Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 19: Evil thoughts

There was no moment from the beginning to the end of the battle. The Yaksha monks, who were already at the end of the crossbow, were completely defeated. All the men were killed. As for the Yaksha women, they were all restrained. <? Bayi. 8] 1] ZW. COM uses the character of the Yasha woman. At the moment, she would rather blew herself up than being contaminated, but at this moment each of them was wrapped with some kind of green thread. This thing was a unicorn monk's collar to release the treasure. It is to make them feel weak and weak, and no mana can be lifted. All the resistance is nothing but human fish.

As for this moment, the Yacha female nuns are desperate, their bodies are shaking, and most of them are still able to stand barely and are forced to fall onto the barren mountains.

"Hey, the beauty of the Yasha tribe, why should you resist and resist? You and I save some energy to be happy and not happier. You can rest assured that our unicorn men will pity the women very much and will definitely make you want to die."

"The boss said, let ’s find a secret here-Chu Hao Sheng and be happy. I usually hear people say how about the beauty of the Yasha tribe. Today, I can also enjoy it, which is wonderful, wonderful. ! "

"Don't waste time with these little beauties, let's hurry up and happily avoid the horrors."

"Da Shan! Da Shan!"

Hearing the unicorn monks opening their mouths, the Yasha tribal women's facial expressions became brushed and instantly became bloodless.

But at this moment, the abrupt change suddenly protruded, and the sharp breaking air shot from a distance instantly. It was actually a dark arrow. If the speed of the thunder went straight into the chest of the unicorn monk, the person's flesh dried quickly. , And that black arrow became a bit brighter.


The next moment, Sen Leng drank suddenly in my ears! In the volatility of the waves, the 6o Yasha monk's figure appeared, but he did not know what kind of means was used to secretly lurk here. At this moment, he seized the opportunity to attack while the unicorn monk relaxed.

Sudden change of life suddenly angered the unicorn monks, at this moment they turned and shot in anger. Although the number of monks of the Yasha tribe is small, the natural ones who can survive long-term hunting are masters. The means are fierce and fierce. The two sides have only met for a short time. The unicorn monks have been seriously injured and wounded. Misery.

"The idea is too frustrating, withdraw!"

The unicorn monks gradually panicked. At this moment, I don't know who the population is shouting, and more than 50 people who have survived are making birds and beasts in all directions.

"Kill them all, don't let one go!" The monk of the Yasha clan spoke with a drink, and immediately the monk chased him away in a flash of light, and then made a horrible noise, but it was resolved within a moment.

call out!

call out!

Dozens of Yasha monks are returning soon.

Suddenly, a group of Yacha female nuns were rescued by the people, and they were both shocked and happy. At this moment, they hurriedly gathered their salute and thanked all the friends.

Jiutu's eyes flickered, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He turned to a thin monk on his side and asked, "Poly, how are these women's strengths?"

Polly's strength among a group of 6o monks can only be ranked at the middle and lower levels, but this person was born with a special magical power that can easily discern the monk's practice, the danger is prohibited, and the means of avoiding evil is extremely clever. The rank is quite high.

"Boss, the subordinates have already seen that these women are very weak, the strongest is not to fall to the later levels. If they are absorbed, they will not help us, and they will become a burden. They can support up to now because of the unicorn Wang Ba The egg was colored. "Polly's eyes flashed a bit of fiery color. Although a certain thought kept rolling in his mind, what he said was true. This man is very clear in his heart that he can have the status today because of his gifted ability. If he dares to talk nonsense, there is no reason to continue to exist.

"Um." Jiu Tu nodded, feeling the scorching eyes of the brothers behind him, and said lightly: "Since they have no usefulness, we naturally won't keep them. They will fall into this unicorn territory, and sooner or later they will become these alien races. That being the case, I don't need to be polite. "

"Half an hour is enough for you to toss and kill them all afterwards, in case the whereabouts are revealed."

"Thank you, boss!"

"Long live the boss!"


These 6o yaksha monks were punished by their clan and entered the battlefield of the clan to forgive their sins. Right now in the territory of the unicorns, he has been hunted down for days, maybe he will lose his life the next moment, and naturally he will be more indulgent.

2o The fascination on the faces of more than yaksha women has not yet completely spread, and they have quickly dissipated and turned pale again. I thought I was rescued by a master of the clan. Who ever wanted to get rid of the wolf's mouth and then enter the tiger mouth. Horn monks are even more miserable.

"You, you are not afraid that this matter will be known to adults in the clan. When we die, you will not escape the crime of death!"

"My brother is a captain in the clan, and if you dare to kill me, you will be killed in the future!"

"Why don't sisters say more, these people are now desperate, I'm afraid there are no more scruples!"

"Ah, run away."

A number of Yasha women's repairs had different looks, and they quickly retreated in the mountains at this moment. Although the power of the unicorn monk's leader died and destroyed the **** of their treasures, they could not escape by their cultivation.

Jiutu and other monks of the Yasha clan fell down and yelled lightly. He was smiling so much that he was about to hold each of the women he liked, but at this moment, the former's face changed instantly!

