Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 31: Lingbao Fight

Jun has no ambitions. He looks at the whole race. For his future, even if he loses a woman he likes, he will not hesitate. ? <[. ? C] O & gt; M] Therefore, even if Su Su did not fight today, he would find a way to let her take over, only because of his reputation as a monk, he would not be allowed to be damaged or defiled.

Right now, the result looks perfect to him. And as Su Su said, as the elder Su granddaughter, she has no fewer treasures, this battle may not be defeated.

But this time, Jun Wubu's face did not reveal the idea of ​​half a snack, for years of disguise, he has been able to achieve his mood and anger, and his face was slightly dignified. He slowly got up, the smile on his mouth disappeared, and his temperament was like jade. Dissipate and turn into a faint chill. Although thin, it is extremely cold, and it can be frozen and flesh and blood, which is dreadful.

"Although Su Su is of good origin, she is definitely a distinguished person among the people mentioned in Tao ’s mouth. She is just a little girl who has been spoiled and spoiled since she was a child. She is the youngest sister I love most without blame. . "

"Rejecting Su Su to fight, but she was unwilling to let her have an accident, and it has nothing to do with all the words in the mouth of Gu Shedao. However, since there are descendants of the bloodline of the Demon King, there are also Gu Youdao fighting. Su should be down. "

"But there is one point that Jun has no blame. It is clear that if Su Su fights, if there is a difference, regardless of the end of the world, he will at all costs kill the life he has shot, draw souls, confine his soul, ban for thousands of years, and endure endlessly. The pain can dissipate. "

The voice was dull, and the cold-smelling killing breath broke out, bursting into the air.

"Human monk, why not fight!"

Qi Yun stepped forward and stopped drinking.

"Human monk, why not fight!"

"Human monk, why not fight!"

"Human monk, why not fight!"

Countless strong men growled in their mouths, Su Suqiao's face turned slightly red, her eyes showed firmness, her teeth were bitten, her spirit flickered slightly, her figure fluttered like a fairy, her skirt fluttered in the wind, her figure looked like goddess.

As for the solitary pull, Wen Tingjun said without blame, but his face changed instantly, and the pupils contracted fiercely and exposed deeply. The human monarch has no blame. With these five characters, no one can ignore his threat.

Only the solitary face was as usual, the wild and unruly face, but the smile was even worse.

Seeing the sudden development of the atmosphere of the demons and human races, the strong men of the Cangyue 涧 alien tribe naturally rejoiced, and they really wanted to have some accidents, which caused the two great races to burst into fierce battles.

Su Su's heartbeat increased, although she had been comforting herself not to be nervous, but she was attracted by thousands of monks, and her endless eyes gathered together, making it difficult for her to tautify her own heartstrings.

"It's okay, Susu, don't be afraid. You have the baby from your grandfather. This monk monk cannot be your opponent. As long as you smash the treasures, you can defeat this person, and you will be able to do it well. Put. "

"Yes, that's it. Su Su, you have to cheer. You can't embarrass Brother Blame them, or let the wicked look at the joke. Now the strong men of all ethnic groups gather in Cang Yuezhang, where the wicked might secretly go here. Look at it, you can't express your fear. "

The little girl changed her mind and thought, but her mind couldn't help but have an idea. If the wicked man is by her side, I am afraid that this monk monk would dare to embarrass her, and she would have been slaughtered by the wicked man.

Brother Wubu, he has too much scruples. Although Susu is simple but not stupid, he only chooses to fight because he likes him in his heart, and does not want to make him embarrassed. But for some reason, all she had in her mind was the shadow of the wicked.

She shook her little head. Su Su didn't know that the evil person in her mouth was frowning at her now. The little girl converged her mind. This battle is not a discussion with her brothers and sisters at home on weekdays. They will let this, avoid Write, please, this is a real fight with aliens, so she can't make a slight mistake.

The aura of light flashed on the hand, the jade ruler magic weapon appeared on the hand, and waved again, and another small purple bell sacrifice to the top.

The magic weapon was shot, Su Su was relieved in her heart, she sang softly, her hand slightly lifted, Wen Yuxing's ruler shot in an instant, and turned into a stream of whistling chops forward.


Two Lingbao!

