Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 213: Be restrained

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One layer, two layers, three layers, and Kitaniko smashed and destroyed the 97-layer ban outside Hongmeng Palace, but at this moment, with the 96-layer forbidden rune in front, the 97-layer ban power It is very strong, but it suddenly broke apart after a short breath. Countless golden runes spread like a flood and directly integrated into the 98th-level prohibition.

Beiguzi's face changed slightly, his eyes were completely gloomy, his Yuanshen could clearly sense the resistance to his treasures. This 98th-level prohibition is more than double the power of 97th-level power. 3 interest time, was forcibly bombarded. It can be seen that a larger number of golden runes are integrated into the 99th-level prohibition, but this old man is sinking in his heart. The 97th-level prohibition has been blocked. The 98th-level prohibition is barely breakable. But on the 99th level, he is Can't break!

The exquisite mystery is prohibited outside the Hongmeng Palace. Although the thousand-layer prohibition seems to be overbearing at first glance, it is still possible to break open. However, every broken layer, the scattered rune will be integrated into the next prohibition, and so on. Constantly superimposed, the power of restraint formed by then will be enough to achieve despair. Taking Kitaniko half-stepping through the robbery repairs as a treasure plus power, all-out shots can only break through the 98-layer prohibition, which is unsustainable. Then, after the 1oo layer and even the 1ooo layer, how powerful will the power be?

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy. With the abnormal defense ability exposed by the Hongmeng Palace, even if he tried his best to rely on the power of the shop, he could not break it. And more importantly, they do not allow such a powerful force in the human realm, or the Hongmeng Palace will not be broken, and the entire human realm will be unbearable and completely collapse.

If he wanted to come along like this, would he not only have to watch the Hongmeng Palace in front of him, but he could do nothing!

With such thoughts in his heart, Xiao Chen couldn't help looking even more ugly. But at this moment, looking at Beiguzi's pale face, Xiao Chen's heart sank slightly, and he stepped forward and said, "Brother, what happened?"

Kitaniko smiled bitterly. "Sixth brother, I'm afraid it's troublesome. Once the prohibition is broken, it can't be suspended. Otherwise, the force beyond the impact will increase the prohibition. The gods will rebound and stack back. I am afraid I can't resist it."

It was only after he confirmed that he could not break the battle, and Bei Guzi's retreat only realized this. He was unable to retreat this time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable once he backfired.

When Xiao Chen heard the words, he immediately figured out the matter, his heart sank instantly, and his eyes were cloudy and uncertain. Obviously, he was urgently looking for a solution.

Kitaniko gritted his teeth, and Shen said, "This air-locking machine locks the old man, even if you want to join forces to block it back. In this case, the sixth brother does not need to think about it, and the old man repairs it. This prohibition Although backwash is strong, it is not easy to kill me. "

At the moment, no one can step in to help him unless he can break the battle. Kitaniko knows this very well. But want to crack this array, difficult! difficult! difficult!

Xiao Chen waved his hand suddenly and looked dignified. "Why did your elder brother say this? If it weren't for me, how could you be in danger now? You only need to hold on for a while, and Xiao Chen will be able to break the ban. You escape. "

The King of Dragons, the King of Green Phoenix, Xiguzi and Dongguzi were equally ugly, and said nothing in gloom.

"Brothers, please ask four to help the older brother to persist, and the younger brother will immediately find a way to crack it." Xiao Xiao Chen stepped forward, less than ten feet away from Na Hongmeng Palace, and the runes banned in his eyes.

Xiguzi and Dongguzi approached at the same time and whispered, "The alert matters to the elder brother and sister. I and the two came forward to help the old four." The three men came from the same door, and mana compatibility was naturally the best choice.

The King of Dragons and the King of Qinghuang nodded silently, but their eyes fell on Xiao Chen. I wonder if he really had the means to break the ban, otherwise things would be troublesome.


Inside the Hongmeng Palace, the space is vast, and you can't see the margins at a glance. At this moment, the main halls of the four halls are Emperor Danji, Emperor Dandan, Emperor Danyuan, 8 guardians, 11 emperors, and 8 The eerie blood shadow stands above the void, and further to the periphery is a whole 10,000 monks of the Hongmeng Palace Huangji family.

