Tutt and three other Yaksha monks carefully followed, and at this moment a miserable sudden came from the front, which was that of Bogardi. [<{?

The three looked slightly changed, then drove out of the light, and looked at the black body on the ground, the blood flowing out of the corpse from the corners of their mouths, and the pupils couldn't help shrinking sharply.

"Night shark poison!"

Bogaddy's death was a poisonous thing called the "Yark Shark Poison" in the Yasha clan. Even if the monk did not fall into the realm, he would die if he did not inhale into the nose. He was extremely poisonous. Anything dying from this poison will also become a highly toxic infectious body.

The three of Tutt stepped back and forth, and didn't even think about the storage bag on Bogadi's body. They didn't want to lose their lives because of this.

"Bogadi came here late at night, there must be something, and this is a wild country, how could there be a night shark poison here." Tutzhao's face showed his thoughts, and then his eyes flickered, saying : "Separate here to search, be careful not to touch the trap."

The other two Yasha people nodded, and the three spread out, avoiding Bogadi's body to investigate carefully.

A moment later, a surprise came, and Tut leaned forward quickly.


Looking at the faint light flashing behind the vines, the three of Tute were shocked and happy. The yaksha tribe is a group race, all of which are subject to the restrictions of the elders in the clan. They need to complete the tasks within the clan every hundred years, otherwise they will be punished, so most of the yaksha live in the city. However, there are also a few strong Yasha clan powers who can live in the mountains and open caves by themselves without being restricted by the clan rules. Therefore, in the domain of the Yasha clan, any monk who lives in the wild must be the powerful man.

If these masters of the Yasha clan ’s caves fall or move away, they are likely to leave a lot of treasures, and the Yaksha people who have obtained the opportunity from these years are definitely not a minority. And there is no atmosphere of the Yasha people in this cave house, then it shows that this cave house is a land without a master.

Thinking of this, three yaksha people such as Tutt irreversibly gave birth to fiery colors, and they finally understood why Bogadi came here, presumably he must have been here by day.

"Hey, two friends, it seems that today you are destined for me, that Bogadi is just a way for you and me." Tutt licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Since so, you and I broke the prohibition together Treasures are evenly divided. "

"Good!" The other two Yasha monks nodded.

The three immediately came over, and felt that the current Dongfu ban was not strong, and the face was even more joyful. First, they waved a few layers of prohibition to prevent people from detecting the movement here, and they shot at the same time while yelling.

The three Yasha people raised their hands to take out the magic weapon and went straight to Dongfu.

The treasure fell, and the prohibition was directly broken. There was no resistance at all, as if waiting for his three hands to act. This situation suddenly made the three Yasha monks face confused.

But at this moment, the three's faces changed suddenly, and in exclaim, their bodies flew into the cave uncontrollably without any sound.

In the cave, a monk in a blue robe stood silently. At this moment, his eyes were slowly opened. As for the three Yasha monks, they had broken the Yuanshen because of a forced soul search.

"Yaksha clan?" Master Qingpa murmured, a pair of dark eyes on Junxiu's face flickered a little, then his hand flashed a little, and he took out a black robe and put it on his body, and stepped out.

This Qingpao monk is naturally Xiao Chen.

The force of the spiritual world was drawn into the violent space channel that day. Xiao Chen tried his best to rely on the power of the space to master the origin of the space. This could barely save his life, but he was thrown into the mountain forest and was carefully hidden. Here he was treated for injuries, and he had carefully detected the small night city but did not dare to be too public. However, only by performing a search of the souls of the three Yasha monks, Xiao Chen finally understood his current situation. At this moment, he is indeed a true spiritual world, but it is not in the realm of the human race, but within the scope of the Yasha people.

The spirit world is vast and immense. I don't know how many billions of miles there are, and there are countless races of all sizes. After evolving through the ages, various races divide each other's spiritual realms according to their strengths and confront each other.

There are millions of spiritual realms, countless powerful people, and the vastness of the world is far beyond the limit of Xiao Chen's imagination. This is the place where the real strong are standing. He is invincible in the human world, but exists in the realm from the real peak There are still countless differences. However, despite this, Xiao Chen was not discouraged. Instead, his heart was full of warfare, and a long-lost sense of oppression emerged from his heart. He must seize the time to improve.

