Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 222: Retreat 26,400

[First more! The update two days ago was too fierce. Suddenly the existing manuscripts were exhausted and wept with tears. Today, the fifth volume of Morrow World is over. Ask for votes! Ask for tickets! 】

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Within the human body's retreat, Zuo Mei, the meditating practice, swallowing the alchemy, and the monk of the Hongmeng Temple should have been prepared. [Eight One Chinese << W) W] W]. ] 8] 1? ZW. Com

The ancient avatars and space avatars had already been ousted long after the Hongmeng Palace was destroyed. The former still returned to the North China State Mujia Mo Grottoes, while the space avatars ran into the chaotic space. To him, although the left eyebrow dojo has a gap of 3o times, it is not the most suitable place for cultivation.


2oo years.

3oo years.


There are no years of comprehension, and the agreed period of 88o has reached the blink of an eye.

Among the mountain peaks, a black stone fell quietly in the water and was washed away by the river for thousands of years. I don't know how many places have been moved, but today it is still the same, and the shape of the body has not changed.

There were a few grass carp wandering leisurely in the stream, but at this moment they seemed to be frightened, and their eyes widened. The next moment, a flash of aura, a figure of a monk in green robe appeared on the stream instantly, beckoned slightly, and took the black stone into his hands.

This Qingpao monk is naturally Xiao Chen.

Outside 88o, within the left eyebrow dojo, it was a full 264oo!

On the stream, Monk Xiao Chen had his hands on his shoulders, and a slight smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. At this moment, he did not use any magical powers, but his body was standing firmly in the void, which gave people a sense of integration into the void. See, even if it is swept away, he can't detect his figure.

Late fit.

In this 264oo year, Xiao Chen had a great harvest. He could n’t help but reach the limit of fit in one fell swoop. He flew into the body with the power of the blood in his body and slowly nourished. The degree of arrogance soared several times. Even if you don't need a little magical power, you can completely destroy the whole world of cultivation. The second realm of mysterious work "Xuantian" has reached its peak level, and it is only one step away from breaking through the third realm of Taihuang.

Today's Xiao Chen is relatively numerous before the retreat. If he faces the blood king's avatar again, he can be killed by the human race alone.

At this moment, his dark eyes flickered slightly, and he murmured, "It's almost the same time, and I should start." Whispering, Xiao Chen stepped forward, and the figure instantly disappeared into the sky.

Moments later, when Xiao Chen's figure reappeared, it appeared on the vast sea, hundreds of miles away, and a huge island appeared in sight.

Dong Xuanzhou, now renamed Hongmeng Temple, has become a sacred place in the hearts of all monks in the entire human world, integrating all monks' level alliances. Looking from a distance, the light on the entire East Xuanzhou continuously lights up, and the innumerable faint breath is enough to show that this island has hidden incalculable monks.

The appearance of Xiao Chen appeared, and a monk passed by him without showing anything. Even if they went straight to Xiao Chen, they would be moved away unconsciously. This subtle use of space magic has already been recognized by ordinary monks. know.

"Hundreds of years have not yet passed, Hongmeng Temple is all normal." Xiao Chen nodded with satisfaction. At that time, he spread the word to the world and integrated all monks in order to fulfill the promises to countless ancestors and help the entire cultivation community become stronger. Now it seems The results are pretty good.

Stepping forward, Xiao Chen's figure disappeared again.

The Baizhang Hongmeng Palace is suspended in the high altitude of Manzhang. It is the most important place of the Hongmeng Temple. There are around 1o8 peaks and nearly 50o resident monks guarding them. There are more than 10,000 monks who are responsible for patrolling and maintaining order on a daily basis.

Those who want to pay homage to the monk of Hongmeng Palace can only fall on the peak of 1o8 far away.

In the space fluctuations, Xiao Chen's figure emerged. At this moment, his mouth slightly tilted, his face revealing and smirking, but he did not continue to cover his body shape. In the void, he went straight to the main body of Hongmeng Palace. This scene fell into countless surroundings. In the eyes of the monks, they immediately became furious.

"Where did the monk dare to break into my Hongmeng Palace!"

"Abominable, breaking into the Holy Land without guilty of sin!"

"In exchange for patrol guards, take this frustrated monk and punish him severely, otherwise what is the prestige of my holy place?"

