Xiao Chen looked at the scene in front of him, his face became gloomy. Eight. 〕 8) 1> ZW. Com, the Shuisha tribe, has been kept in captivity to guard the temple. It has been passed down for a long time, but now it has been cut and weeded to cut off the race. This scene is quite similar to his human world, except that they have been a little bit luckier.

This is the spiritual world. The strongest is supreme. For the benefit, it can cause tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of killings, even killing a family.

A more magnificent world, which must contain more cruel and ruthless killing calculations. If you want to survive in it, you can only become stronger and stronger!

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and suppressed his thoughts, but he had a little conviction but he was convinced that he would never allow the human race to end in the same vein as the Shuisha race, absolutely!



Unforeseen, several huge space cracks suddenly appeared, each of which was tens of thousands of feet in size, like a scary wound cut. But the weird thing is that the cracks in this space are not black, but the rich aura of water and spirit flows endlessly, and there is no bit of suction to dissipate from it.

The ground trembled violently, and then there was a booming muffled sound. The collapse, fragmentation, and collapse broke out without warning. The mountain turned into gravel, and the dense dense forest lost its vitality and withered and died.

Fearful roars appeared from the mouth of countless water evil beasts, and the body suddenly became unstable. A large force of water spirits continued to emerge from the body, the flesh dried up, and eventually died completely.

The 65th pillar supporting the Tianshui Lingzhu was destroyed, and the entire water spirit world has reached the edge of complete collapse. Now, just because there is still a last support, the array method is barely maintained, but the power of generating the water spirit is not enough to maintain the entire space.

The formerly vibrant place is now an eschatological scene.

Qianji Sanren and Heishan Taoist stood under the Lingshui Lingzhu and stood silently without destroying them.

After half an hour, the ancestors of the dead leaves whistled from the light, and the space at the moment was on the verge of collapse, but this old man was afraid to perform teleportation, otherwise he would most likely fall into danger.

The three old monsters gathered and looked at each other at the moment, and nodded at the same time.

Qianji Sanren turned around, his body breath burst, his clothes were hunting, he had to fly over, and he cried, "I don't know which Taoist friend followed, and now he has arrived here, and he should see him now!"

The sound billowed and burst, tumbling between the cracks in the space and the collapse of the ground.

"Huh! Now that you have received the Lingshui Lingzhu, why should Daoyou continue to cover it up? If not, show up and join the three of us together to get the secret treasures."

"Otherwise, there is something to look back on. How can the three husbands move forward with peace, and would rather leave this last pillar that supports heaven and water. If the Taoist would not show up, you and I would stay here together and spend time. It may be lost to the treasure, but for the sake of life and death, the old man and others had to do so! "The old ancestor of the dead leaf began to gloomily.

"Yes, if Daoyou doesn't show up, I will stop here and stop moving forward!" The Taoist in Montenegro nodded and growled.

These three old monsters are also compelled to do so now. The strangeness of 64 and the pillars of the Tianshui Lingzhu disappearing, how can they not be frightened and jealous? The competitors on the bright side are not terrible. Unreachable opponents only made them cold. If at the critical moment of collecting treasures or cracking the prohibition, you are suddenly attacked secretly by someone, presumably it will not be too wonderful.

Therefore, they can only do so, taking the opportunity to force the hidden person out. The sound dropped, and the three old strange gods had already burst into the air. They were closely inspected around them. They had already developed the feeling of being spied on by others. They knew in their hearts that the man lurking in secret must be nearby.

However, no matter how careful they were, there was still nothing to gain. There was a yelling wind in the void, and there was no sound at all. The faces of Qianji Sanren, dead leaf ancestors, and Montenegrin Taoists were completely gloomy.

If that person does n’t show up, it ’s a real headache!

In the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen observes the outside world through the manifestation of the restraint. At this moment, his brow does not feel a slight wrinkle, and then he turns the restraint to find the location of the old flame. At this moment, this old man is hiding in a cave thousands of miles away from the shark-wing tribe. I don't know what kind of interest-gathering method is used, but he can avoid the exploration of old people such as Qianji Sanren. At this moment, his mouth is full of sneer.

"Hey, when the old man was the three-year-old child, he tried to force me out in this way, and I don't believe that you have come here with great pains and hardships, and you will not enter the mystery because of this."

