Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 34: Body of war

Jun Wugui heard that he did not answer. He smiled coldly and said lightly: "I heard that the demons shot alone, and when they were young, they entered the ancient deities 'palaces. With great opportunities, they obtained the deities' palaces and treasure poles. The entire million-mile long magical vein is refined into the treasure of the magic road, which can be absorbed by the demon tribe from time to time to be refined into a tempered flesh, which is a rare treasure.

"Zhu Zi's manuscript can be taken without blame, but in exchange, if he wins next, the lone shooter needs to hand over this thing, I wonder if it is possible?"

The ancient demon shot slightly changed his face, his eyes flickered a little, and then he smiled on his back, "Okay! The matter should have come down. If you can win, how can this extremely dark veins and you!"

"Jun has no blame. You and I won the battle that day, so come and fight today!"

Jun's blameless folding fan suddenly collapsed, "I'm also trying to discuss the magic methods of solitary Taoist friends."

At the next moment, the two breaths were no longer preserved, bursting into the air, full of magical energy and mighty righteousness, rising like the same black, white and two dragons out of the abyss, arrogant and mighty.

A powerful breath fell on his face. Above the battle platform, the face of a lonely face appeared in awe, carefully captured Su Su, and the magic weapon of Fengzhen fell into the place of the demons. Although they exist equally, Gu She and Jun have no blame, the power generated can definitely kill him easily.

The whole Cangyue stunned, and at this moment, the eyes of countless aliens gathered.

The ancient demon shot long and laughed, facing no blame to the king, even if he was arrogant and overbearing, but he never dared to show the slightest intention, so he had already shot with all his strength before fighting at this moment, and his flesh grew madly until 99,000. Extremely small size.

Dominating the demon body, the flesh and bones are more than steel, and every move is mixed with incomparable force, showing a bronze color, giving a strong visual impact. It seems that this magic can smash the world with one punch.

But this turn of events is far from over.


The solitary shooting manifested the ancient demon's true body, and his mouth suddenly roared, and then there was endless rich magic in the void, all of which were extremely pure, dark and sticky, like waves tangle around his demon's body. Outside the demon body, the first two horns, blood red eyes, stand up!

Heaven and Human Realm Powerful Means, with the help of heaven and earth spiritual power, consolidate the battle body and explode to the mighty power!

This ancient magic solitary shooting can be able to condense 3o tens of thousands of demon warrior body when crossing the robbery level, so there is only one explanation, this person's true combat power is comparable to the heaven and earth strong!

"Agglomeration of ancient monsters!"

"It's so strong, the Demon Clan shot really deserves its reputation. It is indeed a well-known person in my spiritual community. Such strength is enough to let his peers dominate!"

"At the level of crossing the robbery, you have the ability to fight against the monks in the heavens and the human realm. You know that this demon's qualifications are extremely high. In the future, the cultivation of good students will definitely become another strong demon!"

"This is the peak of the ethnic trials. I waited for comparison, it was too far away!"

"The battle of dragons and tigers, at this moment the model tigers show their sharp minions, I don't know how to deal with this blameless!"

Even when many monks whispered in their mouths, Jun Wugui's face was calm. Obviously, the method of solitary shooting is not unexpected, and it can also reflect the confidence in this person. .

"Too high and arrogant, bringing together the mighty and upright spirit of the world, condensing the Confucian warfare, helping me to sweep away demons, and returning a glorious world!"

Jun blamelessly spoke openly, his body was full of breath, and Hao Hao Tang Tang, like Wang Yang dumped, was in a state of destruction.

call out!

call out!

In the void, there are tens of millions of righteous spirits condensing out. This energy is not the spiritual condensate of time. It is born of the souls of the world. The mighty Confucian warfare.

With a crown on his head, wearing a green rude shirt, holding an ancient bamboo roll, his eyes are long and narrow, and the opening and closing are bright and shiny. It seems that great wisdom is contained in all, thin and thin. This prince has no blame for the Confucian warfare, condensing a figure of 3o, which obviously looks like the ancient great Confucian.

This time the demon shot alone and the king has no blame. It seems to reappear in ancient times. The great Confucians shot, and they were fighting against the powerful Taoists. The magical Taoism was cold and raging. It is like boiling oil encountering ice water and reacts violently.

"Confucianism and Daojun have no blame. If they are really broad-minded like a great Confucian, otherwise how can the ancient Great Confucianism be united!"

