"You are, you are Muzi!" Looking at the girl outside the door, Qing Mei slightly hesitated, and finally found the impression of the young playmate from the depths of her memory, and she was pleasantly surprised. ? M]

Muzi is a pretty beautiful girl with a negative sword. At the moment, her face is full of joy. "Qing Mei, I didn't expect you to really be here. I am following the Shimen brother, the sister, and going out to do business, passing by. The old house wanted to see you. "

"Come, Qingmei, let me introduce you. This is our brother Jianzong, Yuancheng, this is my second brother, Mingyuan, and this is my third brother, Wang Xin." Qing Mei saluted one by one.

However, several soldiers of Jianzong were quite proud, glanced in the shabby small courtyard, only a slight nod was considered a gift.

Qing Mei was unhappy, but it was just a few monks who did not fall, so rude, but in order not to make it difficult for young playmates, they had to be patient and did not show up, and laughed: "Dear friends, please come in. Humble, I'm afraid the hospitality is inadequate. "

Muzi felt the pride of several elder brothers and sisters, and they also smiled bitterly in their hearts. Although they are not bad, they grew up in cultivation since childhood, but their temper is very great. Only the monks who are equal to themselves can be respectful and courteous. , Otherwise it is so indifferent now. But the situation was urgent at the moment, and she couldn't think too well.

The second brother blinked at Mingyuan's eyes, and looked at several people around him, saying: "Since this is the case, let's take a break here for a while, and then we will be on the road."

The master thought slightly, then nodded.

Zhan Jianzong and his entourage rushed in, and took the polite place in the living room. Perhaps for them, willingness to rest in the residence of Monk Jindan for a short time has already given them a big face, and naturally there is no need to be polite.

Muzi smiled at Qingmei with a trace, begging her not to be angry. These brothers and sisters are all extremely arrogant, but it is not the blue eyebrows that can cause it, um, in the later period of Jin Dan, it seems that this early sister also had some chances, otherwise in this small Qili city, want It is not easy to cultivate to the realm of Jindan.

"Come here, Muzi, I'll introduce you to someone." Fighting Jianzong's eyes are high and her eyebrows are too lazy to know. She must be aware that she is not the little girl who was bullied by anyone, not to mention Brother Xiao Chen, Just because she did n’t fall for her own repairs, she has enough confidence. "Brother Xiao Chen, this is Muzi, a playmate of Qingmei when she was a kid. Later, her family moved away and never saw it again. I thought I could see it. "

"Muzi, this is Brother Xiao Chen, it is me,"

Xiao Chen smiled mildly, and looked at the little girl in an embarrassing manner. She arched her hand and said, "In the next Xiao Chen, she is a double-brow gangster, and she has seen the girl Muzi." Her mouth was generous and gentle, and she had her own manners.

Muzi's eyes were slightly bright. Although this person was slightly weaker, he had a very good temperament. In the face of her predecessor Yuanyuan, he was not afraid at all, but he was equivalent to Qingmei. At the moment, he laughed and said, "Okay, Qingmei When did you find such a good-looking man, I wouldn't know if it hadn't arrived today. "

It was only that the woman was a little confused, and then she entered the courtyard with the brothers and sisters. No one noticed him, as if he was standing here, but he was already in the space. The thought turned around in her heart and was suppressed. Maybe he didn't notice it. After all, how could such a profound artistic conception appear on a Jindan monk.

Qing Mei smiled shyly, but the sweetness in her look was overflowing and hard to hide.

Muzi whispered a few words with her. Although she was very low, she couldn't hide Xiao Chen's eyes and eyes, watching Qing Mei Qiao Qiao's face turned "red" into red, she could only shake her head and sigh again and again, and secretly talked about the hot and spicy woman.

"Well? Xiao Chen ,," Muzi suddenly realized that the name was very familiar, and then reacted, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen's face, seeing that although he was very similar to the man in the record of Yujian, his appearance was a little different in the end. My heart was relieved, "Qing Mei, then I remember. The most famous person in Moro Xiuzhen is also called Xiao Chen. It is rumored that he was a woman who slaughtered the two late-stage fits. Yes, it almost destroyed the realm of cultivation, and the girl ’s name seems to be called Qing Mei, "

Muzi's eyes widened suddenly, exclaiming, "That person will not be you."

