Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 219: Smash the head and seal the town again

[Third is more, if you have tickets, can you do more! !! 】

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In the roar, the two men hit each other's shoulders with a severe punch, Xiao Chen's shoulders burst into tears, and flesh was scattered, and even the deepest bones could be seen in the wound. Xiao Chen walked away and pointed into a knife to cut off. He opened a wound with a length of 4ooo from the shoulder to the chest, and the blood immediately burst out, like a river breaking a bank. Bayi Novel [WWW? W] W. 81ZW. Com

"Haha! Xiao Chen, even if you are desperate, how can you still be the opponent of the king, it seems that you are already poor, since this is the case, the king came to take your life!" The blood king laughed wildly. It made him miserable, but it made this man's heart more fierce and his warfare even better.

Xiao Chen was low, with blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. The meaning of emptiness gradually came from his body, but his dark eyes remained calm as before. At this moment when he heard the blood king say something, his eyes burst into an instant.

It's now!

"Space is banned, seal this seat! Seal! Seal! Completely banned!"

"The origin of fire, the origin of thunder, the origin of space, the origin of killing, based on the power of the four origins, sealed the town for me!" Xiao Chen growled, thousands of feet long flew into the sky, Domineering.

"My forefathers, if you do n’t want to see my people ’s life being coated with charcoal today, please take a shot and help Xiao Chenfeng to this person!"

Xiao Chen lifted up to heaven, and the sound of waves burst with the blessing of mana. Even with the power of Hongmeng Palace, he could not stop it all. The next moment, his figure flew upside down, and there was endless flow of blood in Qiqiao. Space imprisonment against the blood king, magical powers back bite damage, even if Xiao Chenxiu can not easily resist.

Coming from Zhao Guo, Xiao Chen led 3o fit and powerful people, Qiu Guang went to Dongxuanzhou, in order to accumulate the trend and completely wipe out the Hongmeng Palace from the realm of cultivation in order to destroy the irresistible trend! But there is also an important role in transmitting this endogenous event in the world with such shocking news from the cultivation world. In the first rescue of Ziyan and Yuewu, Xiao Chen performed the soul-searching technique on the emperor Dandan and saw the figure in the blood pool. Although he was not sure of the identity of the person, he was wary of fear. There are not many such things in the world that can give him this feeling, and the black robe mighty man who has not been known to have survived in a certain way is among the stars. Xiao Chen confided that he would never care about everything in the human world. When there is a major crisis of extinction, he will certainly help, just as when he killed the old man of the clan and the King of the Nine Bloody Rattans.

This time Xiao Chen was convinced that as long as he could create opportunities for this patriarch's powerful man, he would definitely shoot. Therefore, he will not count the damage caused by the crazy attack to weaken the blood king's own power, and then use the space avatar to perform the space imprisonment. The four origins of thunder, fire, space, and killing superimpose suppression, which is for Ji Changkong. Create this best mobile phone conference.

Although she is not completely sure, Xiao Chen has to bet, otherwise the situation will be more difficult to control if she delays.

Right now he has shot, and what the results are, we can only wait and see!

It seemed like a long time ago, and it seemed like just a moment. When Xiao Chen burst and fell, the entire Hongmengong space shuddered, and then a crack appeared silently above the blood king's head. The opening to the cracked space is the endless star field. On a piece of shard that is only a hundred feet in size, a black robe monk sits cross-legged, and then there appears a moment in the crack, and the silent fingerlessly drops instantly.

The next moment, the world's most dazzling golden shot was instantaneous, and turned into a golden graceful small sword shot. Although this small golden sword is small in size, it seems to be the sharpest existence in the world, but it is formed by the origin of gold!

The blood king already had 120,000 points of fear in his heart as soon as Xiao Chen shot, but the space can be superimposed on the four roots, which is less than self-injury and hard to prevent shots, which is enough to bind him for several breaths and cannot move.

"Four Origins!"

The Blood King confessed that he had watched Xiao Chen high enough, but he did not expect that he still looked down on him. It is already the **** of luck that can gain a source in this world. There may be one person, but Xiao Chen can actually get four roots in the human world, which is far beyond his imagination.

Devoured Xiao Chen and snatched everything he had!

The blood king roared madly, but the trickiest thing at the moment was to resist the small golden sword.

The Origin of Gold!

It is another original breath. The blood king's eyes are jumping sharply. It is a very rare original power in the Xiaoqian Realm and even in the Daqian Realm. Now in this small realm, there are actually five consecutive. If general events were to be publicized enough to cause an earthquake in the Daqian Realm, there would be countless mighty monks robbing one after another, and rigorously investigating whether there is any secret in this floating world.