"Today's battle, my race will win!"

"The human race has no blame, and it is indeed a trivial matter. Such a mighty power, even if it is used to deal with the ancient monster's solitary shot, it will not fall at all."

"This battle is really the battle of dragons and tigers, and who will win in the end!"

At this time, there was no one at the moment of excitement. In that place where the monks gathered in the early days of the robbery, a monk in a blue robe raised and looked calm, but it was difficult to suppress the heat in the dark eyes.

"Very overcast!"

Xiao Chen groaned in his heart, surprised in his heart. It was really no effort to step on the iron shoes and find nowhere. The ancient demon avatar wants to practice in Zuomei Dojo, so he must ban a magical line of at least top grade in the Temple of Heaven.

If this matter cannot be solved, the practice of the ancient demons will become a problem in the future.

But today I heard that Jun had no blame, all this was solved.

The ancient demons are lonely, and they are refined by holding millions of finest magic veins.

"Kill him! Kill him! The demon will swallow the pure magic blood in his body, increase the magic power, and take away the treasure in his hand!"

"Very Yin Demon, this demon must get it, it must be it!"

The ancient demons roared madly, and the fierce war will not only become more violent!

Left eyebrow dojo.

"Brother Xiao Chen, let's do it, kill the cubs of the Demon Clan. You want your magic veins. The coach wants my beauties. Both of us have our own needs, and sincerely cooperate with each other."

"The coach must get a beauty, anyway!"

The ancient demon avatar and the small shop thought roaring crazy, turning into a billowing sound, and wandering in Xiao Chen Yuanshen space.

Xiao Chen suddenly lifted his eyes, his eyes burst into bright light, and the slightest war effort condensed from his heart.

The shop opened, and Wen Yuxing's ruler must be taken into his hands!

For the ancient demon avatar, the extremely Yin magic vein must not be missed!

It seems that today's battle, no matter what, he can not escape.

"The war has fought, so far as I have practiced Xiao Chen, I have never feared it!"

"In the past, there were scruples. One was an unknown monk, and the second had no reason to act. The third was unwilling to cause trouble and attracted murder. But for the moment, all three have reasons. Xiao Chenxiu is not weaker than For them, Wen Yuxing's ruler and extremely dark veins are the reason for the shots. As for inconvenience and murder, if you want to gain something, you can't avoid it. Moreover, Xiao Chen Xiudao has faced countless trials and hardships, but can live safely. To this day, all those who want to harm me have died, and their souls have returned to Yincao. "

"Today, it must be the same! Even if you want to take a shot, then it will explode vigorously, and the strong rise will be valued by the top of the ethnic group, paving the way for my future practice!"

"The battle for Cang Yuezhen is when Xiao Chen emerged!"

Although Xiao Chen's face was calm, the blood in his chest was already boiling, his eyes fell on the field, his heart was waiting silently, the best opportunity for that shot.



When Xiao Chen's thoughts rolled in his mind, the ancient demon shot alone and Jun Wuyou already shot!

The 3o battle body, the magic cloud is tumbling, the spirit is vigorous, and it is moving, like an ancient giant, it usually fights in an instant. The reason why it is called a war body is that this supernatural power is the assembly of the monks' strongest fighting power.

"Magic and surging, dominate the world, everything in the world is falling down!"

"Overlord boxing!"

Solitary Roar, which burst from the 3o mega-zoom Demon war body, was so powerful that it turned into a tumbling-the sound waves spread out and swept away. It was actually possible to rupture the surrounding mountain body, and there were 10,000 hectares of boulder in the loud noise. The wide river of thousands of miles, the waves were turbulent, the waves rolled, each wave was a hundred feet high, ups and downs, and rumbling.

A punch forward, when the real magic is so powerful, the domineering is irresistible!

The blameless figure of Jun lies in the Great Confucian warfare, his eyes flashed slightly, and the Confucian warfare drunk: "War!"

In a word, it is Fa!

Between heaven and earth, the endless spiritual power was forcibly detained, and instantly condensed into an ancient "battle" character, with simple handwriting and cold atmosphere, containing endless magical power and mixed with the power of Confucian ideas.


It seemed that the world was colliding with each other, and the sound of the roaring sound was shaking the world, and the power of endless destruction was a little burst from the center of the fighting, and it burst.

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