Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 24: Black robe

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be the first-rate spiritual spring. The spiritual water contained all the majestic spiritual powers. The refining of monks, etc., can instantly restore the loss of mana in the body, which is an extremely rare treasure.一 [(中? < 文 〔

The size of a unicorn monk is difficult to hide in his eyes.

"Collect this spiritual spring, so as to avoid extracurricular branches."

The person's hand flashed with aura of light, and a storage jade bottle appeared in his hand instantly. He raised his hands and played a few tricks, which was to collect all the water of this spiritual spring.

But at this moment, there was a faint spiritual power and aura mixed in the water of the Lingquan, and the breath was restrained until the moment of murderous leak, the unicorn monk was unaware of anything.

By the time his eyes widened and showed anger, he wanted to step back, but it was too late. That aura of light burst suddenly, and the speed was extremely fast. The electric light and flint turned around the unicorn monk's neck, and a good head rose to the sky. Even the Yuanshen failed to escape the slightest, and was directly strangled to be a fan.


The headless corpse fell straight to the ground, and blood poured out like spring water.

After three breaths, it was confirmed that there was no abnormality in the surrounding area. Only a thin figure covering the whole body in a black robe appeared in the field instantly, his eyes glanced over the surrounding area, and it was confirmed that there was no slight difference. Satisfied, "Hey, taking this Lingquan as a bait, in just ten days, I have already killed 17 monks, which has greatly helped me." The comer smiled proudly and raised his hand to the The dead unicorn monks' storage ring and other things were properly packed, the blood of the corpse was incinerated, all traces were cleaned up, and careful inspection was not omitted, so they turned to want to hide again.

However, at this moment, he jumped fiercely in his heart, and then suddenly lifted it, just to see that there were hundreds of square-sized bricks on one side, mixed with a mighty force and fell.

"Well!" The skinny monk screamed in anger, raised his hands and played with magical powers. He didn't want the brick to sink heavily, but he slammed him to the ground.

At the same time, a long sword rose from the ground silently, without any slight fluctuations in mana, and the careful expression of the word "insignificant" was vividly explained.


The sound of sharp blade stabbing into the flesh came clearly, the thin alien monk suddenly widened his eyes, and had not had time to miserable in his mouth, but the pure sword intention burst from his body instantly, causing a dense murmur in his flesh.

call out!

A whole body was pale, and a flamboyant cyan emerald skull appeared in the eyes, and the bones protruded, and the monk's chest was inserted between them. At the next moment, the human body dried up very quickly, and the essence of flesh and blood and even the Yuanshen were swallowed up.

It was enough that the thin monk in the midst of the robbery was completely killed in an instant.

The skeleton swallowed the human body, the paler bones became less eye-catching, only the hollow-blue eye flame became more intense, but it fully swallowed a monk, and the increase of this blue flame was not large. .


There was a slight flash of light, a figure of a black robe monk appeared in the field, and he took away the thin monk's storage and put his hand slightly.

Needless to say, the slab-shaped body suddenly shrunk to the size of a stone and returned to the ancient wood. A long sword appeared on the ground and slowly dived away. As for the skeleton, it was even simpler. I do n’t know what means it used. It disappears slowly, and it is impossible to perceive even the slightest detection.

The monk in the black robe did not notice the strangeness, so he nodded with satisfaction, and used the technique of concentrating to hide the figure on one side. Four people appeared in succession, of course, Xiao Chen and his three children: small shop, small brick, small bone.

Trials of ethnic groups, the shop was the first to bear loneliness, and noisy all day also came out to show a handsome style, see if I can catch a chance to catch a beautiful magic sister to do Madame Zhai, okay It is used to relieve the distress in my heart.

Xiaozhuan was silent, and he remained silent in Xiao Chen's storage ring, devouring all his treasures. For the three children under his command, Xiao Chen is extremely proud, and the treasures in the storage ring are free to use as long as they are not the things he has stowed alone.

As a result, after years of devouring, the power of the shop is even greater, and it has reached the limit of Taoism. Power is comparable to the mid-term monk, and it is not far from the realm of Lingbao.

In the end, the main reason that Xiao Chen agreed to come out of the three primary school was because the small bone had reached the point of promotion, and he needed to swallow a lot of souls to help him go further. The strangeness of the promotion this time, even if the small bone itself does not know what is going on, can only vaguely sense that this promotion is not trivial.

With proper reasons, coupled with the shop's death and torture, Xiao Chen finally agreed.

