Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 18: Unicorn Territory

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"Curry, bring me your identity Jade Wing. [? Eight

"Yes, master!" Curry said respectfully, without a hint of conflict between his expressions, with a flash of aura in his hand and taking out the identity jade badger to Xiao Chen.

Primal Control!

Right now, this unicorn monk Curry was actually administered by Xiao Chen to control the supernatural power, and this super power is after Xiao Chen will break through the blood imprisonment in the night magic city with the help of the golden seal. The object was sent directly to a special method in his Yuanshen called "Brand".

This magical power has no power to attack and defend, but the power is absolutely not to be underestimated. It is about preaching the Tao of the Yuanshen. After training, you can imprint your own Yuanshen into the body of the monk to forcefully recognize the Lord. Once the confession of the Lord is completed, the monk will automatically become a servant of Xiao Chen, killing and slaying in his hands. This "brand" magical power is divided into three levels. The first layer is the easiest to form. After that, it can control a monk slave. The second layer is slightly more difficult. It requires at least Mahayana to cultivate. After successful, you can control 3 The slaves, as for the third layer, need at least to practice in order to cultivate, Dacheng can control 1o slaves! Every slave quota needs the death of the original slave to continue to be replenished.

Although this supernatural power is flawed, it can only be used for those who are under the self, otherwise it will have a very high anti-phasic discipline. The larger the difference is, the higher the anti-phasic will be. Become a slave to others. But even so, as long as Xiao Chen uses it carefully, this "branded" magical power will definitely play a very important role. With a powerful slave united shot, naturally his strength can skyrocket! Even if you encounter a strong enemy, you can order the slave to block or directly explode to increase your chances of survival.

Xiao Chen looked at Curry and nodded with satisfaction. Today is the first time that he has performed the "Brand" magical power. However, it seems that the effect is very good at the moment. He reached out and took Curry's identity, Yu Cui, and groaned slightly, saying, "Curry, take me into the unicorn territory. Remember to call me Xiao Chen in front of others. My lord, don't reveal my identity. "

"Respect the master's order." Curry got up and led Xiao Chen to the edge of the ethnic battlefield.

After two hours.

"Hi! Curry, why did you come back early? It is said that there are still a lot of Yasha clan remnants in the battlefield, why don't you wait for more military merit."

"Hey, that's to say, Curry must be thinking of those beautiful women in the city, maybe it's just a rush to get rid of fire."


Curry seems to have a connection in the Unicorn Optimus City, and several monks in charge of guarding the Unicorn laughed and laughed.

"Let's stop talking nonsense, get out of the way, I have an urgent matter to do." Curry laughed and yelled, Xiao Chen instructed him to be ordinary, this guy then pretended to be very good, and showed nothing strange.

"It is okay to enter the city, but now the yaksha clan is running around everywhere. The black robe brothers around you are very familiar. I have never seen it before. Let ’s show him a robe to show us. She dared not see anyone when she covered it. "A unicorn monk spoke suddenly, and several people around couldn't help laughing.

The unicorn is long and crooked, which is an extremely insulting word in the unicorns.

Curry heard the words stiff, his forehead unknowingly gave birth to a dense layer of cold sweat. This reaction fell into the eyes, and immediately made several unicorn monks suspicious. The eyes showed a sense of caution. Shen said: "Take off Black robe, otherwise I ca n’t wait to blame you! "

For a while, the situation became extremely tense. Once there was a change, there would be countless unicorn monks hanging around. By then, even if Xiao Chen had three heads and six arms, he would surely die.

"Presumptuous!" Xiao Chen drank, but it was a very pure unicorn language, and his body had a burst of breath in the early days of robbery, which shrouded several people. "This seat has a jewel of identity in the clan, don't you wait? It is clear, can this be understood as intentionally offending this seat! "

"I took the black robe, but you waited for a few people to dare offend me, but today you don't want to survive!"

In times of danger, we must have a calm, calm response to survive.

Xiao Chen suddenly exploded, and several unicorn monks turned pale instantly. Especially the sense of Morin's murderous power in Xiao Chen's body made them completely trembled. They did not expect that the hidden under this black robe was actually a senior in the early days of the robbery!

Moreover, the identity of the jade jade is very obvious. Naturally, it is impossible to imitate the refining secret treasures of the tribe, and only the unicorn monks can recognize the master. Otherwise, they will break up by themselves. Rolling down from their foreheads.

"You are so brave, you dare to offend Senior Xiao Chen, you really don't know if you live or die!" Curry took the opportunity to drink and opened the bet to pay attention to the unicorn monks to disperse them. Since it is the internal monk's business, they are too lazy to intervene. I still sneered in my heart, and several junior juniors dare to provoke the robber seniors, but they just died.