"Blocking!" The blood king roared wildly. At the moment of life and death, this person could no longer hide anything. At the eyebrow of that blood body, a **** vortex appeared silently and silently, just like within his blood eyes. The illusory blood glow emerged from it instantly.

At this moment, the golden sword was less than three feet away from the heart of the blood king's eyebrow, and the next moment it directly touched the blood. Feng Rui can cut the gold origin of all things in the world. This time, he is trapped in this blood, and it seems like he is falling into a quagmire. The speed of his advance suddenly becomes extremely slow, but he continues to be depressed.

Xiao Chen's face was pale, but at the moment he was jumping hard.


This blood king can use the blood power supernatural power to resist the origin of gold, then there is only one explanation, and this person also has the power of an origin!


The golden sword pierced two inches of the blood king's eyebrow. Yin red blood flowed out of the wound and dripped down his face. This made the blood king extremely distressed for a while. "Stop the king!" Trembling, but could not continue to penetrate.

At the same time, there was another explosive sound in the void, but it was the blood gun and the shop that slammed it away to avoid it. The spirit **** instantly merged into the gun body and fell into the blood king. One shot was in his hand. This blood Wang's momentum soared again.

"Xiao Chen, I admit that you really have a lot of means, but today you still can't seal the king of the town. With this source of gold, you can't kill me!"

"Since the King is not dead, the dead person can only be you!"

The gun head refers to Xiao Chen, but the golden sword is still piercing the eyebrow. The origin of the gold damage, it needs to be forced out slowly with the power of the origin, otherwise the injury will never recover.

The shop flashed a little light and appeared directly in Xiao Chen's hands. At this moment, when he heard this, he flashed the meaning of madness in his eyes. "Xiao Chen's shot was always thoughtful. Today, I will see if I can cut off your avatar! "

"Small shop, you and my brother joined forces and beheaded him!"

Xiao Chen opened his mouth, and Xiao Chen's complexion went completely pale. He even shrank and couldn't maintain the size of 50,000 feet. All the mana in his body rolled out. In order to explode to the blow, Xiao Chen even sacrifice his life and madly merged into the shop.

Perceiving the mad murder in Xiao Chen's heart, the shop didn't say much. A horror sword bursting enough to break the sky and destroying a reopened era burst out from its body. At this moment, it fell silently.

The sword fell, and the space of 500,000 miles shuddered at the same time, then collapsed directly. The magic power has not yet exploded, and it already has this power.

The blood king's pupils contracted violently. At this moment, he was about to take a shot, but his face changed instantly. Angrily roared in his mouth, "Damn, you old man has been completely swallowed by the king, why can you restrain me!" This person The roar was terrified.

"Even if the old man is dead, he will distract you from death!" Another voice came out of the fifty thousand feet of blood. It was the old man who was swallowed by the blood king, and his hatred burst from the sky.

This old man did not know what kind of means he used to save his true spirit. At this moment, the crisis situation suddenly shot, making the blood king Yuanshen restrained, and he could not make any resistance in the face of Xiao Chen's beheading. However, this shot was to explode all his remaining power, and the old man Yuanshen collapsed completely.

After this stop, the shop has been cut off. The blood king's eyes suddenly dimmed, holding the blood gun firmly in his hand, blocking it from coming forward, because the sword couldn't be stopped by its power, and forcing a shot didn't make sense.

Tens of thousands of years of painstaking planning, seeing that today's situation can be achieved, it is only a matter of time to get away, but today all of this is because Xiao Chen was born and broke, it seems that the two are already doomed to the enemy.

"Xiao Chen, you remember, even if you can temporarily close the king again, but one day, the king will definitely break Kaifeng town and return again, and then it will no longer be this avatar, only hope You can have enough self-protection by then, or you will die! "

"You and me, there will be a goodbye period in the future!"

The blood king roared down, and Jianmang chopped.

With the origin of Jin hit hard, the blood king's avatar couldn't resist, a big skull came to the sky, and it was directly shredded by the origin of Jin into powder to dissipate. The bodyless headless body fell suddenly, and the body quickly shrank during the fall. To the size of an ordinary person, it is crystal clear, like a gemstone, but the most weird point is that the neck is flat as a mirror, and there is no trace of blood flowing out.

The next moment, the **** mountain peak collapsed and turned into endless **** gravel.

The fissure of the town was broken, and the blood king was killed and killed every time. If he wanted to be born, it would take a long time to accumulate.

Xiao Chen looked calm, looking at the headless body, his eyes flickered, and said lightly: "Relax, even if you don't come to me in the future, Xiao Chen will go to you."

"We will have a period later!

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