Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 3: Evil calculation

As time goes by, it's May. Bayi novel

In the forest outside Xiaoye City, a monk of the Yasha tribe proceeded cautiously. After crossing left and right to make sure that no one was being tracked, he jumped into the valley somewhere and walked along the stream for a moment. I came to a place below the cliff, where the environment was hidden and covered by vines. The stone wall was soaked with water vapor for a long time to produce a layer of slippery moss. Even ordinary monks would never notice anything strange.

"Senior, junior Bogaddy, please see me." The monks of the Yasha clan salute respectfully.

No one answered, but there was a light on the green oil stone wall under the vine. Bogardi took a breath and stepped forward in awe, but the figure disappeared directly into the stone wall.

After entering the stone wall, the figure appeared directly outside the small hall of Dongfu. There was a monk sitting under the black robe silently sitting on the hall. At this moment, his eyes were faintly glanced at him, saying: "How, have you collected this seat? Need rejuvenating grass? "

When Bogadi heard his words, his face was pale immediately, and he fell down on his knees directly, panicking slightly. "There were some accidents in the first few sunrises. Sudden ascension monks were injured in the clan, and they needed to recover with the nourishing grass. The juniors had already determined their income. Two of them were transferred by the elders of the clan urgently, so this month they only got three nourishing grasses. Please forgive the predecessor for this matter. "During the conversation, the person took out a long jade box with a flash of aura in his hand.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, his eyes were cold. Although he did not speak, the force of the oppression had made Bogadi look pale, and his robe was wet with cold sweat.

After a few breaths, the pressure in the void disappeared, and Xiao Chen then said lightly, "Nothing, this is not an example, otherwise this seat will make you suffer." Then, put the jade box into your hand and open it. Later, the size of the three plants was small, and the whole body of silver and white was a little bit of star pattern. The grass was lying quietly.

However, at this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed slightly, and then he put away the recuperative grass without a word, waved his hand into Naggadi's body for several restraints, and beat him away.

Bogardi salutes him carefully, wipes his forehead with cold sweat, and resigns from the small hall, and then turns out of the cave. After leaving the valley along the brook, and far away from this place for nearly a thousand miles, the man suddenly stopped and looked cloudy for a while.

For a long time, the monks of the Yasha tribe flashed fiercely, hehe sneered sneerly: "The 25 sacred grasses that have been used in May have not been recovered. It seems that when the predecessor soared, the Yuanshen must be severely damaged, but he was He covered it up in some way. He said it was inconvenient for him to come into the clan and ask for the nurturing grass. I think it was because of your serious injury that you were afraid of being afraid of being killed.

"In the beginning, he must have killed the three of Tutt. If I had shot it, I might have killed him and got all the treasures on him. As a monk from the Nether Ascension, he must be at least not to fall. Although the small world is small, it can also produce a lot of treasures. This person is extremely severe and can kill the three of Tutt. It must also be a top-level existence in the realm. There may be heavy treasures in the body. "Thinking of this, Bo Gaddy secretly regretted it.

"Hey, but fortunately it is not too late at this moment, I deliberately took out only three plants of the goddess of grass today, the performance is real, presumably this person should not notice the strangeness, as long as he refined these three plants of the goddess of grass, then in the next month, , "

Monks of the Yasha clan laughed twice, disappearing into the forest.

Inside the cave, Xiao Chen took off the black robe, the corners of his mouth were slightly ridiculed, and he held a jade box in his hand. It was the three sacred grasses sent by Bogardi. The flames condensed out. Under his subtle control, he refined the three sage-raising grasses instantly, without harming the power of the spiritual herbs, but refining all the small things attached to it to clear them into smoke.

"The spirit pole light is generated in the heavens and the earth. It is extremely difficult to defend the main injury. Once injured, it must be recovered by refining the grass, otherwise it cannot be recovered." Xiao Chen groaned, and the light in his hand flashed slightly. It appears as if the ribbon was a sage.

The object was bright white and dazzling. It floated slowly under the enveloping force of space at the moment, and was extremely docile, but Xiao Chen's eyes fell extremely dignified. Ascending in the passage, this little thing made him suffer. However, the dozens of spiritual pole lights collected by this opportunity, although they cannot be refined by him, are stored in the space-dividing body. They can't be beaten when they meet with people.

