Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 25: Meet Cang Yuejian

Xiao Chen frowned. Now, in this Cang Yuejian, he has not found any prey for two days. It seems that the strong aliens here have collectively withdrawn and disappeared. Something seems to be wrong. Eight [One? Novel? Web W] W) W). }81ZW. COM

Just as the thoughts in his heart were tumbling, he suddenly lifted up, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

call out!

As he walked forward with a whistling light, Li Cheng looked cautious and cried secretly in his heart. If he had to find the Cangling Fruit to refine the detoxification pill to dissolve the toxins in his body, he would never break into this area alone.

You know, here is the most frequent place for black rookers. Although it is rumored that this person is a strong human race and has never taken action against monks of the same race, this is after all a rumor and may not be credible. If you meet this person, ,

Li Cheng secretly prayed in his heart that this trip must go smoothly. He has already received the exact information and knows the location of the Cang Ling Guo. As long as there is no accident, he can pick it up in half a day. His mind turned, and this person comforted himself in secret. He just calmed down and looked forward, but his complexion turned pale, and sweat came out of his forehead, and his clothes were instantly wet. .

Hei, Hei Pao!

Seeing the figure in front of him that was exactly the same as the figure in the jade slip, Li Cheng almost had a big mouth to slap himself to death, really wanting to talk about this evil star, now it’s good, it really attracts people...

This is how to do?

Zhan, although his cultivation base is not weak and he has two brushes under his hand, but according to the information he received, he is not a heavyweight opponent at all. I am afraid that once he makes a move, his family will be wiped out instantly.

Escape, it is said that even the fastest cultivator of the Flash Shadow Clan has not been able to escape the beheading of the black robe guest. With his escape, he should not try it out.

Can't fight.

Escape, can't escape.

Li Cheng almost cried.

"This...maybe this is just a coincidence. The person in front of me is not the black-robed guest. I still don't act rashly. Maybe things will turn around." While comforting himself, Li Cheng held his hand, just about to speak, but was arrogant. Interrupted with a wild laugh.

"Hey! I drove this mountain, and I planted this tree. If you want to live from now on, stay and buy money!"

"Wu, the human race boy, see this commander showing up, and he hasn't surrendered all the treasures on his body as soon as possible. Maybe he can still save his life, otherwise it will be too late!"

"Hum hum!"

Following the three-toed high-pitched grin, the shop shook its posture, the body slightly raised in a posture that he believed to be the most handsome Shi Shiran appeared on Xiao Chen's head, the pure sword intent sprayed uncertainly, as if It will be cut directly in the next moment.

call out!

A slab of one hundred meters in size rose from the sky, and its shape shrank sharply. As for the ground, it was already the size of a ruler, silently, floating beside the black robe monk.

On the other side, the light and shadow in the void changed, and it seemed to be an ordinary human-sized skeleton with gray-white bones and a dark blue primordial flame jumping in the eye sockets.

Li Cheng looked at the battle in front of him, his mouth was bitter, and his only chance of stardom was completely broken. I don't know what he did, but I actually met this murderous black-robed guest. My life is over!

He waited for a few breaths in mourning. Seeing that the black robe in front of him had no intention of doing anything, Li Cheng's mind suddenly became alive, and he had a little more thought of survival. He gritted his teeth and stiffened his scalp and arched his hands and said: "Under the human monk Li Cheng, I have seen a fellow Daoist in a black robe."

Using human language to indicate the identity of human monk is just to try whether the rumor is true. If the Hei Pao Ke was really a strong human race, perhaps he took the initiative to surrender the treasures on his body today.

Thinking of this, Li Cheng couldn't help being more respectful.

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes to a large number of people in front of him, silent, until Li Cheng's face was pale and his heart was splitting in fear, then he said lightly and said: "If you have any questions, please tell the truth. From now on, I will let you go, but if there is no real concealment, I will not blame it for the ruthless method and directly perform the soul-searching technique on the Taoist friends." The voice is flat, but there is a slight chill, which is unconscious. Feeling awe-inspiring.

However, it fell into Li Cheng's ears this time, but it was like a natural sound. If you want to kill him with a black robe cultivator, it definitely doesn't need to be so troublesome. Now that he speaks, he has a ray of life.