The three small shots are self-conceited and insidious small shops. Under this arrogant arrangement, their shots can be described as insidious. Most of them were smashed by the small shops, and the small bricks shot secretly. Appeared. As for Xiao Chen, he was secretly invisible. The three primary schools can solve the natural best. If something goes wrong, he can also make a timely shot.

For half a month in this way, Xiao Chen has already harvested more than 30 storage rings, of which the magic stone magic weapon is not mentioned, and there are more than 5oo pieces of the battle plate alone, plus the income in his hands, there is already almost 7oo.

"Hey, only the time when Xiaozhuan Brick was smashed was more accurate, that is, they must shoot when their minds are lax, in order to be foolproof. As long as they fall on the ground, the coach will naturally tell him to come back, and Jianyi directly breaks his life . "

"The dearest owner, the boss said a long time ago, you choose to let us go, it is definitely the best choice. Now it turns out that the shop is telling the truth!"

"Hey, let's talk about it. If there is a beautiful magic sister, no one is allowed to rob the coach. I am the boss, the small brick is the second child, and the small bone is the third child. You must know how to respect the boss. But, old Three, why are you so slowly promoted this time, you have swallowed more than 3o monks, but you have nothing to do at all. "

The shop murmured in Yuanshen, but at the moment it came to an abrupt halt, only because someone had arrived.

A yaksha monk appeared first, his face looked cautiously, his eyes fell on the Lingquan, and he couldn't help bursting into fiery colors. Carefully looking at the half-no-sound, the man gritted his teeth, flickered, and headed for Lingquan.

next moment.

The bricks descended from the sky, the sword sharpened from the ground, and the skeletons were ready-made.

Three small shots, silently, there was a monk crossing the robbery killed Huang Quan with hatred.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Dealing with this person well, three small things were withdrawn and the figure was hidden again.

In just half an hour, three other monks have entered. Except for the last alien who had a stranger to protect himself in the late robbery, he was beheaded by Xiao Chen when he wanted to escape under a sneak attack on the shop, and the rest were perfectly resolved.

But even so, the shop is still lingering, and it is really hateful that the aliens broke the record of keeping the perfect disregard for more than ten days in the later period of the crossing. After all, the ambush to seduce the enemy can not last for a long time. Several consecutive monks disappeared silently and enough to scare the surrounding monks. At this moment, they left without turning their heads. This place clearly shows that there is a trap. Whoever kills it.

The shop held on for a long time. When no monk arrived, he sighed helplessly, "The monk is so shrewd now!" But the glory is hard to hide.

Such a savvy monk has been brought down by his handsome pot by five. Doesn't it mean that the adults in the shop are even more savvy than they are.

Xiao Chen ignored the call, raised his hand to receive Lingquan, and led the three young children to turn around and leave to find the next target.


In January, a magic weapon combination that made people gritted and frightened was added in Cang Yue'an.

A brick, a sword, a skull. The big brick was smashed down, the sinister sword was stabbed out, and the ready-made skeleton was finally shot, and the flesh essence of the unlucky egg body even contained the whole thing devoured by Yuan Shen.

These three treasures are of very high quality, I am afraid that they are not far from the level of Lingbao. They behave in a cumbersome, ruthless, and clever way. They never deal with people directly, and they are all stubborn. Most of the monks who have been calculated have not yet reacted. , They have been confused to return to the land. However, the magic weapon is powerful, but it has also attracted the eyes of the uncle. The 13 unicorn monks in the later period of the robbery jointly shot and used that as a bait to bring out the magic weapon combination, and wanted to take it away with one stroke of suppression! Thirteen unicorn monks made a joint shot, how mighty the power was, and the three big magic weapons could barely resist. However, at a critical moment, a monk in black robes suddenly appeared, using cold and arrogant methods, and using thunder, to kill 13 unicorn monks in a row!

The news spread, shocking countless strange monks in Cangyue!

He was able to slay and kill 13 people in the later stages of the robbery with his own strength. This monk's monk's cultivation was called horror, and he became the evil star in the Cangyue sect, known as the black robe guest. Although no one knows the true identity of the black robe, it is not difficult for an alien monk to infer his origin.

Terran monk!

It is not surprising to reach this conclusion, just because there were nearly a hundred monks of various ethnic groups who died in the hands of the black robes in one month, but there was no human monk among them. This is the most sufficient evidence.

For a time, the black robes and the three big-magic weapons below them made the countless aliens strong and frightened.

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