Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 15: Terrorist attack

The two big ghosts shot violently and fought directly, representing a contest between the two levels of spiritual thoughts. No one can prevail.


The roar instantly spread through the entire unicorn army. Ten thousand monks aura flashed at the same time and took out a horn with a size of more than enough. The mana in the body rushed into it. ? Bayi [(中? <文 〔

On the chariot, bare-handed unicorns raised their hands, and the drumsticks fell suddenly.



The cymbals and horns rang through the whole world instantly. The siege of the ethnic groups exploded as soon as each other rose to the highest point. Millions of unicorn monks figured out the ranks in a stream, connected to each other and retired. Can enter, can attack and defend.


The first-born red unicorn, dry and slightly cracked skin in vitro, and the unicorn monk exuding a hot burst of breath all shot at the same time-instantaneous magic, fire! Although the fire of the lowest level is a magical power, it is displayed by monks at least at the level of Yuanying. The power is not to be underestimated. It has a surplus of money, shaped like a fire knife to dissipate heat, and the most important thing is the amount of fire. No less than 2oo million.

call out!

call out!

The unicorn monk lifted his magical power with his hand and did not attack the city directly. Instead, he bombarded together hundreds of miles away from the city and began to devour and fuse with each other. As the lowest level of blaze magical power, although its lethality is low, its tolerance is extremely high. It is worthy of being able to complete 2oo million fusions, and its power has skyrocketed to an incredible state.

The waves of fire rolled, reflecting the entire sky, and the high temperature wafted down, causing layers of water vapor to emerge from the ground instantaneously, the grass was yellow and dry, the streams and streams dried up, and the power was endless.

A fire knife is condensed, the blade body is millions of feet long, and the color is red and almost black, and it seems that you can apply the power of extinction to the world with one cut.


The millions of swords carrying the might of heaven and earth crossed a line of fire and fell over the shield of Millstone City like a **** of punishment. With the fusion of monks' magical powers, the power of the igniting magic was unexpectedly overwhelming, which is really unimaginable.

The fire knife cut off the hundred-zhang energy shield, and the orb in the millstone city's octagonal tower was forbidden to flash slightly, and a faint ripple of ripples appeared on the prohibition, and it had dissipated without being cut too far.

Such a shock, it seemed that it was easily resolved without causing any slight damage to the object. With a single hit, the unicorn monk was not discouraged. At the moment when the fire sword fell, another alien army stepped forward and yelled at the same time.


Cyan wood gas is also vital, but this time the unicorn monk Shi unfolded is infinitely murderous, raising his hand, each with a ball of wood spirit in each hand gathered out, directly raised his hand.

The spirit of wood spirits converges, transformed into giant wood, one million feet long, and the whole body is teal, such as hitting a city straight down.


The wood falls, as if ringing the ancient bell of the ancients. The reputation of the deep giant bang suddenly exploded from the point of impact, and the sound was heard as clearly as possible for thousands of miles, shocking and pale.

The shroud shuddered again, the giant wood shattered, and it was reduced to the spirit of the heavenly wood spirit. It did not dissipate, but all merged into the fire sword. The wood made fire, and the fire was growing. At this moment, the two merged, and the fire knife instantly dispersed into a sea of ​​fire that adhered to the shield and burned fiercely.


Another 2oo million monks came forward, with a soil unicorn on top of their heads, more than two feet tall and tall, and the essence of earth in the roar shot from the unicorn, thick and dripping, thick like a mountain, deep and obscure.

The essence of the earth merges, condensing into the shadow of the mountain, which is immeasurably high. The breath of majesty is scattered from it, and a mountain falling like a star can break the stars and break the earth, turning the sea into a mulberry field. .

The mountain shadow fell, and the entire space suddenly produced endless pressure, which made people gag on their chests and restricted their movement difficulties.


The mountain shadow fell like a shard of stars, and immediately burst, turning into a rich earth yellow **** light, and once again integrated into the sea of ​​fire. Native wood and strong wood fire, the three powers supplemented, and immediately drove the fire sea power to the extreme realm, the so-called burning the sky to cook the sea, but this is the case.