However, the most important thing right now is to find a way to return to the human race. Otherwise, in the foreign race, if the identity of the monks who have been exposed to the above realms is shot, even if Xiao Chen has three heads and six arms, he is definitely not an enemy.

Stepping out of the cave, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he said lightly, "Why, don't you want to continue pretending to be unsuccessful, and by your means, you can't conceal the insight of this seat of God." Yasha language.

The voice fell, and beyond the cave house, Bogadi, whose dead body was dark, suddenly opened his eyes suddenly, bitter in his eyes. At this moment, he hurriedly turned back, saluting politely, "The younger Bogardi, met the seniors." This man's frown was slightly unaware of the breath of the Yasha people from the senior in front of him, but at this moment he was frightened, and only thought that Xiao Chen was practicing some kind of profound astringent magical power.

"The junior today is by no means intentionally offensive. Just because there is no senior atmosphere in this cave, the junior thinks it is a land without a master.

This person was afraid to speak, but his voice was extremely sincere.

Xiao Chen didn't look impressed. This man had already noticed when the Dongfu was banned during the day. He saw that he was pretending to be a dead man to detect danger with the help of his fellow monks. For a moment of silence, it wasn't until that Bogardi's face was white and sweaty, and then he started to say, "The time when this ascension of the spirit world was not long ago, I didn't know many things, but I couldn't blame you. But these three people shot and broke my cave house, This block killed him, presumably the family should not be held accountable for this. "

Bogaddy nodded again and again and said, "The predecessors said well, my Yasha tribe always respects the strong, and Tut and others dare to offend the predecessors because they blame themselves, naturally **** it, and have nothing to do with the predecessors. Keep your mouth tight and never mention it to others. "

Xiao Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then pretended to open his mouth casually, and said lightly: "This is the ascension of the spiritual realm, the Yuanshen was injured by the light of the spirit pole, and it needs to recuperate the grass to recover, but for some reasons, I am not convenient to enter the ethnic group. If you ask, you can help me collect some and send them. "

The physical injury was almost fully recovered at the moment, but Xiao Chen Yuanshen was injured by something similar to a white aurora in the ascending channel. Even if he swallowed the spiritual meditation practice, he could not cure it. The white aurora is called the Spirit Aurora. Once the Ascension Monk is injured, he must restore the grass with the spirits unique to the spirit world to restore it. Otherwise, it can only be done in vain.

Bogaddy's heart moved slightly, and his face suddenly became pale.

"Why, you can't get this seat if you can raise your heart, so why use it for you?" Xiao Chen said coldly.

Bogadi's face was white, and he even said, "The predecessors are slow and angry, and the sacred grass is dedicated to the damage of the spiritual light. It is the thing that the ethnic group prepares for the ascending monk. Although it is not rare, it belongs to the racial reserve spirit and must not be allowed. Ordinary people keep it private, otherwise it would be a felony. "

"Although the younger generations have some ways to collect several plants for the seniors each month, but this requires a lot of spiritual stones to clear the joints, and the younger generations are shy, so they have more than enough heart. "

Xiao Chen was expressionless and coldly said, "Lingshi this seat will give it to you, but you need to deliver at least five plants with me every month, otherwise you will blame this man for being ruthless." A restraint broke into Bogardi's body, and then a flash of light flashed over a bag into Pogadi's hand.

"There are millions of spirit stones in the storage bag, which are enough for you to receive the spiritual grass. As long as you are working sincerely for this seat, when I leave, naturally you will not lose your benefit, hum, if you have something in mind, this With every thought, banning explosions will naturally make you worse off. "

"In addition, internal restraint requires this seat to be suppressed once a month. You must remember to return on time, otherwise you will be at your own risk. Go!"

Bogadi's heart was bitter, and five sedative grasses per month were not easy to do, but when he thought of the restraint in the body, he still swallowed the words obediently. Most of the yaksha monks are moody and moody. If they annoyed the predecessor who lost his life, it would be wrong. Fortunately, there are still millions of spirit stones, and it may not be possible to complete the operation. The person gritted his teeth, reached out and put the storage bag into the storage ring. After the ceremony, he stepped back and respectfully, turned around and drove away Yun Yunguang.

Xiao Chen quietly watched as the monk of the Yasha tribe left, his eyes flashed to confirm that his identity should not be exposed, and he turned around and returned to Dongfu.

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