Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 32: Small dishes

This thumb-sized devil is from Yin to Pure Devil, mixed with underground kinky-foul evil, and the Devil has broken into the magic weapon to protect the treasures. It is made by combining the three and melted into the magic moon of the Yin Moon. Once urged, the enemy can be released, and various powerful-magic weapons can be specially restrained. It can be demonized, erase the original imprint, and forcibly take away. This is an extremely overbearing and sinister means. ? Eight


Wen Yuxing's ruler is a spiritual treasure. He has his own wisdom and is not under a monk. At this moment, he is stimulated by this demon head. The star of the star is stronger now. Shame, Mei eyes stared round, but at this moment looking at the swarm of the monster head, but could not help showing a little fear. For this special defiled magic weapon, the wicked demon head of the magic transformation magic weapon is erased, even the spirit weapon cannot be underestimated.

However, at this moment, among the human monks, Xiao Chen's complexion suddenly changed, and then his brows frowned slightly, and a muffled sound appeared in his mouth, but this time the surrounding monks focused on the scene, but no one noticed it.

"Beauty! Beauty! This is my food! Leng Yan, pretty, Liu Mei upright and shameless, this is the most beautiful woman in the heart of this handsome!"

"I want her! I want her! Master Xiao Chen, you promised to be handsome, as long as I look after you, you will grab it for me no matter what, my dear master, you ca n’t speak to me ! "

"Don't stop me, I'm going to the hero to save the beauty, Master Xiao Chen, don't stop me! Damn demons, Hugh will hurt the handsome beauty that this coach fancy, otherwise I will fight with you!"

In the left eyebrow dojo, the shop was roaring wildly, and the spirit was manifested into a handsome naughty noodle that looked like an oily noodle, holding the body and walking restlessly on the ground, only to be blocked by Xiao Chen. This is not enough. Everything rushed out.

"The boss has an arrow in his heart. At the first glance of this little beauty, I was completely lost. She is my dish. It is unbelievable. The boss is convinced that she must get her! No matter what, she must Yes! "

"Let me out, let me out, Master Xiao Chen!"

Xiao Chen frowned. The shop was in his hands till now. The hippie smile was never as crazy as it is today. It seems that he really likes the soul **** of Su Su girl Wen Yuxing's ruler, otherwise he would not have such a reaction.

At the beginning, he crossed the robbery and ascended to the spiritual realm. In the face of the eternally forbidden spirit, Xiao Chen exploded and blocked. With the help of a small shop, Xiao Chen could survive safely. It was said that day that no matter what the shop asked, he would respond.

Today, since the shop is interested in this treasure, Xiao Chen will take it into the hands anyway. This is his commitment to the shop. Since he said it, he will never regret it.

"Small shop, you should be safe and impatient. You should know the situation at the moment. With the Devil means, Su Su magic weapon may not be hurt. Xiao Chen assures you that if this thing really faces the danger of demonization, I They will shoot in an instant and save them. "

"I promise you, I will do it."

The shop looked cloudy for a while, then nodded fiercely, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Xiao Chen, the shop has been with you for a long time. Although I have never talked to you seriously, I know in your heart that you are by no means false My dear, this instrument of Wen Yuxing's ruler, I must get her. "

"I don't know why. I have a wonderful feeling for her. It seems that I have known her long ago. It is very important to me. Even if I lose my life, I will not hesitate to take it and take her away."

"So, leave everything to Brother."

Xiao Chen felt a shock in her heart, nodded silently, and didn't say much.

The shop has a different spirit, which he has already noticed.

The magic weapon and spirit **** are rooted in the magic weapon body. When the body is wounded, the spirit **** is wounded. When the body is destroyed, the spirit **** dissipates. But this does not apply to small shops. At first, in order to save Xiao Chen from the Hanging of the Mu Family, the shop exploded the body of the Sapphire Hall. Although Yu Ji's secret technique kept the spirits from dispersing, the spirits were not fatally harmed. Although the power was dissipated, the spirit was intact. After that, Hanhai Da 6 did not fall into the cave house, merged into the broken sword, and obtained a new body. The body of this broken sword is indestructible and powerful. It shows any magic weapon that Xiao Chen sees. Even the black magic gun obtained from the ancient demon avatar is slightly inferior when the main body of the shop is juxtaposed. It is obviously not easy to get such a powerful treasure to successfully integrate and control it, but a small shop can easily do it. In Wanzongzong, the other half of the body is merged to compete with the sky and shadow sword to fight and kill. Xiaodian Lingshen is in an absolute disadvantage, but he can finally win.

