Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 20: Obscenity

It should be noted that together with the poisoning, Xiao Chen's "Hand Cover" confessed to be no less than others, and he used his cultivation as a display to naturally suppress this poisonous eye. Bayi ((Medium.) 81ZW.COM

The face of Jiutu changed, and Li Guangguang stepped forward directly to save the poisonous eye with a wave of his robe sleeve. His eyes were cold and chilly: "It turned out to be a monk crossing the robbery. No wonder you can be so arrogant, so let it be Ask for advice. "The words are uttered and the arrogant breath is bursting, but these nine slaughters are actually a real monk in the early period of crossing the robbery, plus the magic treasures in hand, it is more common that the peak of the early period of crossing the robbery is not weak at all.

In the eyes of Xiao Chen, the murderous turmoil was at that moment in the unicorn territory. If it was a powerful fight, it would inevitably attract attention. If it caused the unicorn monks to come, the consequences would be unthinkable.

The battle was resolved, and all these Yaksha monks were resolved.

Minds move slightly, and inside the storage ring, a long green sword jumps slowly, and a little killing is scattered from it. Xiao Chen ’s repair of the body is really the peak of the early period of crossing the robbery, but if you shoot with all your strength, the blow can definitely reach the peak of the middle period of crossing the robbery!

In the mid-term of crossing the robbery, the peak hit was enough to kill the Jiu Tu and others.

However, at this moment, Xiao Chen's complexion suddenly changed. The next moment, a majestic majestic pressure fell without warning, covering Xiao Chen and all the Yasha monks, and then there was the cold and husky The sound came out.

"It's wasteful to fight and kill, it's better to supplement this seat." The voice dropped, and a figure of an old man in black appeared in the scene instantly. Someone looked at the old age, his skin was loose and dry, like dried orange peel. His head was white and messy, his bones were as thin as firewood, as if a gust of wind could blow it down. However, it was the old man who was about to die. The breath exuded in his body made Xiao Chen's heart jump hard, and then his face was completely gloomy.

Purple Cloud Fairy!

This old lady is actually the amorous Ziyun Fairy. Although I do not know why she has become what she looks like now, this breath is definitely not wrong.

At the same time, this purple cloud fairy turned her gloomy eyes and fell on Xiao Chen instantly, her pupils contracted slightly, and then she sneered, "Xiao Chen's little friend, I haven't seen in two months, I don't know if you can be well It seems that we really have a destiny? "Between words, it was difficult to hide the joy in this weird voice.

Xiao Chen looked cloudy for a while, and then saluted politely, saying, "Xiao Chen has met the senior Ziyun."

Fairy Ziyun looked up and down, and a little surprised in her eyes, "It seems that Xiaoyou really has a lot of cards, but it can break the blood imprisonment of the dead leaf ancestor, and you are the peak of the early repairs. , But it was so deeply hidden that it was hidden from me and no one noticed it. "

"So, this seat is a little curious about the little friends."

Xiao Chen was shocked when he heard the words, but at this moment he didn't wait for him to react. The purple cloud fairy was as thin as a claw palm, and the aura of light flashed. A round bowl-shaped magic weapon shot out instantly. Under this treasure, Xiao Chen's whole body was tight, but she was directly sealed off. Yuan Shen's mana could not move as much as possible, making his face completely gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger.

The old man was caught off guard by the late repair, and he had no resistance.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Chen Xiaoyou. This seat will hold you back for the time being, but just want to know how many secrets are hidden in your body. Afterwards, you will use your hands to rush to the secret place, as long as you obediently hand over the treasures I fancy Naturally, this seat will not hurt you. "Ziyun Fairy incarnates the old maid faintly, but there is fiery color in her eyes, but at this moment a little hesitant, this old man still slowly shook his head and secretly said:" It's important to recover the injury now, wait for me Repair is complete, and it's not too late to check this kid. "

With certain thoughts in his heart, the old man in Ziyun raised his hand slightly with a sneer. All monks in the field flew uncontrolled into the cave opened by Xiao Chen. The stranger finally entered, waved his hand under a strong restraint, and covered the hole without mentioning it.

After entering the cave, Ziyun Laosu hesitated slightly, waving her hand to make all Yasha women such as Ling Kou sink into dizziness. As for Xiao Chen, she was thrown aside directly and sealed by the banned soul bowl. His five senses were closed and he could not move at all.

After doing this, the old man's mouth just sneered, turning to look at the terrified, white-faced monks who couldn't open their mouths, waving their sleeves, and immediately lifted them from restraint.

"The juniors and others meet the seniors!" Jiu Tu and others bowed respectfully, bowing deeply and saluting, "I'm willing to follow the seniors, obey the seniors' assignments, and ask the seniors to look around me and wait for me to die."

The old man Ziyun hissed and laughed, his eyes were faintly strange, and he whispered softly: "How can this seat be willing to kill you with such good medicine, rest assured that before death, this seat will let you enjoy the bliss in this world . "

Whispering, waiting for the Jiutu and others to suddenly change color, this weird twitched slightly, and suddenly a few pink air burst out instantly, directly into their bodies. With this pink breath entering, the color of fear on the faces of Jiutu and others suddenly disappeared, and the skin of the whole body rose quickly, as if to leaching blood, and the mouth was breathing heavily, and the eyes were covered with a layer of blood. Although Yuan Shen is still struggling, it also weakens quickly with the passage of time.

