Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 211: Another Dead Sea

[Hey, I can only say that the sword **** Taoist guessed the same, but some were wrong, bowed and stepped down proudly, you Taoists read the book, and by the way, gave a ticket to the ticket, and in addition, suddenly there are over 10,000 red votes this week, okay Baozi once said that Zhou Hong's vote for Vanguard was 5 tomorrow. [<{?

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"Stop!" Huang Jidan snapped sharply, "The second brother must not forget that you and I can have this achievement today, all because of the host's pity, if the host knows you and me, you only need to think about it Let me wait to die completely. "

"The tribe's damage is nothing. As long as you and I can survive, the foundation of the Huangji family has not wavered. In addition, the second brother thinks that even if you and I resist, what can you do? The master has been planted in the blood of my Huangji family. In the imprint, he can do it even without you and me. "

Huang Ji Danxi slowed down his voice and whispered: "Second brother, Xiao Chen is aggressive at the moment. I can only protect myself by helping my master to rebuild his body as soon as possible. Otherwise, Xiao Chen's temperament, we Huang The extreme family will inevitably be erased. What is the matter, you should be clear in your heart, why do you need to talk a lot. "

Huang Jidan sighed suddenly, "Everything, according to what Brother said."


Hongmeng Palace has its own space, with mountains and rivers and lakes. At this peak somewhere in the space, there are blossoming white clouds floating, the mist rising, lingering on it, like a fairyland. But if you take a closer look, this cloud of mist is not a natural thing, but a monk illusionized out of a matrix. Penetrating this layer of magic array is to see the real content in the mountain.

The blood was soaring, and the thick **** gas made the chest twitch. On the top of the mountain, there is a huge blood pool, which is filled with this viscous scarlet slightly dark red blood water. From time to time, there are large bubbles from the bucket, and a "snap" cracks, making the blood smell in the breath. A little more intense.

Around the blood pool, there are eight blood canals connected up from the bottom of the mountain. At this moment, there is the viscous blood water flowing slowly, continually converging into the blood pool, supplementing the energy loss, and looking towards the end of the blood canal Directly under the mountain ground, I do not know where to go.

The blood pool on the top of the mountain, the blood channel of the mountain body, after many years of dipping, actually turned the whole mountain stone into red blood. Covered by white clouds and fog, it looks like a fairyland, but it looks like Abi Hell.

Wanzhang's blood pool, infused with the blood of the soul into a lake, I do not know how many evils created. But at this moment, when the eyes fell, the most shocking thing was that a monk was sitting cross-legged at the core of the blood pool, his body was red, but there was no skin cover. The strength, chest and abdomen, the flesh and blood are faintly transparent, and the internal organs that have not fully grown inside can be seen faintly. It is really terrifying and terrifying.

At this moment, the figure suddenly opened his eyes. There were no eyes in his eyes, but two blood swirls that captured people's souls. He could faintly hear the horrible sounds coming out of it, which made his scalp trembling.

"Blood King, when is this physical body able to regenerate, and the situation is tense at the moment, if it cannot be completed before the arrival of the Xiao Chen hybrid, although the old man cannot escape, you will never get any benefit."

The flesh and blood was like the figure after being tortured, and his voice was hoarse, but it sounded familiar to me, but it seemed to be heard somewhere.

With this person's voice falling, waves suddenly appeared in the blood pool, using blood and water as the medium to transform the human form. Although his face was slightly blurred, it was enough to identify his identity. This person is actually the blood king that Xiao Chen met in the Bloodline Land!

"Huh! The King has given you supernatural power to give you great blood, but you have too little blood in the blood pool, and you can't be reborn until now. How can you blame the King?" The blood king sneered. Wang reminds you that although you don't want to admit it, Xiao Chen now has the same blood line as Wang, and you'd better be more polite in your mouth, otherwise you will blame Wang for turning your face ruthless. "

"If you succeed this time, and remember the agreement with the king, take this Xiao Chen down to the king for disposal."

Remnants of the Fire Race!

After hearing the words, the blood vortex in the blood pool suddenly spun up, and the outer body burst into endless anger, but in the end, there was still a jealous cry, and he chuckled, "This cooperation with you is a mutual benefit. You provide Blood power helps me to be reborn, and this seat will help you lift the blood sea town and return you freedom. The old man will naturally talk and believe in the matter of agreement. "

"It's the best." The Blood King nodded, his figure dissipated into the blood pool and disappeared into the blood pool.

