Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 26: Ethnic collision

"This is the case. The strong men of all ethnic groups at the battlefield are gathered, and no one wants to miss the natural battle soon. If there is a last resort, I am afraid it has already passed. Bayi Chinese W] W> 81.W.COM Li Cheng tried his best to explain things in brief words, so he didn't say a word, but was quite nervous. Now he has explained clearly that he only hopes that the black robes can keep his promise to let him go.

Xiao Chen groaned silently, turning his mind sharply, still digesting all the news, his eyes flickered slightly, showing the color of concern.

Gathering countless monks from various ethnic groups, the strong fight and fight, how can such a great event be missed! Take this opportunity to take a closer look at what means the monks and strong men of all ethnic groups will have in the future.

It didn't take too long, Xiao Chen already had a decision in his mind, and said lightly at the moment, saying, "I don't know where this battle platform is?"

Li Chengwei, immediately recovered the normal color without revealing too much shock. With the practice of the black robes, he knew that it would not be missed. Now he took out a jade bamboo slip, and God's consciousness imprinted Cangyue into it. map.

"Taoyou can find the battle platform by this."

Xiao Chen took it into his hands and gave it a touch of consciousness to enter. He then nodded his head slightly and said, "Okay, there's nothing left in the world, Taoists can go."

Li Chengwen was overjoyed, and he didn't say much about the ceremony. The light in his body was to leave directly.

But at this moment, a faint voice came.

"And slow."

Li Cheng's body was stiff, and his heart was ready for the worst. His storage or magic weapon was well prepared, and if something went wrong, he would shoot instantly. Being able to reach the realm of robberies is not easy for everyone, and even if they are not defeated, they will never stand still.

Xiao Chen looked calm, but did not seem to see the person's alert. A flash of light flashed out of his hand, and he raised his hand and threw it out, "Cang Lingguo has been taken down, this right should be a thing to report to friends. Farewell. "

The sound had not fallen, the light flashed, and the figure had disappeared.

Li Cheng looked at Linguo in his hand, looking happy, checked it and put it in his storage, and bowed in the direction of Xiao Chen's departure. Then he turned around and didn't mention it.


Cangyue lingers between the two great peaks. The waterways are densely spread in all directions. Numerous streams converge into rivers. They are as wide as a thousand miles. The waves are turbulent, the waves are surging. The river comes from the depths of Cangyueyu. The more it flows to the periphery, the more turbulent the water is, and the more powerful it is. It is above this 10,000-square-meter Yangtze River and between the towering peaks. A half-square-meter stone platform hangs in the air. Color, with a faint aura of light flashing on it, the runes forbidden looming.

Here is the place where the Cangyue battle platform, the strong ethnic group fight against the game. This time, with the strong races of major ethnic groups here, countless alien strongs flocked together in the whole Cangyue Mountains and the outside world. In just three days, more than ten million monks have gathered here. And the number is still soaring at an extremely rapid rate. On the top of the mountain on both sides of the battle platform, the major ethnic groups divided and occupied one area, and they were arranged in accordance with the height of the cultivation, densely packed, and all looked like monks at a glance.

The demons are violent, and they have a thousand miles of monopoly. They are all burly and strong, with a cold face and a strong magical energy. They are linked to each other, condensing magic, and transforming into the first two horns. The figure of the ancient demon standing ten thousand feet tall stands against the sky, the invisible and overbearing breath comes from the body of this demon shadow.

On the left side, the place where the demons gather, 1o more than one thousand demons are sitting cross-legged, and the rich green monsters rise to the sky, condensing the ancient demons and shadows, and they are arrogant, which makes people dare not to underestimate.

There are less than 3ooo distance from the demon and demon races, and there are more than 50,000 monks standing or sitting. At this moment, they are all silent, and they are also rising in vitro and rolling!

The three strong races, even among the spirit worlds, are the most pinnacle races. Each has countless tributary races and is extremely powerful.

In addition to these three peaks, there are monks such as unicorns, yaksha, nightmare, etc., divided to occupy a prescription position, all are innocence, and there are murderous looming in the body.

