Baidi tribe!

As the 27th largest tribe in the Shuisha 66 tribe, millions of Shuisha are gathered here, and the tribe occupies a vast area. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W}. ] 8] 1? ZW. COM is only in the water spirit world, the Shuisha tribe is the supreme overlord, and any other creatures are their prey. Maybe small tribes will occasionally be attacked by various Shuisha beasts, but the Baidi tribe does not need this. This kind of scruples, any dare to provoke, will be wiped out directly.

Therefore, the large tribes located on the plains of the river valley are surrounded by even a little defensive measures, and even whispered lazily in charge of patrolling the realm. The long years of ease have made them lose their due alertness.

A stream flows from the mountain, the river is clear, because the water spirit is strong, the water quality is actually pale green, and at this moment in the flowing water, a black stone flows with the waves, without attracting any attention from the water, and has already entered the tribe. Within range.

In the left eyebrow field, Xiao Chen probed the entire Baidi tribe through the restrained manifestation. According to the soul search, there was a pillar of heavenly water.

The image detection range was enlarged without losing too much time. Xiao Chen had found what she was looking for. In the middle of this Baidi tribe, a whole body of blue is engraved with endless waves of water, as if the crystal-shaped pillars stand quietly, and the rich and extreme water and spirit pulsations emerge from it.

This thing must be the pillar of heaven and water!

The root is grounded, the top is connected to the sky, and the power of the water spirit rises from the ground into the water spirit beads, dissipates through the pillars, merges into the void, and is absorbed by the living beings, transformed, and finally returned to the earth, forming a complete cycle. Once the Tianshui Lingzhu is destroyed and the cycle is forced, the world power to maintain this side will collapse, and eventually the space will be destroyed here.

"Just waiting in peace for this White Emperor Tribe. Once I noticed that the three weirds were doing something, I took the opportunity to collect the Shuisha Lingzhu." Xiao Chen turned his thoughts, then sat cross-legged, waiting for the break to begin.

This is three days.

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly a very strong breath exploded in the distance, making his eyebrows unable to bear a slight pick. He was no stranger to this breath, it was the old leaf ancestor, and then the breath of Qianji Sanren and the people of Montenegro burst.

These three old monsters can't help but finally, if the induction is not wrong, they should choose the strongest rhino horn tribe among the 66 tribes. It seems that in the face of the Shuisha tribe, Qianji Sanren, dead leaf ancestors, and Montenegrin Taoists also have scruples, and are determined to pay attention to destroying the strongest forces of the Shuisha tribe directly when they are not ready to destroy them, and do not give them the opportunity to compete.

The slaughter and killing has begun, a good opportunity to collect the water spirit spirit beads!

Xiao Chen's mind moved slightly, and the left eyebrow Taoism fluttered a little. It immediately fell into the ground and hurried to the source of the breath explosion.

The self-proclaimed space in the Yanbo Qianshui array is not too large, at most comparable to the size of a half-person world. With Xiao Chen's repair now full burst, it can arrive at most two hours.

call out!

Black stones traveled under the ground.


"Interracial! Kill the interracial!"

"Protect the significance of my existence, guard the temple, and kill the intruders!"

"Keep the temple at all costs!"

The mouth of the Shuisha clan roared, and the elder of the rhino horn tribe, who was comparable to the late period of the calamity, was about to lead Erlang to take a shot, but at the moment felt the atmosphere of the people, but his face could not help but change instantly.

"Three alien kings in the late stage of the realm, summoned all the elders in anxiety, to fight with all their strength!"

"Termites, you immediately leave the tribe surrounding the messenger, join my tribe elders of the Shuisha tribe, and kill these intruders!"

As the elder snarled, a Shuisha tribe nodded respectfully, and then turned to the water spirit flashing wildly, directly out of the tribal area, and ran away wildly.

"Decisive battle, go all out!"

Qianji Sanren has a dignified face. Although the Shuisha tribe is sealed and slowly upgraded, the strongest do not transition to the later stage of the hijacking, but the number is not small. The rhino horn tribe alone has three Shuisha tribe. In addition, there were as many as seven or eight in the middle and early stages of the robbery.

"Thousands of friends and friends, this battle was brought to them by the old man and the friend of Montenegro. You are waiting for the opportunity." The dead leaf ancestor looked dignified, and he looked at the Montenegro Taoist at the same time. Both nodded at the same time. Flash, whistling forward, the magical power in his hand has already shot.

call out!

