Standing on the Golden Gate Bridge, behind Magneto, six rows of cars were quietly suspended there. Next moment, with Magneto’s wave of his hand, hundreds of cars moved towards Ling Xiao who was opposite Magneto swarmed over.

Faced with Magneto’s attack, Ling Xiao had a lot of thoughts flashing in his mind, but in an instant these thoughts were all extinguished, and his left right hand stretched forward at the same time, his left hand Dark Bright Sword, right hand Heaven-Piercer Sword appeared in his palm at the same time, and at the same time, within the body Wind-Lightning True Qi kept spinning, a trace of tyrannical electric current appeared on Ling Xiao, and all of a sudden, only a bang was heard, and a lightning flashed in the sky. After a while, there was heavy rain and strong winds.

All this happened almost instantaneously. Seeing this scene, Magneto’s expression could not help but become serious. Judging from Ling Xiao’s tactics, he was alone. There are four or five peak Mutants like Storm and Riptide.

However, in the face of the traffic flowing like a sea tide, Magneto only saw a colorful glow in front of Ling Xiao. As long as the traffic flow controlled by him passed through the glow, he would immediately feel control. It weakened one layer, and then, howling wind and torrential rain hit, swaying the traffic from side to side.

With a sound of “hong long”, the glaring lightning in the sky fell like dumplings, accurately hitting every car. These cars had been given seven colors light, strong winds, and lightning before they approached Ling Xiao. Shot down in batches.

Ling Xiao is not so stupid. Magneto has controlled the magnetic field for several decades. Although he barely achieved the initial unity of the force field and the electromagnetic field, he just wanted to compete with Magneto, almost Foolish dreams.

Seeing Ling Xiao’s reaction, Magneto’s face showed admiration. He was nodded with satisfaction and said: “The performance is really good, so let’s end the warm-up now and come to a real showdown. Right.”

It was really just a warm-up. Neither Magneto nor Ling Xiao used true strength.

As Magneto’s voice fell, the speed of the impact of the traffic flow towards Ling Xiao was several times faster in an instant, and not only the traffic flow, but also the steel pillars, iron beams, metal bridge decks on the Golden Gate Bridge, also countless small The screw parts, all under the control of Magneto, flooded towards Ling Xiao like a surging tide.

In the face of Magneto’s attack, Ling Xiao’s face became more dignified. He stretched out his hand to take the Magnetism Divine Light back. The power of Magnetism Divine Light can only be exerted by his current strength. It’s not enough to fight Magneto. Once Magneto snatches this thing and he wants to get it back, it’s harder than heavenly ascension, so Ling Xiao used own another killing move at this time.

In an instant, there was violent wind and rain. Whether it was a car tide or other metal parts, before Ling Xiao was close to Ling Xiao, it was already swayed by the strong wind and rain. I don’t know when a layer of frost was put on my body. The closer to Ling Xiao, the thicker this layer of frost.

“boom~ boom~ ……” A layer of ice wrapped around the car body, under the blow of wind and rain lightning, finally couldn’t stand it, and fell to the ground.

The colorful Magnetism Divine Light keeps rotating around Ling Xiao. Those cars with heavier weights fall to the ground due to the heavy magnetic force in wind and rain, but Ling Xiao’s face does not The slightest expression of excitement, because there was a grave expression on his face, and Magneto’s ultimate move was still behind.

Sure enough, all of a sudden, a three-meter-long I-shaped steel pierced through the rain screen, and hit Ling Xiao fiercely directly.

This thin and long I-beam is extremely fast. Wind and rain can only slow down his speed for a while, and he has already hit Ling Xiao fiercely. His body all around keeps moving. On the rotating colorful Magnetism Divine Light, before the I-beam took effect, Magneto in the distance felt that the I-beam was out of control.

I saw that the I-beam had just touched the Magnetism Divine Light, and it was thrown to the ground by the rotating Magnetism Divine Light to fiercely.

Not only that, I don’t know when since when a thick layer of ice has accumulated on the ground, and as the heavy rain falls, it is still climbing upwards. It seems that it will not take long. The second floor can directly support Ling Xiao.

