Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 16: City break

"Elder Jin, it seems that although the unicorns came from the army, they are still the same routine that did not pose any threat to my millstone city. [? 八

In the Yasha clan, in each area, there is a princely character assigned to the clan and holds great rights. As a border city, Millstone City controls the power of Elder Jin, the legendary heaven and man. However, such power can not be closed for many years, and it is not easy to intervene in non-catastrophic calamities. The elder Jin is the custodian on behalf of the master and the power in his hands cannot be underestimated, and he himself is awesome enough to repair the later levels.

At this moment, Elder Kim smiled coldly and said, "This unicorn knows that there is a host here who dares to come to the door. It is too deceiving. Until the support of the monk corps in the clan comes, I will rely on the city to make it Weaken their strength to the minimum, and then killed when they started, they must make them pay for their stupidity. "

"Elder Jin said great good!" Several surrounding senior Yaks monks nodded at the same time, all of them looked wicked and fierce.

Suddenly, a strong burst of light burst out from a large array of teleportation in the city, and a mighty space fluctuation burst from it.

Elder Jin and others looked slightly pleased. The reinforcements of the Underworld tribe arrived, and they felt extremely secure. As long as the army arrives, the unicorns can only end up dying and failing. However, when the high-level monks of the Yasha clan relaxed, the sudden chaos and the sound of roaring and exploding drunken their faces instantly.

Elder Jin yelled, "What happened?" But at this moment, he felt the rapidly declining atmosphere of space fluctuations, and a very bad hunch appeared in his heart.

Responsible for guarding the teleportation group. The monks from the late Yasha tribe's late robbery came instantly, with a gray face and a face full of anger. "The monks in the guardian transport group were controlled by the unicorn primitive god, and suddenly destroyed the teleportation. Front, the old man has sent a front master to repair it, but it takes at least 1 day. "

Elder Jin and others couldn't help but feel even more ugly. The guardian teleportation monk is the best Yasha monk who has performed best in the ethnic battlefield. Each of them has loyal to the ethnic loyalty and has gone through many layers of verification. But now there are actually people controlled by Yuanshen among them, and they have also caused damage to the teleportation array. Once such a thing is born, all of them will be blamed.

"One day!" Elder Jin lingered in the eyes of the elders, whispering coldly: "With my spar reserve of Millstone City, relying on the giant city to cling to it, even if this unicorn offensive is fierce, I would never want to break the city in one day!"

However, at this point, this old man and the elder Yasha had some thoughts in his heart at the same time, his face could not help but change suddenly.

"Hurry up! Send a monk to guard the Octagonal Tongtian Tower immediately!" As the old man drank violently, the Octagonal Tongtian Tower suddenly heard violent energy fluctuations in two directions in the Middle East and Northeast, and the sound of booming explosions continued.

"Guard the Tongtian Tower, at all costs!" The elders of the Yasha clan growled wildly, tearing the space and rushing to two places respectively. The Tongtian Tower is the core of the moat. Once damaged, the entire prohibition will lose its effect. If there is no city to hold on, the consequences of these Yasha elders will not be imaginable. If Millstone is lost, the anger at the top of the ethnic group is probably enough to tear them all into pieces.

Fortunately, the fluctuations soon subsided, and the twelve Yaksha monks controlled by Yuanshen were killed by thunder, and the Tongtian Tower was intact.

There was a layer of sweat behind Elder Jin. At this moment, he killed the riot monk with his own hands, and the tension in his heart was slightly loose. Fortunately, it was only a little bit worse.


Unforeseen terror waves exploded from the western towering tower. Elder Jin jumped hard in his heart and turned abruptly, his face turned "white" into bleakness, and he was no longer half-blooded. Under his gaze, the towering Tongtian Tower collapsed and collapsed, and countless forbidden auras flashed and annihilated madly, and the forbidden aura beads flashing with thousands of auras gradually disappeared with the naked eye.

It's over!

Raid siege, attract attention, destroy the teleportation array, destroy the sky tower, step by step, and arrange in detail. For the war today, the unicorns have been preparing for thousands of years but thousands of years. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to penetrate into the guardian monks of the tower.