Sensing the scent of Wen Yuxing's pattern ruler and purple gold bodyguard, many surrounding monks looked around, and their faces changed in unison, and then they couldn't help swallowing spit.

The origin of this human girl Su Su is not only good and simple. You must know that this is a treasure of the spiritual treasure level. It is not easy to have one monk under the three realms of heaven and earth, but she has two whole bodies. .

It should be noted that, even at the lowest level, the power possessed by each spiritual treasure is not as good as that of the real heaven and earth, but it is by no means comparable to monks. With Lingbao in hand, as long as the monks do not provoke anti-sky existence, it is enough to walk sideways.

This little girl obviously has two Lingbaos, and she has this kind of hole card in her hand, and she is even scared in the face of challenges!

The mouths of a group of strong aliens couldn't help twitching, and there was a feeling of asking the sky silently. Even the strongest of the various ethnic groups, at this moment watching Su Su driving the magic weapon, did not even show the prudence on his face.

But this time, in the face of Lingbao's attack, the Devil's complexion changed slightly, and then he sneered again and again, but did not show a little fear. At this moment, he threw his backhand, and the magic light flickered. Puhua Wuguang, like a rock polished into a magic weapon, shot in an instant, and when it exploded, it released a pure magic energy, condensed the magic cloud, and screamed out.

Two Lingbaos meet in an instant!

An endless pale aura burst out suddenly on Wen Yuxing's ruler. Above the ruler, a variety of delicate lines gradually lit up, with a touch of starburst falling, condensing and turning into a star phantom, and rotating around the ruler's body, so that the breath of this substance skyrocketed.

As for the magic treasure Changge, the whole body is full of magical energy, dark as ink, thick and almost condensed into a liquid, and it seems that there is a sound of monsters roaring from it, and it is desolate. Groups of magical energy kept condensing and dispersing, turning into a series of demon heads, with or without a body, from time to time opening a big mouth to "stupor" weird laughter.



The star flickers, the devil's head screams, and the magical spirit flashes endlessly. The sway of breath is extremely violent. The force of destruction continues to dissipate, making countless alien monks pale.

Such a fierce fight, even if it is ordinary, the monk peak in the late period of the robbery can not persist for a moment, he will be wiped out! This is the difference in status among ethnic groups!

Su Su and this solitary are all in the mid-repair practice. Among the two races participating in the trial of hundreds of races, they can only be regarded as middle-level existence. With their own practice, they can suppress them and even kill them. Those are definitely not in the minority, but with the help of Lingbao, there are very few who can rival them!

The monks of ordinary ethnic groups may not be able to obtain spiritual treasures when they are promoted to heaven and earth, but they can still be used during the robbery period, which shows how wide the gap between the two is. This is why Xiao Chen must be valued by the ethnic group. There is no ethnic group cultivation. Even with strong personal talents, the achievement in this spiritual world is still very limited. No matter how hard you work, unless there is luck against the sky, otherwise Unable to keep up with the pace of these ethnic pride.

The magic treasure is fierce, the master is fighting hard, and it is very aggressive. This shot, driven by this solitary pull, has turned into a magic wand, desperately swallowing and strangling, desperately wants to make Wen Yuxing's ruler Break.

Although the latter rank is not weaker than the magic treasure Changge, the key point is that although Su Su has a lot of experience in combat, he can only be counted as a true fight with others. He is afraid in the heart, and he is lonely and fierce. Bao San Teng Teng's demon cloud was cold and scary, and he was panic-conscious. He could not control Wen Yuxing's ruler power to the extreme level, which greatly reduced his combat power, and he was gradually knocked down by the demon.

"Ha ha ha ha! Human race girl, you relied on Lingbao that day to hurt me, and today the demon will repay you!"

"Yinyue Demon, evolve the demon head, devour! Demonize this spirit treasure with me, return to the existing!"

Lonely smile, magic flying, flashes of light in the eyes, hunting in robes, soaring magic power, raising hands, thousands of handprints, and turning into a dark magic pattern into the dark moon magic . As the handprints are incorporated, the magical energy of the Moon and Moon spreads, the more pure and powerful, thousands of thumbs are condensed between the tossing, the flames of the magical flames are burned, the figures are shot in screaming, and they turn into magic light. Wen Yuxing's ruler dropped.

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