The dead leaf ancestor's hand flashed a little light, and the whole body flashed the color of green oil. The skull magic weapon suddenly appeared in the hand. The old man bit his finger and put it into the mouth of the skull. Then vigorously suck-allow it.

Three consecutive mouthfuls of fine blood were swallowed, and the green oil skull suddenly burst into flames, instead of having a slight temperature dispersion, it exuded a hint of cold air from it. It is in this flame that the shape of this object has soared, and it has reached the size of thousands of feet in a short period of time.

"go with!"

The ancestor of the dead leaf smiled coldly, stretched out his hand, and the green oil skull opened his mouth suddenly, and went straight to the water.

As for the Taoist in Montenegro, it was a roar, and his body was expanding rapidly in the course of his journey. As for the size of 15oo, his skin dried up and turned into fossils. He actually displayed the supernatural powers and fossils! Once this magical power is cast, it can make the physical power soar, regardless of defense or attack. With a punch, it will have the power to tear the world.

The two old monsters shot all at once, and the ordinary Shui Sha was naturally not an opponent, and they were easily killed.


The elder rhino horn tribe Shuisha immediately became furious, screaming a layer of water and spirit breath from inside and outside, and shot all together, strangling to the dead leaf ancestors and the Taoists from Montenegro. These Shuisha elders are tyrannical, their water system magical powers cannot be underestimated, and their resentment is to shoot down the ancestors of the dead leaves and the Taoists in Montenegro in an instant.

"Kill aliens and take revenge on them!"

"Kill them!"

The elders of Shuisha opened their mouths, and Jiao Rui's chaotic fangs flickered with dazzling coldness, as if they were going to tear them apart and devour them.

"Thousands of friends, shot!" The dead leaves ancestors and the elders of the rhino horn tribe struck a hard blow. After the figure took the opportunity to retreat, he wished that the Taoist in Montenegro was a blow in front of the water elder, and then spread out. Feet ran away.

Qianji Sanren's eyes flashed sharply, and his hand flashed a little, but a unicorn monk appeared directly beside him. The man was terrified, but his body was restrained, but he couldn't move any sound. A crimson-like charcoal, the violent breath of the elixir shot, the Qianji Sanren pinched the mouth of the unicorn monk and threw it into the abdomen, then raised his hand and threw it at the gathered Shuisha elder.

A flash of blood appeared suddenly, and Xun Xuan occupied the unicorn monk's eyes, making it bulge high, as if to explode, at the same time, his flesh and blood was also anxious, and the surging heat was scattered, like There was a flame burning in his body.

Sensing this hot temperature, all the elders of the Shuisha clan suddenly expressed anger. As the creatures born in the smoke wave and thousands of water arrays, the whole body is full of the spiritual power of water and has a natural repulsion to the fire energy. ,fear.

In the scream, dozens of rhino horn tribe Shuisha elders shot at the same time, covered with a layer of azure blue shield to guard out, but at the moment their approach was futile.


The body of the unicorn monk exploded without warning, and the violent fire energy burst out from it, turning it into a monstrous fire wave, sweeping away wildly, covering the vast expanse of the void, except for the elders of the water. Resist, the surrounding water evil is directly reduced to ashes under the force of destruction of this horrible fire, only the spirit beads in the body fall to the ground.

"The Shuisha family is afraid of fire, so it is!" The ancestor of the dead leaf whispered, but the joy in his eyes was difficult to hide.

Qianji Sanren also nodded with satisfaction. "Taking the unicorn fire genius as a deep monk, swallowing the fiery flame, forcibly burning flesh and blood, the magic power of the gods burst into the Xeon strike. The power is really strong, and there is no waste. I wait for a shot. "

After a few breaths, the waves of fire dissipated, numerous waters were buried in the sea of ​​fire, and the elders of the rhino horn tribe were all hit hard.

"Shoot, kill!"

The ancestor of the dead leaf licked the corner of his mouth, screamed first in his mouth, the figure shot instantly, and numerous green oil swords suddenly came out of his body *. It was only in order to drive the skeleton that it cost him a lot of damage, and now he had to make up for it.

Thousands of people scattered, and the people of Montenegro did not fall behind and repaired as many as possible.

The three veterans in the late period of the calamity took the fullest shot and took the lead in jointly killing a number of elders who had severely injured Shuisha, and the remaining Shuisha fled in fright.

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