Qing Mei chuckled, knowing that Brother Xiao Chen had changed appearances just because he didn't want to be identified, and now he was trying to explain, but at this moment a cold voice came from the living room. Luo Xiuzhen ’s incomparable strong man who has not been born for many years, is so earth-shattering that he would be in this remote and remote place. As for the name, it is a coincidence. ”

"However, this fairy reminds you that it is better for you and your two to change their names as early as possible, otherwise, they will collide with Senior Brother Chen Chen and his lover Qingmei Fairy, and the consequences will be unthinkable."

She spoke to a female monk who was fighting Jianzong. This woman had a strong affection for her predecessor Xiao Chen. Peerless peerless worship was an endless admiration. As an idol in her heart, naturally she was dissatisfied in this small Qili city. Name, and the other side is still a weak King Dan monk.

Xiao Chen heard his words calm, and his blue eyebrows were not angry. Instead, his eyebrows looked like a smile instead of a smile. Obviously, his heart was patient. It must be very weird to be rebuked in person by his admirers.

For Chen Qingmei's eyes, Xiao Chen glanced helplessly, but until now, the genius knew that his eyes were still lethal, at least Qingmei slightly swiped without pressure.

"Hehe, the two Taoist friends don't need to pay attention to it, they will only speak like this when the lower sister and sister pay great respect to Senior Chen, but Taoist thinks about it, and has the same name as Senior Chen. In the future, it may not cause trouble. "

"Well, sister Muzi, now that you have met your old friend, we should also leave to avoid delaying things."

Master Jianzong Yuancheng smiled and said, although his tone was still slightly proud, but he did not mean to be ridiculous, and his tone was quite peaceful. Compared with those undisciplined disciples, how much stronger he was.

Muzi nodded and stopped in Qili City for no one to chase him, presumably the chase had been dropped, and he should leave.

"Yes, brother."

"Qing Mei, today we still have to take one step in advance, and I will come to see you later when I have a chance."

Qing Mei smiled and nodded, but a little anxiety flashed deep into her eyes and looked at Xiao Chen. Although Zhan Jianzong and his party showed quite calm and insignificant traces, but the slight futility and the disappointment that had not yet had time to completely dissipate outside the body were enough to show that their current situation seemed a little bad. However, since Muzi and others did not speak, Qingmei naturally did not ask more. Now when they saw that they were leaving, they cast an eye on Xiao Chen.

If it was only monk Jianzong, Qing Mei wouldn't bother to bother, but Muzi and her were close friends when they were young. Of course, she didn't want her to get into trouble.

Xiao Chen felt a slight shake of his head, and sighed in his heart to see that the long-lost peaceful life at home would be destroyed by these unwelcome guests.

At this moment, there were several arrogant force bursts outside Qili City, and they flew here instantly.

At the moment when he noticed these breaths, the monks of Zhan Jianzong and his party went down completely.

"We must be tracked down, otherwise they can never find it here." Master Yuan Cheng said with a deep voice, his eyes were vacant, and there was an uncontrollable anger in his body. "Master Muzi, you and Lin Shimei, Brother Zhang left with something, and it was left to the brothers, Mingyuan and Wang Xin. "

"After you leave, you return directly to Zongmen, and you don't have to wait for us."

This person was obviously quite prestigious among the six. At this moment, Muzi and the other three nodded directly, took one of the Jin Box backhands and stored it in the storage bag, while Yuancheng, Mingyuan, and Wang Xin stepped forward. When the sky appeared over the courtyard, he took the Excalibur with his hands, and carefully looked at the five monks who came after the killing. A sharp sharp sword broke out, and the void condensed the sword gas.

call out!

call out!

In the harsh sound of the air, the figures of the five monks approached gradually and became clear. This was a rather young monk who looked after him, followed by four old men, repaired to the same level of non-falling, and a one-eyed old man on the left. The breath is to reach the realm of not falling late.

Perceived the strength of the people, the face of the three of Jianzong became extremely ugly, the pupils contracted and dreaded, and the monk hunting was much stronger than before, especially the one-eyed old man, which brought great pressure to the three.

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