"As soon as the news spread, it coincided with the beginning of the race trial. It naturally attracted the powerful gatherings of various races. At first, most of them were with the idea of ​​robbing the treasure, but after 2oo years, the monks of the treasure demon race were taken away. But he did not show up, perhaps he has been secretly killed and taken away the treasure, or he has returned to the Demon Sect. Eight ( 8> 1) ZW.COM is not the latter possibility. Maybe it’s bigger. This is one of the two big news that broke out in the unicorn tribe. It can be said to be everywhere."

After the little girl finished speaking, she smashed her mouth, her face full of yearning, "This demon dared to break into the depths of the unicorn territory alone, and take away the treasures abruptly. During this period, it will be extremely crises and endless experiences. Crisis, being able to do this is really admirable."

Xiao Chen's expression was a little weird, and the discoloration on his face became a bit more serious.

Su Su was immediately anxious when he saw this. Why didn't he believe what this lady said? This is true and absolutely nothing false. You are really bullying like this!

Seeing that this eldest lady's complexion became more gloomy, her eyes flickered, she seemed to be soaring at any time, Xiao Chen shook her head in her heart, and secretly said that if you knew that the "devil" whom you bluntly admired was right in front of you, she still called it a villain. , I don't know what kind of performance this little girl will look like. However, he naturally wouldn't say much this time, he responded vaguely, and then asked: "Then what is the other big thing?"

Miss Su Su snorted. Seeing that the wicked's expression changed extremely quickly, she also had the meaning of telling things in her heart, so she didn't continue to pursue it. She raised her head and said, "This second matter is equally important, but it is still unique. The tragedy of the Horns."

"After the demon monk took the supreme treasure, the Yuanlong region of the Unicorn tribe descended into the turmoil in the space. It was the 36 promoted tribulations that were promoted to the heavens and the earth. The thunder tribulation was powerful. Earth-shattering! Since the 28th thunder, cloud forms have appeared, condensing the unicorn thunder beasts of the ancient nine thunder beasts. From then on to the 35th thunder, eight of the nine thunder beasts appeared on the stage, and the 36th thunder was even the ancient one. The Thunder Dragon is 50,000 feet in size, with nine feet under its abdomen and scales. It is the peak form of Thunder Dragon. The power of Thunder Tribulation is extremely powerful, even for the monks of the Three Realms of the Far Heavens."

"My grandfather once said that the monks in this world are born three or sixty-nine. Although backstage efforts are important, the innate luck is even more important. If the innate is a little bit worse, even if you put more than ten times the effort, you may not be able to catch up. Grandpa once said that ethnic monks can be roughly divided into lower, middle, and upper three levels, the lower ones are the most without falling, the number is the largest, the middle ones can reach the level of not falling, and the second, the upper ones can be cultivated to the realm of heaven and humans, that is, the strong ethnic group. However, there are many grades in the upper class. The last one is for tens of millions of people. It can be cultivated to the early days of heaven and human. After that, there is no hope of promotion, and then one billion people can be cultivated to heaven and human three. Realm, one hundred billion more people can be cultivated to the five realms of heaven and man! As for those who are higher, they are peerless geniuses that can only appear in the entire ethnic group for a hundred thousand years, or even millions of years, as long as they are not lost in the middle. With the vigorous cultivation of the ethnic group, the future achievements will surely be limitless, and even those who have escaped from the heavens will be promoted to the heavenly path, there is no hopelessness!"

"Able to accumulate levels at the limit of the Tribulation, you will have the power of the three realms of Yuantianren. Grandpa said that half of this Monk Tribe monk is a genius of hundreds of billions of people. There is even a possibility that the whole The unique genius of the unicorn tribe has been born in millions of years, and the lowest achievement in the future will become the leader of the entire unicorn tribe. But unfortunately, this person is too powerful to face the catastrophe. After the tribe, the unicorn tribe has the power. He appeared to look for it personally, but in the end to no avail, there was nothing to do. This tribulation monk, Shiyou ** had died under that terrifying 36th thunder, it can be said that it was the loss of the entire Monocorn tribe."

"This is the second thing that has shocked many ethnic groups in the spirit world in the past 2oo years and has attracted countless attention."

