The rhino horn tribe has three elders in the late stage of the king ’s kingdom [late transition period], eight elders in the middle and early stage of the king ’s kingdom, and tribal people as many as 2oo million. As the strongest tribe in the water spirit world, they are always proud, but today their entire tribe is Erroneously erased by the strong aliens, and even destroyed the pillar of the heavenly water that keeps the space stable! Suddenly, the elders of Shuisha in other tribes in the water spirit world could not believe it. Bayi Novel Network W] W? W]. ) 8> 1} Z] W). 〉 C} O〉 M

"How could it be that the powerful rhino horn tribe would be destroyed by three different aliens!"

"My Shuisha tribe have multiplied in the water spirit world for countless years. I have never encountered such a loss, and even the pillars supporting the heavenly water have been destroyed. It is unforgivable and absolutely unforgivable!"

"Chasing down these **** aliens and mobilizing all the elders in the tribal kingdom [crossing the border], you must find and kill them!"

The rhino horn tribe has now turned into a ruin. Thousands of people scattered and persecuted the unicorn monks to swallow the fiery flame, burning everything to increase their power in a short period of time, and then exploded. The destructive power generated was extremely high. They must be captured by them. All of the unicorn monks are in the mid-levels of the calamity. They are all supernaturally powerful in fire. The Qianji Sanren, the dead leaf ancestors, and the Heishan Taoists jointly shot, and it took great effort to achieve it. Even several times, there were poor pools, which almost attracted high-ranking unicorns.

Such a monk of this class was forced to repair by elixir, and the power of self-explosion can be imagined. The entire place where the rhino horn tribe lived was directly burned. In addition to the elders of the emperor kingdom, the ordinary people also suffered heavy casualties, fearing that it was no less than 1 million, and the rest fled, leaving only less than 2 million.

Just as the elders of Shuisha roared, a cold hum came suddenly, "Okay, shut up Lao Tzu, otherwise I will tear you up and eat!" The voice was violent and violent, and he suddenly opened his mouth, suddenly in the field. Be quiet.

The person who speaks is a full-size Shuisha. Although he can't get in touch with the word tall, he is already a towering figure in the Shuisha tribe. The scales outside this object are thick, dark blue is almost light black, and the cavities are brighter and sharper, which is more ugly than other water. But what is most appealing is the fluctuating breath of the vast power of water and spirit in its body, which is thick and deep, and exists in the late stage of the ordinary crossing. I am afraid that it is only one step away from the heaven and human realm.

In the water spirit world, the strongest tribe is the rhino horn tribe, but the strongest is the second-ranked shark-wing tribe elder domineering. This person has a violent temperament and once slaughtered a medium-sized tribe in anger. The strong were swallowed up, and the ferocious name spread far. This time the tyrant opened his mouth, and the elders of the Shuisha who were drinking and jumping in anger snorted in unison, and their eyes could not be made to express the color of fear.

"Huh!" The mighty bully seemed reckless, but there was a gully in his heart. At that time, the evil behavior was just an opportunity to help him complete a certain magical power, and then his strength soared. At this moment, he smiled coldly and said, "An alien can be destroyed. The rhino horn tribe is enough to prove that it is strong, and the tyrannical fire forces left here have not dissipated. It can be seen that they are prepared. If you ca n’t wait carefully, you will follow the rhino horn tribe. ”

"These aliens did not hunt down the people of the rhino horn tribe. It can be seen that their main purpose is not to seize the spirit beads condensed in our tribe. Moreover, they did nothing to destroy the sacred objects. Therefore, I guess the aliens are aiming at the temple. Come."

After speaking, the person's complexion had become extremely ugly, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Temple!" The elders of the Shuisha of the various tribes suddenly changed.

"Huh! Now you finally know." Xiongba said in a low voice. "My tribe can be born because of the sacred things. The mission is to guard the temple and not allow aliens to break into it. If we can't do this, we will lose our objection. "

"The holy relics support the world. Once the 66 pillars supporting the Tianshui Spirit are completely destroyed, you and me will all die under the traction of the air machine. I think this elders should be clear."

There was a brief silence, and the elders of Shuisha exploded completely.

"Damn alien, actually wants to completely destroy my family!"

"Fight with them, at all costs, even if they die, kill them!"

"As Shuisha elders, we usually accept the clan's support. Now it is time to come forward. In order to maintain the majesty of the temple and preserve our heritage, we must kill all the invaders!"

