Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1: Cross the border

[Large chapter in the spirit world will consist of many small volumes, representing the progress of the plot. The first volume is just a warm-up. Starting from the second volume, the plot will become more exciting. Please wait and see. [Eight (one Chinese network

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The silvery white is dazzling, the energy is raging, and tearing and cutting is about to completely turn people into powder. The ordinary monks enter into it, and they will be directly strangled and destroyed in a short time.

Here, it is within the chaos of space.

But at this moment, in this violent space energy, there is a blue robe figure whistling forward, his face is dignified, the dark eyes are hidden with fearful flicker, this monk is naturally Xiao who broke into the turbulent space. morning.

"Only after I chased the unicorn into the space, the monk beheaded and killed. After a few breaths, it seemed to me that although the space was isolated, the mighty coercion could not be hidden. The master of the vision must be the unicorn. Strong existence! "

"I have a clear idea in my heart. If this person takes the shot, I am afraid that he will not be able to escape today, but I don't know why this person actually let me go."

Xiao Chen frowned, thinking nothing, and had to hold his mind down for a while.

"No matter what the so-called thing is, I'm already in the middle of a turbulent space. At this moment, even if the unicorn Xeon has the desire to chase me, I'm afraid I can't find my whereabouts." Until then, his mind was slightly relaxed. Tone.


The flames trembled violently outside, and then lightly extinguished.

At this point, all the majestic power generated by the last trace of God's burning thoughts was exhausted, and the turbulent power flowing between the flesh and blood quickly subsided, falling directly from the level of the three realms of heaven and humanity to the limit level of integration.

This powerful power contrast made Xiao Chen's heart suddenly feel empty, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a faint bitter smile, then shook his head and pressed it slowly.

"After all, this power is not owned by Xiao Chen. If I lose it, I will lose it, and it will help me to retreat. It is very rare."

"Three realms of heaven and human beings and even stronger practice, I can naturally get it by my own means in the future!"

Xiao Chen whispered, confident in his voice.

"It was only with the help of ancient forces that we could break through the turbulence of the space. Now, with my own cultivation, I can't break it. But this is also good. I happen to be turbulent in this space. After finishing some harvests, I will practice in isolation for a while. "

"For others, the chaos of space is the dead zone, but for Xiao Chen, it is an excellent place for cultivation. Presumably, no one will disturb you here, and you can avoid the current trend for the time being. "

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's mouth showed a faint smile, and then his mind moved slightly, and the figure suddenly disappeared. Only one black stone remained in the depths of the turbulent space.

In the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen went directly to the secret training room, raised his hand to ban, and sat down on the futon cross-legged.

There was a flash of aura in his hand, and two storages suddenly appeared in his hands. One was collected from the Qianji Sanren, and the other was chased into the space by the unicorn strong. Now they are all killed by Xiao Chen. , Storage treasures were naturally taken away.

Picking up the Qianji Sanren storage ring, Xiao Chen broke the prohibition on it, and then discovered a trace of knowledge to enter into it. In this storage ring, all kinds of magic weapons and massive spirits are not mentioned. It is just a surprise that the large number of sand beast kings collected in the sand sea killed the shattered carapace. After careful counting, the number of carapace is almost the same as that obtained by Xiao Chen. Obviously, the storage rings of the dead leaf ancestors, the flame old demon, and the Montenegrin Taoist have all fallen into the hands of this old monster.

And in this storage ring, there is actually a teleportation rune, and the breath is sensitive. I am afraid that it is more powerful than the one used before.

Sorting and storing the treasures inside this ring or ring properly, Xiao Chen's eyes fell on the ring of the unicorn monk. This person's cultivation must be at the level of the heavens and the three realms. The storage ring owned by such a strong person is enough to know its value.

There is a prohibition on the storage ring, which is subtle and complicated. A little carelessness, not only the storage ring is not guaranteed, or even the prohibition against backlash, the consequences are unthinkable. Xiao Chen figured it out, it took almost a month, and he started to break it down bit by bit.

But looking at the treasures in this storage ring, all the hard work is worth it.

After some sorting out, there were two magic weapons, several bottles of elixir and two runes in front of Xiao Chen.

The master was dead, and the magic weapon was severely damaged. Xiao Chen forcedly acknowledged the Lord and naturally knew its efficacy. The first one is relatively rare. It is a mirror-like magic weapon called a hole sky mirror, which can be seen through the magic array and resists the attack of the gods. It is an extremely rare treasure.