After speaking, this little girl couldn't help showing a bit of regret on her face, "Oh, Gu Yun Zeng Yuntian is jealous of talents, and what I must say should be the current thing. This kind of outstanding character has not yet been in the world. It’s a pity that the radiant light that belongs to you has burst out quickly."

Seeing Xiao Chen's slightly dull complexion, Su Su smiled triumphantly, Zhidao, the wicked person was already shocked by what he said, and his mood suddenly became extremely cheerful. He deliberately lengthened his tone, and said, "Why? I was shocked by what I said. Does it feel particularly embarrassing? Compared with others, it is a sky and an underground. Alas, I advise you not to worry about yourself. This kind of peerless talent in the entire ethnic group, how can it be you can Comparison of."

"As for this lady, although the qualifications are a little worse than them, with my grandpa helping me, my future achievements may not be lower than them. So, some people should consider their status now, should they take advantage of it? When Miss Su Su hasn't spread her wings and soars, she hurriedly stepped forward to stammer, maybe I am in a good mood, I will forget the blame, and I will be able to take care of him in the future."

This sentence is a typical meaning.

Except for the initial shock, Xiao Chen's complexion has now returned to a calm color. Looking at the front of him triumphantly, like a white swan with his neck high, he said calmly: "If you rest well, let's continue on the road. "Yu Luo got up and moved forward.

The look on Su Su’s face instantly collapsed. Looking at Xiao Chen’s back, the little girl made a vicious gesture. Then she stomped and chased up, cursing in her heart, let this cross the river bridge and get the news. It's good that the wicked person who recognizes is caught by a thousand women of the Earth Spirit Race!


Xiling City, as a major place for the Unicorn tribe, is a place where many monks and monks are like clouds. It is also a place where monks from all tribes participate in the trial. The intensity of battle explosions suddenly increases. The entire sky is flooded with aura, and there are severe mana fluctuations from time to time The breath came, and among them was the screams of monks.

After Susu gritted his teeth and directly sacrificed a magic weapon, spurting blood from the mouth of a monk who came from the late stage of the Tribulation, who came with a lewd smile and flew upside down, the surrounding monks who were eager to become honest instantly, feeling the horror from Lingbao Breath, they don't want to be the next bad luck.

It was a demon monk who was wounded. He looked at Su Su bitterly and turned and steered the light away. This person seemed to have some means, so several foreign monks around him hesitated slightly, but no one dared to go forward and kill him. .

However, Xiao Chen didn't pay any attention to these Xiao Chen. He only had to hand over this Su Su little girl to the hands of all the seniors and seniors, and his own task would be considered complete, and the following things would naturally have nothing to do with him.

The city is the only safe place in the trials of a hundred races. As long as monks of any race enter the city above the big city, they will never be allowed to fight against the law. Otherwise, if they violate the regulations, they will be handed over to others, even if To be killed by a strong person above the alien celestial realm can only blame oneself for being stupid, no wonder others. And most importantly, killing the Trial monks of the Hundred Clan in this situation does not violate the iron law.

So after entering the city, even those with murderous aura must be cautious and restrained. A wall is separated, the outside is the purgatory of fighting, but the city is a stable home for cultivation.

Because of the trials of the hundred races, although the unicorn monks still accounted for the majority on the streets of Xiling City, the faces of foreign races were also not in the minority, and there were even a few faces of human monks flashing past. But most of these people walked in a hurry, with indifferent expressions and sharp eyes. They didn't have the joy of seeing the same race in a foreign country, and some were only deeply jealous. It is important to know that in this race trial, it is not only the foreign race that may kill you, but the same race cultivator may also assassinate the killer.

Entering the city gate, Su Su led the way, and Xiao Chen walked forward with his hands under his hands. His complexion was calm. He felt the ill-intentioned gazes around him. Instead of fear and awe, the blood in his chest gradually became hot.

After ignoring what happened here, he will enter the wilderness, play games with the powerhouses of all races, fight all over the world, collect the battle cards, and take the first step that is vital to the rise of the human race!

The trial of these hundreds of races was an opportunity for him to soar into the sky!

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