Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 33: Extreme cold

"Clean it up and destroy the Yanbo Qianshui array of eyes. I will leave as soon as possible!" Qianji Sanren whispered, the old ancestor of the dead leaves and the Taoist man from Montenegro nodded, and waved the ground with a large amount of water. Within the ring, he did not chase after fleeing everywhere, turned to go straight to the middle of the tribe. [Eight? One {<< Small

Under the pillar of sky and water, Qianji scattered his eyes and flashed his eyes, arching: "The old man tried his best to crack it, and bothered the two Taoist friends to guard it." Into this thing.

The ancestor of the dead leaves stepped back half a step without any trace, standing between Qianji Sanren and Taoists in Montenegro, without expression and wondering what was in his mind.

Heishan Taoist waited silently when he saw this.

After a while, Qianji Sanren suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes burst into dazzling light, and the last trick in his hand was hit. He fell into the water column, "Broken to the old man!" Li drink and fall, the integration into the rune is now at the same time Flashing, suddenly emerged outside the entire water spirit column and spun up.



Within the pillar of water spirit, the surging force of the water spirit shook violently, and the thousands of pillars contracted rapidly with the naked eye, but eventually turned into insufficient ones.

The ground trembled, the space fluctuated, and the sky gradually darkened.


The pillar of sky and water fell, and 66 eyes had the first breakage. The richness of the water spirit in the whole water spirit world weakened the score with clear sensitivity, which caused countless waters in the world to be extremely angry.

The damage of the water spirit pillars made them feel the breath of complete destruction.

Zhang Yushui Lingzhu fell to the ground, the color suddenly dimmed, a trace of cold air escaped from it, and the square of Sanzhang suddenly turned into ice, but the cold did not continue to spread, and slowly drifted within these three feet.

The pillar of sky and water is the gathering of the spirit of water and spirits in the eyes of the smoke and the thousands of water. It slowly condenses and emerges through the ages of time. The converging and dispersing of the spirit of water supports the existence of the water and spirit world. Now it is forcibly destroyed. Living gas turns into dead gas, and the forest is extremely cold. Anything touched will be frozen and cracked by the huge forest energy.

Three old strangers of Qianji Sanren, dead leaf ancestors and Taoists from Montenegro looked fiercely at this Zhangyu propping up the Tianshui Lingzhu. This object gathered the power of numerous water spirits to form a treasure. Its effect is similar to that of Shuisha Lingzhu. The breath of water spirit is too strong, Mo said to absorb, I am afraid that even the slightest touch will bury themselves in it. The power of the water spirit contained in this column of water spirit alone is enough to achieve the effect of millions of water spirit beads!

"It is so unfortunate to put it in front of you, it is really a pity." Qianji Sanren shook his head and sighed, his eyes full of regret.

The dead ancestor's eyes fell on this pillar of Tianshui Ling, and there was a cloudy look in his eyes, it took a long time to hum, and finally the thoughts in his heart were depressed.

Heishan Taoist face was calm. At this moment, he laughed and said, "This pillar of heaven and water is a treasure that gathers the spirit of thousands of water spirits. Since the two Taoist friends have no intention, they will not be respectful."

"Let me try and see if I can take this away."

Qianji scattered people, dead leaves of the ancestors heard their expressions changed at the same time, but they did not stop them, and said with a smile: "If Taoist friends have any means, they might as well try it out." As for the thought in his heart, Then it is unknown.

Heishan Taoist nodded, stepped forward, flashed aura of light on his hand, a roll of fiery red, appeared in the hand as thin as silk gauze, and a trace of hot breath slowly spread out from it. Although the breath was thin, it made Qianji scattered and dead leaves. The solemn look came from the ancestor's eyes.

The Montenegrin Taoist smiled and said, "I was invited by the Qianji Taoist friends and made some preparations before going on a trip. The fire silk scroll is a treasure I borrowed from a close friend of my clan. Weaving the silk thread spit out by the fire cloud silkworm living in the depths of 100,000 miles, and there is a great power in my clan who personally imposed a ban on it to enhance its power. It was barely regarded as a fire treasure. The original intention was to use it against water. Right now, it is just used to collect this pillar of heavenly water. "This person did not open the trace, but named this magic weapon. It is not a trivial matter. He also reminded Qianji scattered people and dead leaves ancestors not to think of him, otherwise there will be a sky in the mountain tribe. Mighty men find them vain.