Seeing this, Ziyun nodded with satisfaction and waved them again, holding them one by one, with a flash of light on his hands. He actually took out a dental bed with a size of several feet, and it was covered with some kind of monster white fur and veil. Occlusion.

The old demon flashed a little light outside, and fell directly on the bed, fading out his outer clothes, and groaned in his mouth, and then a yaksha monk outside the bed instantly recovered his body's body, and a roar like a beast in his mouth. The burst directly shattered the shirt, and the stripes went directly into the bed without a prelude. Holding the old devil was actually "snacking" and "snacking" and moving directly.

Shortly after the impact of the piston, the yaksha man's mouth suddenly squeaked and became extremely humming, and the speed was more than a few times faster, crackling ** The sound of the impact was endless until the sound of a blow was out, and the body was lying on the old lady of Ziyun Trembling, but for a short period of time, his flesh and blood dried up quickly with the naked eye's visibility, and a trace of flesh and blood flew out from the junction and directly integrated into the old demon's body. With this flesh and blood gas entering, her old-fashioned and dried-up flesh was about to recover.


A dry corpse flew from above the bed, fell to the corner of the cave, and a groan came out, and the second Yasha monk pounced on the bed in a roar.




The monks of the Yasha tribe kept throwing themselves on the bed to meet the Ziyun old demon, but none of them could persist for a while, and all of them leaked away Yuanyang, but they built their own whole body, the essence of flesh and blood, and were swallowed together. Clean.

After swallowing more than 3o of the Yasha monks with such insidious mana, Ziyun Old Lady has once again returned to her former appearance, with a pretty face, a plump and fair-skinned body, three thousand blue silk sprinkled on the head of the bed, and the towering twin peaks trembled. -Yin whispered, two fair-skinned straight thighs wrapped tightly around the monk's waist, and kept pinching. The Yasha monk sprinted wildly, but couldn't resist it dozens of times, and was directly sucked into a dead body.

The hole seemed springless, and the beauty groaned and screamed, but if she saw the dry corpse with her own eyes, she only felt cold in her heart, and a coldness rose directly from the coccyx bone, and directly rose up, arousing the cold hair. Erect.

In the hole, Xiao Chen fell to the ground with a calm face, as if in a coma, but no one knew it at this moment. He knew everything about the outside world.

Feng Zhenbao may not be able to break through to other monks, but for Xiao Chen, who has the golden seal, it is not difficult to get away. But instead of acting lightly, he watched everything in the cave coldly, waiting silently for the opportunity.

Kill his wife and practice, Zizi practice. The world of self-cultivation is extremely cruel. In order to gain the avenue, countless monks are struggling at all means, bloody, and the scene in front of them can only be regarded as an ordinary method. So far, Xiao Chen has practiced, and his mental temper is extremely tough. He will not be shocked by the things in front of him. He is calm in the water, waiting silently for the best shot.

Right now, even if he is not sure, he can only let go of the battle! There are too many secrets hidden in Xiao Chen's body. Once exposed, it is bound to lead to the madness of countless powerful people in the whole earthquake. Right now, this fairy Ziyun has been suspicious of him. Once the injury recovers, he will probably perform soul-searching on him. Many secrets on him are naturally unpredictable.

So at this moment, Xiao Chen waits silently and needs to take the shot at the most appropriate time. In the face of the late period of the robbery, he only had a chance to make a shot. Once there was a mismatch, he could not escape today. He spent 2ooo years of hard work and died.

In this battle, he could not help but be careful!

As time passed, the beauty in the cave sighed more charmingly, and this purple cloud fairy had reached the critical point of explosion. The name of this woman's cultivation method is "Spiritual Capture". By robbing the man of all the flesh and blood energy and transforming it into mana to supplement her body, it is an extremely evil evil power. At that time, Ziyun Fairy was just a small self-cultivation family girl. She even won the "Soul Capture" method. She successively used her means to devour her elder brother, her father, and all the men in the family. In order to achieve today's post-robbery repairs. However, this method is very similar to the cultivation of supernatural powers by the ancestors of the dead leaves. Although it can make the cultivation ascend quickly, it will be very difficult to promote heaven and earth in the future, so this woman will be invited to explore the mystery, only because of one of these. This kind of treasure is too tempting for her. Once she has it in her hands, she will have more than 50% to be promoted to heaven.

This temptation was enough to make her desperate, so she knew that her trip would be dangerous, but Fairy Ziyun still had no hesitation, even if she was being chased and hit by a unicorn strong right now, she had no regrets.

The 59th monk of the Yasha tribe turned into a corpse, and the last person left was the leader of the Nine Tutu. The fairy Ziyun left him at the end, just to use his body to reach the peak of Yuanyang's power instantly, and then Yin Yuan is released from the body, yin and yang are reconciled, and all engulfing energy is completely integrated into itself. Once completed, the previous injury will be completely restored.

The charming voice is swiftly bursting, and the violent breath suddenly bursts. Jiutu's robes shatter, and the stripe goes to the bed. She lifts the beautiful woman's soft white thighs, hangs it on her shoulders, and enters with a gun. She embraces the beautiful woman's waist. Get up. The speed is getting faster and faster, Ziyun Fairy Jiao-panting body shaking like a beautiful snake, white flickering eyes, milk-waves burst.

At this moment, the two who were completely in the carnival did not show up. On the ground, inside the black robe, Xiao Chen's eyes opened instantly, the dark eyes were cold as stars, with a touch of coldness, and a calmness.

The timing is approaching.

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