"Kill them!"

Ruined the rhino horn tribe, all right!

It's okay to **** Shuisha Lingzhu!

But there is no door to break their roots or break into the temple!

Xiongba nodded, and said in a cold voice, "Interracial, you must kill all!"

"Elders of the tribes, this battle is not a matter of a certain tribe. My entire Shuisha tribe cannot get away. Once it fails and the tribe is destroyed, you and I will all die! So I call on all tribes to join forces to guard against alien invasion! "


It was at the moment when its voice fell, and there was a terrible burst of horror in the distance. Among the elders of Shuisha, two old Shuisha suddenly screamed, "Damn, the aliens are slaughtering my wing tribe!"

The screams didn't fall, and the two smoky breaths moved away instantly.

The male domineering gloomy face, with a low hum, said: "Elders, I will go together to kill the aliens!"


A crowd of water elders burst into tears and left the space, leaving the rhino horn tribe remnants watching the tribe ruins to cry without tears.

Thousands of miles away from the rhino horn tribe, Xiao Chen observed the entire rhino horn tribe through the dojo prohibition, but all his attention fell on the ground to support the Tianshui Lingzhu. Although it was only the size of a small bird, it was scattered. The power of the water spirit fluctuated, but it made him extremely hot.

Get this water spirit column, like millions of water evil spirit beads!

This thing is fierce, only one Shuisha elder wants to collect it. It has been invaded by the cold before approaching. It has directly frozen and cracked the gods, and the flesh has been cracked into powder. Presumably this is also the dead leaf ancestor, Qianji Sanren, and Heishan Taoist The reason for taking it away, otherwise how precious would they be to let go.

"Tiancaidibao, someone who can get it. Since you can't take this water column, Xiao Chen is not polite." This water column's power turned into death, and it was extremely cold and cold. Bing, the monk is bound to die, but Xiao Chen owns Thunder Dragon, masters the source of fire, and seals it down with the power of the source.

But at this moment he frowned slightly, and there were still 20 million rhino horn tribe Shuisha around the pillar of sky water. How could he take it away silently? If there is an accident, even if he can get away successfully, he will certainly The news of revealing himself into the mystery was revealed by Qianji Sanren and others, and the consequences were not good.

His eyes flickered. After a moment, Xiao Chen's heart moved, and suddenly he had an idea. His hand flashed a little light, and an elixir appeared in his hands.

Phantom Dan.

At the beginning, Xiao Chen gathered together the materials, 12 of which were Dan, but there are still 11 unused.

After a few breaths, there was a flash of aura in the void, and then a water blazer appeared directly. After glanced around, no abnormality was noticed, so he set up the power of the water spirit and went straight to the rhino horn tribe.

"It's Lord Termite!"

"Master Termite is back!"

"Adult is going to take revenge on the self-destroyed people of our rhino horn tribe. The elders were all killed. The alien means of killing the thousand swords are too vicious. Our rhino horn tribe is finished and the relics are destroyed."

"Master Tere, please revive my rhino horn tribe!"

Qianji scattered people, dead leaves ancestors, and Montenegrin Taoists have previously massacred and nearly killed the entire Rhino Horn tribe strongman. The rest are just some old and weak women and children. The strongest is just like a monk who does not fall.

The termite looked sad and Shen said: "Everyone, rest assured, termites assure you today that they will lead you back to the reputation of my rhino horn tribe, and the abominable aliens will be killed!"

The termite is dead, and now this person is Xiao Chen. With Phantom Dan in hand, Soul Search learned about the termite's memory, and his mana was transformed into pure water power. He is now disguised, and as long as it is not detected by physical contact, he will never detect anything unusual.

"I'll see Lord Termite, and then the Rhino Horn Tribe will be dominated by Termite. I'll follow you!"

"Follow Lord Termite!"

Looking at the dense crowd kneeling on the ground, Xiao Chen said again and again, Shen said: "Please stand up and wait for me to collect the relics in the clan, to see if there is a way to repair the relics, otherwise the relics will be gone, and my rhino horns How can the tribe rise? "

"Here, Lord Termite has no idea. After the sacred object was destroyed, it has become a cold thing. Only the elders of the Crab Tribe wanted to collect it, but it was frozen and killed directly by the sacred object." Shuisha still looked scared.

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