Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 29: Senko Kototsuki

However, at present, a Yaksha monk is killed, and a unicorn monk is forced to beg for mercy. The cruel reality suddenly made the monks of all races full of hot thoughts a little clearer. Today ’s battle can be a flying opportunity, but It is also possible that they will lose the entire game or even lose their lives. Whether they really want to challenge the stage or not still needs to be considered. {[ W}.> 8? 1] ZW.COM) So after the second Yasha monk retreated, he had enough interest to pass, and there was only one Nightmare monk. Come on and continue to challenge.

Since then, all monks of all ethnic groups have shot, and there are countless supernatural powers, but it is quite exciting.

Xiao Chen silently paid attention to the fact that the monks in his surroundings were all at the early stage of the robbery. Naturally, they could not intervene in the fighting at the immediate level. At this moment, they were all staring at each other without moving. It should be noted that the monks' fight in the late period of calamity has a lot of benefits for them. Such an opportunity cannot be missed.

But for Xiao Chen, watching monks at various races can only broaden his horizons, and he can't get any benefit from it. Only the peak of each ethnic group can make him interested. However, he is not impatient at all this time. At the moment, everything has just begun. As the challenge progresses, the strength of monks from all ethnic groups is constantly improving. Now it has reached the peak level of the late period of ordinary crossing. As long as you wait patiently, you can naturally think need.

And through this time of watching, he can also expand his horizons. After all, the human world has supernatural powers, and it must be the same as the vast spiritual world. The gap is not a little bit. Now that you have more knowledge, the more experience you have, the more you may walk in the spiritual world Can suffer a lot less.

For seven consecutive days, monks from various ethnic groups continued to challenge and suffered heavy casualties, which led to a gradual rise of anger among major ethnic groups. Masters of ethnic groups continued to fight and fiercely fight.

Now on the 5o battlefield, the opponents are the Earthling monk and a Yasha female nun. Both of them are at the peak of the later stages of the robbery. The magical powers are so powerful that their breath explodes in all directions.

However, no matter how the Yasha female nuns could drink and coquettish, they could not hurt the Earthling monks. The person's face laughed and his eyes were hot and he never left the delicate body of the Yasha tribe women's noodles, and swallowed saliva from time to time.

"Haha, little lady, I'm not going to kill you today, it would be nice for you to go back and become those monks!" In the laughter, the Earthling monk suddenly sacrificed a treasure, the whole body of which is black and shackled, suddenly chopped Luo dropped the wailing of the Yasha tribe's body repair treasures and fell to the ground, relying on magic power to instantly subdue it.


The female Yasha tribe face turned pale instantly, with a sharp scream in the mouth, "The beast of the Earth Spirit tribe, my aunt would rather die than give in to you!"

The Earthling monk's face suddenly became cold and cold, and his eyes were murderous. "Since you are willing to submit, let's die!" Earthlings are naturally jealous, ugly and wicked-evil, but they must not allow the aliens to show a slight contempt. , Otherwise life and death will be opposite.


In the muffled sound, the dark hook claw magic weapon was cut off, and the Yasha tribe female repairer was divided into eight and a half corpses instantly, and there was a dark masturbation-foul poison jump, which was directly incinerated into ashes.

"My eight-spirit tribe, continue to challenge, only interested in female monks. If you lose, as long as you are willing to become my dual monk, you can save your life!" Eight-stranded eyes glanced around, and the female monks of all ethnic groups are particularly beautiful. It is his eyes that linger, and it is extremely hot.

"Like the earth spirit family, it should not have existed in the world. Although Qin Yue has no great magical power to wipe out the Ru family, but today he can take your life!"

"The blue sea is born!"

The unvoiced voice is cold, and the killer is tense.

Fairy tribe, one of the special ethnic groups in the spirit world, has a very small number of people, less than ten million. In the spirit world, it can only be regarded as a tribe. In addition, all women of this ethnic group look like fairies, they are extremely beautiful, and their qualifications are all excellent. Among the less than 10 million ethnic groups, experts come out in great numbers and cannot be taken lightly. It is precisely because of this that one can be ranked among the one hundred, otherwise it would have been plundered by other ethnic groups and reduced to his Majesty.

Less than a hundred fairies are all in one place. They are all like heavenly girls. They are beautiful and beautiful. Even if they are frowning at this moment, it is still difficult to hide half of the beauty and let the eyes fall.

Qiongbi sakura lips, curved willow eyebrows, three thousand blue silk naturally fall, beautiful appearance, one point is slightly richer, one point is slightly thinner, wearing a white gauze, holding a ukulele, hand caressing, bomb.

