Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 212: Hongmeng Palace

[5th, 1st, 2nd, 8am, 3pm, 13pm, 4pm, 18pm, 5pm, 22pm. If there is no accident, it will be the same on Tuesday. [Eight Chinese

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"Dark Iron Snake!" The King of Dragons suddenly showed caution in his eyes, and then turned into joy, "Haha, I didn't expect such a wild and wild species here. If the King swallowed it, the body would be afraid of Be a little bit overbearing. "

"It is rumored that this thing could fight with Tianlong in ancient times, and today the king will try it."

In a long smile, this peerless monster suddenly manifested itself. It was an incarnation with a body length of almost ten thousand feet, a quadruped under the belly, a single-headed horn, and a giant monster wearing a scale armor, like a dragon and a python. Pendulum, rushed out to fight with the black iron snake.

The two fell into the dead sea and fought against the cold and cold water, which immediately caused the entire water surface to boil completely.

Xiao Chen and others stood on top of the void and used the pride of the King of Dragons to clean up the immature black iron snakes, and they were unwilling to intervene.

After a fierce battle, he stood still, and then the blood water rolled out from the bottom of the water.

The battle has come to an end.

After a while, the King of Dragons devoured the Black Iron Snake and turned into a humanoid again. His complexion looked rosy and his eyes were filled with joy. The black iron snake is also known as the dragon hunting snake in ancient times. Once this monster is more than 10,000 adults, it is extremely poisonous. Once the dragon is inadvertently entangled, it will inevitably become the food of this monster. This thing was born to be the deadly enemy of the Dragons, but it was a well-known ferocious beast.

"It seems that this Hongmeng Palace cannot be underestimated. The guarding portal has this flood and wild beast. Although the blood is not pure, the monk in the late period of the ordinary fit is not an enemy of this monster." Beiguzi opened his voice, his eyes rolled with anger, but there was no trace. fear.

Qinghuang Wang Mei's eyes flickered, and she said lightly: "No matter how rude it is, they will be completely wiped out today."

"Haha, the girl said the right thing. This Hongmeng Palace can't wait for me to seek extinction, but I can't wait for it." The dragon king returned, and this peerless demon object was full of anger, "Sixth brother, how to act this time, you should arrange it. Right. "

The words fell and everyone's eyes came together instantly.

Xiao Chen looked calm and raised at the moment, his eyes flashed sharply. "Since they are hiding in the dead bottom of the sea, then I will drain the seawater and see where they are!"

"I don't know which Taoist friend is willing to take this shot?"

In a whisper, an ugly man stepped forward in the demon tribe and arched, saying, "Return to Lord Xiao Chen, this matter can be done now." Yan Ling flashed lightly, the figure appeared dead on the sea, directly manifesting the body, It turned out to be a huge toad with a size of thousands of feet and a body full of poisonous packs, roared, opened its mouth suddenly, and suddenly the strong horizontal suction burst from it.


Under the action of this suction, the entire Dead Sea trembled fiercely, then set off an endless huge wave, a column of water with a thickness of 100 feet shot backwards and was swallowed directly by the toad. Although this toad monster is not a wild species, it also has adventures in its early years. It has a space of its own and is extremely vast. It can swallow enemies together and live in dire straits. The seawater that swallows up is natural.

The water column rose, and the entire surface of the Dead Sea sharply decreased with the naked eye. Within a moment, the scope of the shroud had shrunk sharply from that 3ooo to less than 3o, and it was still disappearing. As the surface of the water dropped, an island suddenly appeared within the sight of everyone. Looking down the island, the object was a deep buried black mountain peak. The area exposed to the water was an island, and the one below the water was a reef. Nothing else exists.

Under the water was a barren field, and no creatures existed. Until the toad demon swallowed up the sea water, there was still no clue what the Hongmeng Palace was.

Xiao Chen frowned, and there were countless forbidden runes flashing like a torrent waterfall in his eyes instantly, his eyes fell on that lonely mountain on the bottom of the sea. In this dead sea, in order to make this thing conspicuous, and to expose the surface of the island, there are Nirvana ancient formations connected to the blood veins. Presumably this underwater part is by no means simple. Xiao Chen frowned slightly at the moment. At this moment, the sleeve of the robe suddenly waved, and suddenly the sharp Geng Jinjian burst out of his body and slammed the mountain bottom.


