Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 223: The next day of Jiuxing

[Second more! Today's update for friends, just because the maintenance broke the network, sad. [Bayi (Fiction? Web? W? W? W>.) 8> 1> Z? W>.? C] O} M? Now, if nothing unexpected happens, the bun is struggling in the code ...]

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"Stepping on the road, so far, it is almost 2ooo. During this period, the child was killed and killed. He never said a bitterness and was tired. Although his hands were stained with blood, he still remembered that his father and his father made a point in the world. Do n’t kill innocent people, do n’t have evil intentions. These kids think they have done it, and they will do the same in the future, so please rest assured, my father. ”

"Ziyan, Yuewu, Qingmei, Xiaoyi have now become Xiao Jia's children, and the children have taken them to meet their parents. They have not brought them here today. In the future, when the children are not there, they will often visit their parents. I am afraid that the succession of his mother's heirloom could not be realized for the time being, but the children will work hard to live, and my Xiao family will not break the incense, this mother need not remember. "


Xiao Chen spoke calmly and whispered a lot. In 2ooo years, many distresses that could not be told to others, and the thoughts in her heart were not concealed at all.

I don't know how long, Xiao Chen got up, the Qingpao was already soaked, looking at the heads of his parents, his eyes gradually calmed down.

"Farewell to the second old today. In the future, the baby will definitely return to worship." Whispered, turned and strode away, the outer robe was instantly dried, and the black fluttering and pulsating behind the back, the ancient demon avatar, space avatar Figures appeared at the same time, at this moment the next step was taken, and at the same time integrated into the human race.

Above the void, the dark clouds of the sky dissipated without warning, and the sun shone on the head of the grave, shining on the back of the blue robe, and disappeared in a flash.


Deep in the wilderness, above the peak, six figures stood up against the wind, letting the wind sway the robes to hunt and hunt.

"Today, you and my six brothers joined forces to fight the battle, and it is bound to break the town of Wangu. Otherwise, not only will I not be able to take off, but countless souls from both circles will continue to be sealed for endless years." The dragon king whispered, this peerless monster looks So solemn.

Kitaniko and others looked at each other. The former stepped forward and said, "Sixth brother, after discussing with me and five people, when we decide to break the seal, we will take the lead and fight for the maximum consumption of the power of the spirit of Vanguard. At that time, you will be blown by the Xeon, and then blow it out. "

"I think about this very carefully. Sixth Brother is the strongest among my six brothers. The key blow must be yours."

The King of the Phoenix nodded, "Four brothers are right, six brothers, I'll see if I can ascend to the spirit world, and I'll see you today." With the five-person magical powers, I have tried three times, and all were defeated by the spirit of the ancient town of Fenggu. Naturally, they can only pin their hopes on Xiao Chen.

"Okay, this is subject to the instructions of your elder brothers." Xiao Chen responded, his face suddenly changed slightly, and said, "It's started!"

As the words fell, the sky suddenly changed. Nine dark shadows gradually appeared, forming a mysterious image shadow around the scorching sun. A strange force immediately fell from the sky, causing the spiritual power in the heavens and the earth to gradually riot.

The sky was dark, and stars appeared in the sky, but this time it was faint.

On the next day of Jiuxing, the power of the stars in the anime will be opposed to each other, which will offset the power of each other to the greatest extent. When the next day of Jiuxing is completely formed, it is Xiao Chen's best shot. opportunity.

Throughout the practice world, countless monks stopped practicing today, and all looked up at the vision of the sky, their faces glowing with red eyes. Only because Lord Xiao Chen had said that he would break through the town of Shang clan and reopen the portal of the ascension of spirits in the vision of heaven and earth today.

Outside the sacred place Hongmeng Palace, four women's clothes fluttered in the void, and their hands were twisted together in the sleeves of their wide robes, because at this moment their men were forcibly breaking the feudal ascension of the spiritual realm.

Not far from the four women, there was the whole body wearing armor and wearing a gold mask to protect the temple guard. A proud female repair guard was standing upright, and she was faintly exposed outside. In the first battle of the Hongmeng Palace, the four ancient peoples suffered heavy casualties. The ordinary people were almost extinct, but there were many survivors among the monks. Xiao Chen did not kill them all, but erased their memories and entered the Hongmeng palace. Becoming a guard of the temple was to save them by such means.


The world was turbulent and the spiritual tide burst.

