Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 2: Crossing thunder

"Two fellow daoists, you and I are in the turbulent flow of this space, crossing the robbery, thundering and robbery, and achieving a fit. What if you don't know what you want?" Xiao Chen's human body chuckled. [? Eight? One ({中文[网<〔W]W〉W.81ZW.COM

The Ancient Demon Clone and the Space Clone nodded at the same time, and the three stepped forward in one step. The figure disappeared in an instant, appeared in the turbulence of the space, within a radius of thousands of miles, all the power of the violent space was dispersed.

The human body, the ancient demon clone, and the spatial clone all stand with their hands in their hands, and there is no fear in their eyes.

At this moment, the space turbulently flowed over, and a gap in the space suddenly appeared silently, and the power of violent thunder came from it, and the breath was raging. Looking from this gap in space, it is vaguely visible that what is connected is a space, a majestic city on the ground, and countless unicorn monks control the light, and constantly fly in and out of this city. However, the sudden change at this moment caused countless monks' complexions to change drastically, and they suddenly looked up to the sky.

I saw endless robbery clouds born in the void, pitch black like ink, surging like ocean waves, and the breath made people feel endless jealousy.

Crossing the catastrophe is nothing, it is extremely common in the small thousand worlds, but the scene before them still shocked the hearts of countless monks. Just because of the appearance of this catastrophe, the place where the thunder punishment was applied turned out to be turbulent in space. in. The power of that violent chaotic space, even if it is thousands of miles away, still makes people feel scalp numb, and once caught in it, they will never escape to death. Thinking that someone would lead the tribulation in the space turbulence, I let them swallow and spit in secret.

call out!

call out!

From this city, three powerful unicorns flew out in an instant. One of them had a profound cultivation base, but he already existed in the realm of celestial beings, but this time the eyes fell, the celestial realm of the horned tribe was shocked. Terrified.

Just because the power of this heavenly calamity is really too strong, it is actually much stronger than when he was promoted to the heavenly and human realm through the tribulation.

Just as the monk of the unicorn tribe was shocked and uncertain, the catastrophe had already begun to descend.


Accompanied by the roar of the thunder, the entire sky was rendered into black by the power of thunder, and its teeth and claws were flared, like an abyssal evil flood, with its mouth wide open, wanting to choose people and swallow it crazily, and go straight to the cracked space. go with.

Xiao Chen's human face changed slightly, and his eyes showed jealousy. This time, this thunder power was a bit beyond his imagination.

Practicing the secret technique of "Swallowing Thunder", when crossing the catastrophe, bear the thunder power far more than the same level monks.

Coupled with the simultaneous breakthrough of the human body and the two avatars, it is equivalent to three people crossing the calamity, and the power of the sky is superimposed, which makes the power of the thunder calamity soar to make it possess such power.

Xiao Chen figured this out, his eyes flickered, and he said, "Daoist, I have worked hard this time." This time, he spoke to the space clone.

Yinpao Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and the three of them were one body. With a single thought, they could know each other's thoughts. When the next step came forward, the dark eyes instantly turned into a silvery white color, and the original aura of space burst out instantly.

Raised one arm, thinking of the thunder that rushed into the thunder and shook it hard.

"Space is closed!"

In the low drink, the turbulent flow of tens of thousands of miles in a radius of space trembled, and then the power of countless turbulence in the space was summoned by the origin of the space, whizzing straight here, turning into a billowing wave and rushing forward with great momentum.

If it were outside, the space clone would naturally not be able to explode such power, but at the moment it was in the space turbulence, which was the most advantageous home field for him. All tyrannical space forces could be his means of attack.


When the thunder fell, and immediately met with the power of the tyrannical space to form a town, there was a strong energy fluctuation between the two, and the terrifying and destroying aura was enough to strangle any cultivator below the celestial and human level, which can also reflect the power that thunder possesses. tyrannical.

Blocked by the tearing force of the endless space, Tianlei's power was suddenly weakened with clarity and sensibility. When it weakened to a certain limit, the ancient demon clone suddenly lifted, and the eyes showed the meaning of unruly.

"Let it in, the demon just swallowed it, cleansed the flesh, and strengthened the magic!"

Regardless of the ancient demon clone or the spatial clone, it is the same origin as Xiao Chen. The three primordial spirits are connected. The human body possesses the exercises, and the other two can also practice. The secret technique of "Swallowing Thunder" is naturally included.

The space avatar nodded, his mind moved slightly, and the power of the space turbulence immediately dispersed to the surroundings, and the black thunder that had been greatly weakened was put into it.