If all this is a coincidence, I am afraid it is too far-fetched. Therefore, the origin of the seemingly slick spirit **** in the shop, whether it is really the jade temple spirit **** as it says, is still open to question.

However, no matter what the origin of the shop is, Xiao Chen only needs to know that he has a lot of gratitude to him, and he really helped him and saved his life, so Xiao Chen's requirements must be satisfied.

Convergent breath, slowly raised, although there is no hint of momentum revealed, but he has been secretly prepared. Once there is a strange shape, even if he tries to expose all the hole cards, Xiao Chen will shoot out!


On the battlefield, Wen Yuxing's ruler and starburst flashed, and the ruler's beauty was dazzling, driving the stars around the body to spin quickly, turning into a subtle star formation, and fully resisting the attack of the demon head.

But even so, this Baowei can explode, still losing ground. The star was condensing the star phantom, and was caught by the thumb-sized demon head, swallowed by a crazy bite, and suddenly became dim. Although there are also demon heads annihilated by the astral light of the stars, the contrast between the two is still the moon and the moon. Ge holds an absolute advantage. If it continues in accordance with the current trend, I am afraid that in a short time, this Wen Yuxing ruler will be devoured by the demon head, and then completely demonized to form a magic soldier!

Su Su's face was white and her lips were tightly pressed together. At this moment, she felt that her magic weapon was in the downwind, and her heart could not help being more tense. She hurriedly pinched a trick, and the purple gold guard bell shot from the top of her head. Wen Yuxing's pattern ruler teamed up, two Lingbao prestige can burst, which can withstand the slump, and the two sides are in equilibrium.

Yinge Moge is one enemy and two, but he is still surging, showing how fierce it is.

A solitary smirk, magic weapon was restrained, this person did not show a little bit of anger, strode forward, the physical body soared with the naked eye visibility, reaching 70,000 feet of extreme size in one fell swoop, manifesting the ancient demon's real body, hands Going up to the magic cloud, the transformation turned into a halberd with a length of 60,000 feet. He stepped forward suddenly, mixed with the mighty power, and chopped down!

The ancient demon's real body can have tremendous strength to manifest the destiny magic weapon, this demon has already shot with all his strength!

Su Su's face was pale, and she flashed with aura of light. An amulet appeared instantly, and she was crushed by force. The aura suddenly flashed into a hundred-foot-size shield to protect her.

The defense rune is from the hand of the strong in heaven and earth. It is extremely cherished. Once crushed, the shield can be burst instantly to protect the caster from harm. From Su Su's defensive rune breath induction, this rune is of very high quality. I am afraid that it will be shot by the strong man in the heavens and the three realms. I also do n’t want to bomb it in a short time, let alone this demons.

"This amulet is so powerful, it must have been crafted by the master of the heavens and the five realms matrix formation method. What is the identity of this human female nun? In addition to the two spiritual treasures, there is such a life-saving treasure!"

"With this kind of bodyguard, even if standing still, the monk monk can help her."

"Unless this woman has very little experience in fighting, otherwise the monk monk would be very lucky not to be killed, and how could he gain the upper hand now."

"It is estimated that this battle will end with a tie, and such a guardian rune has been deployed, where there is a need to continue."

It was in the midst of a lot of discussions. Jun Wubui's heart was slightly loose. The fists in his robe sleeves were slowly let go. This battle can end with a tie. It is already an excellent situation, as long as Susu has nothing wrong, otherwise he will not In the end, he overwhelmed the heroes and absolutely could not explain to Elder Su.

Okay! Okay!

Behind this person, Enron, Qi Yun, and Jade were relieved at the same time, and their faces were slightly calmer.

Countless monks of all ethnic groups think that this battle does not need to continue, but at this moment only Xiao Chen's brows are even more frowned, because whether it is a solitary shot or this shot, the two demon looks are too calm, and the eyes are faint. The color of self-confidence.

What kind of cards do they have and can have such confidence.

Xiao Chen was puzzled, but he soon had a present.

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