At this time, three finished I-beams pierced through the rain screen and hit Ling Xiao fiercely. No, not just three. If you look from a distance, hundreds of I-beams Under the control of Magneto, he was dismantled from the Golden Gate Bridge, and was continuously accelerated by his magnetic field to rush towards Ling Xiao.

More than that, these I-beams are hidden beside the cars, such as the Shark hidden under the sea, and the metallic luster of the tip Blink is like the sharp teeth of a crocodile. Human shine.

Looking from a distance, Ling Xiao is like a reef in the just high tide. If you don’t pay attention, you will be crushed by wind and waves.

Ling Xiao in the car tide is very calm, not at all any anxious color, wind and rain are getting more and more ice and electricity, those large cars can’t get close to Ling Xiao at all. Meters, and the remaining I-beams and other objects are what Ling Xiao really needs to face.

Those cars are very heavy, Magneto can use them to bring greater pressure to Ling Xiao, but their goals are also very obvious. Ling Xiao can deal with it very easily. The real trouble is those small cars. Objects, the smaller the thing, the stronger its penetrating ability. If you don’t pay attention, it is very likely that Ling Xiao will be pierced directly by an unremarkable screw.

Ling Xiao’s two long swords jump up from time to time, picking up the nails and screws that penetrate the Magnetism Divine Light from time to time.

Magneto’s attack is very hierarchical, which prevents Ling Xiao’s Magnetism Divine Light from exerting its maximum effect, and Ling Xiao also has to concentrate all his attention, regardless of Magneto’s offensive like tide Generally fierce, but all this is just appearance. Magneto’s real killer is his manipulation of metal atoms at the atomic level. With so many metal objects on the scene, I don’t know how many scattered metal atoms fell into Magneto’s hands.

Part of Ling Xiao’s spirit is manipulating wind and rain, ice electricity and Magnetism Divine Light, and many of them are careful about the infiltration of metal atoms that are hard to see all around naked eye.

Divine Magic List is cautiously lurking under Ling Xiao’s skin. As long as it uses any metal atom to penetrate within the body, it will immediately take action.

For Magneto, the Divine Magic List is Ling Xiao’s biggest trump card, and without Ling Xiao worrying about it, List Spirit Little Yue will help Ling Xiao resist Magneto’s attack, let alone this kind of atom State-of-the-art metal is Divine Magic List’s favorite food, Ling Xiao used almost all means to ensure own safety.

In addition, Ling Xiao still has a hand. Now he does not at all borrow any abilities from the Divine Magic List. After all, Magneto is the powerhouse of S Rank. No one knows when he killed Hand. It must be used very carefully.

Seeing Ling Xiao’s full strength and Magneto contending, Storm and Wolverine can’t help sigh in relief, but at the same time, their hearts are also secretly surprised, Ling Xiao’s strength is so strong. This is what they had never thought of before, but this is also more conducive to the implementation of their plan.

At the same time, Wolverine’s more eyes fell on the northeast, the Dark Phoenix floating above the sea standing on the edge of the battle group, whether it was Magneto’s magnetism or Ling Xiao’s wind and rain ice Lei, all around her body disappeared, and she was watching the match between Ling Xiao and Magneto with great interest, and seemed to be showing great interest in the strength of the two people.

It is not just these people who watched this scene directly. The United States White House and the Ministry of National Defense have also mobilized satellites to aim at the Demon Island. Although the video signal has changed since Magneto take action It got blurred. Although they couldn’t see the specific fighting situation, Ling Xiao and Magneto were in a stalemate. They could still see clearly. At this time, they were also sighed in relief.

These people are really scared by Magneto’s previous actions. You must know that it is an entire Golden Gate Bridge, a bridge weighing several hundred thousand tons, a single hole length that is rare in the world’s bridges. One of the large suspension bridges spanned by Magneto moved it nearly five kilometers from west to east.

This means that any aircraft carrier of the United States Navy, in the hands of Magneto, is like a toy.

While sighing a sigh of relief in my heart, the US President couldn’t help but cast a shadow over his heart. Magneto was also that’s all. Ling Xiao and Ling Xiao were also one of the main opponents of the superhero registration bill. , And his strength is so strong, it would be better if two people can be perish together.

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