Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 33: Confrontation


When he drew his hand alone, the halberd was cut, and in a sudden explosion, the guardian talisman's transfiguration shield suddenly flashed, and a mighty giant force was born in the void to hit him, and all the nose and nose had blood dripping. Falling was actually hit hard by the shattering of the shield. (Eight (One [[[文 [[W] W] W}.] 81ZW.COM. But even so, this demon did not show the sense of anger, but a flash of pride in his eyes.

The next moment, at the place where the halberd fell, a weak and inconspicuous magic light flashed instantly, and then turned into countless fine magic lines, which exploded along the shield, exploded rapidly, and the short breathing time had spread to the whole On the shroud.

A flash of black light shook the shroud.

Black light flashed again, the shield was unreal.

Three flashes of black light, the shield shattered!

This was enough to withstand the guardian rune of the Three Realms of Heaven and Man, which was actually destroyed by three flashes of lightness and understatement.

Su Su exclaimed, her face was so pale, no matter how she thought about it, she hadn't expected the situation at the moment, and her grandfather gave her the strongest protection, but it was so easily broken. At this moment, she didn't wait for a slight reaction, the magic pattern instantly contracted, and she went directly into the little girl's body and disappeared.

The magic pattern melts in and appears under Su Subai's tender skin. It is actually composed of black and white lines, like embroidery, and the little girl is exposed on the skin. Under the effect of this moire, Su Su mana and Yuanshen were instantly sealed, and a pair of clear eyes were full of fright.

"Hey, this battle, this demon wins!" Lonely sneer and a big wave of his hand, the master of Wen Yuxing's ruler and purple gold guard bell was captured, his breath was greatly reduced, and he was forced to fall by the devil. In addition to spiritual wisdom, it was also blocked.

It is precisely because of this, otherwise, if this demon dares to shoot, Xiao Chen will burst instantly, otherwise, the shop will definitely run away instantly.

"Damn Demon! Damn! How dare to hurt my beautiful ruler! Damn, it's horrible!"

"Zhuchi you rest assured that the boss will not let anyone hurt you, I will certainly save you!"

"The devil's cub, the boss must cut you up and feed it to Wang Ba. You are dead. The uncle of the shop must let you die without burial place!"

In the left eyebrow dojo, the shop was violently thundering, and the killings were furious. If it was not Xiao Chen's suppression, he would have jumped out and killed with a sword.

When Xiao Chen jumped in his heart, he suddenly turned around, just to see that the junior of the human race stood up without any blame, took a step forward, and the figure disappeared instantly. At the same time, among the demons, Gu She laughed wildly, and the demons were generally gone.

The next moment, the whole space suddenly trembled, and then there was a loud thunderous noise. The space somewhere on the platform shattered instantly. Thousands of space cracks spread like dense spider webs to the surrounding area. Two figures emerged from it. Retreat respectively.

These two people are the solitary shot of the Demon Clan and the blame of the Human Clan. After stepping back, the former waved his hand, took Su Su directly, threw it into the solitary hand, and laughed loudly in his mouth. It ’s forcing Ben Mo to take a shot. This war is the defeat of your tribe, and the little girl will naturally belong to my demons. "

"Lonely, this girl is also beautiful. Although she can't be your princess of the royal family, it is harmless to be a puppet. Since you won this battle, this girl belongs to you."

Guzha laughed wildly, and never thought about Jiujun's gloomy complexion.

"Su Su is defeated. The treasure you can choose to go the same way, but she must be returned to me safely, otherwise today my tribal monk will pay the price for your demons!"

Wen Yugong Jun has no blame. At this moment, he speaks coldly, kills himself, and explodes in vitro. He goes straight into the sky, and stands out among the millions of monks. At the highest point, he looks down on the heroes!

Gu She smiled coldly, stepped forward, and the pure magical energy burst instantly, thick and thick, and black like ink. As the dragon and the tiger awakened from their slumber, they were domineering and unparalleled, and they were not weak against Jun Wubu.

The two faced each other coldly, both in clothes and hunting, one in a white coat folding fan, handsome and elegant, and the other in a black cold face, arrogant and overbearing, both of them existed.

"I fell into the hands of my demons. It is my demons' prey. Since ancient times, my demons have been tough and domineering. I have always been the only one who oppressed others. I have never been threatened and persecuted. Do you think that you can persecute today? Ben demons back off. "

"If you want to let go of the war, my demon 2o Wanerlang has no fear!"

