Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 31: Shuisha Lingzhu

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes, his eyes flickered for a while, apparently, his thoughts were turning quickly, and then a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "This world is supported by the smoke waves and thousands of water arrays. These four monsters want to destroy them, they need Destroy this world, how can such a situation be concealed from me. Eight ( 1) ZW.COM "

"Right now they don't know that I've entered here. So, as long as I hide and not be aware, and then wait in silence, I can go straight into the depths of the mystery after they break through."

"But before that, I should still think of some ways to learn more about the mystery here, and also to prepare early."

Just as he frowned, his eyebrows suddenly flickered, and then he could not help showing a little satisfaction, and Shi Shiran turned and looked forward calmly.

The next moment, an alien creature appeared in his sight, and saw Xiao Chen a moment's glance, and then his eyes were filled with anger, anger, and resentment, and a roar of unknown meaning continued in his mouth, but the strong hostility was very clear.

This alien has a short body, only the height of an adult, full of some green scales, hands and feet that even have fin-like objects, a sharp head, white eyes protruding, and a large mouth, occupying Most of his face was filled with chaotic and dense fangs, and now he was roaring, his appearance was extremely terrifying.


The tyrannical killings are revealed in the eyes of this alien, but at the moment the roar has not yet fallen, the figure was shot directly, the sharp sharp teeth were born on his hands, and he went straight to Xiao Chen and flew open. He opened his mouth and seemed to swallow him directly.

Xiao Chen frowned. The alien seemed to be extremely hostile to him. Although he couldn't figure it out, he didn't take it to heart. At this moment, he looked calmly and held it with one hand. Then the ugly alien race came to a sudden stop, and there was surging power in the void. It was born, and it would be impossible to suppress it by suppressing it. However, this alien is truly violent and extremely fearless. Even if he is restrained, his eyes are still not panic-stricken, and his mouth is roaring, and a rush of blood comes out of his eyes. With the birth of this blood, his breath suddenly fluctuates sharply.

Xiao Chen's eyes were a little surprised, Yang Yang hit a few prohibitions and merged into the ugly alien, and immediately forced it back from the explosion. Based on his current practice, the aliens in this area that are comparable to the Yuanying realm naturally have no backhand. Force, life and death to win everything in the hands.

His body was sealed, his eyes turned into red blood, still staring at Xiao Chen, his eyes were more resentful and murderous.


Xiao Chen grunted coldly in his mouth. The face of the alien was suddenly pale. The green blood in the Qiqiao flowed out, but it was completely damaged. At the same time, Xiao Chen stretched out with one hand and instantly fell on the head of the alien. The soul-searching technique directly Show.

After a while, Xiao Chen slowly opened her eyes, her eyes flickered slightly, her hands loosened, and the alien body suddenly fell to the ground, but it had already collapsed and died.

"Shuisha tribe." From the soul search, Xiao Chen already knew some of the conditions in the space here.

This space is called the water spirit world in the mouths of the Shuisha people. Because of the gathering of the water spirit, they have created the wisdom under the chance. In this space, they have passed on for thousands of years and have formed a complete cultivation system.

This water is cruel and combative. At the beginning of its birth, Yuanshen was branded by the formation method. It needs to be guarded here forever in its lifetime. All aliens must be killed, so after seeing this stranger Xiao Chen This talent of the Shuisha tribe will be so hostile, and they will live and die in an instant.

Not only that, Xiao Chen also learned some other useful news, such as the 66 pillars that support the Tianshui Lingzhu, and 66 large Shuisha tribes in the branch of the water spirit world, which are the holy things that maintain the existence of the world.

For example, the water spirit world has a passage to the temple, and the mission of the Shuisha tribe is to protect the temple.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered and he thought for a moment. He already had some vague thoughts in his heart. "The 66 relics that support the spiritual pillars of heaven and water and maintain the existence of the world. Fang Yan, want to break into the depths of the mystery, only to destroy it.

"As for the sanctuary, it should be the place where the secret treasures that Qianji Sanren, the dead ancestors and other people want to find are also the place where the Lingmai gel cream exists."

"That being the case, I just need to find a pillar that supports the heavenly water, and I can wait for these old immortals to come to me with peace of mind." Xiao Chen chuckled, and acquired Shuisha's memory, and he could easily find it.

