[Last week, the red ticket broke 10,000, and it was changed to 10,000 2+ on Monday and Thursday. In the new week, you will support me! 】

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call out!

call out!

The unicorns cut off the path for the Yasha cultivators to escape into the territory of the tribe. In order to save their lives, a large number of Yasha cultivators rushed into the battlefield of the ethnic group and rushed to the territory of the unicorns frantically. The master led the army to strangulate, and there were dying screams of the Yasha cultivator everywhere, and it formed an invisible force of oppression in the heart, making the Yasha cultivator even more nervous and uneasy, and only hated that he had two fewer births. leg. <? Bayi. ? 8] 1] ZW. COM

Xiao Chen was still carried by Fairy Ziyun. The four bosses maintained their peaks and flew without stopping in the battlefield of the race. For the Unicorns, they blocked the territory of the returning race and wanted to kill all the cultivators of the Yasha tribe in Millstone City. The four people were not surprised but rejoiced. They wanted to enter the territory of the unicorn tribe, but now they are quite in line with their wishes. As for the strangulation of the monk monks, the four bosses may be careful not to pass through.

Although the four of them kept a low profile as much as possible, so as not to attract the strong of the unicorn tribe to strangulate, all the people who were intercepted by the magical powers were easily killed, which still attracted the attention of countless monks.

"Ah! Senior help!"

"Senior, please watch to save my life for the sake of the same ethnic group!"

"Senior, don't leave me waiting!"

In the current situation, if they can be sheltered by the strong of their own clan, the survival hope of these Yasha Clan monks will naturally rise. However, in the face of their shouts, Qian Ji San Ren, Withered Leaf Old Ancestor and others did not react at all, and quickly killed the person blocking the road in front of them and went forward, disappearing from their vision. Since the unicorn tribe wants to kill all the cultivators of the Yasha tribe in Millstone City, after breaking the city, they will surely spread the message that Skycity sends the monks to lay a killing formation in front of the territory, and kill all the cultivators who have broken into the Yasha tribe. It needs to be killed before the cultivator of Sky City completely completes the blockade. Otherwise, once trapped in the army, even if all four of them are monks in the late stage of the Tribulation, they will not escape death. Therefore, the four old monsters turned a deaf ear to the call for help of the Yasha monks. Compared with their own lives, the lives and deaths of others were nothing.

"Kill them!"

"Stop it!"

A squad of more than 5oo monk tribe monks focused their attention on Xiao Chen and the group of five people, roaring for the team leader, and then 5oo monk tribe monks shot at the same time, and their supernatural powers crashed down.

This single-horned tribe cultivator squad is all at a combined level, and it is composed specifically to kill the strong Yasha tribe, but at the same time, the lethality caused by the dense magical power is enough to cause fatalities to the cultivators in the early stage of the Tribulation. Threatened.


Thousands of Machines sang a low cry, and slapped it with a palm of the hand, and suddenly there was a sky full of spiritual silk, flashing a faint aura, although each one was fine and beautiful, but it was extremely tough and instantly chopped all the fallen magical powers, and cast it directly. Enveloping the 5oo monks of the unihorn tribe, it was a **** storm, and the stumps flew across.

In the face of the strong players in the late stage of the robbery, they have no ability to resist.

"The cultivator of the late Yasha tribe!"

"Come to a few people from the tribe, and the old man together to keep them."

"Shoot, don't let these Yasha cultivators escape."

Thousands of Machines scattered people with magical powers. Although they were powerful and powerful, they also exposed their true cultivation base. They immediately attracted the attention of the strong people of the unicorn. At this moment, they shouted straight to the place and strangled.

Withered Leaf Old Ancestor, Ziyun Fairy, and Black Mountain Taoist, the three complexions were so gloomy. At this moment, they all shouted, and fierce murderous intent emerged from the body, and the magical powers shot around and killed them without hesitation.

The four monks in the late stage of the tragedy teamed up, and the explosive power was astonishing. They instantly slaughtered the surrounding monks from the monohorn tribe, and the figures whizzed past in the light and went straight ahead frantically.

"Kill them!"

The strong one-horned tribe followed closely, and the number is increasing. Roughly sensed from the rear, they are no less than 1o. Those who dare to chase and kill are naturally all strong in the late stage of the tragedy. The strength of the four old monsters Ye Laozu, Qianji Sanren, Ziyun Fairy and Heishan Taoist is enough to attract their attention.

The monks in the late stage of the Tribulation are only one step away from the Heaven and Human Realm. Every one of them is considered to be a strong rank in the race. The military merits gained by killing them are enough to be worth tens of thousands of combined monks, and they are naturally great for the strong unicorns. The allure.

"No, we were noticed." Qianji scattered the people and said in a deep voice, with a gloomy expression. "At the moment when the four of us gather together, we will only be noticed by more and more powerful unicorns. It will be difficult later on. To escape to death, you can only spread out and move forward. With their own means, they may still have a little bit of life."

The old ancestor withered leaves and the three bosses nodded, obviously already thinking of this in their hearts.

"Friend Thousand Chance Daoist is right. Right now, I will spread out here, flee here separately, and meet in the agreed place in the future."

"If you haven't arrived within three months, you don't need to wait any longer."

The Black Mountain Taoist spoke in a low voice, and his eyes were cruising around as he hurried forward, obviously he was quickly choosing a direction to break through.

But at this moment, Fairy Ziyun's beautiful eyes flickered, and suddenly he said, "I have no objection to the suggestion of a concubine by the daoist Thousand Chance, but I can't protect myself at the moment. How can I continue to carry my little friend Xiao Chen , What about this?"