This Shanti clan seems to be mean, and obviously it is also the deep-thinking generation. When he noticed that Qianji Sanren is closely related to the dead leaf ancestors, he beats them before they get into the secret, so they need to do more before making a decision. Think about it.

Qianji scattered people, dead leaves of the ancestors are all old immortal who have lived for tens of thousands of years, and their minds are like demons, and it is easy to see through this, but both sides are smart people, babbling and talking about good babies, but they have not Click through.

The Daoists in Montenegro reached their goal and did not want to continue delaying. They raised their hands and threw away the fire and silk rolls. The shape rose to a hundred feet. The roll wrapped the Tianshui Lingzhu layer by layer. The tactic is to force it down.

The power of the cold cold water spirit inside the Lingzhu was stimulated by external firepower, and it exploded, surging like a sea, and surging waves. The face of the Heishan Taoist changed instantly. The crimson color on the fiery silk roll suddenly weakened with the naked eye's visibility, and the coldness of the silk kept overflowing from it.

There was a stalemate, and there was an unwilling growl in this old stranger's mouth, but he did not dare to hesitate. He turned the fire and silk into his hands, and his face was ugly. The pillar of heavenly water contains power, and indeed some of this strange imagination, and he did not dare to force the shot, after all, this fire cloud silk roll is his borrowed things, if it is damaged, he can not afford it.

"You don't have to do this for the Montenegrin friends. Since you can't collect it, you and I will leave earlier."

"If you break this rhino horn tribe today, you will surely get Shuisha alert, maybe a large number of Shuisha masters have arrived, I will leave soon."

Thousands of people scattered in a deep voice.

The Taoist in Montenegro nodded helplessly, but couldn't collect Chongbao before. This kind of thing was too much torture, so it's better to leave earlier.

The three monsters turned around and tore the space and left.


Under the ground, Xiao Chen drove the left eyebrow dojo and looked cautiously. The dojo was forbidden to turn on the scan and turn the surroundings into pictures and shadows, in order to prevent changes.

At this moment, a burst of hot and violent atmosphere suddenly burst out in front of him, Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, and then he sneered. It seems that the three old strangers of Qianji Sanren, Dead Leaf Patriarch, and Montenegrin Taoist really have preparations for the water Damn.

In this water spirit world, fire energy can undoubtedly cause the strongest killing to them.

"These three monsters are powerful and have cards that can explode such a powerful crossfire. They are energy attacks. Although they are not weak, it is not easy to resist them."

"I can learn about the water and spirit world through soul searching, and the ancestors of the dead leaves can naturally do it. Presumably, they have already known the wonderful use of the water evil spirit beads, so I need to be faster now, otherwise I am afraid No benefit is gained. "

Xiao Chen's thoughts twitched. Driven by his thoughts, the left eyebrow was a bit faster. If he followed the current degree, he should be able to arrive in a moment.

However, at this moment, his eyes flashed with a little surprise, and in the manifestation of the Dojo forbidden manifestation, a water-shade complexion whistled from the light of the water spirit. It looks like the rhino horn tribe water-shake.

Xiao Chen's thoughts moved slightly, then he stepped forward, and the figure appeared directly in front of the water.

"Interracial!" Seeing Xiao Chen, the termite suddenly roared in the mouth, and the raging fire waves behind him still made it terrified even though there were countless spaces away. The tribe must be severely injured under it.

So when I saw Xiao Chen this time, the water shook his eyes instantly, and howled madly.


Xiao Chen snorted coldly, in order to prevent the breath from being noticed, he did not use any means, and the figure went straight forward, punching straight.


In the muffled sound, the Shuisha arm was directly smashed, and his mouth suddenly felt terrible, and his sharp claws fell on Xiao Chen's body. Although he tore the green robe, he could not cause any harm to his body.

"Soul search!" Xiao Chen stepped forward, and Yuan Shen's mighty pressure dropped suddenly. This was comparable to the late Shuisha suppression of the fit. He stretched out with one hand and patted his forehead directly. In.

After a while, Xiao Chen popped a fireball with his fingers to incinerate his body. After receiving the Shuisha Lingzhu, his eyes flickered into the left eyebrow dojo to continue.

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