Backhand put the light of the spirit pole into the body, Xiao Chen groaned slightly and walked towards the cultivation secret room. According to the current level, he refined the five baht to raise the grass, and he could recover as much as he could from the injury, and then he could leave Here it is.


One month later, Bogardi came on time and entered the Dongfu courteously.

"Senior, this junior did not live up to the trust, and found five baht to raise the grass, and also asked the senior to check." This Yasha monk held up a rectangular jade box with both hands, and there was no slight abnormality between the looks.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered and he took it in his hands. After opening it, there was indeed a five-baht cultivating herb in the jade box. Now the backhand was stored in the storage bag, and said lightly: "This seat has been here for almost 1 year. , And now I ’m going to leave. Seeing that you have been loyal to you in the past few months. "

"Say, what do you want?"

Bogaddy didn't say anything. He bowed his head slightly, and seemed to be thinking silently. Then he suddenly lifted his face, showing a touch of pride. He whispered, "The junior wants his life and the storage ring on your body. I do n’t know if the predecessor gave it? "

Xiao Chen's face was calm, in order not to show the slightest discoloration in listening to this remark, "Oh, if you want, then you're ready to go?" There was a faint twist in the flow of words.

Bogadi stayed a little, never thinking that Xiao Chen would say so, but the arrow had to be on the string. He had no way out. He sneered at the moment and said: "Bloody pretending to be calm, do you want to lie to me?"


This time the monk monk smirked in his hand and there was an aura of light, which was actually a machete magic weapon. He whistled straight and went to Xiao Chen's head and beheaded.

However, at this moment, the majestic pressure burst into the air and filled the entire cave. At the moment of the majestic explosion, the machete who shot the sword immediately wailed, then was held by a pair of big hands, and it was crushed with a little force. .

Bogardi's pupils contracted, his face revealed incredible meaning, and screamed, "It's impossible, the snake scent was refined. Today, I smelled the aster flower juice spread on the sacred grass, how could you resist it! "

Xiao Chen's mouth was lightly ridiculous. If it weren't for the three Yasha people who had previously searched the soul, I'm afraid he would plant it in this person. Snake scent and aster flower juice are not poisonous. After taking it, it will even have some benefits for the monk. It will clean up the impurities in the body and purify the body. But once these two spirit grasses meet, they will turn into a kind of extremely powerful anesthesia.

The thing is as it is called. Once it is hit, the monk will fall into a state of false death and be slaughtered by anyone, even if the monk in the realm of the realm accidentally recruits it, he will never retreat.

At the time, Bogardi's performance was extremely perfect, but the person he met was Xiao Chen. From the moment he set foot on the avenue to the day after day, he has developed a habit of being cautious and vigilant all the time. This yaksha monk wants to count him It's just a dead end.

"The predecessors spared their lives, and the juniors were fascinated for a while. They also asked the predecessors to go around me once for the diligence of Bogadi's months." Seeing that the deeds of the Yasha tribe were revealed, they knelt down and asked for mercy.

Xiao Chen sneered, Han said: "Since you have already shot your own life and died, why bother asking me for mercy." With a wave of his robe, Bogardi's body became stiff for a moment, then dissipated into fly ash.

Summoning the flames to refine the five-bath goddess grass on the aster flower juice, Xiao Chen took the jade box and turned back to the secret room to meditate and refine. It took 15 days to finally heal the trauma of the Yuan Shen by the spirit pole light.

After half a day, when everything was properly packed and it was determined that there would be no clues to reveal his identity, a green rainbow rose into the sky and went straight into the mountains. Through the search of the soul, Xiao Chen learned that this little night city is just a remote little city of the Yasha clan. He wants to return to the terrestrial realm and needs to leave the range of the Yasha clan through the teleportation array. Otherwise, this vast area will cost him to fly by himself. How many days.

Through this 3oo 10,000-mile barren hill, you can reach the prosperous big city of the Yesha clan, the Nocturne City. It is not too late to come there.

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