The voice fell, and the eyes of the four bosses gathered at the same time.

Xiao Chen's expression turned gloomy after hearing this.

The old ancestor withered leaves looked at Xiao Chen, his mouth suddenly showed a smile but a smile, and said: "The situation at the moment, I can only take care of my own life, where can I control the life and death of this human junior? Leave him directly and let him fend for himself." After speaking, the old monster's eyes showed a bit of resentment.

Xiao Chen was imprisoned in blood, and if he didn't take any action to suppress it after three days, this ban would definitely burst! Even if this kid escaped by luck today, he would suffer tens of thousands of torments three days later, his whole body turned into pus and blood and died. The ancestor withered leaves asked Xiao Chen to leave, just wanting to make him suffer more, so naturally he wouldn't really give him the least bit of life. Qianji Sanren, Ziyun Fairy, and Heishan Taoist have already noticed this point, but they have not broken it.

"Little friend Xiao Chen, you know the situation at this moment. It's not that the old man and the others don't want to take you away. It's really powerless. It's better to let you escape." Qian Ji's eyes flickered and said.

Xiao Chen's complexion was extremely ugly. At this moment, he heard that his lips moved, but he still didn't speak. He sighed and said, "If this is the case, the juniors naturally follow the arrangements of the four seniors, but the blood imprisonment in the body is asked to remove the dead leaf senior. "

"There is no solution to the blood imprisonment, and the old man can only continue to suppress it." The dead leaf ancestor said with a blank expression, "but Xiao Chen has a lot of methods, maybe he can find a way to solve it by chance."

"Three fellow daoists, the old man is one step ahead!" After saying this, the old monster looked at Xiao Chen and took a step, the figure directly shot and changed direction.

"The two Taoists will have a period later." The Taoist Black Mountain clasped his fists and turned away.

Qian Ji Sanren arched his hand to Fairy Ziyun, sighed, turned and walked away. I don't know what kind of method this old monster used, the speed actually skyrocketed by several points in an instant, and he disappeared at the end of his sight.

"Hee hee, little guy, it's not that my sister is unwilling to save you. I really can't help. I wanted to have a chance to have fun with you afterwards, but now it seems that I am afraid that there is no chance."

"Little guy, good luck."

After the three old monsters left, Fairy Ziyun changed drastically in an instant, adding a bit of waves-charming and charming, but at this moment, she did not hesitate to abandon Xiao Chen in her charming smile, her slender waist twisted and her body was tender. In the escape light whizzed away.

In a short period of time, the four bosses in the late stage of the robbery left one after another.

Xiao Chen's face was ugly, but no one showed the faint joy in his eyes. He didn't stop at the moment, and hurriedly controlled the light to escape into the distance, blending into the queue of other Yasha cultivators. For him, a mere junior, the one-horned masters who came after and killed would naturally not look at them. Seeing Qianji Sanren, Withered Leaf Ancestor, Ziyun Fairy, and Black Mountain Taoists all parted ways and fled, they shouted their own choices. A person will be chased and killed.

Realizing that the masters of the Unicorn tribe had not been chased down, Xiao Chen suddenly sighed with relief, and under the cover of the black robe, there was a sneer from the corners of his mouth. The blood imprisonment has been broken, leaving the control of the four bosses will only be safer now, as long as he is careful to leave the ethnic battlefield and enter the territory of the unicorn, then enter the left eyebrow dojo to avoid the current predicament for a while, then it is completely broken. Thinking of this, Xiao Chen felt extremely relaxed in his heart.

Under the control of the four bosses, this feeling of being at the mercy of others made him extremely depressed.

call out!

A green rainbow pierced the sky, slightly dimmed, and disappeared into the depths of the ethnic battlefield in a way of maintaining the degree while trying not to attract attention.


"Haha, there is no sense of the jade brand, it must be the remnants of the Yasha tribe!" A monk from the unicorn tribe looked at the light passing above his head, his eyes suddenly showed a fiery color, "Kill this person, I have accumulated this time. With the military merits plus the previous surplus, it should be possible to apply to enter the ethnic holy land to practice for a period of time. By then, you will be able to break through the integration and promote the tribulation, you do not need to continue to fight on the ethnic battlefield, and you can get good treatment when you return to the family."


With a cruel low drink from his mouth, this unicorn tribe monk instantly shot, using his post-fitting cultivation base to sneak attack a Yasha tribe monk who was in the early stage of conjugation.

But at this moment, a sneer rang in his ears instantly, and his heart was startled. Before the unicorn monk would react, his body suddenly stiffened, and then there was endless pain on his face, which made him twist in no hurry.

However, within a few short breaths, the monk stood up again, his face turned calm, respectful of his strength, and said: "Curry pays homage to the master!"

Opposite this person, the light narrowed, revealing one of the black-robed monks. This person is naturally Xiao Chen.

From the battlefield of the race to this point, Xiao Chen has killed more than a dozen unicorn monks who wanted to intercept him, but the jade plaques that recorded their military merits and showed their identity would shatter at the same time as the owner died, making him unable to obtain it. .

He had already reached the edge of the ethnic battlefield and was about to enter the territory of the unicorn. He had to obtain an identity jade to pass the pass, otherwise there would be an army of the unicorn guarding him, and it would be impossible to pass through.

"This unicorn jade is similar to the Yasha jade, and it has the ability to recognize the vitality of the clan. If I recognize the master, this thing will be broken instantly. Now it seems that only this method is feasible. Be careful and there should be no accidents. ."

Xiao Chen frowned for a moment, and then made a decision in his heart.

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