Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 214: Take a chance

[Become accustomed to the four more, actually forgot to change the regular update time, sins and sins, everyone is not to blame, update immediately, chapters 4 and 5 time unchanged]

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His words fell, his eyes fell on the Hongmeng Palace, and his mind was silent. Bayi Chinese Network W] W> W. 81ZW. Com

It's now!

Xiao Chen's dark eyes instantly burst into a star-like gleam, drinking a whisper in his heart, the figure shot forward immediately, and the three-footed Qing Feng in his hands plunged downwards violently.

Xiao Jian pierced the first level of forbidden, Xiao Chen expressionless, but his heart was quite nervous, this time to see if his judgment is correct, if it is wrong, I am afraid he will be in trouble like Kitaniko.

Silent and silent, the sword penetrating through the prohibition, the first layer of thousands of runes of Qianliu array trembled slightly, but it was directly solidified in the void, but the prohibition was not broken, but the golden runes of the array were dim instantly. Go on.

Xiao Chen's eyes lighted up, and his heart suddenly became energetic. It seems that he really bet this time.

The Qianliu array outside the Hongmeng Palace is a mysterious and extremely obscure array. They are interlocking, strange, and impossible to break with brute force. Taking Xiao Chen ’s forbidden road repair as an example, although I can see some clues and then figure out the way to crack it, but I want to follow the steps and do not know how long it will take, so I can only let it go, in the most direct and fierce way, in The main body of the store is inserted into the Qianliu array to converge a little, and it will not block the operation of the large array, and avoid the superposition of the prohibitive power. However, such a clever method naturally has disadvantages. When the thousand-layer ban in the Qianliu array is completely stopped, the impact of the ban countermeasures will reach an unimaginable level. Anything that blocks the operation of the big array will be madly backfired.

Therefore, Xiao Chen chose to break the line with a small shop. After all, its body is solid, which is only seen in Xiao Chen's life. However, as he said, the threat and the threat of the millennium ban must be accepted by Xiaodian and Xiao Chen.

Layer 2, layer 3, layer 4, layer 85, layer 86, layer 256, layer 257, layer 512, layer 513,

With the deepening of the ban, Xiao Chen's complexion gradually turned pale, but the shop itself was still stable as before, without a slight tremor. Forcibly breaking the line with the sword body requires close control of the falling point, and no half-split pool can appear, otherwise even a rune deviation forbidden will collapse completely and fall into the situation that Beiguzi faces today.

"Ah! It hurts me handsome! It hurts!"

"Damn big, actually just hurt me, wait to break you, see if the coach will not cut you into seventeen or eighth paragraphs."

"Ah! Beauty, I want two, no. It takes three, four, a large group of beauties to make up for it. Master, you have to remember to talk!"

The shop was miserable again and again, but despite the fierce call, the body of the sword was smooth and calm, and there was no sign of it being unbearable.

Layer 747, Layer 748, Layer 967, Layer 968, Layer 1ooo, Layer 1oo1 ,,

Qian Liu Zhen claims to have thousands of bans. This is not an exaggeration, but it is more humble. In this array, it contains a total of 1o24 bans! After breaking through the thousand layers, the prohibition of back-bating mighty power has reached enough to destroy all realms. If it explodes, the small store may rely on the preservation of the body. And at the moment, the power of the mana in the body is extremely horrible, Xiao Chen's countenance has turned into pale, and at this moment, Qianliu array has broken the 1o21 layer, and there are still the last three layers to break it.

But now Xiao Chen is already weak to the extreme. Inside and outside the Hongmeng Palace, the dragon king, the blue phoenix king, the Huangji danji and others all look at him with nervous eyes, but the former two are looking forward to success, the latter is My heart growled madly, hoping that Xiao Chen's defeat would be backfired.

It was in the shroud of countless lights that Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with dazzling eyes, and then the human body suddenly disappeared and returned to the left eyebrow dojo.


The surging mana fluctuates like waves, and the sound of thunder is terrifying. In the control of the ancient demons, the sword body of the shop stabs fiercely forward and breaks the three-layer ban.

The Qian Liu Zhen 1o24 floor ban was completely penetrated, the formation was completely stagnant, the force of violent counterattack burst out, and an endless terrorist force was created from the air to act on the shop itself, causing it to crackle.