But at the next moment, the roar of these monks came to an abrupt halt, just because the Baizhang Hongmeng Palace suddenly burst into endless golden light, and cheerfully jumped around the side of the monk in the sky, which seemed to be coquettish.

A golden passageway emerged from the Hongmeng Palace. Taking four beautiful women as examples, a number of monks and monks who had lived in seclusion for a long time appeared, but in the face of the blue robe monk, they were very respectful and dare not lose anything. .

It was in the eyes of countless monks that the monk in the green robe smiled and dispelled the Jin Mang around him, and looked at each other with four beautiful women, and then embraced them one by one, and then they disappeared into the Hongmeng Palace during the welcome.

"Xiao Chen, this is Xiao Chen!"

"It is rumored that the Lord has not appeared for hundreds of years, and I did not expect to see me today!"

"Fortunately, I haven't smashed the Lord Lord before I waited. Otherwise, even if the Lord doesn't blame, the old man will be uneasy."


The Hongmeng Palace has its own space. As the lord, Xiao Chen owns his own temple on the highest peak, which is the forbidden area of ​​the Hongmeng Palace. No monks are allowed to approach. This time Xiao Chen returned, it was necessary to properly handle everything in the Hongmeng Palace, so that he could safely break through the ancient town of Wangufeng and rise to the spiritual realm.

Dispelled a group of monks, only Xiao Chen and four apostles remained.

The Hongmeng Temple was an ancient treasure. Xiao Chen slashed the blood king's clone. Then he conquered the treasure and became the Hongmeng Temple treasure. Now he was transferred to Ziyan to take charge.

Although Xiao Chen integrated all monks in the realm of the world to improve the level of self-cultivation of the entire world of realm, the real power must be in the hands of those close to him, otherwise everything he does today is likely to be abandoned after his departure, leaving the Hongmeng Temple apart .

Hongmeng Palace was handed over to Ziyan, and many Taoist people, Ji Laoguai, and the Dragon King received the gifts of Xiao Chen's four six-pin monsters, so there should be no accidents.

Four monsters of the sixth grade, each of the four gangsters controlled one.

Since then, Xiao Chen has repeatedly summoned high-level monks in the Hongmeng Palace and talked for a long time, which took 1o days.

On the last day, Chen Xiao and Xiao Chen would leave. This night, Zi Yan, Yue Wu, Qing Mei, and Li Xiaoyi were completely released, and they were sleeping with Xiao Chen, demanding nothing. ** One night until bright colors appeared in the east Only then fell asleep.

Xiao Chen cleaned up, looked deeply at the four women on the bed, turned and strode away.

On the ivory bed, the corners of the eyes of four women pretending to be sleeping fell out of crystal tears.


In the void, there is a monk in blue robe moving forward, black floating, hunting in blue robe.

Xiao Chen ’s path has been around for nearly 2ooo years. From the original disciple in the central area of ​​Luoyun Valley to the lord of today ’s Hongmeng Temple, the cultivation has been earth-shattering, and it can't match the world.

After countless **** fights and conspiracy calculations during this period, until today he is considered to be at the peak of the world without any fear. But this is only the realm of the strongest in the realm. There are even more magnificent worlds in the Xiaoqian Realm and even the Daqian Realm waiting for him to break out, so he has to ascend, enter a higher level of space, and constantly complete his own transformation, toward the heart. Go forward.

But before that, he has one more thing to do.

Zhao Guobei Huazhou, Xiaocheng outside Xiaocheng, Xiaocheng can be seen near, and the former residence at Taoyuan Garden can be seen from afar. The two graves are quiet here, and the wind and rain have hit the millennium. Take care, it does not seem barren.

However, today there was light rain and the cold wind was Xiaoxiao, but it was slightly lonely and deserted. Just at this moment, in the void space, a monk's figure slowly emerged, his eyes fell on the head of the grave, his face suddenly became soft.

Xiao Chen did not perform magical powers to block the rain, and allowed him to wet his green robe and stick black to his forehead. In the eyes of an outsider, he is the Lord of Hongmeng Temple, who is above all, who is a peerless strongman who has been sanctified, but here he is just the son of an ordinary couple.

The robe fell to his knees, Xiao Chen did not avoid the wet mud on the ground, respectfully, and whispered: "The baby is here to say goodbye to my parents. Tomorrow I will take a shot with the five brothers who are justified and break through the ages. Feng Zhen was ascended to the spiritual realm, and I would like to come back later, I do not know what year or month. "

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