Behind the Demon Clan, all the Demon monks stood up at the same time at the same time, silent, but there was a majestic majestic force bursting out of the body, bursting out, countless pure magic outbursts, entangled and merged into the Devil's virtual Within the shadows. With the immense amount of magical energy incorporated into it, the ghost image of the demons suddenly solidified, just like an entity. A pair of eyes suddenly opened, revealing a pale blood color, and the violent breath of vertical and horizontal desolation burst instantly!

For a moment, dark clouds rolled, and the majestic mighty!

Jun was dull without a blame, and slowly shook his head, waiting for him to say more. More than 50,000 monks behind him rose up with a stern look and a fierce atmosphere.

"Doesn't think there are no human monks!"

"Fight then fight, I guess my people have feared others!"

"5o million fellow monks took the shot and fought a battle with this demons!"

Terran monks are fierce, and their breath is soaring. They shatter the tossing demon cloud, and dominate the void.

People and demons confront each other, and the battle is just around the corner!

Jun was lifted without blame, his face was dignified, and he said in a deep voice: "Lonely shooting Taoist friends, Jun Wuyou reminds Tao friends one last time. If you return Su Su to my tribe, it will be fine. Otherwise, today, you do n’t want to leave your whole body here. Back. "

Gu She sneered, "My demons have never been afraid of challenges, and even more fearless of death, but today Ben Mo gives you a chance. You and I have fought one battle. If you win, this Su Su girl is naturally Enron returned with both hands. "

"However, if you lose, not only will you not be able to save this woman, you will also need to give one of your treasures to Ben Mo. I wonder if you have no blame?"

Demon shot alone, challenge the human race blameless!

Peak confrontation, the collision of the strongest forces among the tribal monks!

It was at the moment when the sound of the devil fell, the eyes of countless strangers gathered in an instant, concentrated on Jun Wubu, and how he chose.

His face was dignified, his eyes were cold, his eyes were cold and flickering, Ying Ting's eyebrows were frowned, and his appearance was frowning and worrying, but his thoughts in his heart, who knows?

Su Su went to war, was defeated and controlled, and then he took the rescue to attract people and the two groups to confront each other. Now there is an ancient magic solitary shooting challenge. This seems to be extremely passive, but it is the most wanting to see. To the situation.

Today, if he can defeat Gu She, not only can Su Su be saved, it can also make countless monks worship in awe and worship, and can even be recognized by high-ranking monks. Not only can they overcome the current difficulties, but they can also get endless benefits.

But these have a premise, that is, he wants to defeat Gu Mo Gu She!

If he loses, and he has no blame, he does n’t think about it, and he does n’t want to think about it. He is making a gamble. The bet is his own future. If he wins, he can go further. .

Therefore, he will never lose this battle.

Jun Wubu calmed his face, suddenly turned with a wave of his robe sleeve, and said lightly, "This war, Jun Wubuo should be relieved."

"It's just that I don't know, what is the purpose of Gushe Taoyou?"

Gu Mo Gu She heard that the eyes could not be traced, and his tongue licked the corner of his mouth, saying: "It is rumored that the monarch has no blame and has occasionally received ancient manuscripts. Great Confucianism and Taoism. "

"Today, this devil's fancy is this manuscript! Confucianism is upright and righteous, restraining the demons from the world, and hurting my demons in a vein. If you can demonize the manuscripts into magic treasures, it will be a demon. The mighty flames can even help the demon take a crucial step and become a avenue of heaven and humanity. "

"Jun has no blame, I don't know if this treasure, can you have it?"

The ancient philosophers are great Confucian and Taoist supernatural beings, each of them is a Confucian, Taoist and Confucianist, who can raise the earth and righteousness. One drop can break all evils, and a word of low drinking can destroy the evil charm. Dare to get closer.

There is no blame for this gentleman, it is this great opportunity to get the manuscripts of the sons, no wonder they can have today's achievements!

"Manuscripts!" Jun Wubu suddenly looked cold. He possessed this piece of treasure in his hands and was very secretive. Few knew it. This ancient magic solitary shot did not know how to get the news. This man cultivates Confucianism and Taoism. The manuscript is not only a powerful Confucian Taoist treasure, but also helps him practice a thousand miles. It is an ordinary monk. Once lost, it is a loss to the king. Extremely heavy.

"Gu She's friendly appetite is actually trying to seize this thing. It should be noted that the manuscripts have a mighty righteous blessing. Taoists carefully stole the chicken and failed to erode the rice, and lost their lives.

The ancient demon shot with a long laugh, and the sound was rolling, "You don't have to worry about this matter. You just have to worry about it. Just tell this demon, do you agree?"

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