Above the void, a black robe monk walked with light, and his frown was obviously writhing in his mind. {[August 1st? ((<文 <(W] WW.81ZW.COM

"The spiritual world has a strong spiritual strength that is far from human world, and the stability of space is countless. With my current practice, even a full force explosion can only shatter a thousand miles. As for breaking the turbulent connection of the spiritual world, even if there is space It's not possible at this time to help one another. "

"But with my current repair, if you are careful to protect yourself, you should be enough."

The human body of Xiao Chen ’s left eyebrow was cultivated in 264oo years. He was promoted to the limit of fit and stepped into the calamity level in half a step. The physical body was tempered by the power of the ethnic veins. .

The ancient demon avatar practiced in the cave for 88 years, and its strength was improved several times. The body of the ancient demon 50,000 rose to 55 thousand feet. Once the avatar and the demon body shot wildly, the combat power was almost the same as the human race.

At the moment, however, the space avatar is slightly weaker, and his strength is only at the limit of fit. However, he controls the origin of space, and the means of escape is the most powerful.

There are three main avatars, the ancient demon avatars are fighting, the space avatars are escaping, and the human race is a balanced exhibition. Nowadays, the two talents are extremely strong and the strength is not weak. After all, after inheriting the blood of Doronagar, the power of blood is Gradually play a role, although the growth starting point is low, but the growth potential is limitless.

At present, the three majors are integrated. Xiao Chen estimates in his mind that once he explodes, he should be able to compare to the peak monk at the beginning of the robbery. If he encounters the middle period of the robbery, the hope is not enough to protect himself, but if he is hostile to the late monk, there is absolutely no Half a chance. However, it is shocking enough to be able to have the status of a monk who just flew into the monk's early peak. It must be noted that the monk in the spirit world is also a hegemon!

Looking for a chance to leave the territory of the Yasha clan and return to the clan, and then fully cultivated to improve. In the spiritual world, Xiao Chen can only be considered to have a little bit of self-protection, once it encounters the storm, it may be killed.

After all, there is a Mahayana celestial realm above the monks, and they are the true hegemons of the entire spiritual realm.

It was just when Xiao Chen's belief rolled over that a sudden strange fluctuation suddenly came from the front and suddenly lifted up, just at the end of sight, a giant city appeared in sight.

The city wall is tens of thousands of meters high, inserted directly into the sky, the aura of light flashes on it, and the number of prohibitions under the dense linen is unknown. Each of the blue bricks used to build the city wall is ten feet in size, and all of it is engraved carefully by the master of the Yasha clan formation method. The dense runes of forbidden Tao formed a simple array.

The solid array, the Jinjian array, the thick soil array, and all are the defensive defensive formations. Although each is extremely simple and the power is weak, when the number of formations is superposed by millions or millions, the defenses generated The strength is enough to make the monks robbed, and to deal with the Mahayana heaven and earth realm can also compete for a period of time.

The city is square and octagonal, each has a circular towering tower-shaped building, all of which are placed a thousand-meter-sized orb of the forbidden road, the whole body flashes a faint aura, once it is attacked, it can excite itself, laying a large array on the void, isolated and isolated Outside contact. This formation was built by the Grand Master of the Yasha clan, and the power was extremely horrible.

As for the ground of the city, it looks nothing strange, but there are thousands of prohibitions in the depths of dozens of feet below the soil. The small civil array, the thorn array, the blade array, and the two are the soil and gold killing arrays. The same power is not strong, and the same amount is dense.

It can be seen that the high level of the Yasha tribe still attaches great importance to the main city. After all, once the ethnic war is broken, if the situation is unfavorable, they can rely on the solid city to resist, and can also use the geographical advantage to greatly weaken the powerful enemy.

Xiao Chen slowly pressed his heart into shock, shaking his head in his heart. If it is not for long-distance teleportation, it is only available in the big city of ethnic groups. He is definitely not willing to enter this city. This place looks like a huge fortress. Easy, if you want to leave after revealing your identity, I am afraid it will be difficult.

The giant city lay on the ground, like an ancient beast. Although it fell into a doze, it still had a slight deterrent, which made the heart shake and then turned white.

The Yasha tribe worships the strong, and there is no rule of falling into the city near the big city, but the closer to the city, the stronger the deterrent pressure that the monks need to withstand. If you are strong, even if you drive into the city directly, It will only attract blockbusters of exclaim worship, without causing any trouble.