"Good coming!" The ancient demon clone laughed wildly, and the physical body suddenly rose to 70,000 feet, and the demon body was more powerful. There was a billowing devilish energy inside the body that condensed and transformed into clouds, dispersing endless cold and killing the general trend, unparalleled overbearing.

The hand grasped a fist, with a fist of several thousand feet in size, mixed with the force of the sky-breaking force, and struck out loudly, without any defensive dodge, and directly shook the thunder.


With a punch, the entire Thunder trembles, and then it is directly smashed into a wave of violent waves, crazily penetrated into the flesh and blood of the ancient demon clone.

"The "Thunder Swallowing" secret technique is refined for this demon, and how can the power of the sky thunder be? This demon can still swallow it completely!" The ancient demon clone laughed and laughed. The so-called dominance of the world must be like this.

The billowing demonic energy suddenly exploded crazily, flowing between flesh and blood, splitting the power of thunder, continuously refining and devouring it, turning it into a roaring vitality and pure energy into the body, and the damage caused by the power of thunder will soon be restored. .

And just as the ancient demon clone swallowed and refined the first thunder, the outside world seemed to have a feeling. At this moment, it trembled suddenly, the color suddenly became darker, and the second thunder fell without a stop.

The space clone sneered and waved his hand, and more space turbulence surged in, weakening its mixed momentum. Within this space turbulence, as long as he does not control the limit of his original power, he can control the power of the tyrannical space infinitely.

After a few breaths, when the thunder power was once again weakened to a level that could be tolerated, Xiao Chen's human body's mouth showed a faint cynicism, and the space clone thought slightly moved, letting go of the power of the second thunder.



Without the power of spatial turbulence to seal the town, this second thunder suddenly burst out with monstrous fierce flames, flashing lightning, like the roar of ancient thunder beasts, extremely tyrannical, and the rich and murderous aura locked the body of Xiao Chen human race, and wanted to destroy it.

"Huh! The mere power of Heavenly Tribulation, is it also trying to hurt me? Today it turned into energy and swallowed by this seat!"

In a sneer, Xiao Chen was like an ancient demon clone, without any concealment, his figure turned into streamer and shot out, shaking hard with his flesh.


The second thunder was taken by the human body, and although it was tyrannical and raging, it was eventually swallowed.

At this moment, the ancient demon clone just finished swallowing the first thunder, and a roar suddenly appeared in his mouth, and he was happy. The cultivator of the Demon Path kills, the devil energy is also feminine energy, and he is naturally afraid of the power of the grand and vast thunder. This time the power of swallowing the thunder and refining it into pure energy integrates into himself, but it allows him to get a lot of benefits. The body became stronger and more horizontal, and the devilish energy in his body became more refined after being tempered by the power of thunder.

"Come again! Today, this demon will use the power of Heavenly Tribulation to help my demon even more power!"


The robbery cloud was tumbling, and the third thunder burst.

The space clone shot and sealed the town, and when the power was weakened to the extent that the ancient magic clone could withstand it, the town was unlocked and allowed to enter.

The ancient demon clone shot directly during the roar, smashing its life with the power of the monstrous demon body, and then swallowing it.

When the fourth thunder fell, it was still the space clone that weakened the power of the town, and the human body shot.

The fifth mine.


The 6th mine.


The 7th mine.


1o mine.

The two avatars of Xiao Chen's human race cooperated to take action, and it was actually enough to make the cultivators of the heaven and human realm feel frightened and easily resisted, and with the help of the power of the sky thunder, it was turned into pure energy and collected to enhance the cultivation.

As for the moment, the external robbery cloud has changed from the initial pitch black and ink color to the faint blood color now, and the spread of thunder and pressure is even more tyrannical, covering hundreds of thousands of miles in a radius, which is terrifying and attracts the eyes of countless unicorn monks.

"Now it is the 10th thunder, and the thunder power has not been weakened at all. It can be seen that this person must be promoted to the 36 thunderbolts of the heavens!"

"When you first enter the realm of heaven and human, the thunder power explodes in the first tenth, it can be comparable to the strongest thunder power of the ordinary monk who crosses the catastrophe, the accumulation of this person's cross catastrophe must be profound!"

"Being able to have this power in the tribulation realm, once the cultivation of heaven and man is achieved, it must not be underestimated, and the future achievements will be limitless!"

"Such a character, in my group, is bound to be valued by the upper class adults!"

"Really look forward to, what kind of grace and grace the tragedy person will be at this moment."

Countless monks of the monohorn tribe muttered in low voices, and their faces were full of envy and awe.

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