on the little blood. Thunder Dragon yelled, shaking his head and swinging his head towards the Thunder Road Tianzun Cave. .

After half a day, a 5oo Yuzhang Leilong rushed to the sky, carrying two people, a man with a blue robe slamming, a woman with a green silk floating, riding a dragon for nine days.


Not at Zhoushan.

Waiting day and night, time passed by countless monks in panic waiting. All the powerful monks of the human and demon races looked ashamed. The figure of the man in the blue robe appeared in his heart, his body could not help but be slightly stiff, and his eyes showed endless fear.

The power of one person can destroy the true world.

Qing Feng in hand, who can resist.

Moruo Xiuqiang, the strongest man in the world, Kitaniko retreated without a fight. He has already promoted Xiao Chenwei's name to an insurmountable height, and has become an existence that countless monks can only look up to.

On top of the peak outside Zhoushan, Beiguzi, King of Dragons, and the strongest of the two demon families closed their eyes slightly at this moment. Meaning.

"It seems that this calamity has escaped." The two of them are one step away from the robbery period. Yuanshen induction can detect the abnormal fluctuations in the entire world of cultivation, and there is no sense of destruction in the past. Nothing bad happened. The thought of Xiao Chen showing his power when he raised his sword, the two mighty men looked very dignified, and made up their minds. They must never be embarrassed in the future.

"Dragon King Daoyou, the five of you and I couldn't do that thing at that time. I don't know if it would be possible to add Xiao Chen's shot, how successful would it be?" Beiguzi's eyes flickered, and then she spoke in a deep voice, looking completely pale.

The King of Dragons face was cloudy and uncertain, "If you can really let this person cooperate with me and have him, maybe you can really break through the ancient town of Vanguard."

"The old man's heart is the same as that of the Taoist friends." Kitaniko nodded, "Cultivation has reached such a state as you and me. I have long ignored the world, and only hoped that the avenue would take off. If it was not blocked by Vanguard Town, I would not have been in the spirit world. . "

"The old man has spent three lives and deaths. Although the Dragon King Daoyou has the pure blood of the Dragon clan and has a long life, he does not enter the spiritual realm, he is trapped, and he cannot escape the end of the flies. This time the old man came to invite him, presumably that Xiao Chen should not refuse, it is an imminent matter for him. "

"Leave it alone for now, and when there is news in the future, the old man will inform you and the young friends in Taoism."

The King of Dragons nodded, and the two worldly strongest men stepped back at the same time, each regulating the place of the human race and the demon race.

"Let ’s all go, the calamity is over today, but the old man reminded me that Xiao Chen Daoyou has already been promoted into the realm of heaven and man, and he can destroy the true world of reopening with anger. You need to do more in the future. With a little thought, don't go any further. "


"The demon family belongs to the obedience. In the future, you must meet Xiao Chen's friends. You must be respectful and polite. If there is anyone who dares to offend, the emperor must kill him in person!"


The strong men of the two races and the monsters were all stunned when they heard the words, and then they were filled with emotion. By persuading Moro to conceal people and demons from his own power, Xiao Chen's name will inevitably endure immortality, becoming a prestigious existence in the era of cultivation, and it will not be worn away for thousands of years.

After the battle in Zhoushan, the dust settled.


Seven Mile City.

The long-closed courtyard opened again, and cheerful singing came from the small courtyard.

Xiao Chen was sitting on the stone table, looking at the blue eyebrow that laughed like a lark, and felt warm and secure in his heart. If he could, he would rather live quietly in this courtyard, without any need to endure the hardships of fighting on the road.

He slowly shook his head and suppressed his thoughts. From the beginning of the practice, he had already set foot on a path of no return and had to keep moving. If Xiao Chenxiu was against the sky, what would happen now, maybe he would be suppressed by the Alchemy Association Beiguzi, and Qing Mei, ... So in order to protect himself, to protect the people he cares about, Xiao Chen had no choice but to grit his teeth Forward. No matter how much suffering you can't take a step back.

Just then, he raised his eyebrows slightly. There was a little surprise in his eyes.



There was a knock at the door outside the hospital.

Qing Mei stopped and wondered and blinked. She didn't know who was knocking at the door at this moment. After all, the little girl hadn't returned for more than a hundred years, and the number of monks she knew at the time was also very small.

After a look with Xiao Chen, Qing Mei went to open the courtyard door.

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