The nine stars burst every day, and the star power contended, leading to a wave of spiritual power in the entire world of cultivation. The wild winds emerged from the void, rolling up the dust and noise.

it has started!

At the top of the Xiongfeng, Xiao Chen and six others suddenly lifted up, and the majestic and mighty burst out of the body, implying supreme warfare, never going back.

The six strong breaths soared into the sky and instantly attracted the attention of countless monks in the entire world of cultivation. In the world of human beings, after a few tens of thousands of years, after all, monks have ascended to the spiritual realm and broke the seal!

"It must win!"

"Sir Lord will surely succeed!"

"Long live Lord!"

Countless monks roared madly, their faces showed fanatical worship, and after thousands of years, the power of the Lord Xiao Chen was still deeply imprinted in their gods, and they would never be wiped out forever.

call out!

call out!

The six figures scattered the powerful light from the outside and shot into the sky like a shooting star across the sky, struck through the most dazzling light, and rushed upward, toward the endless star field toward the layer of high winds.

The battlefield to break through Wangufeng Town must be within the star field, otherwise the violent energy fluctuations will completely destroy the whole human world.

Xiao Chen had his hands on his shoulders, his face was calm, his body shuttled through the void, and he could be strangled by the squall wind, but he could not hurt it. Ancient books record that there is a gust of wind blocking Xiuzhen outside the monk. But today, in the midst of the squall, six figures hurriedly shuttled, and the aura of light flickered outside, blocking all the horrible tearing forces.

call out!

Rushing out of the wind, stepping outside the star of Xiuzhen, there is the vast star field in front of him, and behind it is a huge star of Xiuzhen. At this moment, it is slowly moving along the immortal traces.

"The Nine Stars have been completed the next day, and the power of Vanguard Town will be weakened to the minimum within an hour, and I will wait for my brother to take a shot!" The King of Dragons roared, the figure suddenly changed, the avatar body was full-scale, with four feet under the belly. The first-born horn, wearing black scale armor, burst from his body with a violent raging atmosphere.

This peerless monster is directly manifesting itself at this moment, which shows that we value the war.

The Qinghuang Wang Jiao sang, and suddenly the colorful light glowed, and immediately transformed into a demon-sized demon body, Fengmu sharp claws, full of colorful feathers outside the body, extremely dignified, at this moment the dual-hold stretching suddenly shrieked.

Beiguzi, Xiguzi and Dongguzi looked dignified, and they took a step forward. When they drank, the majestic pressure suddenly emerged. The three of them were faintly entangled with each other and swept away from the four wastelands and the eight poles.

"Six brothers, I waited for five people to take the shot first, which weakened the power of this ancient town to the greatest extent, and the rest is up to you!"


Beiguzi drank and drank. Both Xiguzi and Dongguzi stepped back and fell on both sides of his body at the same time, and stretched out with one hand to land on his shoulder. The vast mana in the body generally burst out.

"Gu Gu Rong Ling, evolved the true spirit of the ancient ancestor, long bow shot broken heaven and earth!"


The three roared at the same time, and the outside world was soaring and tumultuous. It turned out to be an old man wearing a black robe and losing weight. The man's face was vague, his figure was a bit illusory, and he held Zhang Yu's black long bow. The appearance of this old figure, although it was a ghostly condensed, without any trace of breath, it gave people a sense of extreme danger.

Just at this moment, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely solid, and his eyes seemed to penetrate the limits of time and space. From that ancient time, he was keen and firm!


This old man in black robes made a step forward, sinking down, sitting on a horse, holding a long bow to point the sky, pinching the strings with two fingers, and pulling back silently and silently. A dazzling bright color was born from within nothingness, quickly condensed on the bow strings, and gradually formed. In the end, it turned into a sharp arrow, facing away from the sky, and the endless sharpness spread out from this bow and arrow. He wanted to completely destroy the entire space, and the space of 50,000 miles was shattered.

Xiao Chen's face was dignified. The combination of Beiguzi, Xiguzi and Dongguzi could actually perform such a powerful cross-strike technique and summon the ancient ancestors to manifest themselves. This arrow is absolutely earth-shattering. But at this moment, his face changed slightly, and he suddenly lifted up, just to see the endless void, countless lines of vertical and horizontal lines arranged in accordance with some law appeared at the end of the line of sight. This line came from the void, and fell into the other end of the void, without seeing the source but not the end. They were densely connected to each other into a huge net, covering the entire star field. Under this big net, Xiao Chen and others The six were like tiny ants.

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