Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 5: twists and turns

[Soul world articles are written as much as possible, and the wonderful ones must be wave after wave. I hope you all will support you. Bayi novel

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"Seniors please rest assured that there are layers of bans in the private rooms here, and the content of your conversations between me and you will never be known to others." Yuan Yingxiu Xiu laughed, "I don't know what range maps the seniors need. This store has goods in stock It's quite rich, and it will definitely not disappoint you. "

Xiao Chen did not use the tea on the table. At this moment, she heard the words, and said lightly, "It ’s the best, because there are certain things-I want to go to the Terran party, so I came to your store deliberately, and wanted to buy a large map to choose a route. I wonder if this can be done? "

"Human race?" The Yasha tribe female face changed slightly, and her eyes fell on Xiao Chen again, without feeling a little more awe. The spiritual realm is said to be tens of millions, but it has strength and weakness. The strongest is naturally the famous ethnic group on the list of the hundreds of spiritual realms. It represents the strongest 1oo race in the entire spiritual realm, each of which has hundreds of millions of territories and countless ethnic groups. The strong are like forests, Mahayana monks, and even those who have stepped on the top of heaven and earth also exist. The human race, which is one of the hundreds of spirit worlds, ranks 7th. It ranks much higher than the Yasha clan, but it is one of the most powerful forces in the spirit world.

Dare to enter the tribal realm, the senior in front of him must have received the mission within the tribe and needs to go to the tribe to perform. And the existence of such a high-level person who is qualified to contact is definitely the strong among the Yasha clan.

The thoughts of the Yuancha girl of the Yasha clan turned, and she suddenly felt that the senior in the black robe became unpredictable.

"Seniors please wait, all the high maps are placed in the secret library, and now I will fetch them for the seniors to see." In other words, the female concubine Shi Li respectfully retreated.

Xiao Chen sat quietly in the private room. After a short time, the woman went back to her house and put a party box on the table.

"Senior please look over."

Xiao Chen nodded, holding the jade in the jade box backhand, and immediately penetrated into it. After a few breaths, he slowly nodded and said, "Okay, I want this map." The scope is extremely wide, and it can not help but include the entire Yasha tribe area. It also shows that the surrounding several ethnic areas are combined. The main city location names are annotated, but it is quite detailed. However, Xiao Chen naturally couldn't write down the map, but he could only check it roughly. This is also the main reason that the Totem Pavilion allows the monks to explore.

The yaksha female Xiu smiled deeper on hearing the words. This business was unexpectedly smooth. Now she laughed: "This map is a rare boutique in my totem pavilion. Any objections? "

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "I wonder if I can replace the following spirits?"

"Of course, seniors can choose any equivalent payment method." The woman laughed.

Xiao Chen took out a storage bag with a flash of aura in his hand, and handed it to the Yacha female repairman. "The spirit stone is here, you should count it again."

The yaksha female nun took the storage bag in her hand, and she had a clear understanding of the spirit stone. Then she got up and gave a gift, thinking a little, and whispering, "Shou Lingshou, walking in the totem pavilion. If the seniors intentionally, But, come here tonight to find me, "" Speaking, this pretty girl had a faint flush.

The yaksha custom is so. If a woman has an interest in his own man, she can give an invitation, and the two parties can make a dew for that night. Obviously, Lingkou is very satisfied with Xiao Chen before she speaks.

Xiao Chen looked a little dull under the black robe. He learned about it through the soul-searching technique. He didn't expect to be able to encounter it, and smiled secretly. Now he had to shake his head and said lightly: "There are still many things to be prepared before going on a trip. Friends have some good intentions, but they can only understand. "

Ling Kou was dull, but she did not expect that Xiao Chen would refuse. This woman thought that she was also the best among the Yasha women. After all, in the weekdays, Huakong thought and asked her to be happy overnight. However, no one has succeeded so far. Today, she actively offered to be rejected, and naturally made the woman's complexion look slightly murky. , The man died, and originally wanted to "borrow" a seed from the unfathomable adult in front of him, so that he could give birth to the best offspring support portal. Can only fail.