When these 6oo million monks attacked the shield frantically, millions of unicorn monks stepped forward, and there were weird sounds in their mouths, as if they were singing a certain tune in a low hum, simply and coldly. In the mouth of countless wild beasts, there was a sudden roar, and the sky was long screaming. The eyes that had been filled with violent destruction suddenly covered a layer of pale blood, but they fell into a violent state directly. , Lifting and falling can make the ground vibrate violently. The sharp claws are like a knife, and it is easy to cut the hard stone like cutting into tofu.



In the roar of the beast, without any warning, he rushed away from his limbs and slammed the mountain. The low angle and one-corner slammed against the city wall. The dense linen is almost madly rushed by millions of beasts. The impact force is enough to destroy any Xiongfeng into ground-covered gravel, and all obstacles will collapse!

At the foot of the wall, the unicorns drove the monsters to attack violently, relying on the strong body to shake the wall hard, and each impact would explode with a loud noise. Numerous arrays of forbidden laws on the wall light up at the same time, as stable as Mount Tai.

The wall of the Millstone City has been subtle and imperceptible after endless years of banning, and the monk in heaven and humanity also deliberately wants to destroy it. This beast hits nature and has no role to play.

After the unicorn army, countless figures shaped like mice, with a number of weird beasts who kept screaming and roaring. At this moment, they were ordered to drill directly into the ground. These brute beasts have short forelimbs, faint earth yellow light, and travel under the ground like fish and water, the degree is extremely fast.

After a few breaths, dozens of feet underground in Millstone City, there was a sudden rumbling noise, apparently the rat-shaped beast had begun to hit the ground forbidden.

The unicorns were so aggressive that it was the strongest attack directly. Tens of thousands of monks mobilized to destroy the stone city directly with the violent Mount Tai.


In the courtyard, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and his face was shocked. The unicorn siege began!

Even though it was banned, the breath of horror was still clear and audible. Under this force, Mo Chen said that it was Xiao Chen. Even in the late period of power, there was absolutely no way to resist it.

This is the spiritual war of the ethnic community!

Thinking of the millions and even millions of alien monks making all-out shots, the magical powers flickered across the sky with the smooth fall of death, Xiao Chen couldn't help but give birth to a deep jealousy, unless his personal combat power was the one who was against the sky, he was in front of military machines Will definitely be easily torn into pieces.

"Fight! Fight harder!"

The more chaotic the situation is, the better it is for him.


In Millstone City, the monks of the Yasha tribe were also startled by the unicorns ’attack that began to hiss and uncover the attack. They did n’t understand what the opponent was doing, and they were so unreasonable. Fortunately, the moat was banned. Open all, even if this unicorn is fierce, don't even think about stepping into the thunder pool!

"Kill! The unicorn is the target, everyone, it's time to **** military achievements!"

"Kill the unicorn enemy!"

"Do it!"

"Yaksha tribe will win!"

Numerous yaksha monks roared wildly, and instantly turned into countless attack warheads under the organization of the strong ethnic groups. The magical powers were shot, and they penetrated directly into the unicorn monk army through the forbidden shield of the moat.


3oo Wan has not yet shot the unicorn monks at the same time, the faint blue light scattered in the unicorns, linked to each other and merged into a layer of blue and thin energy layer to protect all the unicorn army behind them.


The magic power fell, and this thin layer of azure shield showed a strong guarding ability, but it fluctuated slightly, blocking all the magic power. However, the manpower is stronger than the city in the end. The mana responsible for guarding the unicorn monks wears out extremely quickly, and his complexion gradually turns pale. Obviously, this blue shield is extremely exhausting.

"Haha, the unicorns can't hold on for too long. Let's break the shield, and behind us are a lot of military achievements waiting for us to compete."

"Dare to come and commit me to Millstone, and I will give them a hard lesson today."

"Go all out and let the unicorns see the means of our Yasha monk."

Right now, the unicorns are violent, and although the strength is absolutely superior, the Yasha tribe rely on the resistance of the strong city but take the initiative. As long as the city is as stable as the Taishan, the unicorn can only be the moving target.

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