And the most important point is that what the black rooker is using right now is also the language of the human race. This point makes him feel confident, it seems that the rumor is true.

"If you have any questions, please speak up, Li Cheng must know that he can speak everything!" This person said in a deep voice, sincerely.

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Why have the foreign cultivators in Cangyuejian dropped so much in these two days? Is there any hidden feeling in this?"

Li Cheng was stunned when he heard the words, and then he reacted. He secretly said in his heart that this black robed guest is obviously the lonely person, who only cares about killing people and stealing treasures without knowing the changes in the outside world. Otherwise, how could he not know that this has disturbed the whole race to try countless monks. This person did not dare to delay more, suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and said, "It turns out that this is the question of the fellow Taoist. This point can be used to solve the doubt for the fellow Taoist. This matter is not a secret. Few people don’t know."

At the moment, under Li Cheng's explanation, Xiao Chen finally knew what happened during this period.

On the 29th, the demon tribe tribe tried the pinnacle of the strong man alone against the human race monk Jun Wugui. The two fought fiercely for a day and night, regardless of top and bottom, then they laughed wildly and retired, and they agreed to have a showdown in the future.

27 days ago, the strong monster Qingteng met the Golden Horn of the unicorn. The two fought, Qingteng was slightly better, and the Golden Horn was injured and retreated.

On the 23rd, the Nightmare Clan Demon was about to fight against the Yasha Clan Youxuan, and the two fought against the Wanzhang Mountain. The time, the demon charms used the dream magic clan’s secret magic soul for thousands of years, and severely inflicted the Yasha Clan Youxuan.


On the 15th, the fairy family Qinyue Fairy appeared, a turquoise wave of blue sea, 30,000 miles of raging sea and turbulent waves, severely injuring 28 strong men of the Earth Spirit Race, forcibly broke the siege situation and floated away.


On the 11th day ago, Wu Jun, a strong man from the Tianling tribe, used his supernatural powers to abruptly wipe out 13 strong men from the unicorn tribe. Later, he was strangled by the strong unicorn tribe, severely injured and escaped.

9 days ago, a large number of monsters of the Yao tribe fought fiercely with the unicorn tribe, and both sides suffered casualties.

6 days ago, the monks of the human race were attacked by the nightmare family. 24 strong men were killed. The descendants of the human race made a statement that they chased the strong nightmare family. After killing 11 people in a row, they met with the nightmare family's demons and the two fought fiercely. Jun Wugui won a little bit, chasing the Demon for 30,000 miles.

5 days ago, the Mozu solitary encounters a Yaksha monk in ambush, cutting 21 people in a row, the devil is powerful, and the name is even worse.

3 days ago, the Mozu solitary shot first made a statement that it will gather Mozu monks to fight against the strong Yasha clan, and make a decision on the Cang Yuejian battle platform, and see who is stronger. !

The news spread, and an uproar was instantly set off.

Then powerful tribes such as Terran, Demon, Unicorn, Yasha, Nightmare, Heavenly Spirit, Earth Spirit, etc. successively challenged or received an engagement, and none of them could get out of the matter, and they were all swept away. Into this torrent.

The monks of all ethnic groups gathered one after another, put aside the fight for the time being, and gathered together on the Cangyuejian platform.

This battle is a battle of ethnic declarations. The winner is the king, and the reputation of the ethnic group is greatly enhanced; the loser is the bandit, and the reputation of the ethnic group is greatly damaged!

It is important to know that the trial of a hundred races is the battle among the young monks of the major races. It represents the strength of the future ethnic group, and naturally it will share the prosperity and decline of the ethnic group in the future! So this battle is by no means simple on the surface. Countless news about the Battle of Cang Yuejian has been passed back to the territories of the major ethnic groups through various secret methods, and the attention of the high-level cultivators of the ethnic group has greatly increased the importance of this battle!

Hundreds of races tried to fight against Cang Yuejian. Those who performed well would inevitably get the attention of the race. From then on, those who soared to the sky, frustrated and defeated, lost the vigorous training of the race and lost everyone. This battle is not only related to the reputation of the ethnic group, but also directly connected to the honor and disgrace of each person in the future. Naturally, no one dares to be underestimated. They are all secretly and viciously. They want to explode the strongest cultivation base in order to be recognized by the ethnic group!

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