Xiao Chen felt a little sensation, and then he was shocked in his heart. With his current practice, even if he tried his best, he could barely get close to the city. Those who could easily enter the city also need to cross the robbery for at least the middle period. However, in the realm of the Yasha clan now, naturally he will not catch the limelight, otherwise it would be foolish to inadvertently reveal his identity.

Within 5ooo from the city, Xiao Chen fell down and hurried in silence. Most of the people who fall here are all in the state of fit, and the number is not large, and further out are the monks who do not fall below the state.

The distance of 5ooo is naturally nothing to the monks of the combined environment, even if you haven't controlled the light, it will still be a moment.

As you move forward, the closer you are, the more you will be able to sense the heavy pressure brought by this towering city. At a glance, you can see the walls of the two sides spreading away without seeing the margins. I don't know how many miles of space are covered by it.

At the city gate, there are monks of the Yasha tribe maintaining order, wearing armor, tall and sturdy, and obviously not wicked outside, but they also abide by the rules, as long as they are safe and secure, they will not be embarrassed. You need to pay 1o pieces of Chinese spirit stone to enter the city, and then you can get a temporary jade card with exquisite prohibition. There is a red "one" on it, which means you can stay in the city for one day. Block the spirit stone for a day, otherwise it will be expelled from the city.

Xiao Chen was wearing a black robe to cover his appearance. Although slightly strange, there was no shortage of temperament monks in the Yasha clan, and no one had doubts about it. When entering the city gate, Xiao Chen groaned slightly and took out 1oo Zhongpin Lingshi in exchange for the 1o-day residence period. He got the jade card hanging on his waist and went into the city with people.

The moment he entered the city, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he finally understood why it was necessary to charge 1o spirit stones when entering the city. The spiritual power in this giant city was extremely pure. It was actually more than twice as high as the outside world. Fa, staying in the city for a long time to cultivate, cultivation naturally goes out of the world in order to improve. And in the Night Magic City, you can get shelter in the city, and the security is naturally much higher than the outside world. In this way, the price of 1o Zhongpin Lingshi is not too expensive.

Standing at the entrance to the city, looking at the bustling place in front, Xiao Chen took a breath and stepped into it. This time into the Night Magic City, he wanted to return to the Terrans with the help of the teleportation array, but before that, there was one more thing to do.

Totem Pavilion!

Looking at this imposing shop in front of him, Xiao Chen nodded with satisfaction, and took out 1o of Zhongpin Lingshi, and took away the Yasha monk who led the way, and walked into it. Here are a few map selling shops in the Night Magic City, which has always been very famous, and the maps are sold with minimal errors, which is a must for monks.

Yes, Xiao Chen is here to buy a map to determine the closest and safest route to return to the Terrans.

"Welcome guests to this store, I don't know what kind of map you want to buy?" Xiao Chen entered, and the fresh and elegant Yasha woman who had already been dressed up greeted her with a warm voice and condescending salute.

Although Xiao Chen has converged, she also has the initial level of integration. The female nun in the realm of Xiao Xiaoyuan is naturally afraid to look down.

The spiritual monk's strength is far from comparable in the human world, because the spiritual power is abundant, there are countless treasures, and the Yuanying monk is extremely common. You can barely set foot in the higher monk level if you are not promoted. The monk is a strong existence. As for the peak of the Mahayana heaven and human realm, it belongs to the peak of the ethnic group, which is rare to see for thousands of years.

Xiao Chen already knows this. It ’s no surprise that monk Yuan Ying is used as a reception maid, and said lightly: "I need to buy a large-scale map, and it is better to be more detailed, and the price is not a problem."

The yakuza clan baby girl Xiu Yan's eyes flickered a little, and she felt a little bit rejoicing. It seemed that she would receive a big business today. If it was done, she would naturally be able to draw a considerable commission from it. The smile was more affectionate and humble.

"Seniors, please come and talk to Yajian on the second floor." For large customers, there is naturally a special reception area in the Totem Pavilion.

Xiao Chen nodded, then led to the second floor by the female's swaying posture, entered a rather elegantly decorated private room, and another Yasha female Xiu respectfully sent a good spirit tea to serve quite Be thoughtful.

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