Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 39: Absolutely frozen

It seems that this mountain is by no means unusual, and even if it is here, it is not easy to get treasures. Bayi Middle School [W? WWW. 81ZW. Com But at the moment he couldn't care more about the matter, and the consciousness went directly into the storage ring, looking at the neatly arranged 66 pillars supporting the heavenly water, and his face could not help showing a bit of strangeness. Previously, Qianji scattered people, dead leaf ancestors, and the Montenegrin Taoists used thunder to slaughter the Shuisha tribe, broke the last two pillars supporting the Tianshui Spirit, completely broke the Yanbo Qianshui array, and collapsed the water spirit world. However, at the moment of the collapse of this world, the only two pillars that missed the Tianshui Lingzhu actually cut through the void and directly entered his storage ring.

The matter was so strange that even Xiao Chen couldn't understand it. However, at this moment, his expression could not help but change slightly, and then the light in his hand flashed slightly. The 66 pillars supporting the Tianshui appeared directly without being summoned. They were arranged in a special orientation, and the water power contained in them turned into The surging waves violently violently, and a faint induction summoning force appears between each other.



Without giving Xiao Chen a reaction time, the force of the fire that sealed the town outside the Lingshui Lingzhu was actually forcibly dispersed, and the 66 cold and cold air burst instantly.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed suddenly, each one of them was extremely tricky, enough to instantly kill the monks in the realm of calamity. If the 66 powers were combined and exploded, I am afraid that the monks in heaven and earth might not be able to resist them.

An air of forest coldness that came deep in the depths of the nine grounds suddenly exploded, swept across, and centered on 66 pillars supporting the Tianshui Spirit, covering the entire square, the ground frost condensed, and a piece of ice in the void generated and fluttered. Very slow and almost stationary, the air seemed frozen.

Although Xiao Chen responded very quickly, but the cold air burst faster, he was enveloped directly, as if under strong suppression, his body was suddenly stiff, his beard robes were covered with hoarfrost, his complexion was iron, and his vitality disappeared quickly.

In this cold, his thoughts seemed to be dull, and he wanted to sleep like this. At this moment, if you don't resist, it won't take a moment for Xiao Chen's flesh and blood **** to be frozen and killed by the forest cold.

"Little blood!"

It was at this critical moment that his mental tenacity was revealed, and he suddenly broke away from the slowness, and groaned.

At the center of the eyebrow, Lei Long, who was in a semi-coma because of the chill, suddenly woke up and became furious! Lord Leilong, who thinks about it high, is now being calculated by dozens of broken pillars. Instead of protecting his master, he needs the master to wake up.

The heart was filled with endless suffocated little blood, a sudden roar in his mouth, the thunder dragon's breath exploded, and a fiery fumes burst out from the body. The origin of the fire spewed out directly, covering every inch of flesh and blood of Xiao Chen. A faint layer of flames jumped and burned silently outside the green robe, sweeping the cold wind out.

Xiao Chen's almost frozen mana moved suddenly, her complexion returned to ruddy, but her eyes were still full of gloom. The continuous collection of Lingshui Lingzhu had no accidents, making him unconsciously relax his vigilance, but did not expect that he was almost at a loss at the moment. The situation just seems simple, but if he did not wake up in time from the cold town, the consequences would be unthinkable.

The avenue is killing every step of the way, this statement does not deceive me, Xiao Chen just passed through a life and death calamity.

"Fortunately, there is little blood in hand. I can use the power of the fire to protect myself. Otherwise, I will escape the calamity today. This pillar of Tianshui is a treasure, but there is a hidden murder in it. How gloomy the arrayers are! "

Xiao Chen's face was ugly. It seemed that trying to get treasure was not a simple matter.

In the left eyebrow dojo, within a hundred square feet, it has become an absolute frozen field. Any creature entering it must die unless he is strong enough or has the same treasures as Xiao Chen. However, at this moment, even with the help of the source of fire to drive the ice cold, Xiao Chen's body has been suppressed by 66 Lingshui Lingzhu, making him unable to move at all. Fortunately, there is no follow-up method for this thing, so that Xiao Chen's mind is slightly at ease.

For half an hour, the cold air still showed no signs of dissipating. Xiao Chen didn't feel a little anxious. If this thing was maintained like this, how could he be permanently sealed off here. And although Xiaoxue has the source of fire, the power of the source is weak. Although it is unharmed at the moment, it can never be sustained for a long time.

