Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 220: Jade Jane Passes Through to the True World

[This volume is coming to an end. A new volume will rise to the Xiaoqian Realm. There will be a more magnificent world waiting for Xiao Chen. I hope that all your friends will witness his growth with me. ({Bayi [[Fiction [{? 网 {W> WW.81ZW.COM 4th more, bow before stepping down, ask for votes.]

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Although the battle of Dongxuanzhou was conducted in Hongmeng Palace, the results of this battle still passed through the entire cultivation world in just ten days through some channels: in this vein, Hongmengong Palace plus five ancient ethnic groups were removed from the cultivation world Endogenous eradication, no one in the clan survived, and preliminary estimates are that the number of dead and injured was more than 10 million. As soon as the news came out, it caused the turmoil in the entire world of cultivation. Xiao Chen's fierce reputation was as high as the sky, and countless monks were heartbroken.

The slaying of thousands of souls is so fierce that it is enough to make countless magic Taos cruel. After the war was calm in January, there was no follow-up action after Xiao Chen slaughtered the Hongmeng Palace, allowing the waves to gradually ease.

As a monk of the Nanzhao Kingdom Jinlin Sect, Yiqi was close to Zhao Guo, and he could not retreat for more than half a month. When he had exhausted all the necessary elixir, he had to go to nearby Fang City. Fortunately, Fang City He was deserted but not abnormal, which made him feel better. At this moment, Qiqi is negotiating with a monk selling spiritual grass in the city of Fang. As a young monk in the late period of foundation building, each spiritual stone must save a few petals, and after seeing it for a long time, you will be satisfied. The price of this purple phosphorus flower was won, but suddenly there were countless noises and scolds in the north of Fang City, and it was so powerful that it seemed to have thousands of monks fighting and fighting.

The stall owner was already impatient and entangled with Seventeen, so he cleaned up the stall and went to see the excitement, so that Seventeen was cursing in his heart.

"Grandma, what happened? Laozi wasted an hour of saliva in vain!" Yiqi licked some dry lips and squeezed people to the source of movement.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Too **** bullies, this kind of deep hatred is not reported, we monks have bought all a piece of tofu and knocked ourselves to death, lest we continue to be embarrassed here, and we will see you faceless in the future. Dear seniors. "

"Revenge, my family must absolutely take revenge!"

"Kill the superiors, slaughter their hundreds of millions of people, and make justice for my ancestors!"

"Dam them!"

At this moment, the entire northern city of Fang had turned into a chaos. Numerous monks' eyes were red, and they were roaring fiercely, like a bull, angry, and extremely scared.

What seems to be wrong at this moment.

Seventeen eyes lighted up. When he saw a good monk in the city of Pingrifang, he opened his mouth and called out, "Dongfeng Daoyou, what happened, why are you so excited?"

The monk named Dongfeng had a cold face, and at this moment heard the words without speaking, and handed a jade bamboo slip to his hand. The jade bamboo jade is ordinary and milky white, but it is the simplest picture and shadow jade bamboo jade, which can be produced by ordinary monks.

At this moment, only 17 pieces of jade Jank are found in the hands of the monk here. Is it related to the recorded matter? This man jumped fiercely in his heart, and then couldn't wait to get Yuan Shen into it.

The next moment, Seventeen's body shook, just because a lot of vast maps kept passing in front of him.

Within the endless star field, countless monks stand upright, with a flash of light on their bodies and a strong spirit. The coercion from each person's body is enough to make the world tremble.


Deep in the star field, there are big 6 suspended in it, and the luster of the forbidden road flashes endlessly. The palace is built with luxurious atmosphere, trees are full of vitality, and thousands of monsters inhabit it. There are many monks living on this mysterious starfield big 6, but their brows are filled with a rune of flame-like jumping, mysterious and unusual between jumping.


Thousands of monks desperately fight in the void, magical means shattered the entire void, countless powerful monks bloodshed, and the entire big 6 was completely destroyed in the crazy fight, countless temples collapsed, the forest was dead, and the soul was extinct.


In the depths of the Big Six, there are nine mountain peaks standing in the sky, magnificent. At the foot of the mountain, there is a huge basin, and the clouds and mists are unreal. However, Yingying Chuokuo seems to have some kind of vine growing in it. A figure screamed from a distance. This man was majestic, his body was shattered in the surrounding space between breath tremors, and countless restraints were exploded, but he couldn't stop his pace. But somehow, this person's face is extremely vague, as if shrouded in a layer of mist, but his eyes are extremely clear, and the contamination of the light bursts out, which seems to penetrate the whole world


Above the vast sky, the two figures fought fiercely, the space collapsed between their hands. One of them was an old man, the flame of his eyebrows raging around, his eyes filled with anger and he drunk endlessly. The other was a majestic man, who was silent, but powerful and terrible! The old man didn't support it. He was hit by the man's magical power and the blood rain blew for a while.


