Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 28: Sign a blood deed

Ivy's eyes were slightly brighter, and the weird handsome face even smiled even more, "This demon fully agrees. [? 八

Jun was calm without a blame, and the gentle smile never disappeared. Seeing that solitary gaze came together, he stood up at the moment, and said lightly, "Are you folks, friends, dare you agree?"

The voice is calm, but has its own magical power, spreads out clearly, and spreads into the ears of every monk.

"I think my people are the peak people of the spirit world, who ever feared who came!"

"Fight then fight, just take this opportunity to collect some benefits!"

"Interracial monk, if you are not afraid of dying, come and challenge your Uncle Grandfather!"

"Don't you dare, fight!"

"Don't you dare, fight!"

"Don't you dare, fight!"

At first the answer was chaotic, but later it turned into a neat roar, and the momentum was soaring into the sky.

The corner of Jun ’s blame was slightly cold, and he suddenly turned around and waved his robes and sleeves, saying, “As the monarchs said, my people are so powerful in the spirit world, who have never been afraid of them! If you want to fight, then you ’ll fight. Off! "




For a while, the battle of the monks rose, they drank in their mouths, and the trend rolled, but it was the vague suppression of the surrounding ethnic groups!

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed a little admiration, and he has no blame to let go of his character. At least his wrist is extremely clever. With the potential of solitary shooting, he can transform his own use and push the human race to the top in one fell swoop. One step ahead.

But even so, this can only be a stub, only cultivation can determine everything.

It is precisely because of this that the demons of the Mozu and the demon Aoto changed slightly, sneering and sneering, and did not take this to heart.

"The unicorns have no objection!"

"Yaksha clan second!"

"The Nightmare people have no objection."

"Tianling people have no objection!"

"The Earthlings have no objection!"

"The fairies have no objection!"


The monks of various ethnic groups have stated their positions successively. As things progress, the atmosphere in the void becomes more dignified. Tens of thousands of monks dissipate inwardly in their bodies. The strength of the cohesiveness of the war is enough to shake the earth and stir the turmoil in the area.

The solitary shooting robe sleeve waved, and suddenly raised his hand to hit a square-sized brocade, full of gold, with a touch of spiritual power tumbling.

"Today I and others jointly established a blood deed. No matter who wins in the end, the monks of all ethnic groups must not join forces to kill them. If they violate them, you and I will clear them up!"

Whispering, the demon flicked his fingers, and a drop of essence blood shot out from his fingertips, blending into the magnificent brocade. With the integration of the essence and blood, there were four dozens of characters the size of which suddenly appeared.

Ivy chuckled, and the rounded and slender fingertips also had the essence of blood condensed. He waved between his hands, and displayed the four runes of the demon Clan on that brocade.

Jun blamelessly chuckled. Obviously, he had already prepared for this. If he did not set up a blood deed, he would also raise this point. At this moment, he would produce the essence of blood and imprint five runes of the prince of the human race.

After the three strong monks held the Niu Er people, the remaining strong men of the various ethnic groups pushed backwards into Jinyu.

When the blood deed was completed, the magnificent jin jin shattered and turned into pieces of virtual runes, imprinted into each of the gods.




It was at the moment when the blood deed was completed that the body of millions of monks burst into an explosion.

call out!

In the flash of aura, a unicorn monk first came to the stage and arched, "Since now in my unicorn territory, my first battle will begin with my unicorn."

"I'm going to challenge the next stage. I don't know which group of Taoists came to enlighten me."

This unicorn monk spoke faintly, his breath suddenly exploded, but he was a strong man who had reached the later stage of the robbery.

Today ’s battle cannot help but be important to monks at the peak of all ethnic groups. Even ordinary monks hope that they can cross the dragon gate in one fell swoop and get the attention of the ethnic group. Although there is no strong person in the world at present, the monks of all ethnic groups understand that at this moment, every move they make must be under the attention of senior monks of all ethnic groups, even in the unicorn territory, and of all ethnic groups. There is definitely a way to know the situation here, and no one doubts this.

So no one is willing to miss this opportunity, even if they know that the risks are great, but for the future, they do not hesitate to let their lives bet!

"Hey, unicorn monk, now that you are willing to be the first one to die, your husband will do you well!"

