Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 196: Alchemy Association

"One more thing from this seat, leave your arm to wait for you to leave, otherwise you will die. 8.8} 1ZW.COM" Xiao Chen said lightly, and a dangerous breath came out of him, the breath suddenly changed, as if Into a majestic towering mountain, he cracked down fiercely.

In the void, invisible pressure converges in an instant.

The young monk suddenly sank in his heart. This man was really a fit monk. It felt like facing the heavens and the earth. He had only felt it in his father. Things are in trouble today. How could Master Jianzong recognize such powerful monks and still ask for shelter to protect them.

At the moment of this dilemma, there was a scream of light from the distance, and the person who sensed it from the atmosphere was not weak, especially an old man with a soothing complexion, and the sight of the eyes would make people feel awkward. It is clear that Xiu is terror.

Fit Monk!

The joy of Zijinzong's young monk was instantly revealed, only because he had met with his father, and it was an enshrinement of the Alchemy Association. The Taoist name Ruan Yuzi was unfathomable. Although I don't know why this senior came to this remote small town, at this moment he couldn't care too much about it.

"The junior Zijin Zong Li Huo, met senior Ruan Yuzi!"

The one-eyed old man behind him and the three badly-damaged pranks respectfully salute at the same time, looking awed, but a surprise in his heart. Today, when I meet this senior Ruan Yuzi who has made good contact with the adult, he will certainly be able to turn the danger into a safe place.

Ruan Yuzi is no stranger to Zi Jinzong and his monks. When he thought of the purpose, he burst into his heart slightly, and he did n’t show up but he was not too affectionate. He nodded faintly, meanwhile secretly murmured in the heart, hoping that they did not provoke him Otherwise, he can only help Momo.

"Consecrate your lord, here you are." Behind him, an alchemist's five-level alchemy master spoke respectfully and fell on the blue-shirt monk in the courtyard, unconsciously showing awe.

Ruan Yuzi nodded. At the same time, I saw the monk who was standing with a robe in his hands. His heart trembled, and a sincere smile appeared on his face. The light fell out of the courtyard. "Xiao Chen is a friend, and the alchemy association worships Ruan Yuzi. This time, I came here in the order of Lord Beiguzi, and I also asked Xiao Chen's friends to stay here. At the latest, he will come here to discuss matters with friends. "

Although this person's voice is quiet, but respectfully, he can't hide everyone here.

Zhan Jianzong Muzi and others were completely sluggish. Although there has been speculation for a long time, they have been confirmed at this moment and they still ca n’t believe it. It turns out that this really is the senior Xiao Chen, especially the female Lin, who is surnamed Lin. The export is not bad, I just hope that senior Chen Xiao does not share her general knowledge.

As for the monks from Zijinzong, they were instantly indifferent.

Xiao Chen, this Qingpao monk is actually Xiao Chen! Today, Xiao Chen's name spreads throughout Moro's practice world. The monstrous power of Zhou Shan is unstoppable, and the monks in the world are in awe.

They dare to provoke Senior Xiao Chen!

Thinking of this, Li Huo felt scalp numb, and his body was instantly wet with cold sweat.

In particular, the three old monsters who had intent on Qingmei were misguided. At this moment, they were all guilty. Looking at each other, they could see that they were frightened in each other's heart. At this moment, they converged and fell on their knees outside the hospital.

"Predecessor Xiao Chen was only offended. My three brothers were willing to obey the predecessor's punishment without any word!" Besides, the three of them did not hesitate and pointed out that they suddenly cut off their shoulders, tearing one arm directly, **** The instant flow was endless, the three looked pale but did not dare to close-meridian treatment.

This time, the three of them did not keep their hands. It was not only one arm that was cut off, but the repair of one body was also greatly reduced. Even if the injury was healed in the future, and the limb was repaired, the repair would at least drop a level. These three are all monks of the Taoism, killing fiercely, knowing that only in this way is it possible to save their lives, they can only clenched their teeth to die and not hold a sound. If they were to change to others, they would definitely have resentment in their hearts, but they knew that Xiao Chen's identity did not have the basis for resentment.

In the courtyard, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, then he waved his hands, and said lightly, "This is the end of this matter, you go."

After hearing the respectful salute, the three monk monks reluctantly got up and sealed the meridians to prevent blood loss. Beyond the Zijinzong Li Huo and the one-eyed old man backing down a hundred feet, they suddenly managed to leave Luguang.

According to today's events, this Zijinzong will no longer dare to fight with Jianzong in the future, and will have the slightest relationship with Xiao Chen, in the realm of Moro cultivation, no one will dare to offend.