Wan Zhang's arm protruded from within nothingness, arrogant and invincible, like the ancient gods and fiercely shot down at that majestic man. Facing the bombardment of this arm, the man scolded him from the sky with an endless sorrow, his body turned into a streamer, screamed through the space, rushed towards that arm, and went forward.


Over a vast sea, the man wept with blood, holding a cloth cloth in his hand. The picture went silently and silently, but at this moment suddenly came the voice of unwillingness to drink.

"My world prepares for 100,000 years and counterattacks the superiors. At this moment, they are still defeated, and 150,000 friends are stunned. I am unwilling!

"What is the existence of the so-called clans? How can the thousands of monks in my community be willing to be nurtured by others!"

"Today, my generation is dead and gone, but the tinder is not extinguished. One day, our descendants will continue to move forward, vowing to break all these mysteries, and return to me!"

The man yelled, his voice was sorrowful, and between the heavens and the earth, the wind and the sea changed. The man instantly tore the residual image into three pieces, threw his hand into the world, and the figure collapsed and disappeared into the fly ash. But when the man's figure dissipated, there was a final picture coming out. Under the nine peaks, in the valley, the clouds were scattered by the wind, some blood vines were densely packed, and each rattan was entwined. The end of a monk pierced his head. Within this valley, the number of monks was endless, and their brows were clean,


My monks are not afraid of bitterness, hardships, or robberies, even if the killing is serious, there is no regret!

My monks have unwillingness and unyielding intentions, even if they are never revived, they never bow their heads.

My monk, one day, he will break the cricket, and put all those tens of thousands of years of calamity on him!

My monk, even if it is silent for thousands of years, we must not forget this, and we must not forget it!

Never forget, never forget, never forget,


Frames passed in front of me, and a roar roared and throbbed in the chest, making Seventeen seem to be standing among the ancient ancestors, watching them fight desperately, and counterattack Starfield 6, but died without regret.

Since setting foot in the realm of cultivation, a long-lost excitement has appeared in his heart, making Qi Qi want to roar loudly, and he can kill violently by killing and killing.

The picture scroll slowly disappeared, and the sound disappeared. The entire jade slippery fell into a dim atmosphere, but at this moment, a figure of a monk standing upright in a green robe appeared, carrying his hands, his face was slightly blurred and unreal.

"My name is Xiao Chen." The monk Qingpao started, his voice roaring like a **** roaring, and drilled into the one-seven yuan god, making his body tense for an instant. Regarding this fierce name in the realm of cultivation, it is rumored to kill ten million people. The horror of living beings is just as awesome and terrifying in his heart.

"You have waited until the picture scroll was read, but it was obtained in this early years. You can swear by the demon to show that there is no falsehood, only because I have been to the Starfield 6 and I have fought with the monk. I have killed blood vines raised by my ancestors. "

"To spread this jade brief all over the world today, I want to spread this dust to the endless years in the long river, so that my countless monks can know how much suffering my family experienced before the ancient times! Tens of thousands of years ago, 150,000 ancestors desperately resisted. Although they eventually died, they broke up the captives of the tribe and returned you and I to survive in the human world. Otherwise, I am afraid that you will still be harvested at any time. . "

"Although the Shang tribe has retreated, my tribe ca n’t just forget it like this after suffering. But if there is a hot-blood tribe in your chest, see the scroll in the jade bamboo slips in your hands. Among them are the fallen and even killed senior monks. There may be ancestors of you and me. With such great hatred, the water of heaven and earth cannot be washed away. Only the blood of the enemy ’s heart can elute the stigma of tens of thousands of years in the imprint of our lives. The dead soul rests! "

"Dongxuanzhou Huangji Family Hongmeng Palace was controlled by the upper clan's evil conspiracy, and the four ancient families of Mo, Mu, Shang, and Yun's families all helped to help them. This time, they used thunder to kill them. Hongmeng Palace and the four ancient groups completely wiped out the last remnants of the upper class in our world! From today, Dongxuanzhou will be renamed Hongmeng Hall. This seat will re-create the Hongmeng vein and take the millennium to enhance the overall strength of the spiritual world In the next millennium, this seat will break the upper clan to seal the town of human world, and then start the road of ascension. After that, anyone who has been cultivated above the realm can get spiritual guidance without suffering under the avenue. Struggling! "

"This is the end of this statement. The vast expanse of Zhao Guoxiao's family and the great expanse of Han Hai's forbidden ancestors have opened a transmission line to reach the Hongmeng Hall. The heart of the **** people can come here!"

At this point, the content of Yujian disappeared, and the figure of the monk Qingpao disappeared.

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