Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 210: Dongxuanzhou Chaos

31 majestic and mighty explosions, stirring up the sudden changes in the entire world of comprehension, there is that endless black cloud condensed out of thin air, the wind whistling, the exchanges are like knives, and they want to tear thousands of creatures into pieces. 〔<〕Eight (one [(Small [Said Wang W? WW. 81ZW. COM is cold and murderous, as if to chop the world to pieces, a vast force like the sea of ​​stars condenses out in an instant, After that, the space shattered suddenly, turning into an endless dark background, with a faintly unstable atmosphere coming out of it.

If it weren't for the 12 post-integrated great powers and Xiao Chen to stabilize the space with his own cultivation base, this momentum alone would be enough to completely collapse the cultivation world.

A group of monks took Xiao Chen as their behavior, and their expressions were cold and severe.

At the same time, countless monks in the entire cultivation world were already completely shocked by this sudden explosion.

The yin and yang reversed first and the stars appeared in the day, and then a hundred-zhang star beam descended from the sky. After that, the aura exploded one after another, causing countless monks to be frightened and pale, and their pupils shrank sharply and looked towards Zhao Guo.

The area of ​​Zhao Country in Hanhai Big 6 has always been of low level of cultivation, but this time it has become the most eye-catching place in the entire cultivation world. Especially at the moment, the cohesion of the majestic coercion is even more desperate. With the passage of time, this general trend has become stronger and stronger. Everyone who sets foot on the avenue can clearly feel the spiritual power of Zhou Tian suddenly become violent at this moment, like the endless stormy waves of the raging ocean, not to mention ordinary monks, even in the realm of Nascent Soul The above cultivators can no longer absorb any spiritual power from the outside world.

Forbidden Tianzong, Ten Thousand Demon Sects,..., At this moment, in the sense of countless monks, that violent and murderous aura cuts through the void with an astonishing degree and rushes forward, overbearing and arrogant, crossing the ocean and crossing Big 6, there is a horrendous killing opportunity from it!

What Jianfeng was referring to, Dongxuanzhou!


Huangji Home.

As the sacred place for cultivation in Dongxuanzhou, the prestige of the Huangji family dared not provoke the slightest, solemn and solemn supremacy. However, today, the peace and tranquility of this holy place has been completely broken. Countless monks of the Huangji family were called back home, and under the leadership of the elders and others, they drove away in a whistling light.

When an enemy attacked, the Huangji family temporarily avoided the edge, retreated into the Hongmeng Palace, relying on the palace guarding formation to fight the offenders to the death.

Not only the monks of the Huangji family, but also the sect gates that have a good relationship with the Huangji family and have a close relationship with the Huangji family have also gathered under the order.

"I think my Emperor Family is the most powerful force in the realm of cultivation, and there is Hongmeng Palace behind. Who would dare to provoke a little bit. This powerful enemy hasn't shown up yet, so I will retreat to Hongmeng Palace in such a panic. "

"Big brother is right. If this is the case, regardless of victory or defeat in this battle, my Huangji family will lose face, and I am afraid that I will be laughed at by the monks in the world."

"Fine, although I am unwilling to wait, this matter is an instruction from Hongmeng Palace, and it is definitely not something you and I can discuss. I think there must be reasons for the adults to make this decision."

"Nevertheless, it's not reconciled to it after all."

The Huangji family lowered their voices one after another, and they were obviously extremely dissatisfied with this matter. After all, in their impression, the Huangji family was the existence of the strongest invincible, and they had never been forced to retreat for a little bit.

"Ming Ting Dao Fellow, what is the need for the old man to rush to bring the elite disciples of the sect to the Huangji family? Could something happen to the Huangji family?” In the Huangji family’s teleportation square, some spiritual light flashed in the teleportation array, and there were three hundred The monk Yu appeared, and the person who was doing it first asked him.

Huangji Mingting's face was solemn, and he explained the matter in a simple and quick tone, "This is how things are, why I don't know exactly why I call a fellow cultivator to come, perhaps because of Li Tianzong and my emperor. The Ji family is closely related, and the grown-ups are worried that the strong enemy will be unable to do anything about my Huangji family and vent their anger on you."

"Time is running out. I am going to meet other Taoists in Xia Shang. Taoist Ning Yuan will follow my Huangji family monk and go to the Holy Land."

Daoist Ning Yuan nodded solemnly, and then he understood the reason, but he was shocked in his heart, who was the powerful enemy who could make the imposing and domineering Huangji family so jealous.

