Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 20: Cang Yuezhang

Outside a medium-sized courtyard, Su Su stopped, showing a bit of joy on his face, and opened up a few tactics between his hands. He opened the ban outside the courtyard and could n’t wait to push in the door. He shouted again and again: "Master, brother, Su Su is back. Bayi Chinese W] W] W]. 818W.COM ”

The voice echoed in the courtyard, but no one responded.

Xiao Chen followed in, and at this moment glanced around, frowned slightly, and said, "There is no monk here. Maybe your brother, sister, etc. have changed their place of residence, but since they did not give up the place of residence, they should stay in order to stay. Once you have the tokens, you can find them, maybe you know where they are. "

Su Su was a little panicked. At this moment, she felt certain in her heart. For the first time, I felt that the wicked man was still a little smart. He nodded and walked quickly into the living room. Sure enough, there was a white jade letter and jade Jank on the table. Into a trace of consciousness.

Su Su sees the word like a person, I do not know where you have been playing for fun, I and your sisters and sisters now go to Cangyue to look for you. If you see Yu Jian, come here and meet me.

Few words, but the meaning of concern is self-evident. Mild temperament suddenly comes to mind, which is easily associated with a gentle, elegant and handsome ethnic monk. If he can put on a white shirt again, it should be It's perfect.

Lifting the jade Jane in Yang's hands, Su Su said: "Brother and sister, they went to Cang Yue to find me."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, but at the moment he did not wait for him to speak, Su Su's face had become a pitiful look, "Evil, Xiao Chen, friend, Cang Yuezhen is a very dangerous place. There may be accidents. At that time, your efforts to help me will be in vain. It ’s better to be good people to do it in the end, and send me and the brothers will they get together, will you? Rest assured, Cangyue is not far away, at most half a day Time will come. "

"Get rid of you, you have to start and end in life and work, you can't give up halfway."

Xiao Chen sighed helplessly, then shook his head, turned and strode away, just as Su Su's face collapsed, but a faint voice came, "Since going to Cang Yuezhang, that's not time to come out."

Su Su's small face suddenly exudes joy, and looking at the evil man's back, he suddenly feels that he still has a little something to like.


Cangyueyu, located seven million miles northeast of Xilingcheng, is a famous and dangerous place in the unicorn territory, living with dense and incalculable beasts. However, in such a barren land, there are also many opportunities. Aside from the wild beasts themselves, the temptation of monks who have grown up for many years is irresistible. Therefore, after the trial of the hundreds of races started, the wild beasts here were suddenly seeded, and they were killed by the trial monks of various races. Fortunately, these trial monks are quite modest. After a few people who were stunned by treasures rushed into the depths of Cang Yueyu and were shot by powerful beasts, no one dared to leap into the thunder pool. Fortunately, these powerful wild beasts are restricted by the unicorn powers, and they can't hurt to run outside their realm. However, there are a lot of treasures hidden on the periphery of Cang Yuezhen alone. Even a lucky Berong monk accidentally opened a long abandoned unicorn cave house here and got a Lingbao-level treasure from it! After such news came out, it even made Cang Yue's fame and attracted many strong people of all ethnic groups.

Over a period of 2oo years, this place has become a place where the strong of all ethnic groups gather to fight. Some people even set up a battle platform in Cangyueyu, dedicated to fighting between foreign monks. The winner can get a very rich bet and fail. Monks often lose their lives.

As Su Su explained the news of Cang Yuezhen, Xiao Chen's eyes continued to shine slightly.

"Brother, they must think that I'm going to Cang Yuezhang to be lively, so I will go there to find me. I hope they haven't left yet, otherwise they will be in trouble." The little girl frowned and looked pretty. depressed.

Xiao Chen frowned. If he couldn't find the little girl's brother and others, would he have to walk around with the towing oil bottle, so when would he be able to start the action.

"You and I speed up a bit." Yu Luo said, holding up a magic weapon, which was obtained from the fairy hood of the fairy Ziyun, who enveloped the two of them, and the degree of dunce suddenly almost doubled. According to the current degree, up to 3 hours, you can reach Cang Yue 涧.