Fingers flew slightly, a fireball shot at once, landed on the water corpse, and now if he wanted to leave, he would destroy the corpse naturally, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. The fireball fell, and Shuisha's body burned instantly, and quickly turned into a mass of ashes, but when Xiao Chen wanted to return to the left eyebrow dojo, his eyes flickered slightly, and there was a frivolity in his mouth.

I saw that in the ashes of the Water Shakes, there was actually a crystal-clear object like an emerald. At this moment, a faint aura of light was shining, and the rich aura of spirit was flowing out of it, extremely pure.

Xiao Chen swept away, determined that the object was normal, and beckoned it into his hands.

The green jewel-like object has a cold tentacle and a texture of Microsoft. It can change its shape with a little force on the finger. Among them, it seems that it is some kind of liquid fluid. Generally, it only needs to tear the outer layer of translucent film to flow out.

With a little thought, Xiao Chen exerted a little force on her hand, and the soft water droplets split instantly, and a few drops of thick turquoise liquid dripped from it, and even a faint fragrance was scattered from it. His eyes were slightly bright, and Xiao Chen wrapped it with divine knowledge. After a little analysis, his face showed a little joy, and he opened it with one hand, and withdrew the divine knowledge and let the sticky green water drops fall on the palm. The water drop dropped and rolled twice, but disappeared without being submerged in the flesh.

Xiao Chen closed her eyes and felt the icy breath that blended into the flesh, and could not help showing a faint smile. At this moment in his induction, after the water droplets in the palm of the hand absorbed the water droplets, both the vitality and the strength increased, and the flexibility became stronger.

"The second realm of" Xuantian "has reached the limit accumulation level, but the physical cultivation is too slow to upgrade, and I want to break through step by step, I do n’t know when I can do it, but if I can get a lot of water spiritual beads Absorption may shorten the breakthrough period greatly. Once the breakthrough of the fetal fetus is too great, according to the records of exercises, physical power will skyrocket. At that time, even if it is repaired, it will remain at the current level. I will face the strong man in the late stage of the robbery There is also a battle! "

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed differently, and the next step came, and the figure disappeared into the left eyebrow dojo. The next moment, a black pebble melted into the ground directly, breaking through the mud layer silently and silently like a wind and wave boat.


"Shuisha Lingzhu! Hey, this is Shuisha Lingzhu!" The Taoist man in Montenegro looked at the green as a gem in his hand, and showed irreversible joy in his eyes. This bead nurtures the body of the water, which is the essence of the power of the water spirit. The monk learned that it can be refined into the flesh and flesh, which greatly enhances the soft texture of the body, which is an extremely rare treasure.

This Heishan Taoist is a strong mountain body, and he has paid attention to physical combat power. If he can get a lot of water magic beads, even if he is not upgraded, he can greatly increase his physical power, and his combat power soars.

"Based on the Yanbo Qianshui array, the creation of a realm and the protection of the Shui Sha family is really impressive." Qianji Sanren's complexion swept across the perimeter in his hand, and the strange colors flashed endlessly.

"Huh! Regardless of how he deploys it, you and I have been preparing for a long time. It took a lot of effort to come here. Naturally, I have to keep the treasure in my hands." The ancestors of the dead leaves had a fiery color in their eyes. The number of evils is incalculable. When you and I break the pillars supporting Tianshui, you can of course take advantage of it. "

"This is a good word from dead leaves friends. Since that's the case, I won't wait any longer, break this world as soon as possible, and go deep into the mystery!"

The Montenegrin people said nothing, the three old monsters nodded at the same time, and the light shone, and whistled straight to a large tribe of Shuisha.


"Shuisha tribe!" The flame old demon casts a soul-searching technique, and his face suddenly becomes cloudy and cloudy. The method of cracking the smoky waves is different from his idea, and it is necessary to remove 66 pillars of the heavenly water.

"Also, since it is impossible to take the initiative to go deep into the mystery alone, the old man secretly shot and seized the water spirit beads. Hey, this kind of water treasure is very good for me, and I can wash my body to eliminate fire poison."

The strange flame flashed in the eyes of the old flame, looking at a small Shuisha tribe under the hillside, with cruel sneer in the corner of his mouth.

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