At this moment, the Western Tongtian Tower was destroyed, the moat ban was about to dissipate, and the owner of Millstone City fell into the hands of the unicorns. Even if he doesn't die today, thinking of the punishment of the high-level ethnic groups in the future, Elder Jin's face will turn pale instantly, and his heart will die.



There was a sudden violent roar under the ground, Xiao Chen's complexion changed instantly, and he watched that the out-of-hospital restraint was actually destroyed and destroyed directly. His complexion turned pale, and he was secretly grateful. Fortunately, there was a large array of guards outside the hospital, otherwise he would fall directly with a single blow, perhaps he was killed directly at this moment. Xiao Chen's heart was beating fiercely when he could see the object that was shot underground.

A huge spider-like arthropod protruded from the ground, wrapped in a dark carapace, and at first glance it was known to be extremely hard, and it was covered with a dense row of barbs. Each one is ten or more feet long and extremely sharp, which is easy enough to string more than 1o monks into adult meat candies.

The ground shattered fiercely, and then an ugly brute figure shot from the ground instantly, raising a sharp hissing noise. This thing is actually a huge spider, with eight pairs of compound eyes in the first place, and eight giant-footed spiders.

At this moment, the barbaric beast just appeared. Sixteen eyes flashed with cold and cruel colors. Looking at Xiao Chen, the mucous dense mouth opened and sprayed out a large white net.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly and he was about to escape, but at this moment his eyes flashed slightly, and then he acted panic and backed off but couldn't avoid it.

But at this moment, a magical power fell instantly, tearing the giant net directly.

The figure of Qianji Sanren appeared directly beside Xiao Chen, holding him directly and teleporting away, without entanglement with the spider beast.


The horrible beast below saw the hand prey being rescued, and suddenly his mouth was screaming. Huge arthropods were raging on the ground. Numerous buildings were destroyed during the flash of restraint. Among them, all monks appeared and were chewed directly by their mouths. Swallow.

Xiao Chen's face was pale and his eyes panic, but if he looked closely, he could see that his dark eyes were calm and deep, without any sense of fear. At this moment, the light glanced around and couldn't help but a slight shock. .

Millstone City was breached!

Such a strong city of the Yasha tribe, the power of protection is unparalleled in the world, and there are many strong guardians, who did not support it for one day under the attack of the unicorn army. This is indeed unexpected by Xiao Chen. The sub-unicorns are well prepared, and this Millstone City is bound to be in the hands of them.

After the city broke, the unicorn army slammed and the Yasha monks desperately resisted, but both the number of monks and high-ranking monks fell far behind, and they fled in all directions in order to survive.

However, the unicorns have been heavily deployed on the belly of the Millstone City. Except for a few lucky yaks monks who fled into the territory of the clan, the others who dare to approach were killed and killed, and more yaks monks were forced to flee into the unicorns. Territory.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's gaze suddenly constricted, and then his pupils contracted violently. At the end of the endless sky, two figures stood on top of each other, each with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet. At this moment, the furious battles made the entire sky completely dark, and the lightning flashed and thundered, like an eschatology. Although isolated from thousands of distances, Xiao Chen's eyes still shocked him at this moment. He had a clear feeling in his heart. Any one of these two figures can wipe him out with only a slight movement of his finger!

Mahayana Heavenly Realm Peerless Powerhouse!

At present, these two figures are definitely the unicorns and the yaksha clan's celestial realm. It is truly unimaginable to be so powerful! This is the real world powerhouse. An angry battle can make the world tremble!

Someday, I will have this power!

Xiao Chen withdrew his gaze and suppressed his thoughts. At this moment, he was trained to be far away from the heavens and humans. The most important thing at the moment is how to escape the control of four old monsters such as Qianji Sanren and dead ancestors. Guarantee.

Just when Xiao Chen's eyes were uncertain, Qianji Sanren's face was gloomy, leading him to teleport directly to a corner of the city. The three people, Ziyun Fairy, Heishan Taoist, and Dead Leaf Ancestor, were waiting here.


Seeing that Qianji scattered people brought Xiao Chen, the four monsters did not hesitate to converge, and Xiao Chen rushed into the tide of the Yasha monks and fled to the ethnic battlefield.

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