"Xiao Chen, the old man really stayed in the Starfield for 60,000 years, and he saw that he would be able to get out and merge with this seat. The strength has skyrocketed, but all this has been destroyed by you. Today, this seat must kill you!" Blood Pool The figure snarled and roared, and the anger suddenly skyrocketed, "Blood King, hey, you want that Xiao Chen to do nothing more than devour the fusion to get the full blood, would the old man do what you want, when I reshape my body, I will be you Day of Devour! "

The figure in the blood pool, the master of the monk family of the Hongmeng Palace, the true identity is the old master of the 6th clan of the Starfield!

"Come on, the sacrifice begins. The old man will devour enough blood, complete the final step, and be born again!"


With the roar of the old monster's avatar roaring, the whole **** mountain suddenly trembled, and then the scarlet scarlet light spread out, and among the eight blood channels, a lot of blood gurgled out, flowing up, and pouring into the blood pool madly.


Xiao Chen looked calm and looked at the faintly appearing island at the end of his eyes.

Dong Xuanzhou, finally arrived.

Since the beginning of the vast 6th North China, Xiao Chen has led 3o monks who have reached the peak of the human world. They have come across thousands of mountains and mountains, moving forward in silence, and the momentum of killing has continued to increase with the passage of time.

At the moment, the momentum is at its peak, and there is only one battle left. Cut the enemy's head and let the sky soak in the sky! Fierce and fierce, Wu Guang pierced into Dongxuanzhou, where the monk turtle shrunk the ancestral gate or hid in the cave house, his heart beat like a cymbal drum, his face was pale.

Xiao Chen stood up in the air, his majestic consciousness broke out suddenly, swept across Dong Xuanzhou instantly, and frowned slightly after a few breaths. He had already noticed that the Huangji family was different, but there was no one to go to the building. Monk breath exists.

Hongmeng Palace!

Xiao Chen's mind moved slightly, presumably the Huangji family took the initiative to retreat to shrink their strength and one place, and fight against them. Xiao Chen figured out all this and suddenly sneered.

"That being the case, this seat is as you wish!"

The next moment, Xiao Chen turned around suddenly, changing direction, and flew to the dead sea, tens of thousands of miles away, but this time was the second time Xiao Chen came here. Since then, Xiao Chen has been nothing but a monk who can fight without falling into the realm, and now returns hundreds of years later, but has become the pinnacle of this time.

The King of Dragons, Beiguzi and others took a step forward and looked coldly at the calm water in front of them, apparently already aware of the strange breath.

"Brothers, Hongmeng Palace is at the bottom of this dead sea." Xiao Chen said lightly, looking indifferent.

"Hey, offend our brothers, do you think that hiding here can avoid this disaster? It is really a delusion!" The dragon king stepped forward, his mouth showing the color of crickets, "but there is a weak guy in the bottom of the water And wait for it to be captured by the King. "

Yu Luo stepped forward, the figure appeared directly above the water, and his straight punch punched without any fancy.

A punch fell, and the whole dead sea trembled violently.


The deep and screaming roar came out from the bottom of the water instantly, and then a huge dark shadow rose sharply and went straight to the Dragon King to pull down. The black shadow burst out from the water, but it was a huge tentacle full of thousands of feet in size, dark all over, with dense barbs on it, like a sawtooth chain.

"Hey, come here!" The King of Dragons lighted up before his eyes, and opened his hands to catch them without flickering. The next moment, his arms suddenly rose to reveal the body, revealing hundreds of feet-sized giant claws. Stay, "Small thing, dare to shoot at the king, and today I will tear you up and give it to the king!"

The dragon dragon has blood of the dragon family, the physical body is powerful, and the force is infinite. At this moment, standing on top of the void suddenly collapsed, shattering the space of the dead sea for three thousand miles directly, demonizing the muscles of the arm and tightening it outward Once pulled, the vicious beast was dragged directly out of the water. Until this moment, the talents saw the real body of the monster, and then there was a tentacle, which was obviously the giant tail of the monster.

On the bottom of the dead sea, there is a dark flesh with dense barb spikes, a small skull with approximately 8ooo-sized snake monsters, and a pair of green eyes the size of a thumb filled with this brutal killing Meaning, even if it was hostile to the Dragon King, it didn't show the slightest fear.

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