Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 35: Receive heavy treasure

Xiao Chen smiled coldly, but said the character of the termite completely, and said coldly: "Damn Crab Tribe, I must want to collect the holy horns of my rhino horn tribe as my own, it's good to die! I have been taught by my grandfather and mastered the means of collecting the holy relics. It may not be possible to restore the holy relics in the future. Now you should retreat first.

The rhino horn tribe Shui Sha was immediately overjoyed, and backed off again and again, and stopped only outside Baizhang.

Xiao Chen had some calculations in mind, as long as he was careful that something should not happen, then he moved slightly to wake Thunder Dragon. At the center of the eyebrow space, the little blood Zhangya dance claws stood in the sky, the external thunderbolt converged, and the layers of futile flames emerged.

Under the isolation of the source of fire, Xiao Chen stepped calmly, his figure appeared directly next to the pillar of heavenly water. No matter how strong the cold air was, he could not penetrate Xiao Chen's physical body and was completely isolated.

The origin of fire is the highest level of energy in the world. Although this pillar of heavenly water contains strong energy, the quality of the origin of fire is far worse than the origin of fire.

"Seal!" Xiao Chen flexed his knees and grabbed directly with one hand, holding Zhang Yushui Lingzhu, the origin of the fire gushing out silently, completely sealed it down, can no longer show the slightest chill. There was a flash of aura in his hand, and this thing was immediately put into storage.

"Ah! Lord Termite can really take relics!"

"The sky will not destroy my rhino horn tribe. As long as the relics can be restored, my tribe's revitalization is hopeful!"

"Master Termite is mighty!"

A group of rhino horn tribe people are inexplicably excited and look enthusiastic.

Xiao Chen transformed the termite and waved his hand, saying, "Do n’t wait for the Lord to pass on the sacred things that the Lord has received. If anyone asks, he will pretend that I do n’t know. Otherwise, if he is known by other tribes, he will surely step forward before killing the alien Come and snatch. "

"I'm leaving the retreat right now, trying to repair the relics as soon as possible, you wait and stay here and wait for my master to come back."

In other words, he turned directly, and the power of the water burst out whistling away.

"Congratulations to the Termite Lord, I hope the Lord will return soon!"

Xiao Chen left thousands of miles away from the rhino horn tribe, determined that he had not been probed, and his mind returned directly to the left eyebrow dojo.

"Ha ha ha ha! Baby! Good baby! This is a thousand machine scattered people, dead leaves ancestors, black mountain Taoist break, but the biggest gain is I get, I wonder if these three weirds know this, what would be the reaction ! "

"The 66 positions are the 66 pillars that support the Tianshui Lingzhu. If I can take all of it into my hands, even if there is no gain in this trip, it is enough!"

The pillar of heaven and water is extremely cold and cold, and it may be useless to fall into the hands of others, but Xiao Chen can borrow the power of fire from its roots. He must be able to refine and absorb the vast power of water and spirit, and use this to temper the flesh, greatly shortening the mystery "Day" mysterious breakthrough time.

"I followed the three old monsters and used their hands to win for me. The 66 pillars that support Tianshui, I must not miss it!"

Xiao Chen's mouth showed a smile, his mind moved slightly, and the left eyebrow dojo suddenly changed direction, heading straight for the Jiyi tribe.

call out!

Hurrying up, Xiao Chen didn't delay for a moment.


There was a sudden roar in the progress, and then there was a wave of hot energy, and the power of the external water spirit was once again reduced with susceptibility!

Another burst of eyes was broken.

"It's another pillar of heaven and water, good baby!" Xiao Chen's heart was fiery, but he didn't rush, and he didn't continue to move forward after a thousand miles near the Yiyi tribe. He left the eyebrow dojo forbidden to detect the external situation.

"Damn! Damn alien, ruin my tribe, I am at odds with you!"

"The second holy thing was destroyed. These aliens really came towards the temple!"

"Not good. Now I'm waiting together. There is no strong person sitting in the horde. If a strong alien kills him, the consequences will be unthinkable!"

"Ah! Go back and guard the tribe!"

The elders of Shuisha exclaimed, wanting to drive away Luguang.

"Elder Bai Ye and Elder Qishui. Now that the relics of the Youyi tribe have been destroyed, it would be better to lead the tribe to return to the Shark-fin tribe with me. Presumably the two elders should be clear that my Shuisha tribe is facing great difficulties now. If we can't kill the aliens, our tribe will be extinct. "

"Today, I sincerely invite two elders, who are righteous for my tribe and have the opportunity to deal with aliens. I wonder if the two elders agree?"

