“bang”, Colossus was hit by Juggernaut fiercely on the wall, directly smashing a hole.

To be honest, Colossus can support such a long time, and it is indeed beyond Ling Xiao’s expectations. After all, Juggernaut’s experience is much stronger than Colossus. If you don’t pay attention, you will be caught by Juggernaut. Weak spot, as it is now.

After Juggernaut smashed Colossus on the wall, he ignored him and rushed into the small building. His first mission was to find the Mutants kid, not to be continued by Colossus. Entangled.

Colossus quickly pulled out from the wall and continued to clean up the Mutants in front of him. For the Juggernaut who broke into the small building, he did not plan to catch up at all. In the small building also Shadowcat and Jenny Pereira, if nothing else, they should have found the kid now!

Colossus was just pulled out of the wall, and another person was hit by Fiercely again. This person was Callisto under Magneto. Several powerful lightning slammed them. On her body, it stunned her at once. Under this tyrannical electric current, the metal accessories on Callisto’s body were directly raised by the electric temperature by several hundred degrees, and a smell of scorching human body radiated.

No wonder Ororo was a little angry. Taking advantage of the moment of confusion just now, the three companions of Callisto suddenly disappeared from Ororo’s sight. Only Callisto was stopped by Ororo. Down, the other three people all rushed into the small building.

I have to admit that Magneto still has some expert skills. Callisto is extremely fast and can sense other mutant abilities, while Acliffe can send out a strong shockwave. There are also two Mutants. , One has the ability to hedgehog, the other is invisible.

By virtue of their invisibility, the three of them took advantage of Ororo being broken into the small building by Juggernaut to attract attention, and all of a sudden, they broke into the small building behind Juggernaut, leaving only speed. The fastest Callisto comes to contain Storm.

However, no matter how fast Callisto is, it is difficult to pass the lightning faster. It was because three of his companions helped him to contain Storm. The three talents were able to persevere, and now she is the only one left. People, was ravaged fiercely by Storm seizing the opportunity.

Just when Storm was a little worried about the situation in the small building, he found that Acliffe and two other Mutants appeared on the roof of the small building, and what they were holding was Worthington. The Chairman of Industries, Warren Worthington II.

Obviously, these people did not at all find the traces of another Mutants child, they could only arrest the owner of the laboratory for torture, but unfortunately, Warren Worthington II simply did not know The Mutants children were caught on the roof of the building by these people, and after repeated forced confessions, they threw the person from the roof.

Just when Storm was about to fly over to take over Warren Worthington II, a silhouette passed by in midair and took Warren Worthington II down, that The silhouette has a pair of white wings. Storm takes a close look. It is the angel Warren, Warren Kenneth, who just joined Mutant School a few days ago. Storm is slightly taken aback and immediately thinks of Warren Warren. Hinton’s middle name seems to be Kenneth.

So the angel Warren Kenneth is simply the son of Warren Worthington II, Warren Worthington III.

Mutant School did not check the background of the students in detail. There used to be Professor Charles. Anyone with sinister thoughts could not hide from him. Now Professor Charles has passed away. Storm has some details. Shang has not adapted yet, and the angel joined Mutant School when Mutant School was almost disbanded. Storm trusts him very much, not at all doubting his identity and background.

Since these people did not at all find the whereabouts of the Mutants, it is obvious that the plan executed by Jenny Pereira and Shadowcat succeeded, and Storm once again flew in midair, this time her opponent changed to After the rapids, Hank McCoy also other missions.

Faced with Pyro, the iceman had a hard time resisting. Pyro relied on the tiny flame generator of the right hand to maximize his ability to control flames. The vigorous flames pressed the iceman’s frost a little bit. Qi, finally directly enveloped his whole person in the flames.

Pyro approached a little bit and pressed the iceman firmly. At this time, he gritted his teeth and said bitterly: “Your strength is too weak, Bobby!”

When he was at Mutant School, Pyro, who likes to do pranks, was always overwhelmed by the iceman. This is why he left Mutant School. Now that so many years have passed, Pyro finally gave out this bad breath. , He said sarcastically: “Perhaps you should go back to school to study again.”

Just as Pyro was preparing to increase his strength and burn the iceman to ashes, there was a big frost hand in the flames. Stretched out, grabbed Pyro’s wrist directly, and squeezed out the flame emitter in his wrist. Frost enveloped the entire iceman. A fiercely head hammer hit Pyro’s head directly. He fainted, and the Iceman said disdainfully: “You shouldn’t leave the school, Buddy!”

Under Magneto’s guidance, Pyro pursued the growing strength, and the Iceman was taught by Professor Charles. However, he has learned to restrain his own abilities. While strengthening the lethality, he also consolidated his personal defenses. Of course, this is also inseparable from the abilities of Binghuo.

The number of X-Men is not very large, but they can have a strong voice in the Mutants world. In addition to Professor Charles, everyone in X-Men is strong. It is also one of the most important reasons. Although there are a lot of Mutants under Magneto, few can really compete with X-Men, not to mention that their abilities are not at all, guided by the system, and exerted their power. It’s even worse.

Magneto was standing on the Golden Gate Bridge, and the two teams of Mutants soldiers behind him didn’t know when they had disappeared.

Looking at the number of Mutants on the entire demon island becoming less and less, Magneto’s face couldn’t help but tighten: “It’s time to end this war.”

Magneto With his hands stretched out, countless bullets scattered on the ground on the entire island floated up at the same time, and gathered in midair. The Mutants on the square immediately scattered to the two sides. The American soldier who saw this scene also hurriedly avoided. In the building.

Ling Xiao couldn’t help but shook the head, would it work if he hid in the building? With Magneto’s ability, even with only one bullet, everyone on the scene can be killed cleanly. So it’s useless to hide, you can only meet up directly.

Ling Xiao applied a color to the iceman and Colossus, and the two of them immediately hid inside the small building knowingly. Now Magneto has done it himself, and there is no need for the two of them to stay here anymore. They need to prepare a retreat for everyone, which is also the original plan.

“bang”, countless bullets lased directly towards the entire island under the control of Magneto, just like a burst of bullets. It is completely conceivable that under the control of Magneto’s power, Even the buildings on the island can’t stop the shooting of such bullets.

At this time, a seven colors light suddenly rose from the ground, and in the blink of an eye, it swept back and forth in front of several buildings on the island. The bullets controlled by Magneto were under the seven colors light. , Instantly lost track.

Ling Xiao stepped forward slightly, the whole figure seemed to be stepping on an invisible step, rising continuously, the next moment, Celestial Armor had already enveloped him, and the seven colors light also flew back , His waist ribs and arms were constantly circulating, and at this time, Ling Xiao had stood at the same height as Magneto.

For this scene before him, Magneto was not surprised. He looked at Ling Xiao calmly and curiously asked: “Cite the force field?”

“That’s right!” Celestial Armor The helmet was removed in front of Magneto. Ling Xiao nodded and explained: “A while ago, I got something called Gravitonium, and then I added a little northern magnetic light to it, which barely achieved gravity— —Electromagnetic uniform field.”

“It turned out to be so, no wonder I looked familiar.” Magneto smiled lightly, and then said to Ling Xiao: “Then, let me take a look now. What kind of power does this gravitational-electromagnetic uniform field have!”

After that, Magneto gently lifted both hands, next moment, hundreds of cars on the entire Golden Gate Bridge floated at the same time, as if The next moment is about to hit Ling Xiao.

Magneto either doesn’t do it, it must be heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, fierce flames.

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