Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 23: hypocrite

Asking such questions is a shame!

An Ran's complexion changed instantly, and his eyes were upset, and there was even a little panic. Bayi

At the same time, Jun Wuyi's body was slightly stiff, but he quickly covered up the past. Although his face remained the same, there was a cold flash of murder in his eyes.

Xiao Chen was stunned, but didn't mention it in a breath, and suddenly coughed violently. He really didn't expect that Su Su, the little girl, was so fierce that he would openly ask this question!

There was a sudden noise here, and Su Su turned her head in anger, looking at Xiao Chen's eyes, but she didn't know her voice had been heard by the wicked. When the color became even redder, her teeth gritted.

"Wicked man, you better not lie to Miss Ben, or today I must unload you big, ah ah ah!"

The little girl secretly ruthlessly.

However, she said that Sister An Ran didn't think about it, and Xiao Chen glanced at the bottom of her eyes. Then she put her hand on Su Su, spreading her senses and feeling carefully, and her face looked much better.

Fortunately, nothing happened! Su Su Yuanyin is still alive and has not been violated.

"Su Su, you, and that's okay, tell Sister, why should you ask this question, is someone bullying you?" Although Sister Anran was gentle, but at the moment became cold, her breath became cold and indifferent, "Su Su Do n’t be afraid, even if you tell your sister that Brother and I will be fair to you. ”

In this sentence, An Ran opened his mouth without covering anything, and the voice of coldness instantly spread through the space of the circle, clear and audible.

Qi Yun and Fei Cui's looks changed instantly, and their eyes flashed sharply, heading for Xiao Chen.

Only the gentleman had a calm face without blame, and his breath was still as gentle as before, even with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Chen stood calmly and did not have any fear because of the faint depression of a few people's breath. A pair of dark-eyed eyes can be like a star. Although the light of God is restrained, it can hold thousands of depths like an endless star.

The atmosphere in the field became dignified in an instant. I am afraid that as long as Su Su speaks a little bit bad words, a fight will be staged immediately.

Su Su listened to Sister An Ran and finally let go of her heart. Fortunately, the wicked man didn't lie to her. At this moment, he waved his hands and said, "Someone bullied me, but fortunately, there are wicked people helping me, so I can see you again."

"Those people fell into the hands of the wicked. Bacheng has been cut into seventeen to eighty paragraphs, so no brother or sister is required to take revenge on me."

This little girl realized that there was no subtle situation in the field at the moment, but fortunately, she did n’t take the opportunity to "learn" Xiao Chen, otherwise things would be troublesome. "Hey, wicked man, you stand like this What are you doing, you were n’t very good before, why are you scared to see my brother and sister now? "

"This is my brother, no blame, cultivation is arrogant. Seeing that you helped Miss Ben many times, I will allow you generously and allow you to conduct ethnic trials with us. By then, brothers and sisters will protect them. You must be. How safe is it? Are you happy now? "

As he spoke, Su Su revealed his pride.

Jun Wuyou's brow frowned slightly, and Xiao Chen glanced at the trace without any trace. In a moment, he passed a bit of inexplicable color, and then spoke gently, saying: "It turned out that this Taoist friend saved the lower sister and sister. Jun Wuyou was grateful. . "

"Since the teacher and her sister have spoken, they will naturally agree. Dao You can wait with me to act together. I must wait until the end of the trial and get a good result. It is right to report back to your friend to help Su Su."

This person spoke softly, but wanted to use this to erase Xiao Chen's kindness to help Su Su together.

Su Su, the little girl, did n’t notice it, and nodded with joy after hearing the words. Enron, Qi Yun, and Jade, all sighed that Master Brother was really wise. Su Su ’s experience in walking in the field of cultivation was too shallow. Cheap, take this opportunity to get rid of this kind of grace, even if the monk has the opportunity to open his mouth wide, it is not good to speak.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly. At this moment, there was no difference in color when he heard the words, and said lightly: "The good intentions of Taoists are led by the heart, but they are free-ridden-they are not used to walking with others. Please forgive me."

"Su Su Daoyou, now that you have met with your brother and others, you will not stay long anymore. Goodbye."

Having said that, arching his hand slightly, turning around and taking a step forward, the figure directly tore the space and disappeared.

"Well! You wicked, just leave as you say! Hum! Let's go, it's better to be killed, because it doesn't take Miss Ben's favor!" Su Su watched Xiao Chen leave without any warning. , Qiao face suddenly showed anger, although the suffocating anger quickly spoiled, but how I listened a little worried.

Jun Fowler frowned, his eyes flickered with faintness, extremely deep and shallow, hard to detect.

Qi Yun watched Xiao Chen's direction of departure, sneer, and said, "This person is too ignorant to lift, and to see if he can leave the ethnic trial alive, otherwise the humanity will lose his life and everything will be empty."

"Yes, Brother Jun personally invited him to dare to refuse it. If it was for his help to Sister Su Su, Miss Ben would have to let him suffer today." Jade said coldly, showing her thin lips. Slightly provoked, extremely mean.

Sister An Ran frowned slightly and said, "Okay, this man has finally rescued Su Su. Based on this, I shouldn't be malicious to him anyway, as long as Su Su is OK, everything is fine."

Jun nodded blamelessly, "Sister An Ran said what was right, and the matter was uncovered here. Now that Cang Yuezhen is here, I will walk here a little bit, so I can add some experience and see if I can gain something."

When this person spoke, it was considered to have concluded the case. Qi Yun and Jade both nodded and did not speak at the same time.

"Let's go."

Jun Wuji's eyes could not be traced in the direction of leaving Xiao Chen, then turned around, leading Su Su and others to leave quickly.


The spatial fluctuations sounded, and the figure of a monk in a blue robe appeared instantly. At this moment, his brows were slightly frowned and his complexion was slightly gloomy.

Come, Xiao Chen is naturally.


It was at the moment of his appearance that suddenly a roaring roar came and rushed into his ears, and then there was a flash of gold in front of him, but it was a dozen tens of feet, full of golden hairy apes, leaping high, holding a The blackstone stick was smashed and dropped.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed coldly and suddenly lifted, two sword-mang shadows condensed in his eyes instantly, screamed and pierced into the eyes of the giant ape and beast, making him mournful, and the huge body slammed into the ground. There was no sound of tumbling.

This magical power was obtained after Xiao Chen realized the power of Jin Ling. His eyes were as if the sword was cut. Although the power is not strong right now, it is easy to use to kill the giant ape and beast in this complex state.

With one stroke, Xiao Chen took this item and put it into the storage ring. Xiao Chen turned around and walked away.

In this wilderness, the blood of the wild beasts will quickly attract the surrounding wild beasts. Once engulfed, it will inevitably involve a lot of effort, or it may cause danger for yourself.

At this moment, moving forward in the light, his brow was tightly frowned, his eyes were cloudy.

"Prince Wen Yu has no blame, huh, I'm afraid it's a bit exaggerated." Xiao Chen sneered sneerly, only then did that prince blame him twice or twice, although he was very secretive, but for the ancients who mastered the origin of the kill The magic avatar heard the words, but it was nothing.

For example, Qi Yun, Jade and others are best dealt with like and dislike, but as gentlemen as a gentleman, they are the most difficult to cope with. They often hide their swords in their laughter and have a very dark heart. Fortunately, the matter of Susu was settled. After that, there should not be much intersection with them. As long as they are careful in the future, they should be fine.

Xiao Chen shook her head slowly, depressed her writhing thoughts, and lifted her face again, her face turned into a cold, her own light flashed in her eyes.

Now that things have come to an end, he should start to act.

call out!

The light flickered and went away.

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