Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 197: Soaring Nowhere

At the beginning of the next day, when the sun lifted into the sky and pierced through the clouds, the two men were already packed.

Today, however, the two did not stay in the house, took the offerings of fire candle paper money, and carried them slowly to the outside of the city.

Something changed yesterday, this small courtyard has long attracted the attention of countless monks. At this moment, looking at the young men and women who stepped out of it, they showed awe at the same time. All the way forward, whenever you meet a monk, you will be polite and retreat carefully.

Xiao Chen held Qingmei in her left hand and a bamboo basket in her right, looking calm.

Green eyebrows also followed each other, a little behind half a step, looking at the man in front of him is not wide, but tough and unyielding shoulders enough to stand up to the ground, only feel a peace of mind.

Out of the gate, the two turned into the path, avoiding the eyes of many monks. Although everyone was very curious where Xiao Chen and Qingmei Fairy had gone, they did not have the guts to follow. The old man in the Seven Mile City has survived to this day, faintly knows something about that year, looked at Shilipo outside the city, and sighed softly: "The couple in Qingcheng were killed in the disaster and did not want his girl to be so blessed You can serve Xiao Chen's side. If you know this, then they will be able to rest in peace. "

On Shilipo, two low earth tombs quietly interdependent. Xiao Chen took the shovel out of the bamboo basket. He did not use any magical means to remove weeds, turned up the new soil, trimmed the tomb and repaired it, with a respectful look.

Qing Mei kneeled in front of the grave and whispered to her parents, saying that she had not seen them for the past two hundred years, crying and laughing, but her face was full of happiness.

"Dad, you can rest assured. The man the daughter has found is very powerful, rich, and capable. Following him will not suffer a little bit of suffering and suffer a little bit of crime. It is definitely the life you most envied before."

"My dear, Brother Xiao Chen is a very good person. He treats his daughter very well. It hurts, protects, and shows pity. Just like my dad treats you, even if he is going to die in the end, he will never hold the hand of Qingmei. On, we will be happy. "

"I know you two must be worried about your daughter underground, so I came here today to tell my parents that Qingmei has found someone who can rely on in this life, and you can rest assured in the future."

The candle was lit, the paper money was burned, a gust of wind blew through it, and the paper ashes rolled up, seemingly taken into another world.

Xiao Chen stood behind Qing Mei silently, listening to her whisper, looking at the slender shoulders and waists, secretly vowing that she must take good care of this girl in the future and not let her suffer any pain.

For a long time, Qing Mei didn't get up, but Xiao Chen's eyes flickered. At this moment, she just saw a figure slowly emerge from the fluctuations in space. It was the master of the Alchemy Association Beiguzi. The man noticed Xiao Chen's gaze and smiled slightly.

Xiao Chen thought a little, then whispered something in Qingmei's ear, then turned around.

"With the eyes and ears of the Alchemy Association, we should have found our whereabouts on the first day when Xiaomou and Qingmei angered Qili City. Why did Daoyou send someone to preach until yesterday?" Xiao Chen was standing side by side with Beiguzi Faintly open.

Kitaniko didn't hide it, whispered, "Ms. Qingmei's former residence was in Seven Mile City. The day of the death of the ancestor of the first father and mother was today. Yesterday, a Taoist friend bought fire candle paper money, and apparently left after the ceremony. As for why before I didn't bother, I just hope that Daoyou can live a peaceful life for a few more days. "

"But when I wait for the monks to set foot on the road, how can I really live that quiet life, presumably Xiao Chen Daoyou knows this very well."

Xiao Chen was silent, and then nodded into the topic, saying: "Beijing Zidao Taoist sent a message to discuss with Xiao Chen about important things. I do n’t know what to do, and he needs to come to work in person. But in advance, Xiao Chen does not live. Will leave, I'm afraid this time you will disappoint Taoist friends. "

Beiguzi's face remained calm and Shen said: "Xiao Chen is a friend and not busy answering this matter. It is better to listen to my husband's explanation before deciding what to do. Moreover, there is no time limit for this matter, even if the husband can do it for thousands of years. Can't wait. "

"And most importantly, this matter is as closely related to Xiao Chen Daoyou, presumably Daoyou should be interested."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he opened his eyes without a trace, saying: "This block killed your mixed elders and elders of the elders and five elder Taoists, and the elders' associations are considered to have a long history of grievances. Why did Taoists come to me for cooperation?"