"Wait and wait, see who can survive who!"

The old flame of the flame opened coldly, saying that his brow could not help but wrinkle slightly. "Apart from the old man, there really are other monks hiding here, otherwise the sky pillar will disappear for no reason."

"Or, this thing disappeared because the changes in the battlefields of Yanbo Qianshui dissipated by itself. I ca n’t figure it out, but the old man believes that by my means, if you are careful, you can get a lot. No one in the dark is naturally the best, otherwise The old husband is bound to let him taste the fire, and his blood runs dry. "

Although Xiao Chen couldn't hear the old man's mouth, it was not difficult to guess what he said from his mouth at the moment. At the moment, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a slight sneer. Slightly thought, and whispered: "Three strange monsters, Qianji scattered people, dead leaf ancestors, and Montenegrin Taoists are already suspicious. If they can't be reassured, they will be extremely alert even if they enter the depths of the mystery. Quite unfavorable. "

"I wanted to keep this flame old monster hidden for a while, and intervene at the most critical time. Then I will take the opportunity to seize the treasure, but now it seems that I have to let him leak in advance."

In other words, his eyes flickered a little, and two ignorances of flame and flame appeared instantly in his eyes, and he turned around and looked directly at the place where the old flame was hiding.

"In the name of the source of fire, fire poisons!"

After drinking and falling, a subtle and extreme idea fluctuation suddenly burst. The next moment, in the cave, the old flame of the flame suddenly changed in sneer, and the fire poison generated by the accumulation of cultivation in the body suddenly burst without warning.

"Damn! Go back to the old man!" The old man growled in his heart, and the mana operation immediately suppressed all the explosive fire poison, but in this way, his own breath could not continue to hide, "Damn, the fire poison has been suppressed by the old man. How could it suddenly explode. "

"This is a perfect concealment, but I have forfeited my previous achievements, and I am so angry!"

Although the flames of the old flames of flames are fleeting, in the water spirit world, the fire energy is already dazzling. How can we conceal the investigation of Qianji Sanren, dead leaf ancestors, and Heishan Taoists.

At the moment when the flash of fire was sensed, the ancestors of the dead leaves became extremely ugly. "Flame old demon!" This weird gritted his teeth and flickered, and whistled straight to the source of breath. .

Qianji Sanren, Heishan Taoist also looked gloomy, followed closely.

Thousands of miles, for the monks in the later period of crossing the robbery, it will be an instant.

The ancestor of the dead leaf looked at the low mountain below, and said in a cold voice: "Flame Demon, since you have already revealed your breath, why haven't you come out to see it? Do you want your husband to take the mountain to the ground and force you out What! "

The words fell, and the body burst into a strong and violent atmosphere.

Right now, the ancestor of this dead leaf is extremely furious. Of the three, only he had contact with the flame old demon. This person was able to follow him, apparently, he moved his hands and feet, but so far he has not noticed anything. I was naturally annoyed and murderous.

Although Qianji Sanren and Heishan Taoist did not speak, they were repaired as much as they could. Qiqi firmly locked the low mountain in front of them, which meant that they could do anything at any time.

Inside the cave, the old flame of the flame was gloomy and watery. At this moment, I heard the ancestors of dead leaves drinking, knowing that they could not hide, and my heart was grinning, but there was no different color on the face, and the breath-breathing power was recovered. The fire is full of raging irritability peculiar to magical powers.

This weird stepped forward, and the figure appeared directly to the outside world. Under the gaze of the three, he arched out: "Old man, Night Magic City, Flame King, I have seen three Taoists." His face was calm, and no one was dismantled. Panicked.

The dead ancestor's eyes were gloomy and silent for a moment, and then he said in a cold voice: "Flame King, the friendly and clever method, can actually do something on the old man, but it is not visible, it can follow here without trace, old man I really admire. "

"But now that I'm showing up, I don't know if you can take a shot and take away the old man's body."

The old flame demon nodded his head and said, "This is exactly what it is." The old stranger did not hesitate, raised his hand, and suddenly a little invisible red awn came out of the dead body of the old leaves, and was He took it.

"I have offended a lot in the past, and I have to ask the dead leaf old man to investigate."

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