"Huh! Waste, was actually hit directly by a little human girl. Couldn't I have made it impossible for you!"

Within the valley, a dozen Demon monks sat down with their knees crossed, and all closed their eyes and meditated. These dozens of people have deep and obscure breaths, and there is a sense of evil rising in the body. Obviously, it is the one who is arrogant and kills.

The person who speaks at this moment is the one in this profession.

"Lonely shoot your lord, **** it, please forgive me!" The monk kneeling down turned pale, and fell to the ground with one knee. Looking at the appearance, this man is exactly the one who was injured by Su So.

In order to reach the later stage of the calamity, this monk monk exists at the same level as that of the solitary shooter, but he is very respectful in front of him, and he expresses deep awe and fear in his words, and dares not to be bitter.

The solitary form is high, with a rough face, and there is an overwhelming trend in the body all the time. This trend is overbearing, overwhelming, and not intentionally driven. It just so naturally emerges.

"Get off!" Gu She roared in his mouth, his breath suddenly rushed, making the kneeling Devil's complexion paler, bleeding directly from the corners of his mouth. Being able to directly shock the monks at the same level with momentum, it is enough to know how powerful this solitary shot is.

However, at this moment, it was suddenly that a black jade came out of the air, and he was instantly taken into his hands, and a little sense was entered into it.


The next moment, Yu Jian was crushed by him, and a sneer sneered from the corner of his mouth.

"Jun has no blame. You have finally left Xiling City. Today I will shoot you alone and I will fight you!"

"Come out, Cang Yue!"


The Demon Strong opened his eyes at the same time, and his eyes were cold and ruthless.


"Interesting, it's really interesting. How can people such as the two strong clan horn-earners gather in Cangyue, such a wonderful thing can be absent." In the dense forest, there is a faint grass and trees surrounding it, and it turns into a blue. Supernatural powers, which can isolate the voice and intrude into the gods, are an extremely subtle supernatural power.

Now talking is a man lying on a large net that is comfortable on the arabesque weaving. He has beautiful and strange eyes, a pair of narrow and bright eyes, and a faint green light flashes from time to time, plus a pale skin tone. Once he appears Enough to attract a large number of female monks exclaimed and screamed.

In the wilderness that is extremely dangerous to other monks, this monk monk is as if in his own back garden. At this moment, his delicate and long fingers are gently manipulated, and the corners of his face show a bit of playfulness.

It was at this time that a ray of light hundreds of feet away from here stopped momentarily, and after dissipating, a stranger monk with a sharp head was born. However, when his eyes fell on the ten-square circle of grass and trees, his complexion changed momentarily, and then his eyes showed endless fear, as if he saw the most terrifying picture. The external aura flashes, it is to leave the space suddenly.

However, at the moment when the man wanted to act, a green rattan shot from above the ground suddenly penetrated the body of the unicorn alien monk with a thunderbolt, and he sucked it hard, and immediately turned it into a dead body.

After three breaths, the person's physical body had completely dried up, and all his life's ascetics had failed to escape the slightest, including the Yuanshen, and they were all swallowed up.


The blue rattan suddenly exploded and turned into a green spot of light, and then quickly gathered into a figure, it was the monk monk lying on the rattan net.

"I ate some dim sum and just digested it, so I'll get some fun."

In a low laugh, the monk figure suddenly turned into a misty blue light and shadow and left instantly.


"These **** aliens dare to be so arrogant in my unicorn territory!" A sneer unicorn sneered with arms around, sneer, golden unicorns glowing brightly in the sun, "Since today we gather When I get together, I don't have to go to work to find you one by one. "

"When you enter our clan territory, you have to be prepared to bury yourself here. Today is the period when you wait for ridicule!"

Whispering, the power of the rich golden spirit bursts from his body instantly, and the void condenses the sky and the golden swordsman, spreads out, and cuts the surrounding peaks directly into the ground.

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