"Yaksha clan Dongtuo, come to take your life!"

A sneer sounded, a flash of aura, an ugly appearance, and a monstrous Yasha monk rushed into the stage instantly. The two major ethnic groups were already vengeful, and they fought endlessly with each other. This time the two confronted each other. Supernatural shot.

The unicorn monk is red-red, apparently a talented fire that is a magical power. At this moment, he claps his hands suddenly, and suddenly the hot fire waves turn out, and the hot temperature bursts from the moment, burning the void to produce ripples and whistling.

The yaksha monks sneered. Among the unicorns, the three monks of earth, wood, and fire were the most. As the vengeful yaksha tribe supernatural powers, there were naturally more restraints on this.

"Very overcast water!"

In low drinking, this man made a magical move, using his own magical power to transform the water vapor, condensate the water waves, and did not shy away from the sea of ​​fire. This water is a supernatural power condensate, from overcast to cold, specializing in fire is supernatural power, very powerful.

The encounter of water and fire was not wanting to be compatible, and they exploded against each other with great momentum.

The two battled, and they shot with all their strength. The monk's power in the late period of the calamity was fully exerted. However, as the fighting progressed, it was the Yaksha monk gradually gaining the upper hand. It can be broken in just a few moments. By the time the cold water vapor explodes, it is enough to wreck the unicorn monks in an instant, and then conclude the battle.

"Dead!" After a few breaths, when the sea of ​​fire was only about the size of the remaining, the monk struggling to support the unicorn monk yelled loudly in the mouth, sneered in the corners of his mouth, and burst into the light Out, shoot with one palm.

This person is so confident that once he falls, his opponent will die.

However, at this moment, the abnormality protruded.

The bitter supporter ca n’t see the unicorn monk ’s eyes flashing momentarily, suddenly lifted, there is still a little bit of nervousness on the face before, only the slight ridicule, the next moment, a pure wooden spirit breath moment Exploded from him.

Perceived this pure and pure air, the monk of the Yasha tribe suddenly changed his face, and his eyes were filled with anger, and he wanted to step back with a scream, but it was too late at this moment.

"The wood is making fire, the waves are burning, the sky is burning!"

In the low drink, the fire that was suppressed by the dead suddenly burst into a sudden, directly refining the extremely yin kuei water, and the fire was even worse. The yaksha monk was directly involved in it. When the flame burned, it was instantly turned into ashes. God died.

The unicorn monk lifted his hand and collected the magical power, and took away the Yasha monk's storage. It was difficult to conceal the joy in the sight of the gods. Obviously, there was a lot of gain.




A crowd of yaksha monks suddenly cheered.

"The unicorn wood fire is here, I don't know which other Taoist friends are willing to come out to teach!" The unicorn monk drank, his face could not help but give birth to a touch of color.

Fire and wood have physical attributes, and practice to the later stage of the calamity. Such qualifications can be regarded as the best choice. Presumably his performance has fallen into the eyes of the senior people of the ethnic group. As long as he performs better, he must be better in the future. Can get the attention of the ethnic group, the achievements are limitless.

"Huh! Wood and fire are both physical attributes. It's no wonder that this is the first one to appear." "I will come to fight you in Shimodo. Since it hurt my unicorn monk's life, leave it for me today!" In the voice, a Yaksa monk appeared.


The two had no stagnation, and they resolutely shot again, still fighting against water and fire, but the motorcycle was obviously much deeper.

After a moment of fighting, the unicorn wood fire turned pale, his mouth repeatedly sprayed several blood, the fire waves forcibly forced the enemy back, and his mouth shouted: "This battle, admit defeat!"

Maduo smiled coldly, but did not continue to hunt, "set a blood deed, and surrender the strongest treasure on you."

Mu Huo looked terrible. He wanted to be famous in the first world war, but didn't want to end like this. He shook his head bitterly and set up a blood backhand. Even if he doesn't die today, with his performance today, he still doesn't want to get the attention of the ethnic group again.

The monk Moda of the Yasha tribe took the treasure and nodded with satisfaction at a glance. However, he did not continue the challenge, turned around very intelligently, and left the unicorn masters with a strong complexion. After all, opponents do not fight, and they have no reason to force.

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