Xiao Chen nodded. Where would you like to stay more at this moment? Slightly nodded and went straight out of the private room, but he hadn't gone far. He heard a monk yelling from a Yasha clan behind him. I have prepared all the top-quality maps in the store for me to choose from. Why should I continue to sell others? Do n’t I really look at my master, I think you do n’t want to do this Totem Pavilion! ”

In the roar, there was still a nun walking softly in Totem Pavilion to ask for forgiveness.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and turned his head, just when he saw a tall, fierce yaksha man with a cold face, and a fat yaksha monk who was slightly dressed in a robe came to accompany his smile. .

"Don't be angry, you just bought that map. It was indeed a mistake in the shop, but rest assured that there are still many rare maps in our store, and we must be able to satisfy them."

The man turned his back and turned to look at the Lingkou with a stern look, angrily: "I have n’t hurried to apologize to Moru Taoist friend, and actually made this mistake. If you do n’t see that your father has some friendship with me, the old man here Fan expelled you. "

Ling Kou looked pale, and said, "Ling Kou is by no means intentionally offensive, but also invites older adults to do a lot of blame." The beauty of this girl is born, and this time she reveals the color of weaker fear, it is even more pity for me. .

The monk named Molu Yasha was slightly brightened, and then smiled: "It turned out that you sold the map. It's okay, this seat is always forgiving to beauties. But I don't know whether the beauties will be empty tonight. There is a map in this place Need to ask about some incomprehensible things? "Between the words, the anxiety in the eyes could not be swallowed directly into the mouth, and the thoughts in my heart were self-evident.

Lingkou's cheeky face suddenly turned pale, and her eyes were struggling.

"Huh! Why, isn't this meeting invited, Taoist friends want to refuse to fail, there seems to be no sincerity to apologize, since this is the case, then we should blame this seat and turn our face and don't recognize anyone!" Moru said with a sneer, "Right now, this seat gives you two choices. One is to retrieve the sold map. Naturally, I will not continue to embarrass you. The second point is, hey, you obediently follow this seat, otherwise Consequences. "

"Lingkou, seniors see you as your blessing, and you haven't responded quickly." The fat shopkeeper reprimanded, but there was a bit of regret in his eyes. He has also been lingering on this lingkou for a long time, but this woman has been reluctant, "If you are lucky, Moru Daoyou will be able to put you around to be that magpie, and you have also found a chance to turn around. . "

Moru sneered and didn't speak, but his heart was full of confidence. Few women whom he saw couldn't get it, not to mention the little Yuanying girl in front of her, and at the moment heard the words, sneer: "Ben The seat originally intended to collect you as Ji Ji, but I no longer have that interest. If you volunteer to serve for one night, today's things will be cancelled, otherwise I have the means to conquer you. "

The Yasha tribe's complexion turned pale.

But at this moment, a sigh came out, and then a figure of a black robe stepped into the field, and said lightly: "Taking a friend of Taoism as a body training, bullying a weak woman, is it **?"

"The map was only purchased by me. As for this woman, I have already taken it into my hands. I also ask Molu Daoyou to investigate."

Xiao Chen felt helpless. He would not intervene if things were not caused by him, but if he turned and left at this moment, he would be uneasy afterwards. And this Moru was not repaired at the beginning of the fit, and still could not pose a threat to him. At most one day, Xiao Chen would leave the place through the teleportation array, and even if he caused some trouble, he didn't need to be concerned. It is for this reason that Xiao Chen will come forward, but his voice is not provocative. After all, it would be better if this matter can be directly resolved.

Ling Kou cast a grateful gaze to Xiao Chen and whispered: "That's exactly why, so I really dare not take over the love of Moro's predecessors."

The Totem Pavilion shopkeeper's complexion changed slightly, and when he felt the breath of the monk Xiao Chen fit, where did he dare to continue to intervene, carefully stepping back and obediently.

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