"Xiao Chen's Daoyou don't need to be suspicious. The old man came because the Daoyou had the qualifications to participate in this incident." Beiguzi said, his voice was quite sincere. "As for the hatred between Wuyuan, honestly, Ruodao Friendship is mediocre, and the old man naturally does not mind killing you in order to maintain the reputation of our alchemy association. But now that you know the strength of Xiao Chen Daoyou, how can you continue to be hostile to you, otherwise it would not be stupid. "

This weird mouth, though straightforward, is more acceptable.

Xiao Chen felt a little surprised, but also felt the sincerity of the Lord of the Alchemy Association. Now, "Beijing Taoist friends may wish to speak and let Xiao Chen know what happened, and then reply to the Taoist friends." "

"That should be it." Kitaniko nodded, but his heart was slightly relieved. This person was most afraid that Xiao Chen's blind hostility did not give him the opportunity to speak at all, but now it seems that this person is quite aware of the way forward.

Slightly groaned, and his heart was ready for speech. The old man slowly spoke, saying: "Presumably, Xiao Chen Daoyou should be able to perceive it. The old man is now repaired to the level of integration, and he stepped across the realm of calamity and mastered a little. Crossover and repair are supernatural powers. "

"But Daoyou knows why the old man has the confidence to advance to the realm of robberies, but he has not made this last step and has been trapped in this realm for nearly 10,000 years."

Speaking of this matter, Kitaniko was quite helpless, showing unwillingness on his face.

Xiao Chen felt a slight shock in his heart and was trapped in this realm for thousands of years. This period of time was too long for him. He groaned a little and said, "But is it related to the environment of Moro's cultivation?"

Kitaniko nodded, "Yes, it seems that Daoyou is not unaware of this matter. In this case, it saves a lot of trouble. I ’m Moro ’s true world, although it exists in the human world, it can support me to wait for the repair. In order to promote the limit of the fit, I even stepped across the territory in half a step, but in the end, I can only stop here. "

"The power of crossing the robbery, if you want to be promoted, you need to absorb endless spiritual power to break out of the cocoon, and the spiritual power in the human world is not enough. If you rush to cross the robbery, it will inevitably die under the thunder.

"If you want to cross the robbery, you have to fly day by day to enter a higher level space plane, and this space is the spiritual realm you and I know."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, but he didn't know that there were such secret restrictions in the realm of cultivation, but it was reasonable to think about it carefully. The level of space in the human world was too low. The birth of a fit monk was already the limit. It is impossible.

"That being the case, why don't Kitaniko Taoyou take off? It must be based on Taoist cultivation, shouldn't it be difficult to break through the space and be promoted to the spiritual realm?"

According to ancient records, monks who survived the promotion did not fall, so they had the ability to blast the space and rise to the spiritual realm, not to mention being an extreme monk.

Beiguzi smiled bitterly and sighed, saying, "Xiao Chen's friends don't know. If it is possible, the old man has gone up and flying away thousands of years ago. How would he freely bind for thousands of years and spend time in vain. But old man I want to soar, but I do n’t have that ability. "

"Today my husband came here to find my friends, and that's what happened."

When Xiao Chen heard his words, his eyes changed slightly, his face was slightly gloomy, and Shen said, "Beijing Zidao Taoist bluntly." But at this moment, he already had a vague guess in his mind.

Kitaniko nodded, showing a sense of indifference. At this moment, he suddenly waved and laid a layer of restraint around the two. It is enough to be cautious. "Xiao Chen, my friend, the old man's words are the biggest secret in the field of cultivation. Dao friends are confidential and must not be disclosed at will. "

"The ascension of the spirit world was not unwilling to the old man, but the road of ascension was forcibly closed by the ancient mighty men, and with the strength of the monks like me, I couldn't bomb it.

"In the past ten thousand years, the old man once shot with five brothers, the Dragon King and the Dragon King of the Demon Clan, but he was still forcibly stopped by Feng Zhen, and even suffered a mild injury during the backstab. But kill me and wait for the half step to reach the monk. "

Speaking of which, this weird reveals the fear of being frightened, which can make the Lord of the Alchemy Association so impressed that the power of the town is strong.

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