"Be careful!"

With this man's violent drinking, thousands of Gengjin sword qi suddenly appeared in the void, each of which was more than the size of a burrow, silver and white, with an endless sharp breath, and it was already chilling. At first glance, once it is cut off, it will definitely not feel good.

This Gengjin sword qi came from all directions, and it was arranged in a tight and meticulous manner. It was endless like a pouring rain of swords. There was no dead end. The monk entered it, and he just wanted to withdraw and retreat.

The yaksha monk's heart was extremely hot. At this moment, as if someone was pouring a basin of cold water in his head, his heart was suddenly full of anger, and he drank the magical power with anger and smashed all the Gengjin sword gas that strangled him. Anyone who has been disturbed by good things at this moment will be extremely angry.

Jiutu's face was gloomy, his eyes were slightly dignified and he looked at the surroundings. He didn't feel a slight sink, groaned, and opened his fists. He said, "I don't know which one of the unicorns is Daoyou Dongfu. Today, I have no intention to have evil with Daoyou. As long as the Daoist stopped banning, I will retreat immediately. "This monk of the Yasha clan sees the mystery of banning here, and it is not until his Majesty the monk touches unintentionally that he will be motivated, and this time I want to take the opportunity to test here The owner of the Dongfu repaired it. If it was tricky, it would naturally be justified. But in case, hehe, then killed and occupied the Dongfu, just to be a happy place.

But at this moment, the surrounding Geng Jin sword gas has not changed at all, and still screams and roars.

Jiutu's eyes suddenly became extremely ugly, and his heart was chilled. At the moment, it seems that the host of Dongfu didn't seem to let them go.

"Hands on!" This alien monk is also the one who killed the fruit. Now that he is sure, he doesn't hesitate to shoot directly. "Break the restrictions and kill the unicorn monks here. You and I have occupied Dongfu, just for the time being. Cultivation land. "


The 6o Yasha monk shot arrogantly, and the power really couldn't be underestimated. This time he burst into full force, and then the Geng Jin Jianmang burst suddenly became fierce and the stalemate was forcibly broken. But at this moment, a cold humming sounded. In the space fluctuations, a hole in one side appeared slowly, and a black robe monk slowly walked out of it.

"Unintentionally intervene in the affairs of the Taoists, as long as this woman is left, I will let you wait for Enron to retreat."

In the Yaksa female repairs, the Lingshi City Lingkou suddenly lifted, and only felt that the sound in her ears was very familiar. After seeing the black robe of the comer, the pretty face suddenly expressed the meaning of surprise, "My lord! Please my lord to save me ! "

Clan monk!

Jiutu's heart sank severely. Although the situation is critical at present, they may not have the opportunity to return to the tribe safely in the future, so there must be no leak of what is happening now, otherwise the tribe will be executed! However, when he saw the cultivation, the person suddenly relaxed again.

The combined monk, although it is not exact, this breath induction is absolutely not wrong. However, the means of forbidden roads are more arbitrary, but now the large array has been broken, this kid dare to be so arrogant, it can be described as life or death.

"Hey, he's actually a fit state, the boss waits a little, and when I slaughter this person, you and I will take possession of Dongfu here to cultivate." Among the yaksha monks, a cold man opened his mouth, killing secrets in his eyes.

Jiu Tu nodded slightly. Poison Eye was the strongest person in the team except him. It is said that he had an adventure in his early years. Although he had not been promoted to cross the robbery, he was invincible in the combination. It should be enough to kill the black robe monk.

"Dead!" The poisoned eye was allowed. At the moment, the corner of his mouth smiled coldly.

Once out of the palm, a layer of gray-white breath suddenly appeared in the void, and quickly gathered, turning into a palm of one side, only three feet in size, but the power was not to be underestimated, and the corrosive atmosphere that was emitted caused the surrounding space to nourish. sound.


Xiao Chen's eyes were slightly condensed, and the spiritual practice of the spirit world was indeed mysterious. Although the poisonous eye was repaired to have only the peak level of the late stage of the fit, this hand's poisonous power was extremely powerful, enough to let him explode the strength of a monk at a similar level. But with such means, it is far from trying to compete with him.

Although he didn't want to cause trouble, Xiao Chen never minded killing the goods coming to his door. At this moment, he snorted in his heart and shot directly with his backhand.

Yinfeng, Bloody Rain, and Jinyun all three types of supernatural powers are all included. They are directly merged into the supernatural power "overhand", compressed to ten feet in size, and are dark and bloody. The attacking power gathered at one point is even more powerful and direct. Shoot forward.


The poisoned palm fell, and the poisoned eyes sneered. His magical powers were extremely wicked, which could corrode the flesh and blood powers. The monk was so brave that he dare to scream at him, I am afraid that he will be turned into a pool of black blood. Already.

But the next thing was to change the face of the Yasha monk, and his eyes showed an incredible color. I saw that the magical powers met, and he was always directly dispelled under the trembling of the poisonous palms of the fit monk, and the power of the magical powers remained undiminished.

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