The second piece is a piece of soft armor, only the size of a palm, called Tianyan Inner Armor, which can be integrated into one's body after recognizing the Lord, which greatly increases the defense force. It ’s just that this magic weapon is a semi-finished product that has n’t been completely refined. If Xiao Chen wants to kill the Taoist of Mingxi, it ’s probably not so simple.

The magic weapon was collected, and several bottles of elixir were identified one by one, all of which were the elixir needed by the powerful man that day, healing the spirits, recovering mana from physical injuries, and so on.

As for the last two runes, one of them is a teleportation rune, which is very similar to the one obtained from Qianji Sanren's storage bag, and the other is a dark green body, which is full of breath of life.

Healing Runes!

This type of amulet can only be produced by a very powerful monk who cultivates and treats magical powers. It can help the monk to recover the wounds quickly. The efficacy is much stronger than the elixir. Once used, it can fully restore a seriously dying monk.

Whether it is transmitting runes or healing runes, it is a good thing to save lives. Xiao Chen naturally has to be careful to put away.

After doing this, his brow frowned slightly, then his eyes flickered a little, three storage jade bottles suddenly appeared in his hands, the bottle mouth was broken, and a slight chill suddenly emerged from it.

Among them, it is the Lingmai Cream obtained from this trip.

"Now my cultivation has reached the level of integration, half a step away from the calamity, refining this thing, with the immense energy and the elimination of bottlenecks in it, it is very possible to break through the realm, and then the strength is greatly increased."

"Human beings, ancient demons, and space avatars, if all three can reach the robbery, and the combat power will explode at that time, by virtue of my many means, as long as I am not facing the heaven and earth monks, I will have no fear. "

"Cultivation, refining Lingmai Gel Cream, breakthrough cultivation!"

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with firmness, and then his mind moved slightly. A ten-foot-sized deep pit appeared directly on the ground. The jade bottle stored in the hand was thrown out, and the Lingmai gel cream was poured out and poured into the deep pit. in.

As the trickling Lingmai Gel Cream came in, the deep pit was just filled up and turned into a cold pool, and cold air erupted from it.

Xiao Chen's mind moved slightly, the ancient demon avatar and space avatar appeared at the same time. The three took a step forward, the figure fell directly into the cold pool, sat cross-legged, and then urged the tactics, and the mana in the body suddenly turned.

The Thunder Swirling method has been launched with all its strength. From this Lingmai Gel Cream, an endless amount of energy is suddenly poured out, like a tide, madly drills into the three points body, turns into rolling mana, and merges into flesh and blood.

With the influx of this mana, the breath in the three of them suddenly increased slowly with clarity and sensibility. Although the degree was extremely slow, they continued to rise steadily.

"Cultivation in retreat, impacting the level of crossing the robbery, the three major avatars will never pass the border!"

Xiao Chen closed her eyes and began another long practice.

1o, 1o, 5oo, 8oo!

In this cold pool, Xiao Chen's body and the two avatars did not pause. They continued to devour energy continuously for 8oo years. In addition to adding Lingmai Gel Cream to the cold pool, there was no pause. After 8oo years of hard work, he continued to grow.

The space avatar first absorbed energy to the limit.

Terran ontology is second.

The ancient demon avatar was swallowed up by the devil's body, but it was the last.

At the moment when the ancient demons completed their own limit energy devour, the three opened their eyes together, and a mysterious and mysterious and wonderful feeling suddenly rushed into their hearts, so that the three could not help but smile at the same time.




Three buzzing sounds came out from the three avatars at the same time, and a brand new induction appeared. Feeling the mana flowing in the flesh and blood, King Xiao Chen closed his eyes slightly and carefully sensed the changes in the flesh.

Crossing the robbery, crossing the heavens and the earth, the achievements of the Supreme Heaven. This realm is the same as the non-falling realm. It is also the realm of extreme accumulation. The deeper the accumulation, the later the promotion of heaven and human realm, the stronger you can be and the higher your achievements.

Among the thousands of ethnic groups in the spiritual realm, there are even monks who cross the realm of the realm, and they can fight against the powerful men of heaven and human beings, and even some powerful races and special lives. .

At this moment, with the help of such heaven and earth treasures as Lingmai Gel Cream, Xiao Chen's three avatars have finally taken a big step forward and made a great success!

"This is the practice of crossing the border." The three avatars slowly opened their eyes, looked at each other, and saw the joy in their hearts.

Cultivation is a breakthrough. As long as you survive the calamity, you can completely achieve the calamity realm.

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