"Seniors, they made good friends with Curry in a few days, and also asked the adults to look at Curry's Internet access and don't have general knowledge with them." Curry bowed respectfully and saluted, and his awe was not fake.

Seeing this scene, several guarding unicorn monks had no doubt in their minds, thinking that they had spoken well before, and immediately felt uncomfortable in their hearts. At this moment, they fell on their knees and begged for mercy: "The younger generation has no intention to offend, but please the older generation to spare their lives!"

Offensive to the strong, no matter what kind of tribe is death!

Xiao Chen's face was somber and said nothing, until after a few breaths, he waved his sleeves and chuckled, "At present, my tribe and the yak Yasha tribe are at war, and I will leave you with a life to kill the enemy. If you dare offend again in the future, I will die and spare. "Yan Zhan turned his sleeves, strode towards the city, and went to the unicorn monks to give way and respectfully, no one dared to stop the slightest.

Curry immediately followed, and the two disappeared into the city.

"By the way, you just noticed that there wasn't a sense of jade in Curry?" Several guardian unicorn monks were shocked, one of them suddenly whispered.

"How is it possible that the identity Jade is the identity of the disciplinary army, how could Curry dare to lose it? I think it must have been you who had been frightened by the adults." Another unicorn monk retorted.

"That is, that is, just now we have offended the lord, now you want to provoke death and don't pull us."

The unicorn monk, who first spoke, changed his face, and then smiled carefully, "This ,, maybe I feel wrong,"


Xiao Chen and Curry entered Optimus City. This place is a unicorn frontier. The city is stronger than Millstone City, and there are a lot of monks and strong men stationed. Although they are now out of attack for the masters of Millstone City, their strength remains. Not to be underestimated.

Xiao Chen did not stay here for a long time. Led by Curry, the two went directly to the city's teleport square, entered the big city 3ooo 10,000 miles inside the unicorn territory through the teleportation array, and then flew directly outside the city.

After flying out of the city for a day, the two figures stayed over a low mountain somewhere, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, then he nodded with satisfaction. The spiritual power here is thin and wild, and it is very unobtrusive. It is a good choice to open a temporary residence in Dongfu.

The robe sleeves were waving, and the Gengjin Jianmang burst out from the body, and rose to the size of 3oo in the wind. It cut into the low mountain like a tofu, and it took only a moment, until the lime was scattered. The improvised cave house has been constructed, Xiao Chen immediately led Curry into it, waved his hand under the cloth of the cave to transform it into a restraint so that there would be nothing strange on the surface. Unless the master of the forbidden Tao explores carefully, he will never be able to show anything.

"This seat will be closed for a short period of time. You are here to guard, and I don't ask you to come and disturb me." Xiao Chen said lightly, then turned and walked into the cultivation secret room.

Curry respectfully stated that he sat down cross-legged directly in the small hall to protect Xiao Chen's law.

The eyes flew for two months, during which several monks flew past the cave house, but they all hurried past and did not notice anything strange. Although the hills here are barren, only for the monks, there are still lush forests and quiet surroundings.

But just today, the quiet environment here was directly broken, dozens of roads of light suddenly fled, and there were more than a hundred breaths in the rear, and the sound of kinky-sounding-language laughter was endless.

"It is rumored that the Yasha women are as beautiful as they are. They are completely different from the Yasha men. They are the favorite Ji Ding furnace of the senior monks of all races. They must be comfortable to the extreme. Hehe, I will taste one today. Fan. "

"The goodness of Daoyou said that this wave of Yasha clan relics is hidden deeply. Among them, there are more than twenty Yasha clan female concubines who have not been taken away by the adults in the clan, but they are cheap for you and me."

"Have fun and you can sell them to the auction house. Presumably, there will be a lot of monks buying them with spirit stones. It seems that we are going to collect both wealth and wealth!"


A group of unicorn monks laughed wildly, and the hot color in their eyes was hard to hide.

"Stop them!"

"Want to leave!"

In order to prevent the Yasha monks from desperately fighting, more than a hundred unicorn monks in the rear expelled them along the way to continuously weaken their strength. Now it is not far from the city. In order to prevent being seen, naturally they cannot be allowed to continue to escape.

call out!

call out!

More than 20 unicorn strongmen suddenly soared outside the body, suddenly increased greatly, and stopped the Yasha monks in one fell swoop.

"Hey, I still want to run, let's stay with my grandpas today!"

Hundreds of unicorn monks gathered around instantly to look at the hot and beautiful woman of the Yasha monks, and a neat drool swallowed in the mouth.

"Kill!" The unicorn monk waved suddenly, and then led the monk behind him to make an instant shot, and the method drove the Yasha tribe men sharply. Chop him! "

"Hey, boss, rest assured, we can't bear to hurt this beautiful beauty."

"Leave it to us, it will definitely leave the babies intact."

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