Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 38: The majestic peak stands

Old Ancestor Withered Leaf looked ugly, and said with a sneer: "Don't be held accountable, Old Flame Demon, you said clearly, how will you behave if you get along with this matter? Today, the old man will definitely not give up with you!"

Thousand Chance scattered people and Black Mountain Taoist were silent, but their auras were all bad. If they don't handle them well at the moment, they will probably explode in an instant. [[ 8) 1) Z] W). ?C]O>M

True Monarch Flame flashed his eyes slightly, his complexion was calm, and he said faintly: "The three daoists joined forces. The old man thinks he is definitely not an opponent, but if I really push me in a hurry, I will be able to pull one of you and me. Funeral, I don’t know this, do the three Taoist friends agree?"

Although the voice of this old stranger was flat, it contained a cold and threatening meaning, but it made people feel awe-inspiring, causing the face of the withered leaf ancestor, Qianji Sanren, and the black mountain Taoist to slightly change, and the eyes showed a sense of anger. The old flame demon spoke at this moment, but what he said was the truth. If he made up his mind to die with one of them, even if he didn't die, he would end up with a completely severe injury, and the treasures in the secret realm would naturally have nothing to do with it.

For a while, the atmosphere stalemate, True Lord Flame seems to be calm, but in fact he is ready, and if there is something strange, he will fight desperately. As for the dead leaf ancestors and others, their eyes are uncertain, and they are clearly thinking about them.

After a while, Qianji scattered and lifted up, and said in a deep voice: "If the situation is right now, everyone will benefit. If you divide, there will be casualties, and it may even affect the collection of treasures later. Now I have broken the water spirit world composed of smoke waves and thousands of water formations. , But there must be other dangers deep in the secret realm."

"Therefore, the old man proposed to let fellow daoists join in. I waited for the four people to join forces, and I could grasp it a little bit. Of course, because the old man and the three have already made a lot of effort before, so if there is a dilemma in the secret realm, the flame is needed. Fellow Jun Daoists first cracked it. I don’t know what the two Daoists think about this matter?"

The old strange voice fell, and the black mountain Taoist nodded in silence for several breaths. Originally, the Qianji Daoist and the dead leaf ancestor were closely related, which has already made this person feel jealous. Now that True Monarch Flame joins, although some treasures will be distributed, it can also balance the strength of the team to avoid gaps.

The dead leaf ancestor's eyes were cloudy and sunny, and then he nodded slightly, but his complexion was still gloomy.

Upon seeing this, Zhenjun Huo felt a little loose, and a smile appeared on his face. He said, "Everything is according to what fellow daoist Qianji said." The current situation is what this boss wants most. After all, if it wasn't a desperate situation, he would also Unwilling to fight hard with others.

"Huh! Although Daoist Fellow Flame True Sovereign joined, just in case there is another difference, Dao Fellows are asked to establish a blood contract with us. Never make any harm in the secret realm, otherwise they will be backlashed by the blood contract!" The dead leaf ancestor said coldly.

"Haha, this matter is in line with the old man's mind. If the three daoists don't mention this matter, it will make my heart startled." Zhenjun Huo did not reject the slightest bit, bit his fingertips, dripped blood, and swore with the soul Complete the blood contract.

The blood contract is completed, and the essence and blood merge into the soul.

"Okay! I'm waiting for the four to join forces, and I must be able to gain something this time." Qian Ji chuckles slightly, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxes.

A bit of envy flashed in the eyes of the Taoist priests in Montenegro. After all, the 64 pillars supporting the sky and water were enough to be considered a treasure, but now they were taken by this old flame demon. As for Qianji's scattered people and dead leaf ancestors, most of them had such thoughts in their hearts, but they did not show them.

Old Demon Flame smiled bitterly in his heart, but he didn't explain much. After all, he would never believe the change of identity. But at the moment the four are teaming up, even if someone is secretly following, it is no longer a concern.

Unless there is a strong celestial and human realm, he will undoubtedly die in the face of four people joining hands.

Is there someone who is strong in nature and humanity trails behind? True Monarch Flame didn't believe this, otherwise he could easily kill them with his cultivation base, and go to collect the treasures alone, so why bother to cover up and hide.

The four old monsters looked at each other and laughed, but only they knew what they were thinking.

"Let's go, get rid of the last moment, you and I enter the depths of the secret realm!"

The dead leaf ancestor and the others nodded, and a group of four veterans returned with a whistling light.

"The old man took a shot to get rid of the formation, the three fellow Taoists will wait a moment." Qianji Taoist said that he took a step forward, stretched out his hands, and began to play the method of breaking the ban by jumping with ten fingers.