The sword fell, the mountain was motionless, and there wasn't even a slight damage to the mountain stones. In a single blow of power, Xiao Chen was not discouraged, but his eyes were slightly bright, and he successively struck out seven sword qi.

At the same point, the seven swords were cut. At the moment, with the seventh sword of Geng Jin, the bottom of the mountain suddenly trembled, but the faint golden light slowly spread out from it, making the dark mountain petrified to golden and even present. Out of translucent state, can make people see the gold light source head clearly. Where this mountain is submerged hundreds of feet in the water, there is actually a palace appearing directly inside the mountain, which seems to be naturally generated, with a height of less than one hundred feet, but it is magnificent. Every inch above the palace is densely carved with countless numbers Fu Xun, bright gold glittering flowing waves, seems to be the ancient mansion house hiding the bottom of the water.

A golden plaque on one side was hung high in front of the hall, and the letter on it was quite influential. This Hongmeng Palace is actually here. If Xiao Chen is well versed in the forbidden path, the supernatural power is overbearing, and even if he is here, he will not find a way to get started.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly over the Baizhang Temple in the stone, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and the eyes were full of dignity. In this area of ​​Baizhang Palace, there are more than a thousand layers of forbidden roads under the dense linen, and the carved runes seem to be fixed, but they can move at any time, and they are constantly dismantled and reorganized. Once they are attacked by external forces, they can continue to change and then An infinite array method has been derived, and if it is to be broken, it can only be achieved if the instant explosive power can produce a thousand-layer array to withstand the limit.

The defense strength of this Hongmeng Palace is truly amazing.

"A good Hongmeng Palace, built in the mountain, with space inside, and a large array of guards outside, no wonder they crouched in it. Presumably, they want to stay dead by virtue of this temple." Kitaniko sighed, his eyes showed interest. "It is hard to imagine using such a method. If it were not for the sixth brother, I would have to spend a lot of time trying to find this Hongmeng Palace."

"Sixth brother, my husband sees the hunting delight, want to try out some of the power of this Hongmeng Palace, how about me?"

Xiao Chen thought a little bit about it. He and Beiguzi Xiu were the strongest here, but when it comes to the means of knowledge, Beiguzi has been living for many years. He has been able to blast it through his best shots, and he can also retreat from bad health. , But it is the best choice, nodded at the moment, arched his hand and said, "So, it will bother the fourth brother."

Kitaniko nodded, and a flash of aura appeared outside the mountains. He groaned slightly, and shot with his back palm forward.

Although it was a random hit, in the later stage of the fit, even half-step through the calamity, the power was so powerful, and the sky was suddenly forcibly detained by the magical power, and it turned into a palm of one size. Although the manifestation of this supernatural power is small, it was intentionally compressed by Kitaniko. If you want to concentrate all the energy to bombard a little, it is forbidden to break the thousand layers outside the hall!

Silent and silent, the magical power of the palm shot down, was actually swallowed directly by this mountain. On the other hand, the Hongmeng Palace was not affected by the slightest impact, but the golden light flickered a little bit. It seemed to absorb the power of this supernatural power. .

Kitaniko's complexion changed slightly, he didn't care about his reactive power, but silently swallowed his magical power, but this old man was extremely jealous. He could easily dissolve the method of counterattacking the half-step robbery monk, which was enough for him to take caution. Taking a deep breath, the person's hand flashed with aura, and he actually took out a shuttle-like magic weapon directly from the storage bag, which was less than the size of a foot, and the whole body was brilliant. It was obviously extraordinary.

After just a tentative test, Kitaniko has determined that by virtue of his own cultivation, it cannot be destroyed. In this case, of course, he can only rely on the power of magic weapons.

"go with!"

The magic tricks in hand were used, and the majestic mana was poured into them. The shuttle-shaped magic weapon burst out thousands of aura threads, and then turned into a flash of light to the mountain body instantly. This shuttle-like magic weapon was the result of Kitaniko's early invasion of a certain place in ancient antiquity.


The magic weapon was cut off, and the mountain was suddenly magnificent, and the countless runes of forbidden roads outside the Hongmeng Palace turned wildly. They swam around like a living creature, constantly transforming into resistance against the magic power of Kitaniko. The thousand-layer prohibition continued to be broken, but the scattered runes did not collapse, but instead added to the next level of prohibition, making the power of the prohibition increase.

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