It is only half an hour now, in the eyebrow space, Lei Long's eyes have been exhausted, and how long he can persist, he is not sure.

"You must find a way to get away, otherwise once the power of the little blood fire is exhausted, I will eventually escape." Xiao Chen frowned, countless thoughts in the Yuanshen rose, but he was rejected one by one. In his current practice, he couldn't find any means of escape!

As time passed, Lei Long's tiredness became more and more intense, his shape shrank to less than a hundred feet, and the ignorance of flames outside his body was much bleak. Outside of Xiao Chenqing's robe, the flames of the source of fire were compressed by the cold air to only a thin layer, which seemed to break at any time.

Although the source of fire is far-reaching, the Tianshui Lingzhu contains the energy of forest cold, but the number of them differs too much. There are 66 water Lingzhu superimposed and explosive, and the power is even more powerful.

"Fighting!" Xiao Chen was expressionless, deep in her eyes, full of firmness without fear, "I don't believe it, Xiao Chen will die in this dead body today!"

With a firm heart and no fear, even if there is little hope of leaving, you must let go and absolutely give up!

An hour.

The idea of ​​apologizing came from the little blood, and immediately fell into a lethargic state. The source of the fire was severely depleted, making it unable to keep awake. As Thunder Dragon fell asleep, the last layer of vain flames outside Xiao Chenqing's robe shattered and disappeared, and the forced coldness of the forest swept again.

"Drink!" A roar in his mouth, Xiao Chen's mana turned wildly in the meridians, and the rushing sound of the Yangtze River was flowing between the rivers.

This time, he repaired as many explosions as possible, his hands flashed a little, and the main body of the shop appeared instantly, so he wanted to shoot directly and forcibly break the town.

However, at this moment, the cold air had not touched his body, he suddenly contracted back, and reintegrated into the pillars of the heavenly water, and the absolute frozen area disappeared suddenly. Although I don't know what happened, Xiao Chen responded very quickly. He stepped on the ground directly under his feet, and the figure detached instantly. He stopped before the accident happened, and his eyes looked dignified.

At this moment, the power of the water spirit in the 66 pillars supporting the Tianshui Spirit slowly waved up. They seemed to be inductive to each other. The amplitude and frequency of the tremors were very similar. Strange fluctuations.


Suddenly, a cold air was shot from these 66 pillars of water at the same time, and it did not spread, but gathered and writhed over it, and finally turned into a scroll with a size of one hundred feet, with dense lines and black and white colors. Seems like a map somewhere.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, his eyes fell on this picture, and he looked at it for a while, and his face was surprised. This water Lingzhu suddenly burst into the cold, and was about to freeze people, but now there is convergence, showing a map of things, this fact is strange.

Frowning for a moment, Xiao Chen found nothing, and then slowly shook his head, suppressing his thoughts. However, this map is hidden in the pillar of heaven and water, and it must be extraordinary. Xiao Chen still keeps it in mind.


It was at the moment he took note that the Baizhang sky suddenly shattered under the sudden trembling, turned into a cold, and was once again disappeared into the water column.

Xiao Chen frowned again, his eyes flashed for a moment, and groaned, "Well, this matter will be dealt with in the future. The important thing now is the treasure in this mystery. Now the four old monsters have been in for a long time, and it should be out for me to cultivate. Now. "

A day later, Xiao Chen woke up from self-cultivation, and Xiu had already recovered to his peak state. He rose to his feet and disappeared with a slight motion of his mind. At the foot of Xiongfeng, there was a flash of aura in the void, and Xiao Chen appeared directly. He reached into the left eyebrow dojo and took it into his hands. His eyes swept around, slightly dignified.

Right now, it seems that there is somewhere in the mountains, without any flaws, but in Xiao Chen's view, it is full of crises. Once touched, it is possible to kill.

Taking a deep breath, the firmness in his eyes flashed, and he strode forward.

If you don't enter the tiger's hole, you won the tiger. In the realm of cultivation, you never have the chance to hit the door by yourself. You always need to touch it, and use your life as a bet to play. Good luck, the strength of the treasures rose, and bad luck, you can only bury your life,

Xiao Chen thought that his luck was not bad, so this time, it will not be him!

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