Tens of thousands of monks, the lowest ones have the initial state of crossing the robbery, gathered at the Cangyue 涧 battle platform, have not yet fought, just the explosion of the breath is enough to shatter the entire sky, and the immense expanse is endless.

However, at this moment, the major ethnic groups have gathered, but they have not been able to explode the fighting. They are silent in this, as if waiting.

An inconspicuous light screamed, and stopped at the battle platform 5o away from Cangyue, converging, revealing one of the monks in blue robes, with a calm color in the dark eyes. At this moment, his eyes flickered, and he went straight to the place where the human race was.

This is Xiao Chen.

Landing Xiguang was below the peak of the human race. Except for a few surrounding monks who paid attention to the sight, it did not cause any slight waves. A monk in the early stages of the robbery can only be regarded as the lowest level in the ethnic trials, and naturally no one cares.

Xiao Chen looked for a place to sit cross-legged, and then closed his eyes slightly, taking care of himself. A few monks in the surrounding area glanced at each other, and they all looked back.

"Hundreds of spirits, there are countless powerful people!" Xiao Chen sighed secretly, although he did not spread the investigation of the gods, but only through the induction of breath, the strong breath that rose up without any reservation was sufficient to prove them. Tricky.

But at this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed slightly, and he looked up into the void.

The next moment, a breath of breath suddenly appeared among the crowd, and a cloud of black and white fainted, and howling came straight here. The atmosphere is strong, and there is no tendency to converge at all, which is obviously intentional.




Where the nightmare family gathered, tens of thousands of nightmare monks burst out cheering and roaring, and the sound of the waves was rising.

The black-colored luster was extremely fast, and appeared in the upper room of the nightmare family in a flash, and after converging, one of the alien monks was exposed, which is the magic charm of the nightmare peak. It was just at the moment of his appearance, within thousands of miles, that numerous smoke clouds and mists suddenly turned out. There was a flicker of aura between the tumbling and rolling. At first, it was normal and strange. If you look carefully, it turns into a beautiful picture. volume.

Thousands of people fall into their eyes, there are thousands of different scrolls, or the happiness of the family in the farmhouse, the competitive assessment in the gate, or the killing of treasures in the mystery, or the beauty of the gums. According to the different moods of each person, the evolution map is also There are so many different ways.

This magic charm is inadvertently exhibiting a powerful magical power!

The Nightmare tribe is good at metasense attack, taking human lives invisibly, but today it seems to deserve it. Tens of thousands of alien monks looked at the tumbling smoke and mist, most of them showed the color of confusion, and their eyes showed the color of struggle. Obviously, they could not be immune to this supernatural confusion. They broke away only a moment later, and their faces were full of fear. If Fang Cai was in the middle of a fight and lost his sight briefly, it would be enough for them to lose their lives.

With one's own supernatural powers, to deceive thousands of alien strong men, it is enough to know that this magical supernatural power is overbearing.

Seeing the mighty power of this powerful tribe, the monks of the nightmare family screamed even louder, and their faces showed a crazy fiery color.

But at this moment, a faint cold humming came out.

A ray of light came from the void, and the power of Sanling was not weaker than that of the magic charm. It fell directly on the monk monk, and after converging, the figure was revealed. One of them is the golden horn of the unicorn. This person's breath is sharp and arrogant, and he wants to pierce the heavens and the earth.

At the moment, with a cold hum, the endless gold spirit in the void instantly condensed the sword awns, screaming and wandering, for nine days, occupying the sky where the unicorns were located. In the fierce sound of the air, the sharp breath madly dispersed.

"Golden Horn!"

"Golden Horn!"

"Golden Horn!"

The unicorn monk snarled in the mouth, and the sound of billowing and rumbling was endless!

The emergence of the former peak of the two major ethnic groups instantly detonated the calm situation at the platform of Cangyueyu. All the major ethnic groups burst into the air, rising up, and confronting each other, trying to overpower the heroes and occupy the top spot.

The yaksha tribe Youxuan, the Tianling tribe Wu Jun, the fairy maiden Qinyue fairy, the Tianling tribe Wu Jun, and the diling tribe Sangshe have appeared one after another, and they have pushed the atmosphere to a hot level.

Monks of all ethnic groups shouted in unison for their respective strong names, turning them into a skyrocket.

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