The male domineering began, and the countless eyes of the elders gathered for a while. Many of them also had the same idea, but now let the male domineering step open, and naturally they can only swallow the words at the mouth.

The two Shuisha elders of the Jiyi Tribe thought for a moment, then nodded fiercely, the squeak of the fangs squeaked, and hate said: "Ok, in order to kill the aliens, we will lead the Jiyi tribe to join the Shark-wing tribe. I also ask the elder bully to take care of me. "

"Haha, let's say, since this is the case, please also ask the two elders to bring the Qi people as soon as possible, and we will go on the road so as to avoid a gap." Coupled with the addition of many ethnic groups, the strength of the shark fin tribe has greatly increased, becoming the strongest force in the water after the rhino horn tribe.

The rest of the elders of Shuisha saw that things had been settled. Coupled with anxiety about their respective tribes, they naturally did not want to stay long. After greetings, they left in turn.

After half a day, all the Shuya tribe water evacuated, and the big tribe was turned into ruins in just one day.

Thousands of miles away from the Jiyi tribe, a black stone lying quietly among the sand and stones was unremarkable. Xiao Chen waited for a while and determined that the water scourges of the various tribes had gone far away, and then the idea moved slightly, and he wanted to take away the Lingshui Lingzhu.

In Shuisha's heart, the destroyed relic has become a cold and life-threatening thing, and even the alien strong person dare not touch the slightest point. Naturally, it is extremely safe, so he did not guard with Shuisha when he evacuated. It saves a lot of trouble.

However, at this moment, Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, and he suddenly lifted up, just to see in the dojo monitoring chart, a red old man's figure converged, and the light fell into the ruins of the Jiyi tribe, apparently hitting the brace. Tianshui Lingzhu's attention.

Come, it is the old flame.

Xiao Chen's mouth slightly tilted, showing a slight coldness, eyes full of scum. The receipt of the rhino horn tribe to support the Tianshui Lingzhu has already made him see the power of this object. If there is no source of fire, I am afraid that only the monks in the heaven and earth can forcibly take it away. Although the flame old demon is not weak, he is also proficient in the fire system magic power, just to restrain the cold energy in the water spirit column, but in his ability, I am afraid that he can not swallow this heavy treasure, and accidentally will suffer a big loss.

Things are just as Xiao Chen expected, the flame old demon tried to take away the pillar of the water, and didn't want the coldness to dissipate in it. He just released him and frozen the fire magical power! Teng Teng burns and releases a hot, high-temperature flame. When it enters the water column, it is actually solidified directly and becomes an ice mass!

Freezing flame!

If the flame old demon immediately cut off the connection between himself and the display of magical power, maybe he will also lose himself together. The old man looked ugly and cursed for a few words, but could only leave helplessly.

Xiao Chen sneered, this flame old devil came along all the way and could not be seen. This shows that this person has a lot of profound means. He must have shot at a critical moment, and it will surely disrupt the situation. When that happens, it will be him. Take the opportunity to touch the fish in muddy water.

But the most important thing right now is collecting the treasure to support the Tianshui Lingzhu!

However, after this flame old demon left, Xiao Chen didn't take a shot immediately, the corner of his mouth showed a slight sneer, waiting in silence. Sure enough, after a few dozen breaths, the old flame demon returned directly, and his face glanced gloomily around. Without any notice, he turned and left.

When Xiu reached the realm of robberies, his own induction was extremely sharp. Although Xiao Chen used the left eyebrow dojo to prohibit detection, it was not seen, but he was peeped in the eyes a lot. The flame old demon, Qianji Sanren and other people will still have a faint induction , Although not sure, it was enough to make them suspicious. However, in this realm of water, the fire mana's fire mana feels like a target under the induction of Xiao Chen. He has the origin of fire. As long as this monster is close to tens of thousands of miles, he can easily detect it.

The second time he left, the old flame was really gone. Xiao Chen controlled the left eyebrow dojo to walk directly from the bottom of the ground to the winged tribe's fallen water spiritual pillar, and stepped out to appear outside. The physical body covered the power of the fire and sealed the town of Tianshui Lingzhu into the storage ring, then Returning to the left eyebrow dojo again, it was only two breaths away.

"There are no abnormalities, continue to go out!" Xiao Chen waited for a few breaths and did not notice the abnormality, so he directly controlled the left eyebrow dojo to sense the flames of the old flames. This old man apparently moved his hands on the ancestors of dead leaves, otherwise it would never be possible to follow here without being chased. As long as he follows him, the whereabouts of Qianji Sanren will be in his hands.

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