The ancient magic avatar snorted, and the pure and pure magic gas burst out crazy and got into the shop itself. Under the instillation of this magical atmosphere, a layer of magic flames suddenly appeared on the main body of the shop.

"Ah! It hurts me handsome!"

"It hurts!"

The mouth was screaming endlessly, apparently the taste was uncomfortable under the backlash of this thousand streams.

But at this moment, Kitaniko, Xiguzi, and Dongguzi suddenly felt all light, and the Qianliu array lock actually dissipated directly, causing them to get out. At this moment, they retreated nearly one hundred feet, and there was still fear on the face. color.

"Incarnation outside the body!" There was a dazzling light in the eyes of the King of Dragons. "The six brothers are superbly powerful. The strength of this magic avatar is enough to compete with me, plus the human race, hands. Arcana, it ’s hard to find an enemy in this world. "

Having said that, this peerless monster shook his head and sighed, glanced at Xiao Chen, and pouted: "The key is such a powerful character, but he is still a master-level figure who is proficient in Dan Dao and front lines. Let me wait What a brother's affection. "

This remark was unanimously approved by the king of green phoenixes, Beiguzi and others. Relying on their cultivation, they can naturally sense the change of Qianliu array at this moment. Since Xiao Chen Mozhi's clone has withstood a large array of back bite, he has passed the most dangerous level. The thousand Liuli array is afraid of breaking.

Just as these peerless powers sighed in whispers, the roar of the ancient demon uttered a roar, "Since you can't hurt my king, let me break it! Broken! Broken! Broken!" Roared, The overbearing trend exploded from the inside out, sweeping the endlessly.

The next moment, silently, the shop pierced into the Qianliu array and suddenly violently fluctuated. Then a gap of small size was slowly created, like opening a hall on the Hongmeng Palace and opening a door. Another gateway to the world.

In this space, there is a rigorous line of cultivating, and at this moment there is an expression of anger.

"Archive, block the enemy!" Sen Ran roared instantly from the mouth of Huang Jidan, and the voice had not fallen yet. The old man had stepped forward, and wanted to use the magical power to bombard the light curtain in front of him.

But at this moment, it is too late.

From this light curtain, a figure appeared to emerge from the painting. The person who came is Kitako, the master of the Alchemy Association.

After breaking the ban and restraining himself, Xiao Chen had to rescue him regardless of his own safety. This incident caused endless anger in the heart of the Moro power. Only blood can destroy it. So this time, he couldn't wait to get into it first. Looking at the emperor dan, he sneered suddenly in his mouth and said, "Your opponent is an old man!" The words of magical savagely shot, and the two monks at the later stages of the fall did not fall into a ball.

The next moment, from that shadow, one after another came in one after another.

The King of Dragons, the King of Phoenix, Xiguzi, Beiguzi, a group of people, the peak of the two demons, have been invited here, but they have not had any chance to contribute. At this moment, they are appearing, and they are looking for rivals Get into a dogfight.

After all the monks entered, the ancient demons stepped in, holding a sword, and the momentum was across the world like a rainbow!

Ten thousand monk family monks have already set up a large array at this moment. The vast mist is born out of thin air, which is fascinating and unable to judge the direction. There are also means of shifting and translocating the void to bind the town with great power.

call out!

In the white mist, a blood shadow appeared instantly, cold and violent, and the screams flew away from the ancient demons. This blood shadow is invisible and invisible in the white mist. It is only tricky to show his whereabouts, which is tricky, and ordinary monks are not hostile.

But this time, this blood shadow attacked Xiao Chen's ancient magic clone.


With a cold hum in his mouth, the ancient demon avatar turned instantly, as if he had known it, and Qingfeng, who had no fancy hands, was instantly cut off. The sword was cut, and Wei Neng could resist it. The blood shadow was actually cut into two halves. At the same time, there was a terrible misery that seemed to be mourning at the same time. It was strange. But the most shocking thing is that the blood shadow was cut in half by the ancient demon, but it did not die. After passing through it, it was merged into a ball and re-condensed into the blood shadow and disappeared into the white mist, but the breath was obviously weaker. . This blood shadow does not know what the thing is, but the **** and cold breath is obviously not a good thing. It has a near-immortal body magical power, but the breath in the body will be weak every time it is reborn.

The ancient demon sneered, no matter what crisis was hidden in the white mist at this moment, he only took a big step forward. No matter what crisis appeared, he would be cut off with one sword. I am in full power in the world, and the magic is shining!

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