At this moment in the void above the pedestrian's head, the size and shadow of a thousand feet of one side are extremely clear, which is the moment outside Hongmeng Palace.

Hokuchiko was restrained, and the powerful enemy was violently blocked. Immediately, Huang Jidan and others were relieved.

"Hey, my Hongmeng Palace is an ancient treasure. The strong defense can't be destroyed. This Xiao Chen and others don't know how to live or die, and see how they get away!" The Lord of the Four Palaces, Ji Danyuan, hated his teeth and twisted his face. People eat.

"Dead, it seems that the host really looked at them too high this time. The ban on the thousand-layer ban outside the palace alone was enough to make them unable to eat and walk. When the host's body is finished, I will let Xiao Chen suffer. You must endure torture to death! "

Huang Ji Dan Teng is also murderous.

Only in the eyes of the Lord of the Second Palace, anxiety flashed in the eyes, saying, "Brother, this Xiao Chen can make the master jealous. Obviously it is by no means easy. Although the restraint outside the palace is strong, you do n’t know how powerful you are. Can you stop them? "

Huangji Danji nodded and said, "The second brother is very justified. We must not be careless. We need to be cautious. As for the host outside the palace once told me, this team is called Qianliu array. The battle method, even at his peak, can never be broken. So as long as this Xiao Chen and others can't find a way to crack, it is impossible to break with brute force. "

"Even if Xiao Chen and others are proficient in frontiers and want to crack the Qianliu array, it will not be a matter of time and night."

Huang Jidan nodded, but at that moment he flashed a shock in his eyes, looking at the void picture, and Shen said: "Then Xiao Chen shot!"


Outside the Hongmeng Palace, Xiao Chen looked slightly pale, and Yuan Shen hurriedly deduced the thousand-layer ban outside the Hongmeng Palace, obviously causing him great loss.

For less than half an hour, he really saw some clues as a result of his forbidden Taoism, but it would take at least ten and a half months to crack it according to normality. This time is too long, Kitaniko can not persist.

Xiao Chen looked cloudy for a while, suddenly gritted his teeth, and lifted again, his face was already full of firmness.

Kitaniko was in danger because he was in danger. In any case, he had to take a shot. Perhaps the danger could not break the battle or even put himself in danger, but he had no choice.

Aura of light flashed on his hand, and Sanchi Qingfeng appeared in his hand instantly.

"Small shop, can there be anything harder than your body in this world?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

The sword suddenly flashed in his hand, and he laughed and laughed. "The handsome body is arrogant, King Kong is not bad, water and fire do not invade, naturally nothing can match it!"

The shop shook his head and said, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, Master Xiao Chen nodded and said softly: "I also think so. With the strength of the shop itself, there is absolutely no foreign object in this world that can cause damage to you."

The shop suddenly panicked when it heard the words. The spirit **** swept away and immediately sensed the external situation. Now it was miserable. "Oh! Master, my dearest host, you may have heard it wrong. The shop's body is fragile. , You must be sorry for this, otherwise the coach will not have to die young. "

"Ah, ah! Master, wouldn't you want me to break the battle in front of me, no, it's too dangerous, you have to think of another way."

Xiao Chen shook his head, his face was so calm, "Small shop, although you have lost your temper, you have often helped Xiao Chen a lot. In that year, the Mu family once blew up to save my life. These things Xiao Chen remembered in my heart. So far, no matter you or small bricks or small bones, I have never regarded you as treasures, but people who are close to you as brothers. If you have nothing to do, you will definitely not want you to be in danger, but Xiao Chen can only do so today. "

"Big brother, because I am in danger, I must save him, otherwise how can I be relieved in the future. Xiaodian, when you blew yourself up, Xiao Chen promised to find a new body for you in the future. Now you can count on fulfilling your promise. If you today If you can help me again, I will make a second promise with you to help you accomplish one thing in the future without remorse. "

The shop's eyes brightened, a sigh, and helpless pain, whispered: "Alas, the coach is really too soft-hearted, can't stand you for such soft words, this time, this coach shot once But, hey, my dearest host, you must remember what you say. If I look after a beautiful magic sister in the future, you can ask me for it, even if you use strong Come and be a wife for the shop. "

Xiao Chen smiled slightly and nodded slightly, "If everything goes well after this day, what will happen to you?"

"Today, you and my brother shot it all together.

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