Ruan Yuzi stood on one side. If others dare to be so indifferent to him, the old man is already angry, but at this moment he is calm and has no irritability.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on this person, thinking a little, saying: "There is a guest at home today, and it is inconvenient to meet with Beiguzi Taoist friends. I am tired of the Taoist friend to pass a message, and I will go to Shilipo outside the city tomorrow afternoon to find me."

Ruan Yuzi's body was stiff, and she nodded and said yes, she didn't dare to stay long, and took people directly to leave, but her heart was filled with emotion. In this world, it is only Xiao Chen who dared to deal with Lord Beiguzi this way.

Now that his identity has been revealed, Xiao Chen has no need to continue to hide his true content and dissipate his mana.

Qingmei grinned, at this moment directly came forward and picked up Muzi, and said, "Okay, Muzi, you don't need to be like this. Brother Xiao Chen is me, and my companion. Don't be afraid of him. In fact, others are very good. . "

Muzi smiled reluctantly, but in the face of Xiao Chen, how dare there be no more presumptuousness, respectfully converge and salute, saying: "Today, thanks to the senior Xiao Chen for rescue, monk Jianzong is grateful, and there were many offensive points in the past. He also asked Senior Brother Chen Chen to ignore it. "

"There are many places that offend Xiao Chen, please senior Hai Chen."

Yuan Cheng and others spoke at the same time.

Xiao Chen nodded faintly. Now that his identity has been revealed, these people behave naturally and naturally. "It's okay, this seat saves you only because of the brows. You don't need to thank you."

"Now you are waiting for a lot of wear and tears, you can leave here for a while to cultivate and then leave." Yan Ba, turned directly into the room. With him here, these warrior monks are rare.

Muzi watched Xiao Chen's figure disappear, so he smiled bitterly at his childhood friend, "Qing Mei, today you really scared me."

Qingmei frowned and frowned, muttering in a low voice: "Why are you so afraid of Brother Xiao Chen and others are so good, they won't eat you."

When Mu Zi and other warriors Jianzong heard the words, they laughed bitterly. They secretly said that the senior Xiao Chen was really good to you, but he may not care about our lives. If we are not careful and respectful, we might not find our own way. However, they couldn't explain these things, they just shook their heads.

He carefully recuperated in the courtyard for two hours, and the Jinjian Taoist arrived in the sword sect. He learned that the gatekeeper was rescued by his predecessor Xiao Chen, and he was pleasantly surprised, and thanked him in person outside the courtyard before leaving. From the beginning to the end, Xiao Chen did not show up again.

Now all the monks in Qili City know that Senior Xiao Chen is in this courtyard. Although everyone is excited and in awe, there is no one who dares to come forward to disturb, one by one, watching with fierce eyes in the distance.

Qing Mei sent away Jianzong and his party. This closed the gate and opened the ban. He walked into the room lightly, just to see Brother Xiao Chen sitting quietly in front of the window, expressionless, not seeing what was in his heart. I was a little panicked at the moment, and whispered, "Brother Xiao Chen, you are a bit angry about today. I know it's all caused by blue eyebrows, otherwise you really don't want to get involved, and I'm really sorry."

The little girl whispered.

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the little girl with a sad and sad face, with a smile on her face, and stretched out her hand to embrace her, whispering softly: "Little girl thinks wildly, you are my woman, Xiao Chen Brother is naturally your dependant, that Muzi knows you, and I should help them, so how can I feel unhappy? "

"I just think that you and I have a peaceful life for a few days, and it will soon be over. There is some emotion in my heart, how can it be so unbearable. Qingmei, Brother Xiao Chen said, I will hurt you and love you in the future. It's not empty words to protect you from getting hurt in the slightest. You don't need to be too kind to me in the future. Brother Xiao Chen should do anything for you. "

Qing Mei obviously felt extremely moved in her heart, and fell deeply into her arms, feeling a solid and powerful heartbeat, only feeling full of happiness in her heart.

"Tomorrow sacrifice my father-in-law and my mother-in-law, and I will take you home. Qingmei rest assured that no matter Yuewu or Ziyan are very good women, they will never embarrass you. This brother Xiao Chen can assure you. "

The little girl gave a "hum" softly, her hand embracing Xiao Chen's back, her earlobe turned into crystal clear blood.

Xiao Chen bowed her head and kissed, and Qingmei suddenly said "Oh", her body fell softly in his arms, and she lifted it up. It was already a lot of water, her face was shy and shy, and she was more tempted.

The beauty of the beauty is obvious. Xiao Chen is not the monk who abides by the precepts. At this moment, she can still live with patience. She hugged her in the middle of an exclamation, and walked towards the bedroom with a big laugh. He didn't dare to see people buried in his chest.

Silent all night, his own red beating waves, whispering beauty words.

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