Zhao Gao was a young eunuch with a clean face and a gentle look, about the same age as Ying Zheng. Because he entered the palace at a young age, he didn't look very masculine. Finding that the noble behind him had been looking at him, Zhao Gao couldn't help asking,"What's wrong with me?"

Bai Xiaosheng laughed and said,"Nothing, I'm just curious. Eunuchs of your age seem to be rare in the Xianyang Palace."

Zhao Gao was slightly stunned, and then his face dimmed. He said helplessly in a low and deep tone,"My life is rough and unpredictable. Zhao Gao is a miserable person. Fortunately, my uncle took me in, so I have three meals a day. My uncle is a eunuch, and if I don't become a eunuch, what else can I do?" These few words expressed the world and the helplessness of the people.

Bai Xiaosheng could relate to the word"helpless" the most. He patted the young eunuch on the shoulder and said,"I understand. If it weren't for the pressure of life, who would be willing to give up the man and become a eunuch who is neither male nor female?"

Zhao Gao was very moved. This was the first time that he was treated as a person by others, a complete person, not an incomplete ghost.

Ying Zheng was curious when he heard it, and said,"Teacher, what does it mean to be neither male nor female?"

The other two paused and looked at Ying Zheng in unison. Then they remembered that Ying Zheng had lived in the streets of Handan since he was a child. He had no concept of eunuchs and purification.

Bai Xiaosheng rolled his eyes and looked at his student for a while. Then he stole two kiwis like a monkey stealing peaches.

Ying Zheng groaned twice and hid away from him, looking at his teacher with a"sad" look. But the unscrupulous teacher laughed and said,"Do you understand?" There was still a dull pain in his crotch. How could he not understand? Ying Zheng nodded immediately.

After this fight, the atmosphere between the three of them eased and became closer. They walked on the way to Huayang Palace. The closer they got to the majestic palace, the more hesitant and uneasy Ying Zheng became. He learned from his teacher that although the owner of the palace was his grandmother, she seemed to dislike him very much.

Seeing that his student looked scared, Bai Xiaosheng comforted him,"What are you afraid of? I'm with you, right?"

The teacher's words made the young prince relax a lot. He thought of the night banquet and the martial arts competition, as well as the four words"Qin Swords Exit Eastward". The blood from the ancestors of the Qin people in his body became hot, and he asked,"Teacher, why didn't you fight in the martial arts competition just now? If you had fought, you would have defeated Fan Yuqi with one move?"

Bai Xiaosheng laughed, knowing that his student had encountered something he didn't understand again, and it was time for him to teach again. He didn't avoid Zhao Gao's presence and taught directly,"Being born as a human is inherently unequal. Some people are born to run fast, while others are born with disabled legs. Some are born handsome and beautiful, while others are born ugly." Does n't God have fairness? Yes, the only fairness of God is... that people only have one life.

Ying Zheng, who had not been influenced by Confucianism, accepted this cruel truth very quickly. He thought about it and felt that God was indeed as unfair as his teacher said. He touched his forehead and said,"Teacher, what you said does not seem to have anything to do with martial arts competitions."

Perhaps because he had been with Bai Xiaosheng for a long time, Ying Zheng began to talk about money. Bai

Xiaosheng's eyes moved, and he was somewhat happy that his student asked questions when he did not understand. He continued to explain,"I divide people into three categories. Listen carefully. The lower ones are the lowest. They have no talent, lack of skills, and no ambition. They struggle to survive all their lives. They are actually 'lower-class laborers.’"

"The average ones have clear ambitions and are talented, but they come from humble backgrounds and work hard to wait for the day when they will succeed.’"

At this point, Bai Xiaosheng paused, giving Ying Zheng and Zhao Gao enough time to digest this sudden knowledge. Life is not fair, and only hard work can change life, but how many people spend their entire lives wandering at the foot of the mountain of life. However, it is this unfairness that has created this colorful world. I can only say that God is a bastard, making people love and hate him.

Bai Xiaosheng was teaching Ying Zheng, and teaching Zhao Gao was just a by-product, but what he didn't expect was that because of his words, the rootless man named Zhao Gao planted a seed in his heart, a seed called power.

"What about the superior ones?"

After barely sorting out his thoughts, Ying Zheng cast a longing look at his teacher.

Bai Xiaosheng glanced at Zhao Gao and saw that he also had a longing look on his face, so he said,"The superior ones have no talent and are incompetent." Ying

Zheng was a little surprised. Why are the superior ones so unbearable?

Bai Xiaosheng did not let his students wonder for too long:"But they have a unique skill - controlling people."

Control people, Ying Zheng chewed on these two words. The more he chewed, the more he felt that these two ordinary words had infinite charm, which made him deeply trapped in them and unable to extricate himself.

Only to hear the teacher's gentle voice in his ears:"Those who control people do not know how to strategize, do not understand the way to govern the country, and do not understand the way to lead troops, but those who control people know the art of using people. They only need to give orders, and there will be people who swear to die for them! The so-called 'those who work hard for people are also the superior’"

The words, as refreshing as the cool breeze at night, set off a huge wave in the heart of the young prince. In the dark, he seemed to be standing on a high platform, with the supreme throne behind him, and countless talents crawling under the platform. They knelt on the ground, shouting long live, just because of themselves on the throne.

Ying Zheng suddenly realized that the king is the best person to control people, and no matter Lü Buwei, Zhao Sheng, Li Mu, Meng Ao and other heroes of the time, they are all middle-class people. They are all people who serve the king.

After an unknown amount of time, Ying Zheng came back to his senses. He clenched his fists, with a flash of determination in his eyes, and said:"Teacher, I want to be the king, I want to be the king!"

"Good, this is my student of Bai Xiaosheng."

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