The monophonic sound is not sharp, slightly sharp, with hidden killing.

A wave of water was created out of thin air, sweeping down, and had not given the Earthling monk any chance to resist, and it was already encircled. The water wave swept up like a sharp blade, and instantly wiped it out, leaving no trace.

One-handed composition, a sound, instant killing the peak of the later period, so powerful, instantly shocked the audience.

Qinyue fairy skirt flutters, her face is tight and her eyes are cold. At this moment, she faintly swept over by the Lingling monk, and said softly, "Qinyue is here. If anyone in the Lingling tribe is unwilling, you can come on stage World War I. "

"Although she was a woman, she took it without fear."

The sound is soft, such as the clear mountain spring sprinkled with sand and stones soaked in it, making people feel at ease. However, the words made the appearance of the monks of the Lingling tribe extremely ugly.

If a woman is provocative, is there no other dare to respond?

The look in Sang She's eyes was cloudy and uncertain, and he felt a lot of eyes converging, which made him look ugly. He shot against the Qinyue Fairy, he was not sure at all, and he might lose his life if he was not careful.

Although obsessed with femininity and narrow-minded, the Earthlings love their lives very much. Things that are not sure will never be shot because of the so-called face.

"Hey, the internal injuries in this seat are unhealed, and today I will not share my general knowledge with you. You and I will fight again in the future, and see how Master Sang She captured you and be the girl in the bed." With a whisper, she got up directly, and the figure of Lu Guang left directly here.

Flee without fighting!

Although ruthless words were spoken, this behavior was even more contemptuous, but when the monks of various ethnic groups looked pale, the faces of the monks of the Ning Ling ethnic group were quite calm and even agreed. For monks of this group, life is the most important thing, and everything else can be left behind.

Qin Yue Fairy's beautiful eyes flashed in her eyes, but she didn't say much. The light outside her body flickered a little, and her figure turned directly to the place where the fairies belonged. The Fairy tribe did not like fighting. If the Earth Spirit tribe had a lot of grievances with them, I'm afraid she would not kill them today.

Seeing that the strongest people at the peak of the ethnic group took the shot, they immediately shocked the surrounding monks, and looked pale. The peak level of crossing the robbery is already the level of the strong among the trial monks, but this kind of existence, but can not support the instantaneous, was beheaded, so powerful, really terrifying.

So for a while, no one was challenged again.

Xiao Chen watched the fairy girl Qinyue Fairy Qianying leave, her face was slightly dignified, and her eyes were jealous. Although I haven't really seen this goddess, but I can see a glimpse of the leopard in the tube, which is enough to analyze the power of this goddess.

"This woman is unfathomable, and now showing Lu Xiuwei, it may not really be the highest level of combat power. If I fight with it, even if I try my best to win her, it will not be easy!"

But at this moment, the Qinyue fairy seemed to feel like a heart, her eyes flickered, and Xiao Chen was almost there. However, her eyes fell, but it was only a group of monks at the early stages of the robbery, only to make her secretly surprised that she had disappeared, her eyes turned completely nothing, and her beautiful eyebrows could not help but slightly wrinkled.

Xiao Chen was secretly shocked. The fairy woman cultivated a keen sense of consciousness, but fortunately, he avoided it by a minute. When he secretly rejoiced, the surrounding monks could not help but straighten their backs, smiled, and looked like gentlemen.

"Qinyue Fairy is looking here!"

"It must be looking at me. Is the fairy interested in me?"

"Seize the opportunity and make a good impression on the fairy. Others are asking the fairy to see it, and they are not willing to do so."

"If you are lucky enough to be favored by the fairy Qin Yue, why should you ask for it in this life!"

Xiao Chen sensed that Qinyue Fairy's eyes were helplessly retracted, so she lifted it slightly and looked around. But at this moment, a monk turned away from him half a foot away, his face was ecstatic, "Taoyou Didn't you see that Qinyue Fairy actually looked at me, and I counted clearly, the fairy looked at the next three eyes in total! Three eyes, can it be said that the fairy has supernatural power, you can see that Sun Yi is a generation with great potential, It ’s bound to skyrocket in the future! "

"Yes, it must be like that, otherwise, with the arrogance of Qinyue Fairy, how could you lower your eyes and look down at me and other common folks. Fairies rest assured that Sun Yi will work hard to cultivate in the future and will never let you down! Treat me as a great success In the meantime, I will definitely go to the fairies to ask for marriage! "

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