Continuously breaking the formation, this old monster means more simply and neatly, but in a short time, the break has been completed.

"Small waves and thousands of water formations, break for the old man! Break! Break!"

In the roar, the last pillar supporting Tianshui Ling shrank to the size of more than ten feet and fell suddenly.

The last one was broken, the big one was damaged, and the water spirit world completely collapsed.


The majestic peak stood, supporting the sky, and descending into the ground. The height was tens of thousands of tens of thousands of meters high. It was submerged in the clouds and there was no end in sight.

The surrounding area is lush and beautiful. At the foot of the mountain, a small tree has grown. It has lush branches and is pale blue. It is only three feet tall and not as thin as a wrist. At this moment, on a certain branch of the little tree, a drop of dew was crystal clear, like crystal.

The breeze blew, the green leaves shook, and the dewdrops trembled.

But at this moment, the dewdrop fell from the green leaves with a sway, and before it fell to the ground, it broke with a light "pop", and it was quite clear in the quiet environment here.

Broken dew.

In the next moment, several human figures appeared directly from it and fell at the foot of Xiongfeng. A black stone appeared with them, and fell into the grass without a trace.

The four people who appeared were the four old monsters, the Thousand Chance Sanren, the withered leaf ancestor, the flame old demon and the Black Mountain Taoist. The moment the water spirit world was destroyed, they came here directly under an inexplicable force of teleportation, lifting their eyes. Looking around, it seemed to be somewhere deep in the mountains and dense forests.

"Here, is it in the depths of the secret realm?" Old Flame Demon said, suspicious in his eyes.

The strange light flashed in the eyes of the Taoist Thousand Chance, and at this moment, his eyes fell on a piece of gravel that he did not want to place, and his joy was hard to hide. "Here, this is actually a hidden treasure in the secret world!" , Quite excited.

"I don't know what happened to Fellow Qianji, maybe you can tell me to wait to solve the puzzle?" The Taoist Black Mountain flashed his eyes and said lightly.

When the words fell, the eyes of the dead leaf ancestor and flame old demon gathered together.

The face of Qian Ji Dao is not different, and he smiled when he heard the words: "Don’t worry, the three Dao friends, now that you and I are working together to hunt for treasures, the old man will naturally know that there is no limit to everything. Even if the Montenegrin Dao friends don’t ask, I will tell them all. ."

As he spoke, the old monster stepped forward two steps, pointed at the gravel, "Please look at the three fellow daoists." After the words fell, his hands fluttered, and a dozen tactics appeared instantly.

This technique fell into the gravel, and under the tremor of the object, it turned out that "walala" continued to drop stone dust. When it stopped, two more words appeared.

Letter: You can go into the mountains if you want treasures.

Write down: step by step to life and death.

The pen and the dragon and the snake, do it at once, and do it at will, but they have swept the army, and looked over all things domineering! Those who kept the characters back then were extremely vulgar, otherwise the momentum in this typeface would never be preserved after an unknown number of years. And the most important point is that in this short 16-character time, if there is no coercion, the four bosses such as Qianji Taoist felt a great pressure. At first, the more subtle, the more you watch, this pressure. The stronger, it turned into hurricanes and rainstorms.

Thousands of Machines scattered people and Flame Old Demon first looked away, withered leaf ancestors second, and Black Mountain Taoists last, all their faces were pale, and their eyes could not hide the awe.

Just relying on a line of handwritten texts that I don’t know how many years ago, as for today, I can still have this power, and the cultivation base of that powerful person must have reached the realm of unpredictable shock! But the more so, when the four bosses were secretly surprised, joy was born again. The stronger the cultivation base, the more precious the treasure here, and the greater the benefits they will gain from exploring it.

"Hey, fellow daoists, it seems that you and I will have a big gain this time." The dead leaf ancestor licked the corner of his mouth, his eyes could not hide the fiery meaning.

The Black Mountain Taoist nodded and smiled: "If this is the case, why should I wait to waste time again."

Thousands of Machines scattered people and Old Flame Demon nodded at the same time, and the four old monsters raised their heads carefully, stepped forward, and leaped over the printed broken stone to reach the peak. But the strange thing is that the four bosses only took a few steps, but they seemed to have crossed the endless space, and their figures gradually became illusory, and disappeared directly after a few breaths.

After the old flame demon and the four left, the foot of the mountain was calm again. Only the breeze swayed the green leaves and the grass swaying.

Among the green grass, a black stone lies quietly.

Xiao Chen frowned, observing the outside world through the prohibition of the dojo, and watched the four old monsters enter the mountain and disappeared, but the four of them didn't seem to notice the slightest, which made him feel jealous.

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