Suddenly, the children of the Huangji family and the monks of the various sects who were unwilling or puzzled at the same moment stopped at the same time, and suddenly looked up to a certain prescription position, their pupils contracted sharply, and there was shock in their eyes.

This breath rushed into the sky, and under the guidance of the Qi machine, these monks instantly understood that they were coming here.


Countless monks couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning, and finally understood why the adults of the Huangji family acted like this this time, and took the initiative to evade before they met! A powerful enemy, really is the one that has never appeared before.

Although they haven't seen it with their own eyes, they can also sense how powerful the enemy is from this monstrous evil spirit.

In the next moment, the children of the Wuhuangji family and many sect cultivators will no longer have the slightest suspicion. Such a powerful enemy is indeed qualified to let them retreat.

call out!

call out!

The sky flashed wildly, and went straight to the Hongmeng Palace in a slight panic.


In the Dead Sea, Dongxuanzhou is a famous and terrible place, and within a radius of hundreds of miles, no monk dared to approach it at will. But today, this place is full of bustle and noise.

There are more than 50,000 monks in the Huangji family, more than 20,000 people from the mortal tribe, 19 great friendship schools, and a total of nearly 20,000 monks. This time, they are constantly coming from all directions, gathering around this dead sea, feeling the rushing breath. , No one spoke much, the pressure in the air made his chest feel stuffy and uncomfortable.

For the first time, complex emotions such as anxiety, urgency, fear, panic, etc. appeared in the hearts of the monks of the Huangji family. The strength of the coming enemy was far beyond the limit of their imagination. As for the sect cultivators who have made good friends with the Huangji family, the expressions in their eyes are uncertain. Obviously, they have their own plans for their thoughts.

It was when everyone was in various shapes and colors, the calm and dead sea surface suddenly appeared ripples, and at first it gradually strengthened, and finally turned into a monstrous sea, a cold, deep, and tyrannical atmosphere instantly dissipated from the bottom of the water. After coming out, the hearts of the restless monks violently jumped, and then the body became stiff and pale, and bowed his head deeply in awe. In this wave of water, the surface of the water lined up, and there were eight channels extending from the bottom of the water, and the spiritual light on it shone like the road to the ancient dragon palace, and a touch of majestic breath escaped from it.

call out!

The silhouettes of eight monks shot out from it instantly, their expressions indifferent and without the slightest temperature, their eyes faintly swept over the many figures below, and the faint coercion emanating from their bodies instantly made all monks in awe.

Eight fit monks!

"Huangji family monk, enter from the east and northeast passages."

"All monks, enter from the north and northwest passages."

"The mortal people enter from the west, southwest, south, and southeast channels."

"According to each other's order, don't look confused. After entering the palace, your own monk will arrange you to wait for your residence. If you are not summoned, you can't walk around at will, otherwise you will kill you!"

Among the eight monks, an old man with white beard stepped forward and shouted in a deep voice.

When the sound fell, the aura at the entrance of the passage trembles and disappears, and the figures around the Dead Silence Sea move instantaneously, and they move into the passage according to their assignments. As for the ordinary people of the Huangji family, they can't wait. In their memory of being instilled, Hongmeng Palace is the strongest place in the entire family. As long as they enter it, no one can hurt them. For this, all the ordinary people of the Huangji family firmly believe in it.


In the Hongmeng Palace, the third hall master and the fourth hall master are recovering from their injuries due to the destruction of their clones. The principals are currently only the main hall master and the second hall master.

"Brother, do we really have to follow the master's instructions?" The Second Hall Master Huangji Danhuang was wearing a blue robe, his face was young and handsome, with star-eyed sword eyebrows, and he was only more than twenty years old. But at the moment when he speaks, his brows can't help but frown tightly, his face showing pain.

The main hall lord Huang Ji Danshang suddenly changed his face when he heard the words, he waved his hand to restrain the two of them, and then sternly reprimanded: "Second brother, you need to be careful when you speak. You don’t need to teach you the truth from your mouth. If this is the master’s Hear, you should know the consequences!"

After groaning, this person carefully probed and didn't feel any strange aura. He was slightly relieved in his heart. He looked at the emperor's pill and he groaned slightly and sighed: "Second brother, you have always been cautious, why are you so awkward today? At the moment, the master’s reproductive life has reached a critical juncture. If there is no such thing as Xiao Chen, it can be easily completed within a hundred years, but the situation is now that you and I cannot choose, you can only do so."

"Big brother! But they are all of our tribe, with the same blood flowing in them as you and me. If you and I do this today, how can you feel at ease in the future!" Huang Ji Dan Hao roared in pain, his face slightly distorted.

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